Star Odyssey

Chapter 4109 Decision

Lu Yin and Wei Rong looked at each other: "What do you want to say?"

Wei Rong said: "My subordinate once wanted to master more, but lost more. If His Highness had not been merciful, this child Wei Cheng would not have been born. Compared with everything you have gained now, when you think back to the past, do you feel anxious or afraid?"

"I don't know why many civilizations are besieging human civilization. Either it is the law of existence of the universe, or human civilization has mastered something that does not belong to itself."

"At least something that shouldn't be yours now."

Lu Yin's eyes flashed, thinking of the red hanging coffin.

"You want us to throw it away?"

Wei Rong said: "When you can't fully understand the enemy, having as little baggage as possible may make you feel relaxed."

Lu Yin looked deeply at Wei Rong, he had changed.

Weirong used to be full of insidiousness, and no one dared to offend him.

Just as he believed, Wang Wen controlled the general direction, while Weirong calculated the local aspects.

But now, Wei Rong seems to have seen through life, and his thoughts have changed. Contrary to Wang Wen's free and easy attitude, he is more willing to think about life and his past gains and losses.

Wang Wen looks at the future, and Wei Rong looks at the past.

"you've changed."

Wei Rong saluted: "I was still the same person a moment ago."

Lu Yin laughed: "Your child has changed you and made me see the light. This child is very cute."

"Thank you, Your Highness." Wei Rong saluted again and then retreated.

Lu Yin looked at the starry sky, released the heavenly law of cause and effect, and integrated into the heavenly phenomenon of cause and effect. It was time to make a decision.

Above the great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect, Qinglian Shangyu looked at Lu Yin complexly, with helplessness in his eyes: "Have you really decided?"

Lu Yin let out a deep breath. This decision was very stressful for him. It was like abandoning everything in the past. He could only make it rationally: "This is responsible for the entire human civilization."

"Under the overturned nest there are completed eggs."

Qinglian Shangyu said bitterly: "When there were four eternal masters in Jiuxiao, I thought that human beings could control their own destiny, but I was too naive and too ignorant of the distance between them."

"Thank you, Mr. Lu."

Lu Yin looked at Qinglian Shangyu: "How much time can you give me?"

"I can't tell. When Lan Meng learned the truth about Qixu's death, he took Qixu's place to fight against our human civilization. Until the Zhangtian Clan appeared, according to the time given by Jingmen, it was almost seventeen years."

"We calculate based on seventeen years, it should take that long to bring the civilization introduced by the Celestial Clan to human civilization. Even without the intervention of the Agnostic, the time will be longer. Of course, it may be shorter, but even if it is shorter, It’s impossible to arrive within a few years.”

"After all, that civilization is far away from the Tiantian Clan itself."

"It's only been about a year since the discovery of the Heaven-carrying Clan, so you have at least five to eight years to prepare."

Lu Yin nodded: "Okay, during this period I will transfer a large number of cultivators from Tianyuan Universe to Jiuxiao, and at the same time try to let the remaining people escape in parallel time and space. Unless Tianyuan Universe is directly destroyed, most of the people can be saved. "

"To the outside world, we promote the need to leave through an unknown door."

Qinglian Shangyu was surprised: "Leave through an unknown door?"

Lu Yin nodded. This was what he remembered when he saw Wei Rong. Wei Rong was best at planning ahead and calculating the enemy from subtle angles, even if the enemy did not exist for the time being.

In fact, even he himself didn't know whether some calculations were useful or not, or what their purpose was. Once used, they would be quite effective.

For most of them, Lu Yin planned to use participating in the civilized war as a reason to transfer a group of people to Jiuxiao Universe, but some people will always be smart, so leaving through the unknown door is the reason for those people.

It is impossible for Lu Yin to lead humans to leave through an unknown door. After all, there are still other civilizations behind that door, but others are not sure, especially Qinglian Shangyu, who has walked through that door once. Only he knows what exists behind that door. .

This matter may lead to something, but of course, it is just a matter of course, and nothing may happen in the end.

Thinking of this, Lu Yin asked: "Senior, if we really use an unknown door to leave, is it possible?"

Qinglian Shangyu nodded: "It's possible that there are other civilizations behind the door, but few have eternal life. But don't forget one thing. That door comes from the unknown. Since the unknown will determine where the door is connected, , proving that there is a powerful civilization that can exterminate our human civilization."

"So I was careful when I walked through the door and didn't search too much to prevent disaster."

Lu Yin's eyes flickered. That door was unknown to destroy human civilization, but it was also one of the escape routes for human civilization. If he really reached a desperate situation, he could only leave through that door.

"There is one more thing I hope senior can help me with."

"you say."

"Please help me search the universe of consciousness, senior, to see if I can find Yi Tian Que and find traces of Taichu, the ancestor of mankind in my Tianyuan universe."

Qinglian Shangyu's eyes were complicated: "Is it Yi Tianque?"

"By the way, so you can understand that the Yehai mural is related to the experience of Yi Tianque."

Lu Yin nodded: "Junior cares about Tianque's past and sees senior understand cause and effect, but he also loses that innocent smile."

Qinglian Shangyu said bitterly: "Innocent, how can an innocent person understand cause and effect? ​​If he does not have a thorough understanding, how can there be a cycle of cause and effect?"

"The consciousness of Yi Tianque doesn't understand human beings at all. It is not human itself. It has unique advantages. Just like the water drop green fairy, it can easily achieve eternal life and even understand cause and effect. This is the blessing from its life itself, and we are just ordinary people. Why should people be the same as it?"

