Star Odyssey

Chapter 4104 A ray of sky

Lu Yin frowned. Behind him, Long Xi said, "Could they confirm it by their appearance?"

Lu Yin's eyes flashed and he pointed at himself and Long Xi: "Are she and I creatures of the same civilization?"

"No, I don't know. Dear strong man, we don't know. You are of the same size, so you should be."

"Why, can't you see it?"

"Dear strong man, it seems there is a misunderstanding. Our Toro civilization sees the universe differently from other creatures..."

After explanation, Lu Yin understood that this Toro civilization does not look at appearance but color. The colors that humans can see are not even 1% of them. They all rely on color to distinguish biological civilizations.

The so-called red clothes under the stars, red, is just the color that Lu Yin understands when he communicates with Lu Yin.

For the Toro civilization, red has its own name.

It sounds red to human ears.

Because what humans see is red.

Lu Yin withdrew the pressure, and these creatures slowed down. The threads on their heads almost broke, and at least one of them was twisted. It must be a sign of extreme fear.

"What's going on with the red clothes under the star?"

"The Red Clothes Under the Stars is a very scary civilization. The entire civilization wears red clothes and has a red umbrella. That is their symbol. Wherever they go, the civilization is extinct. All civilizations are hiding from the Red Clothes Under the Stars."

"When we accidentally met a Xingxia Hongyi, we thought we were doomed. Fortunately, that Xingxia Hongyi didn't care about us at all, otherwise we wouldn't be alive now."

Lu Yin asked: "Is it Xingxia Hongyi who exterminated your Toro civilization?"

"No, it has nothing to do with Xingxia Hongyi, but another civilization. But even if there is no that civilization, we will eventually be destroyed by Xingxia Hongyi. Hongyi's fault is that there will be no land left. This is the punishment for Xingxia Hongyi Cognition.”

Lu Yin wondered: "Is there any exchange between civilizations?"

"There was no communication."

"Then why do you know the legend of Red Clothes under the Star?"

"There is no communication between civilizations, but there can be communication between living beings. All you need to do is hide the civilization you are in. Occasionally there will be places where living beings communicate within a small distance. Our civilization has received news from such places, but only a few times. Once again, that kind of place will not last long, and just like civilization, once exposed, it will be destroyed.”

Lu Yin was surprised: "A place like this actually exists."

"Yes, that kind of place is called - a line of sky. The sky refers to a powerful civilization. The appearance of a line of sky is to allow weak civilizations to have a way to spy on the existence of some powerful civilizations, stay close and avoid those civilizations, and strive for a line of sky. Life, a thread in the sky, a thread in the sky, this is a rare kindness even within a small distance."

Lu Yin calmly took a sip of tea. Is this a rare act of kindness?

Who will build a thin sky so that weak civilizations can have a chance to peek into the distance?

There is good and evil in heaven and earth, and there is black and white.

There is a fishing civilization in Square Inch Gap that constantly destroys other civilizations. Once civilizations come into contact, they will fight to the death. This is the absolute iron law and darkness in Square Inch Gap. So since there is darkness, there is light.

There are no absolutes in things.

The thin line of sky is in stark contrast to the extinct darkness.

"Did you learn about the legend of red clothes under the stars from Xianxiantian?"

"Yes, but I only got it a few times. When I tried to get close to the sky, I found that it had disappeared, either destroyed or far away. For some powerful civilizations, the sky is a thorn in their side."

“For example, fishing civilization?”

"Fishing civilization will perish when it encounters a ray of sky, but there are many fishing civilizations that have built a ray of sky."

Lu Yin's eyes flashed: "Fishing."

"Yes, fishing with a thread of sky is also a method of fishing."

"So even a thin line of sky is a joke, because most civilizations don't dare to touch it. Those who can really touch a thin line of sky are those who don't understand the other side and are really weak civilizations."

Lu Yin sighed: "But it is precisely these civilizations that need a ray of sky."

"So we became a joke." The creature's tone became much bitterer.

It can be heard that the sorrow of a weak civilization is full of helplessness, and even its own way of fighting for life is a joke.

But so what? This is the distance, this is the universe.

In the following time, these creatures told Lu Yin all the legends about the red clothes under the stars. Lu Yin also asked some questions about Fang Cun Di, but their knowledge was limited. They could know the legend of Yixiantian and the red clothes under the stars. , which means that their status in the Toro civilization is not low, and they should be regarded as the descendants of the strongest people in the Toro civilization, but their cultivation level is too low after all, knowing that these are already the limit.

"As far as you know, how many fishing civilizations are there within a small distance?" Lu Yin asked a question.

Those creatures faced each other, and finally the leading creature said: "Dear strong man, the fishing civilization we know is a civilization that can build a line of sky and make a line of sky become a means of fishing. It also makes a line of sky become a square inch. A joke about distance.”

"There is another one who knows who is on the front line. It is said that there is a fishing civilization just an inch away. It is good at using one civilization to exterminate another civilization without taking any action on its own."

