Star Odyssey

Chapter 4125 Active Universe

Lu Yin was shocked, how could this be possible?

Qinglian Shangyu also couldn't understand it, but the distance is just like this, Luo Chan can exist, and it is not impossible to have such an active universe.

"Take us to see it."

"This universe can buy my life."

Qinglian Shangyu looked deeply at the creature in front of him: "How many creatures know this universe?"

The creature's eyes flashed: "And my brother."

Qinglian Shangyu burst out laughing, and directly hit the cause and effect to penetrate the creature. The creature only felt that its body was penetrated by some kind of force, and retreated in shock, but was not injured. What happened?

Not every living thing has access to cause and effect.

If there are no strong people around who understand cause and effect, it will be difficult to understand unless they practice to eternal life.

This creature has obviously never been exposed to the power of cause and effect, but invisible power is not surprising. Eternal life has its own world.

It just doesn't know what exactly is being done.

At this moment, Qinglian Shangyu stared at the cause and effect of this creature's being struck. The cause and effect - the end of the karma, was searched for with this piece of metal.

Cause and effect cannot be seen at once.

A leaf of green lotus kept moving towards the portal, and a full half month passed. During this half month, Qinglian Shangyu and Lu Yin took turns to work out the cause and effect, and finally determined that except this creature, no other creature knew about the active universe.

This is only reasonable. How could such a universe be willing to be known to others?

And this creature said that a brother knew about it, just to make Lu Yin and the others wary and not dare to kill it.

Within half a month, this creature continued to experience the pain of having its body penetrated but not being harmed. The two people were attacking it, but it didn't know what the result would be. It was too tortured.

"Do you have any brothers who know the location of that active universe?"

The creature said without hesitation, "Yes."

I have already been deceived, so of course I have to do it more naturally.

Lu Yin nodded: "Okay, take us there."

The creature marked the location.

Qinglian Shangyu frowned: "At this location, it will take us three years to arrive."

Lu Yin was uneasy: "No, three years is too long."

The creature was confused, three years, how long? What does it look like? For it, the distance it walks within a few inches can be a hundred or thousand years, and selling civilization coordinates and waiting for the buyer's acceptance can also be a hundred, thousand or even ten thousand years. It is too normal.

It took a long time to get to this position, and at the speed of this eternal life in front of us, it only took three years.

Three years is still a long time?

"Senior cannot leave Jiuxiao for too long. In this case, please go with me, Senior Kudeng. Human civilization can only feel at ease when seniors are in charge." Lu Yin said.

Qinglian Shangyu thought for a while and said: "Alright, although it is currently unknown, the Immortal Master and the others will not take action. They will have to wait until the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad arrives before taking action. But just in case, don't take the risk and let Kudeng accompany you. , six years of back and forth, you won’t be gone for too long.”

Lu Yin nodded.

A leaf of green lotus kept moving towards the door, and in a blink of an eye, it was close.

During this time, Lu Yin asked the creature from time to time about the situation within the distance.

Qinglian Shangyu was curious.

That creature they called an eye.

One eye said that he understood the other person, but he didn't understand it. He said he didn't understand it, but he understood it a little. After all, he had been to the sky and found several civilizations.

"The most powerful civilization I have ever seen is that buyer. They make bold claims. No matter how powerful the civilization they find is, just give them the coordinates. How to solve it has nothing to do with us."

"I once thought I had encountered an extremely powerful civilization with eternal life, and I gave the buyer the coordinates of that civilization."

"Thousands of years later, when I passed by that civilization, what I saw was turbidity. The universe had been restarted."

"Selling coordinates to the sky? Of course not. That's a mistake only made by novices, and the cost is mostly death."

"It's not easy to get to the first line of sky. Now even if you tell me where there is the first line of sky, I don't want to go. Those who can go to the first line of sky must have the backing of civilization. Although this civilization may not be very strong, there may be eternal life in it, otherwise You might be exposed if you go to Xiantian, it’s too dangerous.”

"Of course, there are many creatures like me that inadvertently enter the sky, but everyone is wary of each other. As long as they don't expose the existence of eternal life, it is usually fine. They are afraid of encountering a civilization that fishes with the sky. That would be scary. I heard that there are A line of sky is directly built by a certain civilization to fish for other civilizations."

"Last time I accidentally entered Yixiantian and ran away not long after I stayed."

"Fishing civilization? Does that buyer count? The rest have never been seen. Everyone who has seen fishing civilization is dead. We can see fishing civilization. Fishing civilization must have seen us earlier. We would never dare to encounter it in our dreams. , the only buyer civilization, I guess it may be the fishing civilization..."

A leaf of green lotus disappears into the door, and the deep and dark starry sky disappears. When you can see the surroundings clearly with one eye, what is this?

It saw people everywhere in the distance.

A green lotus leaf disappeared in the realm of law in an instant and returned to the Jiuxiao universe.

The Mother Tree of the Nine Heavens Universe stands tall, and countless cultivators shuttle through it. One eye is shocked when they look at it. This is a civilization. This is normal, but is this civilization ridiculously strong?

