Star Odyssey

Chapter 4108 Maintenance

Lu Yin understood that although Qinglian's superior was very strong, there must be creatures stronger than him just a few inches away, and maybe the star toad that brought overwhelming evil energy was one of them.

Human civilization is currently surrounded by crises. Once Qinglian Shangyu is injured, the consequences will not be as serious as usual.

"According to my senior's guess, how does Star Toad's civilization compare to the unknown?"

"We don't know much about both the Agnostic and the Star Toad civilization, but from the fact that Lan Meng used the Sky Clan to lure the Star Toad civilization here, we can infer that the Star Toad civilization is still inferior to the Agnostic."

Lu Yin nodded in agreement.

"But the gap between them will not be too big, otherwise Ignorant will directly drive the Star Toad civilization to come over, and there is no need to lure them through the Tiantian Clan." Qinglian Shangyu analyzed.

Lu Yin thought for a while: "It's also possible that this is an unknown habit."

"There is a possibility. If you can look at the Celestial Clan through cause and effect, you may be able to know something. However, the existence of Lanmeng makes it impossible for cause and effect. What is certain now is that our human civilization must not be the opponent of the Star Toad civilization, otherwise it is unknown. I won't do that." Qinglian Shangyu's tone was low.

Lu Yin thought so too. He rubbed his head and said, "Xing Toad, can you change the attitude of Xing Toad civilization?"

Qinglian Shangyu looked at him: "It is possible, but not very likely."

Lu Yin spat out, they didn't understand the Star Toad civilization, and they didn't know what the nature of that civilization was, but they could see from the Star Toad that that civilization was definitely not easy to deal with.

Back when humans in Tianyuan Universe were fighting against the Eternals, Xing Toad was on good terms with both sides and benefited from both sides. He was not a good person.

And what happened just now when Xing Toad faced the Gangtian Clan also proves that Xing Toad civilization is by no means a humble civilization. In the face of such a civilization, coupled with the rules of survival at a distance of only a few inches, the hope of communication is not even one in a million. No.

And trying to change the attitude of Star Toad civilization through Star Toad is like a fantasy.

Star Toad provides at most a channel for communication.

That's all.

They won't underestimate the role of Star Toad, but they won't overestimate it either.

This is self-knowledge.

In this small distance, you should always keep these four words in your heart.

Unknowable, the Insect Hive Civilization, the Star Toad Civilization, the Sky-carrying Clan, and the abyss are constantly shrouding human civilization.

Even Qinglian Shangyu could not bear it.

Lu Yin sat on the back mountain of Tianshang Sect for several days. He couldn't think of a way to break the situation.

When the power is strong to a certain extent, wisdom will be helpless.

"Sometimes, life is like a lock, locking us firmly. Mortals have the suffering of mortals, and cultivators have the fatigue of cultivators. No one will be relaxed, and the same is true of eternal life." Wang Wen came, feeling quite emotional.

Lu Yin said calmly: "I have had this experience too many times."

"Why, do you think you can't make it this time?" Wang Wen asked.

Lu Yin looked at Wang Wen: "What do you think?"

Wang Wen smiled freely: "Do you still remember what I said the last time I saw His Highness the chess piece?"

"We know as much as we can and we can't know more."

"That's not it."

"Pull one and hit the other?"


Lu Yin raised his eyebrows: "Human civilization cannot find the mother star toad."

Wang Wen sighed: "That's what I said at the beginning, let's run."

Lu Yin looked at him and said nothing.

Wang Wendao: "It's hard to hear and hard to do, but this is the only way out. When two armies are fighting, one side is already weak and has divided its troops. If it cannot form an encirclement with its own strength, it is seeking death."

"You want me to give up Tianyuan and join Jiuxiao?"

"Don't tell me that's not what you've been thinking about sitting here for so long."

Lu Yin laughed: "You do know me very well."

Wang Wen shook his head: "I can't help it, we are too familiar."

Lu Yin stood up and looked at the starry sky. People kept coming in and out of the Tianshang Sect. In the distance, a huge ancestral turtle was sleeping. Farther away, he saw the galaxy and its tributaries. How many people were there in the deep starry sky? How many practitioners? He couldn't give up on them.

It's not as simple as a decision.

The entire Tianyuan universe respects him and is willing to sacrifice everything for him, so that their wishes can be united. How can he give up?

"Actually, it's not about giving up, but about changing the strategy. After all, Your Highness, Chess Piece, you have an advantage that cannot be matched by any immortal realm, that is, you can kill at will." At the end of the sentence, Wang Wen's eyes were as cold as ever. So cold.

It was a chill to the Heavenly Clan and all creatures that attacked humans.

Lu Yin is not in the Immortal Realm, and is not bound by the chain of cause and effect, but he has the combat power of the Immortal Realm. This is unique.

If he were thrown to the Heaven-Carrying Clan, as long as someone was dragging those eternal lives, he could completely wipe out the entire Heaven-Carrying Clan, pull out this nail, and reduce the possibility of the Star Toad civilization coming.

Wang Wen was by no means the first person to think of this, but he was the only one to propose it.

Everyone knows that Lu Yin cares about the Tianyuan Universe. If he leaves Tianyuan, even if he removes the Tianyuan Clan, the Tianyuan Universe will most likely be destroyed. It may come from the Immortal Lord, or from the Immortal Realm monsters, etc. There are many possibilities.

Therefore Qinglian Shangyu did not speak and could not speak.

No one mentioned it.