Lu Yin felt something unknowable in his heart.

"But regarding this fishing civilization, Yixiantian has not given much information. When someone in Yixiantian wanted to share information about this civilization, they were blocked. The strong man who established Yixiantian was unwilling to mention it."

"There is another fishing civilization that all civilizations know about, Springboard."

Lu Yin's eyes widened: "That huge springboard?"

"Yes, this is a standard fishing civilization, and it is also a fishing civilization that must exist in the cognition of all civilizations. Even if the opponent is not aware of the distance, the civilization itself can see the dangers of the springboard, and once you enter the distance, even When you come into contact with other civilizations, you are even more afraid of that springboard.”

“No civilization wants to touch the springboard.”

Lu Yin asked hurriedly: "What kind of civilization is that springboard civilization?"

He is so curious about this civilization. To be honest, he is more curious than the unknowable and dead universe. What kind of powerful civilization is it that dares to spread its springboard across the universe? This is no longer fishing for weak civilizations, but fishing for all civilizations, no matter it is Whether it is a weak civilization or a fishing civilization, they are all within its fishing range.

The insect nest civilization has also seen the springboard, and has seen it many times, but never dared to touch it.

Springboard civilization is the fishing civilization within the fishing civilization.

"Dear strong man, we don't know this. Even Xiantiantian can't give the answer. Everyone knows that those who have seen that civilization no longer exist, and no answer has been leaked."

Lu Yin was in a heavy mood, and the springboard was civilized. He didn't know how to fish the entire square inch.

I don’t know who is better in the universe of death and this springboard civilization.

This creature named three fishing civilizations, but Xingxia Hongyi did not. It seems that although Xingxia Hongyi is powerful, it still cannot be regarded as a fishing civilization.

Lu Yin drank tea calmly.

Behind him, Long Xi looked at him with complicated eyes.

I thought that the dominance of Tianyuan had reached its peak, but who would have thought that it was just the beginning.

What should you do to live like a normal person?

I have carried too much and can never let go.

The universe is endless, is there no end to what you are carrying?

The world sees your glory, but cannot see your misery.

Even you yourself don’t know what you have experienced, right? What are you subconsciously thinking about now? What are you worried about again? If you were asked to look at yourself from the perspective of a second person, would you feel sorry for yourself?

Above the great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect, the figures of Lu Yin and Qinglian Shangyu slowly appeared.

"While fighting Qingxian, I discovered several foreign creatures outside Tianyuan Universe."

"Foreign creatures? Did you come here accidentally? It's not surprising. The distance is huge, and all kinds of creatures have different ways of moving. There may even be strange stars that accidentally connect to distant places and transfer foreign creatures here. It's normal. ."

"Has it happened before?" Lu Yin was curious.

Qinglian said: "There are many, just destroy them."


"Of course, as long as they are discovered and destroyed, human civilization cannot be exposed. Even if those creatures pose no threat to us, we cannot show any mercy. But in fact, we cannot directly destroy many foreign creatures because some creatures are too They are weak, come by chance, and most of them are lost. I don’t even know that such creatures are coming, how can I destroy them?”

"The celestial phenomenon of cause and effect covers a wide range, but it does not mean that we know everything."

Lu Yin understood.

"If you don't want to destroy it and think it's useful to keep it, then just throw it away in parallel time and space, but there is a prerequisite. It must be a non-threatening creature. Don't forget the lesson of the insect nest civilization. Even if there is only one insect nest, it can become a living thing. The coordinates found by the Insect Nest Civilization." Qinglian Shangyu said seriously.

Lu Yin has no psychological burden on those foreign creatures. If they are destroyed, they will be destroyed. The universe is not kind. Who knows whether they will bring disaster to human civilization, but there will definitely be more foreign creatures coming in the future, among which There may be useful ones, but once you get used to destroying them, it's easy to regret them. He likes to be cautious when doing things, as long as he is sure there is no threat: "How to judge whether there is a threat?"

Qinglian Shangyu said: "See whether there is eternal life behind them, see how they move, and whether they come here with their own will. If they come to our human civilization on their own initiative, there is no need to hesitate to destroy them."

Lu Yin nodded.

"However, based on my many years of experience, there are almost no creatures that come to our human civilization on their own initiative. Those who have the ability to come on their own initiative show that they have some ability, and at least they will not feel the threat of the causal celestial phenomenon. Even if we do not discover such creatures, they will still It will be bypassed, and those civilizations that cannot detect the threat of causal celestial phenomena are simply unable to find our human civilization across such a long distance."

"The biggest possibility is that they arrived accidentally. It is difficult for them to find their way back. There is no threat."

"Especially after being thrown into parallel time and space, if you want to return to the original civilization, you must return to the main time and space. They don't even have the ability to return to the main time and space."

"If you want to keep them, designate a parallel time and space to contain them, send people to keep an eye on them, and also mark them just in case."

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