When it saw Jingmen Shangyu, Master Kudeng, a strong sense of helplessness enveloped its whole body.

It’s eternal life again, and there’s more than one. This can’t be a fishing civilization.

A full three eternal lives, plus a rogue, it recognizes as the fishing civilization. Apart from the fishing civilization, what other civilization is so powerful?

But if it was a fishing civilization, why not destroy the universe just now?

Shouldn’t all fishing civilizations be destroyed upon sight of the universe?

Soon after, Lu Yin began to teach the Nirvana Tree Technique.

Those who were taught were those who had gone to the Mirage Realm to practice before. These people were the elites selected by human civilization, and they were naturally given priority to receive the inheritance.

When Qinglian Shangyu led Lu Yin to search for the two civilizations, these people came out of the mirage domain and came towards Jiuxiao. They were all in the Jiuxiao universe at the moment, and they only wanted to teach the Nirvana Tree method before going to the mirage domain.

The number of Jiuxiao Universe cultivators who were initially taught the Nirvana Tree Method was too small. Anyone who was qualified to be sent to practice in the Mirage Territory was eligible to receive the Nirvana Tree Method inheritance.

Qinglian Shangyu spent time and effort with Lu Yin to find two civilizations for the same purpose.

There is no doubt about the power of eternal life. The stronger the eternal life, the better it can preserve the current civilization, but the overall combat power of the civilization must also be improved.

Lu Yin walked an unprecedented path.

Before Lu Yin, even the Qinglian Emperor believed that one's own cultivation was the most important, as long as one continuously strengthened oneself, it could protect the entire human civilization, but they had not thought about how to continuously improve the overall combat power.

Lu Yin and Tian Yuan's universe unified their wishes and defeated two immortal immortals with their non-eternal life, turning the joke of an inch apart into reality and allowing them to see another way, a way to grow together with civilization.

If Lu Yin had not done so much for Tianyuan Universe, Tianyuan Universe would not have been able to match him so well and achieve the desired unity. In the previous battle, he could at most withstand one Immortal Realm Qingxian, but it was impossible to resist two at the same time. The Tianyuan Universe at this moment may not exist.

You will get as much as you pay.

The reason why I didn’t get it was because I didn’t pay enough.

Paying without asking for anything in return can just wait for the reward.

Most people don’t understand this truth.

Those who understand may not wait to be rewarded.

The Nirvana Tree Technique has not been taught for a long time, one eye cannot see it at all, and it is imprisoned by Qinglian Shangyu.

After the teaching of the Nirvana Tree Method ended, Master Kudeng took Lu Yin and Yiyiyan through the portal again, heading towards the active universe.

Master Kudeng is not as fast as Qinglian Shangyu, but it is not much different. Qinglian Shangyu is not known for his speed.

In the blink of an eye, three years have passed.

Lu Yin and Master Kudeng saw the active civilization mentioned by One Eye.

Small, indeed very small. They saw Tianyuan, Jiuxiao, and the universe of consciousness from just a few inches away. In comparison, the size of this active universe was not even one-tenth of the universe of consciousness.

For a universe of this size, the probability of being discovered by foreign civilizations is even smaller.

The strange thing is that there is no mother tree here.

Lu Yin originally thought there should be a mother tree.

"Where's the mother tree?" He looked at one eye.

One eye said: "No."

"How come there isn't?"

"I don't know, there is no mother tree in this universe."

Lu Yin frowned, it's a pity that there is no mother tree.

One Eye said: "It would be better if there is no mother tree. With the activity of this universe, if there is a mother tree, I don't know what it will become."

Master Kudeng agreed: "If it is really that active, this universe may not be able to support a mother tree, and it may have been discovered by other civilizations long ago."

Lu Yin regretted that this was true. The mother tree was already connected to the sky, so adding so much activity would be too conspicuous.

"go in."

Soon, they entered this universe.

As soon as they entered, Lu Yin and Master Kudeng had a strange feeling, as if the whole space was boiling, and indescribable activity continued to pour into the body, which was very comfortable.

The starry sky is above, the earth is below, and the wind is blowing the sky, full of joy.

Mountains stand tall on the earth and are full of weight.

The water flows against each other like singing.

The whole world gave them a fairy tale feel.

Master Kudeng praised: "Everything is active, as if life has sprouted. It's incredible, it's incredible."

Lu Yin raised his hand, and the wind blew over his hand and circled around. He grabbed it casually and caught it. He caught the wind. It was soft, cool, and very comfortable.

The wind entwined along the palm of his hand, forming a ribbon that spread along his arm under Lu Yin's intentional control. This was a weapon.

One eye looked at this scene bitterly. Originally, this universe only belonged to it, but now it belongs to someone else.

There are no powerful creatures in this universe. There are active substances everywhere, which it can easily control.

Now they are all gone.

For a civilization, the value of having active weapons is immeasurable. If all the active substances in this universe are brought to that human civilization, it will be enough to ensure that all human cultivators have active weapons, and their combat power will increase by at least 20%. Over time, As time goes by, the combat power will increase.

What a pity, what a pity.

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