Star Odyssey

Chapter 3980 How much do you have left?

Fighter - Qi, a warlike person must have integrity. It is fighting Qi. It comes from people, comes from the original heart, and comes from the root of the human body. It can attack, defend, break limits, and crush the sky. Can tear apart the starry sky.

Lu Yin's life energy comes from the transformation of fighting spirit. Fighting spirit becomes stronger when encountering strength.

However, even Gu Yizhi, who created the fighting spirit, and Jiang Feng, who reached the palm level fighting spirit by luck, were not able to transform the fighting spirit into the life energy. Therefore, no one knew before that the life energy transformed from the fighting spirit would be What characteristics.

Now Lu Yin knows that war is just one word. With an endless supply of fighting spirit, he can regenerate the energy of life. His energy of life is different from ordinary creatures.

The transparent moth needed to rely on flowers and fully-sensory creatures to absorb the energy of life, but Lu Yin only needed to fight. The harder and more desperate he fought, the more energy of life he could produce.

Although it is not as endless as the immortal realm, it is very close.

Lu Yin grinned: "Insect, in terms of strength, human beings are your ancestors." After saying that, the eternal matter merged and punched the earth hard, crushing Chang's body and falling like a meteor, piercing the earth, making the entire Southern Territory... Shocked, the mother tree swayed, and large leaves fell.

Countless people stared blankly, feeling as if they were shocked by biological instincts, which came from ancient instincts.

In that pre-enlightenment era, ancient humans also fought in the jungle and fought with wild beasts. That instinct was suppressed by wisdom. Wisdom brought transformation to humans, using tools, creating lies, and understanding the method of cultivation. , also built a country, but that instinct was quietly suppressed.

Now, everyone feels that they have awakened that instinct, that bloodthirsty instinct to fight wild beasts.

A shocking roar rang out from the ground. Before he could finish the roar, he was interrupted: "Why are you roaring? You are talking human language."

"Human, you are seeking death."


Chang's body flew out from the bottom up, and he finally stabilized his body. His sharp claws pierced the void. When he raised his head, Lu Yin appeared and punched the center of its two eyes, causing a dent. Chang's eyes were red and he almost burst into tears. After being beaten out, Lu Yin swung his tail towards Lu Yin. Lu Yin laughed and stretched out his hand. The air of life circulated and merged into the eternal matter. In addition, he continued to withstand the power of things that must be reversed. His five fingers were deeply imprinted on Chang's tail, and blood flowed from his five fingers. Seeping out, he grabbed it with his other hand, held Chang's tail and threw it out.

Chang was thrown away uncontrollably. He was shocked, how could this human being be so powerful?

It had no idea that this power came from the extremes of things and that it needed to withstand attacks several times before it could explode once. However, the power of this explosion really shocked Chang, and even shocked countless people in Jiuxiao Universe.

Even Jingmen Shangyu was stunned. This power was too great.

Master Qingcao was shocked. Facing this power, he was in trouble. Why did Lu Yin's combat power soar so strangely? so fast?

No one can figure it out.

Chang was the most confused. If Lu Yin had this power, why didn't he use it earlier?

Lu Yin knew very well that his life energy would be consumed. Even if he could suppress Chang for a short time with the help of Wuji Bifan, it would be difficult to do anything about it before the life energy was consumed. Moreover, Luo Chan and Shan Xiao were both there before. If he exploded with all his strength, once his life Once the Qi is consumed quickly, it will be difficult to hold Chang back.

The reason why he can take action like this now is because the life energy gushes out much more than before. Coupled with the escape of Luo Chan and Shan Xiao, this battle is the final battle.

Chang stabilized his body again, shook his head, feeling a little dizzy.

In the distance, Lu Yin's body surface was surging with white air. The energy of life made Chang look confused: "Why do you still have the energy of life?"

Lu Yin smiled: "How much do you have left?"

Chang subconsciously said: "Fifty percent."

"I'm 30%."

"Do you have 30% left?"

Lu Yin's eyes flashed: "I have consumed 30%." After saying that, he rushed towards Chang. Behind him, streaks of Three Cang Sword Intentions soared into the sky, like raindrops falling, and each Sancang Sword Intent was integrated into the eternal substance. Chang hurriedly avoided it, and the stream of light shuttled back and forth for a second. However, it failed to avoid it and completely withstood the rain-like slashes of San Cang's sword intent.

The sound of Jin Ge resounded across the starry sky, blood spilled across the sky, and scales kept falling off.

Chang's body twisted, swinging its five claws to shred the Sancang Sword Intent. Facing it, Lu Yin held one of its sharp claws in both arms and roared. Chang's body was turned around, with his belly facing upwards, and was slashed by the Sancang Sword Intent one after another. Down.

Chang wailed, broke away from Lu Yin, and kept retreating. Lu Yin punched it on the head again, knocking it to the ground.

With a bang, Chang's body hit the ground, blood flowed along the body surface, and there were many insect corpses around. In the distance, there were cultivators such as Bai Inferior. They felt Chang's suppressed breathing at close range. The breath of life and The unshakability brought by eternal matter is enough to shock the mind.

But under Lu Yin's foot, he was wiped out into ashes.

Lu Yin stepped on Chang's head and pushed its head into the ground.

Chang roared and rushed into the sky. Lu Yin punched it on the back, causing the skin to burst open. Chang kept twisting his body, and then shrunk. In the eyes of others, it seemed as if it had been shrunk by Lu Yin.

Eventually, Chang shrank to one meter, smaller than Lu Yin.

