Star Odyssey

Chapter 4116 Bondage

Gantian Yongsheng looked anxiously at Dianjiangtai Hell: "What is this?"

"You don't have to worry about it. Go in and take a walk. Don't resist. When you come out, I will agree to let you join human civilization. Otherwise." Lu Yin said with murderous intent in his eyes: "I don't mind using your shell as material."

Zhangtian Yongsheng hesitated for a moment and entered.

It was worried that Lu Yin would take action, but after weighing the pros and cons, it decided to go in. Having just said so much about the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad, these humans would not deal with it unless they were stupid.

One more helper in eternal life is better than anything else.

If this human being wants to kill it, it really doesn't believe that it can be easily done. Although it is a rogue, it is not eternal life after all.

When Zhang Tianshengsheng entered the Jiangtai Hell, the monstrous cause and effect was released. Lu Yin watched the cause and effect skyrocket crazily. Not to mention him, even Master Jingmen Shangyu and Kudeng were shocked by the skyrocketing trend.

The heavenly path of cause and effect continues to expand, spread, spread, spread, faster and wider than ever before.

This is a living eternal life.

It's not Yue Ya's thinking body, it can be compared to a transparent moth, even Qixu's seven emotions can't compare.

Lu Yin watched as the heavenly law of cause and effect continued to spread, and stopped subconsciously. Cause and effect continued to increase, but it stopped spreading. It was unnecessary. No matter how much it expanded, it could not compare to the great heavenly phenomenon of cause and effect.

But by holding the heaven for eternal life, the scope of the cause-and-effect heaven will inevitably exceed the entire universe.

This is already quite an exaggeration of size.

No matter how you say it, it is an eternal life.

He never thought that he could press an eternal life into the point of hell to increase the cause and effect.

Cause and effect, depends on the cause and effect of this life itself. Lu Yin doesn't know if the cause and effect of this eternal life is more or less, but it far exceeds any previous increase.

If one day, the Heavenly Dao of Cause and Effect reaches the scope of the Great Celestial Phenomenon of Cause and Effect, Lu Yin doesn't know what his strength will be like, and the way of using Cause and Effect will inevitably change.

In fact, he has always lacked the means to use cause and effect as a decisive method. I believe he can do it in the near future.

Time passes day by day, and the time to increase cause and effect is also the most in history.

Finally, the cause and effect no longer increased, Zhang Tiansheng walked out of the Jiangtai Hell, and looked at Lu Yin with fear in his eyes. Cause and effect, it turned out to be cause and effect. I didn't expect that this human being had also practiced the power of cause and effect. I thought he was unknowable through practice. strength.

By the way, he must have been the one who made himself hostile to Lan Meng before.

"How does it taste?" Lu Yin asked. He was curious about what the Dianjiangtai Hell was like for eternal life.

Zhangtian Yongsheng exclaimed: "Your Excellency is also a practitioner of Karma. I remembered that you were the one who created Karma for me before and made me hostile to Lan Meng."

Based on Lan Meng's understanding of human civilization, if the eternal life expert who understands cause and effect has this trick, it is impossible not to be on guard. There is only one answer. There are humans who understand cause and effect, and the method of using it is different from that of the eternal life person who understands cause and effect.

Lu Yin did not deny that it was not painful to watch the eternal life. It seems that although the Dianjiangtai Hell can increase the cause and effect of eternal life, it cannot achieve a continuous cycle for eternal life. Otherwise, even if it is not as painful as Yi Shang, it will not be painful. It won't be so easy.

Still needs to be enhanced.

"Bring it in." Qinglian Shangyu's voice came.

Zhangtian Yongsheng's body was shaken, and he looked at the celestial phenomenon of cause and effect with anxiety. The strongest person in human civilization is Qinglian Shangyu. It could feel that at this moment, the real test has come. Whether it can survive depends on Qinglian Shangyu. Whether the emperor trusts it.

On the Jingmen, the royal hand holds Jingyun, and the murderous intention is clear.

Master Kudeng’s heart lamp is even brighter.

The corners of Lu Yin's mouth curled up, and there was vague divine power boiling behind him.

Everyone is staring at it.

Carrying the sky for eternal life, he had no choice but to head towards the great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

After entering the great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect, the entire celestial phenomenon of cause and effect boiled and roared, making Zhangtian Yongsheng more and more uneasy. It spoke with a dry voice: "Dear human beings, I sincerely join to help human civilization fight against the Seven Treasures Celestial Toad. Please also ask humanity Be civil and accept it, don’t be embarrassed.”

"I won't embarrass you, and please don't embarrass human civilization."

"What do you mean?" Zhangtian Yongsheng was puzzled.

Qinglian Shangyu's voice echoed throughout the world: "Please let human civilization feel at ease and wait for this second level, the bondage."

Zhang Tiansheng was shocked: "The second level of bondage?"

As he spoke, cause and effect in the stars converged, forming a cause and effect chain that was exactly the same as the cause and effect chain of eternal life, heading towards eternal life.

At this moment, Lu Yin noticed that the causal chain of carrying the sky and eternal life existed in the shell on his back, just below the shell. It was very inconspicuous and had to be carefully observed to see it.

And its causal chain is not too many. It obviously didn't take many actions. It must have been suppressed too hard by the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad.

At this moment, the second chain of cause and effect is heading towards the eternal life of carrying the sky. This is a man-made chain of cause and effect, coming from Qinglian Shangyu.

