Star Odyssey

Chapter 4105 Horrifying speculation

Lu Yin is different from Qinglian Shangyu. The direction of their karma cultivation destined him to need more creatures to deduce certain information.

There can be a thin line of sky just an inch away, and he can also create a thin line of sky in Tianyuan Universe. Although the information that this thin line of sky knows is extremely limited, it does not mean that it is completely impossible to deduce certain situations.

"Senior, have you ever heard of Yixiantian?" Lu Yin asked.

Qinglian Shangyu was surprised: "Those foreign creatures told you?"

Lu Yin nodded.

Qinglian Shangyu praised: "You are lucky. You have encountered a foreign creature with some status, and you have to kill it."

"Xianxian, since you asked, the representative knows, I also know, there is no need to say more, this time leaving through the unknown door to find the silence is simply finding a needle in a haystack, what I want to find more is Xianxian, see through Xianxian Let’s see if the words human civilization are spread within a small distance.”

"If there is, it will be troublesome. If any civilization spreads, it will inevitably lead to fishing civilization. This is the most dangerous thing."

"It's a pity that I couldn't find the sky."

Lu Yin was disappointed: "Didn't you find it?"

Qinglian Shangyu nodded: "It's not surprising that we haven't found it. It is extremely difficult to establish a line of sky, and the location is constantly changing. After all, it is a rare place for communication between living things and creatures. It gives the weak civilization an opportunity to catch a line of sky. Fishing civilization It will not be allowed, Xiantiantian must avoid fishing civilization, but also avoid some powerful creatures who want to take it for themselves."

"Don't think that only civilization can exterminate civilization. Powerful creatures can also bring extinction to civilization."

Lu Yin frowned: "Eternal life? Not afraid of the chain of cause and effect?"

"It's not necessary to do it yourself. It's normal to keep a few thugs in captivity. Most of those weak civilizations who participate in the First Line of Heaven have no eternal life. In their eyes, they are lambs to be slaughtered."

Speaking of this, Qinglian Shangyu looked at Lu Yin amusedly: "After the previous battle, do you feel that there is a lot of eternal life?"

Lu Yin nodded subconsciously. There were far more eternal lives than he imagined. So many eternal lives came out of nowhere.

Qinglian Shangyu shook his head: "If there are a hundred civilizations within a square inch, then there will be no more than five civilizations with eternal life. Most of the other civilizations do not have eternal life. You see so many civilizations mainly because of our human civilization. Being targeted.”

"Among them are the fishing civilization called Anonymous, and the quasi-fishing civilization called the Hive Civilization."

"Actually, it is not appropriate to say that the insect nest civilization is a quasi-fishing civilization. Their strength is far from the level of fishing civilization, but their behavior is that of fishing civilization. This kind of civilization is the most disgusting. It seeks death on its own and can easily drag other civilizations to death. For them, it's for evolution, but they are more likely to seek death. I really don't know how they survived for so long, given their behavior." Suddenly, he seemed to remember something, and his eyes narrowed.

Lu Yin was confused: "Senior?"

Qinglian Shangyu stared at Lu Yin, his face more solemn than ever before: "Do you think that the behavior of the insect nest civilization is also like fishing bait?"

When Lu Yin heard this, his hair stood up, and an indescribable chill rose to his forehead. It couldn't be possible.

From beginning to end, he never thought about this possibility.

Ever since he learned about the existence of the Insect Hive Civilization, he has regarded this civilization as a major enemy. Especially the several wars between the Insect Hive Civilization and Jiuxiao Universe were all manifestations of an independent civilization. How could it be bait?

However, the Hive Civilization is completely contrary to the survival methods of other civilizations just a few inches away.

Except for the fishing civilization, all civilizations want to hide themselves as much as possible. This insect nest civilization goes in the opposite direction, constantly traveling the universe, and the extinction of civilizations is based on distance. There is also a creature like Luo Chan that can move instantaneously.

Are they not afraid of encountering fishing civilization?

It stands to reason that they should have encountered fishing civilization long ago.

Why didn't you take action against those like Agnostic? It is simply impossible to say that one is agnostic and does not know about the Hive Civilization.

The behavior of the Hive Civilization is like lighting a torch in a dark forest and running wildly, but no one takes action against them. Something is wrong, very wrong.

Why can they survive until now?


Human civilization is still being besieged despite being cautious. So many civilizations have been exterminated. The hive civilization is not stronger than human civilization. How can it live well? Just rely on Luo Chan? Luo Chan is not invincible. He can be trapped at the end of his wheel. There are definitely many ways to trap him at such a short distance.


The most reasonable explanation is that behind it, there is a fishing civilization.

The insect nest civilization itself is just the bait released by the fishing civilization, nothing more.

They have always thought that bait is a springboard, an original treasure, a door, etc. They have never thought that a civilization can be used as bait. It was not until the Tianzhang clan appeared that they discovered that civilization can also attract another civilization, and then they can think of, Civilization can be bait.

"We have always regarded the Insect Hive Civilization as our opponent and ignored their behavioral logic. In fact, no matter how you look at it, this Insect Hive Civilization is more like a fish bait than the Sky Clan." Qinglian Shangyu said in a deep voice, his face completely changed.

Lu Yin looked at Qinglian Shangyu and said in a dry voice: "How likely is it?"