Lu Yin grabbed its body: "How much do you have left?"

Blood was flowing on the surface of Chang's body, and white air flowed out from the scales. It was much less than at the beginning, and the immortal substance was almost gone.

It clawed at Lu Yin with five claws, and Lu Yin let its sharp claws pierce his body. The dry body surface continued to recover. The more it recovered, the more strength it accumulated.

"Spend it sparingly, otherwise it will be worthless." Lu Yin punched out, hitting between Chang's eyes. This punch completely used up the strength accumulated by Wu Ji Bi, and hit Chang's whole head. The first Almost lost consciousness.

No matter how Lu Yin attacked before, tearing off the scales, he could not really hurt Chang. This punch was the real injury, and it almost fainted.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lu Yin spoke up and said: "Put away the energy of life."

Chang was dizzy and subconsciously put away his life energy. Lu Yin casually slapped Chang on the head. Without the life energy, he was completely knocked unconscious. Then he was thrown into the Hell of Diantai by Lu Yin, regardless of anything else. , let’s add causation first.

Lu Yin was the only one left in the sky.

This battle left Jiuxiao Universe speechless and shocked countless people. From beginning to end, it was more intense than Jiuxiao Universe's battle against the sea of ​​insects. What was even more unimaginable to them was that Lu Yin had killed an insect master before.

Everyone looked at Lu Yin with mixed emotions of awe and speechlessness.

Is he really the beginning?

Have you ever seen such a perverted Beginning Realm practitioner?

Even if he is said to be in the immortal realm, there is nothing wrong with him.

Jingquetai, Jingmen Shangyu exhaled and it was over.

Master Qingcao looked deeply at Lu Yin. The life energy that he thought was consumed has increased so much. If he can increase the life energy like this more than once, what is the difference between it and the immortal state? The difference is not too big anymore.

If Chang is half-step to the realm of immortality, then this person is infinitely close to the realm of immortality.

At this moment, he thought about the future scale of the Tianyuan Universe. The higher the future scale of the Yizhi Universe, the easier it is for incomprehensible powerful creatures to be born. The future scale of the Tianyuan Universe is higher than that of the Jiuxiao Universe. Could such a person be born?

How high will this person's future be?

Was the previous plan wrong?

High in the sky, Lu Yin watched the cause and effect sky skyrocket. Chang had been alive for a long time, so he could increase the number of causes and effects naturally, but it did not reach the level of Yue Ya and the transparent moth.

Chang is very powerful, but its power is based on the characteristics of the Qingxian of the insect nest civilization, unlike the transparent moth, which is self-cultivation.

Transparent moths in particular kill so many creatures.

Moth, insect nest, Lu Yin's eyes flickered. Could it be that the fairy master of this insect nest civilization is a certain kind of insect, which transformed into immortality before becoming what it is now? If so, then the transparent moth has not been eliminated, and slowly Through cultivation, one day you will transform into immortality, maybe it will be another insect nest civilization, no, it will be a full-sense civilization.

To a certain extent, the threat of fully-sentient creatures is still greater than that of the insect nest civilization.

Lu Yin was glad that he had killed the transparent moth.

There are too many powerful creatures in the universe. Human beings are not the strongest, and they are not qualified to use other creatures. It seems that using fully-sensory creatures to deal with the insect nest civilization will be very effective, but one day it will be backlashed.

As Mijin Shangyu said, self-knowledge is the strongest weapon for human beings to gain a foothold in the universe.

At the beginning, Lu Yin regretted destroying the fully-sensory creatures, otherwise mankind would not have to pay such a high price for relying on fully-sensory creatures to deal with the hive civilization, but now he does not regret it at all. At that time, he still had no self-awareness.

Self-knowledge is easy to say, but difficult to actually achieve.

Especially the strong ones.

I think I have everything under control, but in fact there are too many surprises that I don’t have control over.

Lu Yin turned his head and looked outside the starry sky in the west, where was the direction of the first night pillar.

When the first night pillar appeared, he found that there were several strong but decaying auras there, giving him the feeling of a burning candle.

A hot candle can illuminate a place, but it can be extinguished at any time.

There are strong people there, but they are all people who are not far from the deadline, or in other words, the deadline is approaching at any time.

Is that the first night pillar?

Just as he was thinking about it, the people in the first night pillar seemed to notice Lu Yin's gaze, and someone came out, one after another, a total of seven people walked out of the night pillar and stood in the starry sky.

Jingmen Shangyu and Master Qingcao both looked at it.

Then, in Jiuxiao Tiandi, some powerful men with high cultivation levels also looked: "Hey, is there anyone else in the First Night Pillar? I thought there was no one there."

"I thought there was no one left. The First Night Pillar has never been dispatched."

"The first night pillar is the first night pillar in my Jiuxiao Universe. It has destroyed the Tomorrow Universe, the Soul Universe, etc. Of course there are people, but it has been too long and too long, and no one can get close."

"Why do I feel that one of them looks familiar? I seem to have seen him somewhere."

"Master, do you think that mother-in-law looks like the mother-in-law in the enshrined portrait..."

Seven figures stand in the starry sky, overlooking the heaven and earth. Although they do not have earth-shattering momentum, they are more attractive than anyone else because they come from the First Night Pillar.

It has been so long that no one has walked out of the First Night Pillar, and no one has been able to join it. So many people thought that the First Night Pillar was the place of death and the only night pillar among the Nine Pillars that would not move. However, they did not expect that the First Night Pillar was not only You can mobilize the Nine Heavens Pillar Spiritual Treasure Formation, and there are people on it.

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