Zhang Tianyong was uneasy and kept retreating: "No, I don't want to be bound by another layer. Human civilization, great human civilization, I will definitely help you. I swear that I will definitely help you. Please don't restrict me."

"Either accept the bondage or die." Qinglian Shangyu's voice was cold.

Lu Yin took a step forward, stood behind Zhangtian Yongsheng, released the starry sky in his heart, the divine power planet boiled, and the divine power changed.

Gantian Yongsheng looked back, and saw Lu Yin's state again, that kind of bloody posture of God blocking the god of death. He remembered the scene where countless huge snails died just now, and Lu Yin's scarlet eyes were staring at him. Once it retreats again, it will kill him. .

The space around Gantian Yongsheng turned into a quagmire, and time became turbid, making it impossible for the causal chain to enter.

What are you most afraid of in eternal life? Life, death, and bondage are these two.

But at this moment, these two most terrifying states have appeared.

Lu Yin can bring it death, and Qinglian Shangyu can bring it restraint.

The only good thing is that you can only choose one.

At this moment, Lu Yin was not only threatening Zhangtian Yongsheng, but also searching for the red thread.

He didn't know what changes that line would bring to him when entering the divine power planet, so he greeted Jingmen Shangyu and the others in advance and asked them to keep an eye on it.

In the state of divine power transformation, there is much more scarlet divine power than before. This extra divine power is the same as Zeng Jie's divine power, which is different from the eternal divine power, and gives Lu Yin an endless feeling.

As time went by, his sanity was being swallowed up, and his voice was filled with murderous intent: "Choose."

One word made Gantian Yongsheng shiver and he had to make a choice.

The quagmire of time and space faded away, and the causal chain descended on the back of Zhangtian Yongsheng, then submerged into its shell, and finally appeared outside the first level of the causal chain.

Zhang Tiansheng was completely discouraged and said nothing.

Lu Yin gathered his power and almost lost control, but unfortunately he still couldn't find the red line.

Qinglian Shangyu's voice became much softer: "Human civilization welcomes Zhangtian Yongsheng to join."

Zhang Tiansheng stared blankly at the starry sky. At this moment, the celestial phenomena of cause and effect softened.

If it had a human expression, it would be a wry smile.

Jingmen Shangyu and Master Kudeng also breathed a sigh of relief. They were disgusted. At worst, they would let this Zhangtian Yongsheng be used as cannon fodder. At least he was not an enemy at this moment.

They were more worried about Lu Yin.

We wonder what will happen if the red thread enters his body even Qinglian Shangyu cannot find it?

"Let's go back to Jiuxiao." The emperor said at the startling door.

A leaf of green lotus fell from the great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect, and the door was shocked. Master Kudeng and Lu Yin both boarded it, and then looked at the eternal life that carried the sky.

Gantian Yongsheng looked at his size and could only shrink, and climbed onto a green lotus leaf. In an instant, the green lotus leaf disappeared.

It took more than ten days for Lu Yin to recover from his divine power transformation.

Looking at the starry sky, whether it is Tianyuan, Linghua or Jiuxiao, it is so small compared to the distance of a square inch, and the same is true in the great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect.

So what if the scope of the law of cause and effect exceeds the entire universe? There is still a long way to go before we can reach the scope of the great celestial phenomena of cause and effect.

He looked to his side and saw that Zhangtian Yongsheng had shrunk to the size of a person. Looking at it this way, he looked more like a snail.

Gantian Yongsheng noticed Lu Yin's gaze and looked at him.

Ever since it was bound by the second causal chain, it looked at Lu Yin and the others differently than before.

Before, I was worried about being killed. Now, although there is a second causal chain, it is more useful to human civilization. To a certain extent, it takes the initiative.

So it dared to ask some questions: "Is your Excellency human civilization or is it unknown?"

Jingmen Shangyu looked at Gantian Yongsheng. This was their first conversation on the way back to Jiuxiao.

Lu Yin said calmly: "Human civilization."

"More like unknowable."

"You know the unknown well?"

"I don't know. I have only met Lan Meng, but I have heard unknown legends in Xiantian."

"Where is the ray of sky?" the imperial guard asked at the startling door.

Gantian Yongsheng said: "It was destroyed a long time ago. It should be done by Wu Zhi."

"Since it was destroyed, how can we be sure that it was done by Aozhi?" Lu Yin wondered.

Gantian Yongsheng said: "Because in that Xiantian, there was only one fishing civilization discussed, which is unknown."

Lu Yin's eyes flashed, it was really a simple and crude reason, but it was reasonable.

This is the distance.

"What is the legend about the unknowable?" asked the emperor at Jingmen.

Master Kudeng opened his eyes and looked curiously at Zhangtian Shengsheng.

Zhang Tiansheng pondered for a moment: "The redefinition of color bleeds into the sea but remains unstained."

It moved its tentacles and looked at the stars: "When you face the unknown, you will find that you have an earth-shaking understanding of a certain color. This is the legend of the unknown."

"I didn't understand it at first, but now I seem to understand it a little bit. Lan Meng is blue. Now when I see blue, I feel panic and hatred."

Lu Yin and Jingmen Shangyu looked at each other. Qixu was red, so both Tianyuan Universe and Jiuxiao Universe were extremely sensitive to scarlet.

And Agnostic will not take the initiative to exterminate civilizations. They are good at guiding other civilizations to take action. So, can they bleed into the sea without being stained?

"Your Excellency's scarlet power is very shocking." Zhangtian Yongsheng said. This is why it said that Lu Yin is more like unknowable.

Lu Yin murmured: "If that's true, how many colors are there?"

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