Star Odyssey

Chapter 4106 That kind of despair

Wang Wen sighed deeply: "This is not discouragement, but wisdom. A fishing civilization has been desperate, okay? There are more than one now. If there really is a fishing civilization behind the insect nest civilization, let alone the Tianyuan Universe and the Jiuxiao Universe, what else are we fighting for? Fight? Run."

Lu Yin looked deeply at Wang Wen: "I can't run away, I can only fight with my back against the enemy."

"Actually, I can swim." Wang Wen whispered.

Lu Yin didn't say anything more. The truth was really disappointing. He didn't expect Wang Wen to be like this.

"Actually, it's not impossible." Wang Wen said.

Lu Yin looked at him: "Say."

Wang Wen thought for a while: "Why is it that I don't know why I am staring at human civilization? Why is the Hive civilization staring at human civilization? Just because the fishing civilization wants to destroy all the civilizations I have seen? If that is the case, then what kind of anti-celestial clan? Even the civilization it attracts cannot escape."

"you mean?"

"Pull one, hit one."

"What if I can't pull it over?"

"Sowing discord, isn't that what you are best at, Your Highness, Your Highness?"

Lu Yin shook his head: "It's difficult. Since we are sure to attract that civilization, it means we are prepared."

"There is no foolproof preparation in this world, but how to do it specifically depends on what the civilization brought by the Tiantian Clan is, what it wants, what attitude it has towards the unknown, and its attitude towards the insect nest civilization. In short, there are two things now. Things are most important.”

"First, prepare your retreat and run."

"Second, the more detailed the intelligence, the better. How much you get depends on how much you know. Only by knowing as clearly as possible can you formulate a strategy."

"No one can make perfect plans. The so-called scheming is just knowing more than others."

Lu Yin nodded: "So I sent Xing Toad to test the Tian Clan."

"Star Toad?"

"The Carrying Heaven Clan is what Xing Toad feels."

"Is there such a thing? You can't even notice it, Your Highness, the chess piece, so why is Xing Toad?"

"This is what Qinglian Shangyu and I don't understand."

Wang Wen put down the tea cup and asked strangely: "Will the civilization brought by the Tianzhan clan be affected?"

Lu Yin looked at him: "It's not impossible."

Wang Wen looked solemn: "I suggest that Xing Chan start a family so that he is well prepared."

Lu Yin withdrew his gaze. If it was as they suspected, Xing Toad might be an opportunity.

But one Star Toad cannot change a civilization. In the end, we still have to see the situation clearly.

But Star Toad can at least be an opportunity to talk to that civilization.

A year later, outside the Jiuxiao universe, a green lotus leaf passed by.

Xing Toad looked at Jiuxiao Universe and saw it for the first time. It turned out to be Jiuxiao Universe.

When they went on an expedition to the spiritual universe, so much time had passed in the blink of an eye, and they never imagined that there was a Jiuxiao universe above their heads.

"It's really scary. One universe uses another universe for resources to plunder and cultivate. Human beings are too cruel and cunning." Star Toad muttered to himself.

"The universe is much crueler than this."

Star Toad subconsciously said: "How come I don't know." Just after saying this, it suddenly reacted and jumped up, almost jumping off a green lotus leaf.

Behind, at some point, Yu was sitting cross-legged on the door, looking at it with a half-smile.

Xing Toad looked at Jingmen Shangyu. He didn't recognize him, but he came up behind him silently. He must be more powerful than him.

She is a woman. Lu Yin said that he would have immortality to protect him, right?

Xing Toad quickly saluted, placing the lotus leaf tightly on his head, very respectfully: "Xing Toad, please see Senior Yu Jingmen."

Jingmen Shangyu said with a smile, "Do you know me?"

"I don't know you, but Senior Yu Jingmen's demeanor has spread throughout the universe, illuminating human civilization with its dazzling brilliance. You can see it at a glance." Xing Toad hurriedly flattered him.

Yu Shen smiled at the shocked door: "He's very good at talking."

Xing Toad grinned: "Senior Yu Nei of Jingmen Shangyu is invincible. He has eternal life, protects mankind, and has great achievements. Please accept the praise of this villain, so that he can follow in the footsteps of his predecessor. It is not for anything else, as long as he can see his predecessor. Just look at the back."

It has deeply remembered this sentence. I don’t know who said it. If you can talk, you can deal with most people.

Jingmen Shangyu looked at Xing Toad: "Are all the people in Tianyuan Universe so good at talking?"

"I'm not a human being." Xing Toad said subconsciously. After saying this, he felt something was wrong: "I'm a human being, no, I'm not, I, well, I'm a toad."

Jingmen Shangyu chuckled: "We're here to see your performance. I hope you won't disappoint us."

Xing Toad straightened his chest: "Senior, don't worry, this villain will definitely shed his last drop of blood for human civilization."

Jingmen Shangyu nodded, closed his eyes, and continued to try to use the Nirvana Tree method to fuse the Mijin Shangyu Xiuling Spirit.

She has never been able to do this step. If the previous battle with Zhangtian Yongsheng could be successfully integrated, the situation would not be what it is now.

Thinking of this, her heart sank. Just now, Lord Qinglian told her some speculation, which put more pressure on her. She hoped that the speculation would not come true.

Even if it comes true, it will only be after the current crisis is resolved.

The Gangtian Clan must be destroyed.

You have to do it even if you work hard.

The murderous intent filled the air, making the Star Toad tremble in fear.