Of course Lu Yin himself can think of it better, he has been thinking about it while sitting here for a few days.

Leaving Tianyuan is equivalent to giving up Tianyuan, but this is the only way.

We can't let Jiuxiao merge into Tianyuan. Firstly, Jiuxiao has a digital immortality realm, and it is larger than Tianyuan. Secondly, there is a spiritual universe under Jiuxiao, and there is a consciousness universe next to it. Thirdly, Jiuxiao is far away from the Tian clan. closer.

No matter how you look at it, it is impossible to give up Jiuxiao and protect Tianyuan.

It's a tough choice.

"There is no right or wrong in anything, civilization comes first, and the human race takes the lead. You have done enough for Tianyuan, but you must also look beyond Tianyuan and look at the entire human civilization." Wang Wen finished speaking and left.

Lu Yin looked into the distance quietly.

At the beginning, more than one person asked him how to choose between Tianyuan and Jiuxiao, and some people also asked him how to choose between Tianyuan and human civilization.

At that time, he could say that he wanted to keep it, but now he was really faced with a choice, how to keep it?

There are so many opportunities to choose in one's life, why not have them all?

Choice is life.

Many people are waiting for his choice at this moment.

The invisible pressure shrouded Lu Yin, making it difficult to breathe. Why did he have to have this choice? Why let him choose? He has done a lot and experienced a lot, why is it still him in the end?

He clenched his fists and stared blankly into the distance. The world was like a whirlpool that sucked him in. He could not see the way out or the light.

He obviously brings light to others, why does no one bring light to him?


The baby's cry was like a light breaking through the darkness, shining on Lu Yin's face. He looked at the corner of Tianshang Sect in surprise. Where was Wei Rong's residence?

The figure disappeared and reappeared outside a courtyard.

At this moment, many people arrived inside and outside the courtyard, waiting.

As the baby cries, many people congratulate him.

With a smile on his face, Wei Rong returned the favor one by one.

"Lord Lu?"

"See Lord Lu."

"See Lord Lu..."

Wei Rong looked out of the courtyard in surprise and saw Lu Yin. He quickly stepped forward and saluted respectfully: "Wei Rong, see you, Your Highness."

Lu Yin looked at Wei Rong, looking beyond him towards the courtyard: "Your child?"

Wei Rong maintained his salute and replied, "Yes, he is the child of my subordinate and An Qi."

Angel? If Wei Rong didn't say anything, Lu Yin had almost forgotten about this person.

The patriarch of the Butterfly Shadow Clan in the outer universe once joined forces with Wei Rong. Especially when the inner and outer universes were isolated, Wei Rong calculated that the Outer Universe Interpreter Research Society would allow the major forces in the outer universe to see the hope of overthrowing the behemoth, so they followed Wei Rong. , became his woman, and devoted herself to making the Dieying Clan a sharp blade for the expansion of territory.

But later, Wei Rong was defeated by him and became his subordinate. This An Qi left him and even looked down on him.

Things went around and around, and the two finally got together again and gave birth to a child for Wei Rong.

Lu Yin glanced across, and in the distance, Amu also maintained a saluting posture.

He was placed by Lu Yin next to An Qi to monitor him. This man had a deep mind. In order to win his trust, he even said that he liked An Qi to give himself an advantage.

Thinking about it, it was not that long ago, only hundreds of years, but it seemed like a long, long time.

Now he is still with An Qi and Wei Rong. Now that he thinks about it, how could Wei Rong not know Amu's purpose.

Lu Yin withdrew his gaze and looked at Wei Rong: "Congratulations."

Wei Rong was grateful: "Thank you, Your Highness. The child has not been named yet, so I dare to ask Your Highness to give me a name."

Lu Yin stared blankly at the courtyard. He didn't refuse. What's your name?

Everyone is waiting.

Especially those under Wei Rong were even more excited.

If he is lucky enough to be named by Master Lu, the child's status will be extremely noble and will not be lower than those of Master Lu's disciples.

Life will go smoothly.

Lu Yin smiled and looked at the courtyard: "It's a boy, let's call him Wei Cheng."

Wei Rong's eyes lit up and he looked at Lu Yin: "Wei Cheng, Wei Cheng."

"When I was confused, this child's cry brought me light. I hope it can also bring light to mankind and let mankind pass it on." Lu Yin murmured.

Wei Rong bowed deeply: "Thank you, Your Highness."

People around were shocked. This name means so much, and this child means so much.

Many people envy how wonderful it would be if their child was born.

Lu Yin glanced at Wei Rong and left.

The courtyard is bustling again.

Wei Rong also left. He could see that Lu Yin had something on his mind and didn't even care about the child.

Even though he wanted to look at his children.

When Lu Yin returned to Tianshang Zonghou Mountain, Long Xi made tea for him, and it was very quiet.

"Report to Lord Lu, Wei Rong, please see me."

Lu Yin was surprised: "Let him come in."

Wei Rong entered, faced Lu Yin, and saluted: "See you, Master Lu."

Lu Yin nodded: "If you don't look after your own child, why are you here with me?"

Wei Rong said: "Your Highness seems to have something on his mind."

Lu Yin laughed: "I always have things on my mind, it's nothing. Go back and look after your children. Your wife also needs your company."

Wei Rong looked at Lu Yin: "Is it because of civilized war? Your Highness, I have always felt that human beings have a common problem. They want to master things that do not belong to them. In fact, many things are not good whether they are mastered or known. Control is beyond the scope. It will only make you passive."

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