Star Odyssey

Chapter 4117 The fourth child

Gantian Yongsheng sighed: "I don't know, just like their civilization, it is unknowable, but it can suppress the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad. This unknowability is terrifying. If I didn't know this, I wouldn't cooperate with Lan Meng."

"If the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad is really attracted by me, the fourth child must be on the way here."

"Fourth child?" Lu Yin was confused.

Jingmen Shangyu and Master Kudeng also looked at Gantian Shengsheng curiously.

Gantian Yongsheng said in a heavy tone: "I don't know the name of the fourth among the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad. I only know that it calls itself the fourth. It is a shameless dead toad."

"He has a crooked mouth and slanted eyes, but he claims to be synonymous with the Qibao Tianchan clan's demeanor. He is ugly, extremely disgusting, and has vicious methods. If I had a choice, I would love to peel off its skin and remove its bones."

Gantian Yongsheng was extremely resentful towards the fourth child, as if he used all the vicious words to describe the Qibao Tianchan clan.

It seems that a lot of its hatred for the Qibao Tianchan clan comes from the fourth child.

"How about the fourth brother's fighting strength?" asked the imperial guard at Jingmen.

Speaking of this, Gantian Yongsheng's tone was full of helplessness and bitterness: "I can't beat him."

"Nonsense." Jingmen Shangyu said bluntly, "How about comparing with Lan Meng?"

Gantian Yongsheng said: "I don't know, I have never seen Lan Meng take action with all his strength, nor have I seen Lao Si take action with all his strength."

"You are not qualified to let them attack with all their strength. It's really sad." Jingmen Shangyu was dissatisfied.

Zhangtian Yongsheng didn't want to, and asked himself that if he could fight with Lan Meng and the others, he wouldn't be trapped in human civilization. However, it would be wrong to equate Laosi with Lan Meng based on this, because Zhangtian Yongsheng is not good at killing. , it has also never been attacked by Jingmen Shangyu who has merged with Mi Jinshang Yu Xiuling with all his strength.

"How did you come to our human civilization?" Master Kudeng asked a key question.

This question is also what Lu Yin and the others want to ask.

Gantian Yongsheng said: "Lan Meng guided the direction, and without taking any detours, it took almost seventeen years of your human civilization to arrive."

Seventeen years is not a long time for a cultivator, but it depends on who leaves.

Although the speed of Carrying the Sky Eternal Life is not too fast, no matter how slow it is, it is still eternal life. Its speed will not be slower than that of a green lotus leaf.

A green lotus leaf is equivalent to the speed of ordinary eternal life, such as Master Qingcao.

Qinglian Shangyu's speed is naturally faster, but how much faster Lu Yin doesn't know.

A normal eternal life has traveled seventeen years, and assuming the direction is absolutely correct, it is equivalent to the distance from Jiuxiao to Tianyuan seventeen times. This distance is quite far.

If converted into the linear range of cause and effect astronomical phenomena, it is almost eight.

You must know that the civilizations that reached the Jiuxiao Universe through the extinction of the Night Pillar, such as the Quansen Universe, the Hidden Sky Universe, etc., are all because those universes have entered the scope of the great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect, and outside the scope of the great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect, Qinglian Shangyu and the others do not care of.

The distance between the Gantian Clan and Jiuxiao Universe is about eight great celestial phenomena of cause and effect. This distance is extremely far. It will take a long time for a strong person to overcome this distance.

"What about the Seven Treasures Celestial Toad clan?"

"Their position is not fixed. When we came, the Qibao Tianchan clan was about thirty years away from our civilization. If they come, if you do the math, maybe your human civilization still has twenty years to prepare. You Fortunately, the Qibao Tianchan clan is in the opposite direction to you. If they happen to be between our civilization and your human civilization, then."

"Then you can't come at all." Yu Leng said in a cold voice on the door.

Zhang Tiansheng is right to think about it. There is a Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad lying in the middle. How did it come?

"No, you can come." Master Kudeng looked at Jingmen Shangyu: "The door."

Yu raised her eyebrows in surprise, yes, there was still a door to the unknown, she almost forgot.

As long as Wuzhi uses the door handle to throw the Celestial Clan over, and then tells Qibao Tianchan the location, Qibao Tianchan can still chase after him.

Lu Yin felt heavy. There was no point in talking about it now. Twenty years was a short period of time.

According to the algorithm of Zhangtianshengsheng, the Qibao Tianchan civilization is almost nineteen causal celestial distances from human civilization. This distance is difficult to encounter without a clear direction, but if the clear direction is determined, it can be found. .

Especially the Seven Treasures Celestial Toad is not fixed. Even if Wu Zhi gives them the coordinates of human civilization, they can still find it. There is no need to use the Celestial Clan as bait.

From this point of view, the arrival of the Celestial Clan is more of a way for Lan Meng to join forces with the Hive Civilization to plot against human civilization.

This is only the first time that the Hive Civilization has taken action against human civilization by using the Heaven-carrying Clan. No matter whether it succeeds or fails, it will always cause losses to human civilization. In its estimation, it may also bring about the death of eternal life.

Then when the Qibao Tianchan clan arrives, human civilization will be destroyed as a matter of course.

From beginning to end, it was a breeze for Lan Meng.

It doesn't require doing much.

But it didn't expect that it could deal with the two Immortal Realm Qing Immortals of the Insect Hive Civilization, freeing up its hands to deal with the Heavenly Clan, which led to changes in the development of the situation.

But one thing has never changed, that is, the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad clan will definitely come.

Lu Yin frowned. After winning again and again, are they really victorious?