Qinglian Shangyu exhaled: "Seventy percent."

I'm afraid to think about everything. If I don't expect it, I won't expect it. Once I think of it, many things can be explained.

"If the insect nest civilization is just a bait for the fishing civilization, then how powerful is the fishing civilization behind it?" Lu Yin was worried. He had not forgotten what Qinglian Shangyu said that the immortal master's strength was somewhat unfathomable. This Such a powerful creature, with two eternal lives, is also a bait, then?

Qinglian Shangyu had a headache.

Any fishing civilization is an abyss that cannot be touched, but now human civilization seems to have touched more than one. What's going on?

Could it be caused by the unknown?

It seems that we need to think of a way out.

Lu Yin also thought about the way out, human civilization must have a way out.

Hateful, how wonderful would it be if human civilization also became a fishing civilization? Defeat the fishing civilization, enslave the fishing civilization, and tear apart, destroy, and conquer all their mysteries across the vast distances.

War with the bones of the dead universe.

Move with agnostic gates.

Fill the starry sky with bugs.

Establish a line of sky to directly promote the power of human civilization and control thousands of civilizations.

Let each springboard become a beacon of flames.

At dawn, you are walking on the stars, while at night, you are drunk and lying on the lap of a beautiful woman!

That's what...

Thinking of this, Lu Yin smiled bitterly, thinking too much.

"Think carefully about the future. Once human civilization is besieged, the outcome may not be what you and I want to see. At least we must keep the hope of inheritance." Qinglian went up to the royal road, and then sighed: "It seems that I can't get rid of the anti-ancient fate."

Lu Yin comforted: "Senior, maybe it's not as bad as we thought. Even if there is a fishing civilization behind the insect nest civilization, what should we do if we don't know? Is there no war between the fishing civilization and the fishing civilization?"

"We have a saying, when the snipe and the clam fight, the fisherman will gain."

Qinglian Shangyu laughed: "I hope so."

"There is one more thing I want to ask senior. Have you ever heard of Xingxia Hongyi?"

Qinglian Shangyu was surprised: "Where did you hear the words "Xingxia Hongyi"? Those foreign creatures?"

Lu Yin nodded and told what he knew about Xingxia Hongyi. After hearing this, Qinglian Shangyu said: "It is similar to what I know. Xingxia Hongyi is one of the human civilizations, just like Tianyuan Universe and Jiuxiao Universe. , but this civilization has long since disappeared and should have been destroyed."

Lu Yin's heart sank, was it destroyed? pity.

"Human civilization has gone through many wars, and there have been gaps in history. It's normal. Even I don't know if today's human civilization is the most brilliant among ancient and modern human civilizations." Qinglian said to the emperor.

Lu Yin asked: "Hong'er among the seven fairies is also dressed in red, is she?"

Qinglian Shangyu laughed: "Hong'er is not a human being. In order to hide Qixu's emotions, he had to integrate the escaped emotions into Hong'er's body. Hong'er appears in human form just because this is human civilization."

Lu Yin remembered that Qiunan Hongye had said that she didn't know if her third sister was a human being, but she only knew that she was not from the Jiuxiao Universe.

Not long after, Lu Yin was sitting on the back mountain of Tianshang Sect, looking at the sky in trance.

I originally wanted to chat with Qinglian Shangyu about how to deal with those foreign creatures and Xingxia Hongyi, but unexpectedly, during the chat, another possibility of the insect nest civilization was revealed.

He didn't know whether he was lucky or unfortunate.

In this way, there is really a powerful civilization behind the nymph nest civilization, and they will not be surprised if it comes.

It is more important now to plan a retreat.

Today's human civilization seems peaceful, but it has reached an extremely dangerous juncture.

Unknowable, the insect nest civilization and the civilizations attracted by the Tiantian Clan are all peeping at us. Any mistake will lead to the extinction of civilization.

"Please Wang Wen."

The next night, Wang hurriedly went to find Wang Wen.

"See Lord Lu." Wang Wen saluted.

Lu Yin was amused: "When did you and I become so polite? Sit down."

Wang Wen sat down with a smile: "Today is different from the past, so you still need to be polite on the surface."

Long Xi arrived and made tea for them.

"Thank you, Madam."

Long Xi was startled, madam?

Lu Yin also looked at Wang Wen.

Wang Wen blinked: "Thank you, miss."

Long Xi smiled and left.

Lu Yin picked up the tea cup and took a sip: "Don't yell blindly."

Wang Wen was speechless: "Just to be smart, I didn't expect this to be embarrassing. I'm sorry."

"By the way, Your Highness, chess piece, what do you want from me?"

Your Highness, Chess Piece, is such a familiar title. Only Wang Wen in human civilization today knows how to call it this way. In fact, he had already changed his title in the previous meeting, and now he calls it out again, which makes people friendly.

Lu Yin shook the tea cup: "Human civilization has too many foreign threats. I want to hear your opinion..."

After a while, Wang Wen looked distressed and stared blankly at the tea swaying in the quilt without saying a word.

"Why, don't you have anything to say?"



"I told you, don't blame me."

"What can I blame you for? You are not the enemy of human civilization."

"Your Highness, Chessman, please take me with you when you figure out a way out. I don't want to die."

Lu Yin was speechless: "So discouraged."

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