"It's looking for a partner that humans will never be able to find."

Lu Yin also agreed. He had no less experience in understanding cause and effect than Qinglian Shangyu. He was sneaky and ruthless. Only Lu Xiaoxuan had that kind of innocent look. He, Lu Yin, would never have it.

"That kind of life can never understand how we humans can understand cause and effect through hardships." Qinglian went to Yudao.

Lu Yin asked: "Senior, have you also been to Yi Tian Que?"

"Of course, more than once, I want to know what it thinks of me, what kind of life it is, and why it can understand cause and effect with its innocent mind. To me, this is beyond cognition."

"It's also beyond the knowledge of this junior."

"Your Three Cang Sword Intentions and Heaven and Earth Lock all come from that life."

"Yes, senior, can you tell what that life is?"

Qinglian Shangyu shook his head.

"That life is dead?"

"I don't know, only consciousness exists. This consciousness is completely different from the consciousness of Yue Ya's body and is full of activity." At this point, he paused: "Actually, I hope that the owner of this consciousness is alive. It seeks innocence. Yearning for truth, goodness and beauty, this kind of life may help us human civilization."

"To survive in the universe, we cannot expect help from other creatures, but if we really face a desperate situation, there is nothing we can do."

Lu Yin nodded.

Qinglian Shangyu's eyes were complicated: "The end of love is peace. Lu Yin, peace of mind is the destination." After saying that, the figure disappeared.

Lu Yin returned to the back mountain of Tianshang Sect, Qinglian Shangyu's words kept echoing in his mind.

The end of love is peace.

Peace of mind is your destination.

Do you feel at ease?

Ming Yan in the Illustrated Book of Gods made him feel at ease, and the woman beside him who was making tea also made him feel at ease.

Soon after, Tianshang Sect issued an order to recruit cultivators to join the war in Jiuxiao Universe. At the same time, in order to prevent Tianyuan Universe from being targeted by other civilizations, people will gradually be transferred to reincarnation time and space, super time and space, lost clan time and space, etc., to anyone who wants to target Tianyuan Universe. The enemy civilization of the human civilization in the universe uses an empty city strategy to prevent Tianyuan Universe from becoming the main battlefield of civilization.

The real main battlefield is Jiuxiao Universe.

As soon as this news came out, Tianyuan was shocked, and the entire universe was boiling. Countless people flocked to Tianshang Sect to find out the news.

All that was obtained was the list of recruited cultivators.

However, there is one thing. It is not a forced recruitment. Those who are willing to board the ship to the main battlefield of Jiuxiao. Those who are unwilling can accompany others into parallel time and space. There is no force. There is only one reason - tragic.

The tragedy of the war between civilizations is unimaginable. Living things will be extinguished like lights, constantly extinguished. Going to the battlefield is like moths flying into the flame.

And the entire Tianshang Sect boarded the ship.

The outer universe, the Haoyuan Territory, is a territory adjacent to the Canglan Territory and is governed by the Jiuzhong Sect.

Back then, the Jiuzhong Sect sent Tian Ming to sneak into the Dayu Empire in order to obtain the Celestial Beast Claw.

Since Lu Yin continued to conquer the outer universe, Tianming also became his subordinate, guarding the Nine Gates for him, with Lan Wu assisting.

"You want to board the ship and go to Jiuxiao?" Lan Wu was surprised.

Tianming nodded.

"With your level of cultivation, you are not qualified to participate in a civilized war."

"How could it be possible? After all, I am also at the cruising level, and I am close to the hunting level."

"The war between civilizations is too cruel. You have forgotten that the insect nest civilization invaded before. A little Shou Wu almost killed you, and Shou Wu is just one of the lowest bugs in the insect nest civilization."

Tianming smiled and said: "I know, but if I don't join the war and you don't join the war, who will join the war in the end?"

Lan Wu was silent.

"The Lord of the Land did not force recruitment because he knew how brutal civilized war was. He let us make our own choices without any regrets even if we died." He looked at Lan Wu: "This is a civilized war, not a fight between people. Who loses? Extinction.”

Lan Wu looked at him blankly, and finally sighed: "I'll go too."

Tianming was surprised: "Are you going too?"

"Why, you look down on me? I am in the Enlightenment Realm. When you used your extreme cultivation level to replace Lord Lu and take charge of the Nine Layers Gate, I was still my assistant. Without me, you wouldn't be able to stay at all."

"What about this side of the Nine Gates?"

"If there isn't an Anfield, there's no way he can go there."

In the prehistoric territory, Meng Tianlong, the leader of the prehistoric sect, and his son Meng Yue glared at each other. People around them did not dare to interrupt and could only say nothing.

"I said, no one can stop me, I must go." Meng Yue growled.

Meng Tianlong angrily scolded: "Bastard, who do you think you are? You can participate in the civilized battlefield? Don't talk about you. Even if I go, I will die. Do you want the Meng family to be extinct?"

"I'm not afraid of death. There are others in the Meng family, not just ours."

"I only have a son like you. Your brother is also dead. Don't let me have no descendants."

"You are too selfish."

"It's you who are ignorant."

"Master Lu and I are classmates. Master Lu is now leading mankind to fight against foreign civilizations. If I don't even dare to go to the battlefield, how can I say that I am Master Lu's classmate in the future?"

Meng Tianlong wanted to refute, but couldn't speak.

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