Compared to before the arrival of the Gantian Clan, there is actually not much difference.

Two Immortal Realm Green Immortals died in exchange for one Immortal who can carry the sky, but the Immortal Master also personally died, and Lan Meng also took action, and they were almost the same.

What Lu Yin wants to solve most now is Luo Chan.

Once Luo Chan is solved, the initiative in the war will no longer be decided by the Immortal Lord.

But whether there is still a fishing civilization behind the insect nest civilization is also the most disturbing.

Lu Yin's eyes flickered. The civilization behind the insect nest civilization, the Qibao Celestial Toad clan, the unknowable, dead universe, and the emergence of fishing civilizations one after another have brought suffocating pressure to human civilization. They are too passive.

If one comes, human civilization will be in despair, but if several come, it may not be possible.

If it really doesn't work, you can only give it a try.

"By the way, have you encountered other civilizations along the way from Zhangtian Civilization?" Lu Yin asked.

Zhangtian Yongsheng said: "Yes, there is one. He thinks he hides it very well, but because there is no eternal life, it is useless no matter how well he hides it."

"Where is it? What kind of civilization? Is there a mother tree?" Lu Yin's eyes were bright.

Gantian Yongsheng said: "There is a mother tree. Why would you ask such a question? There are mother trees in most universes. As for that civilization, I don't know. I only know that it has no eternal life."

"Does Lan Meng know about the existence of that civilization?"

"I don't know about that. Some distances seem very short, but you can't see them at all if you don't get close. All civilizations are trying to hide as much as possible and try their best."

Lu Yin understood that no matter how short the distance between two cosmic civilizations, it might take months or even years for eternal life to reach them.

Just imagine, how can it be possible for ordinary people to see a place that takes months or years to reach with the naked eye, especially if the place is hidden from view?

This is why civilization can hide.

If you look around the immortal realm at a glance, no civilization can be hidden.

Qinglian Shangyu covers Jiuxiao, Tianyuan and Linghua with the great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect. Only in this way can he see the three universes, and it also takes time. If it is not covered with the great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect, it cannot be seen at all.

"Mark the location of that civilization." Lu Yin said. He cares about the mother tree. The more mother trees there are, the more green light spots there will be. The trouble is that the mother tree must be destroyed to get the green light spots? If this is the case, it will be difficult for him to take action. The vitality of the mother tree should not be destroyed due to selfish interests.

Have to think of other ways.

Jiuxiao Universe has become lively since the arrival of cultivators from Tianyuan Universe and Linghua Universe a year ago.

The eight war boats can accommodate an extremely large number of cultivators, and they are all elite cultivators from both universes. One alone cannot compare to Jiuxiao. The two universes combined, this number is quite a lot, and Jiuxiao has also experienced The several wars with the Hive Civilization themselves resulted in a lot of losses.

After a year of running in, the Jiuxiao universe cultivators have all accepted the arrival of the two universe cultivators. They have no other ideas about the Tianyuan universe cultivators and accept it easily. After all, Lu Yin’s reputation in Jiuxiao is too great. Who would think To find trouble, you must first pass the Death Hill Pass, and the top experts in the Jiuxiao Universe are all friends with Lu Yin.

Only the cultivators of the Linghua Universe are looked down upon by the cultivators of the Jiuxiao Universe. There is no strong person in front who can withstand it. Master Qingcao is also the kind of waverer, which makes the cultivators of the Linghua Universe very frustrated.

When Lu Yin and the others returned to Jiuxiao Universe, they saw the changes brought about by the arrival of cultivators from the two universes.

That kind of change cannot be seen from a macro perspective, and the time is too short, but if you look carefully, you will find that the Jiuxiao cultivators are particularly enthusiastic about the Tianyuan Universe cultivators. The enthusiasm is not acceptance, but as if they want to learn something.

Soon, after being explained by others, Lu Yin knew.

Tianyuan Universe's top cultivator has made a name for himself.

The Three Realms and Six Paths, the Three Yangs and the Six Lords, etc., after practicing in the mirage domain, their combat power has been greatly improved, and they are no longer in the same state as when they first entered Tianyuan after the spiritualized universe.

Since Tianyuan Universe cultivators arrived at Jiuxiao, the initial running-in has gradually developed into a large-scale competition.

On the first day of the new year, although the ancient gods and others did not reach the Great Perfection of Overcoming the Misfortune, their combat power was close to the Great Perfection of Overcoming the Misfortune.

Looking at Jiuxiao, it is almost difficult to defeat them at the same level. Only those who have overcome the hardships and reached perfection can overwhelm them. And this kind of overpowering depends entirely on the level and long-term accumulation, so it can be regarded as victory without force.

Whether it is overcoming hardships, starting realm, sequence rules, ancestral realm, etc., Jiuxiao Universe cultivators found that the Tianyuan Universe cultivators took a very unique path, and developed many cultivation methods under Xingyuan Cultivation. In addition, , as well as micro-array weapons, cosmic armor, battlefield navigation systems, black energy sources, etc. These innovations also dazzled Jiuxiao Universe practitioners.

Jiuxiao Universe has lacked innovation other than combat skills for many years, and it has almost disappeared since the death of Mijin Shangyu.

The arrival of cultivators from Tianyuan Universe allowed them to open up new ideas.

The Great Perfection of Overcoming the Misfortunes is a threshold. Although the ancient gods and others are powerful in combat, it will take time to surpass the Great Perfection of Overcoming the Misfortunes. However, there is one person who can surpass the others and become famous in just half a year. He is the same as the original one. Like Lu Yin, he is known as the ultimate combat power under eternal life, he is Jiang Feng.

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