This is the power of eternal life. It's too terrifying. Don't dare to mess with it. It's even scarier than Lu Yin.

Time continued to pass, and on this day, the great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect roared, and Lu Yin's body condensed on the great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect, and saw Qinglian Shangyu.

"The Immortal Realm monster hovered outside the Cause and Effect Celestial Phenomenon for a while, and finally stopped in the void meteorite not too far away from the Cause and Effect Celestial Phenomenon." Qinglian Shangyu told Lu Yin.

Lu Yin was surprised: "Didn't you run far?"

"No, not far nor close, but just right enough for me to find."

Lu Yin sneered: "You are so vindictive. He plans to take action against us at any time."

"That monster will become a scourge if it is not dealt with. Are you really going to use it to catch Luo Chan?"

"Compared to that monster, Luo Chan is more harmful. We have no choice but to do this." Lu Yin was helpless. He couldn't think of any other way to deal with Luo Chan.

Qinglian Shangyu nodded: "Both we and the insect nest civilization all know that Luo Chan is important. That humanoid Qingxian is willing to sacrifice himself, Paul Chan. This is unimaginable, but it happened, so I am thinking, that Luo Chan Does the cicada really belong to the insect nest civilization?"

Lu Yin said: "Senior, do you suspect that Luo Chan belongs to the civilization behind the insect nest civilization?"


"Then the civilization behind it can't all move instantly." Lu Yin's forehead felt cold again.

Qinglian Shangyu did not answer. If Luo Chan was not born from a collection of insects and some strange creature, or he belonged to the civilization behind it, it is really possible.

Teleportation is too strange, and even eternal life cannot do it.

Even though Luo Chan is a strange being, having this talent is still incomprehensible.

It would be reasonable if it came from a fishing civilization that was more powerful and could use the insect nest civilization as bait.

It can also explain why the humanoid green fairy would rather sacrifice himself for Paul Chan. That is not the humanoid green fairy for Paul Chan, but the fairy master.

Lu Yin gritted his teeth: "No matter what it is, it must be solved. The death of the Immortal Lord Paul Chan proves that even if Luo Chan belongs to the civilization behind it, it is definitely rare in the civilization behind it, otherwise it will not sacrifice an eternal life."

Qinglian Shangyu hummed: "Not bad."

Dealing with Luo Chan was not only to eliminate the advantage of the Hive Civilization in the war, but more importantly, Lu Yin wanted to try to see if Luo Chan's talent could be cultivated by ancestor Lu Yuan.

The talent that Ancestor Lu Yuan can cultivate is also extremely strange and incomprehensible.

When I clicked on the general platform and the catalog of gods appeared, which one can explain it?

If one could grow teleportation, it might not be impossible.

Once it can be planted, Lu Yin's eyes are fierce, then human civilization will really take off.

He didn't tell Qinglian Shangyu about this plan, not because he didn't trust him, but because he didn't want them to have unnecessary hopes.

After all, this possibility is not even one in a billion.

Of course, if Luo Chan is successfully captured, he will still have to discuss it with Qinglian Shangyu and the others to increase the possibility of planting talents from the perspective of eternal life.

On the other side, in a parallel time and space in Tianyuan Universe, Master Qingcao stood quietly, with the deep starry sky behind him, and the desolate planets spinning around, extremely lonely.

Tengu stepped out of the void and saw Master Qingcao, his eyes twinkling.

It recognizes Master Qingcao.

Master Qingcao also saw the Tengu. He moved his eyes upward and saw the man sitting on the Tengu's back, the man with palms as white as jade.

"Xia Shang has been looking for me."

"Oh, that little guy who can survive my blow is really talented. Is that why you are looking for me?"

Master Qingcao said calmly: "Nowadays, human civilization is in trouble internally and externally. I wonder if I can do it if I promise to keep the spiritual universe?"

"It can be done now."

Master Qingcao stared at the man: "How to do it?"

"Let the people you want to keep leave human civilization, and I can give you the door."

Master Qingcao looked deeply.

"What, you don't want to leave? Or are you testing the unknown?"

Master Qingcao said in a low tone: "How can a whole universe of people leave through one door? Jiuxiao Universe and Tianyuan Universe will not agree."

"That's your business. Before you cooperated with us, no one expected that there would be another Hive Civilization. Qixu wasn't dead at that time, right?"

"Now that Lan Meng has lured that civilization there, it is more or less wanting to make a contribution. It wants its friends to replace Qixu. This is not something I can interfere with."

"The only thing to blame is Lu Yin, who led out the door and made Lan Meng aware of Qixu's death. Otherwise, you could have taken your time."

"Speaking of which, that little guy is really powerful. He can kill an eternal life with a non-eternal life. Not many people can do that even within a short distance. I even want to replace you with him."

Master Qingcao said calmly: "Lu Yin and I will always make different choices. He is determined and cares about inheriting civilization, while what I inherit is people. He has civilization and backbone, but I don't."

"Real choices cannot be made out. You can only know when a civilization faces an impasse. You have faced it, but he has not. Don't belittle yourself. You are also very good."

Master Qingcao was silent.

"Okay, I'm leaving. If you think about it, you can contact me and let the people you want to keep leave at any time. The entire Linghua Universe can't leave, so you can always leave a group of people. You can let a group of people stay in the Tianyuan Universe. Is that the plan as well? Or have you forgotten that kind of despair? "

Master Qingcao narrowed his eyes and watched the Tengu leave, bending his waist even more.

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