Star Odyssey

Chapter 4126 Weathered Material

It was a pity for one eye, but Lu Yin was happy. Of course he could see the value of this universe.

Small distances are dangerous, so human civilization needs to be hidden. But the more hidden it is, the harder it is to become stronger. Only by contacting small distances and seeing more civilizations can human civilization become stronger.

Tianyuan Universe has various ways to enhance the combat power of practitioners, but they are too low-end.

Nowadays, the most direct and effective way to enhance the combat power of human civilization is to carry the immortal colored glass, which greatly improves the cultivator's defense. Now if this active weapon is added, the attack has also been improved.

He looked ahead, it was a strange circle.

The more you fear the distance, the more you need to be exposed to the distance to improve yourself. The more you are exposed to the distance, the more civilizations you will encounter and the more powerful enemies you will encounter, and you will need to contact more civilizations to improve yourself.

This strange circle keeps getting bigger and bigger.

"Everything in the entire universe is active, but the activity of objects is different from object to object." Master Kudeng squatted down and grabbed a handful of soil. The soil was active, as if jumping with excitement, and began to condense, and could also become a weapon.

But these soils are not as active as a random stone, and a stone is not as active as a mountain, and a mountain is not as active as the entire star system.

Lu Yin looked up at the stars: "As long as you dare to think, you can use the entire universe as a weapon."

One Eye was stunned when he heard this. How dare you think so? At most, it has thought of using one star as a weapon, if it were the entire universe.

Only the level of eternal life can do it.

Oh, and maybe this scoundrel can do it too.

They are walking in the universe. Although One Eye says that there are no powerful creatures in this universe that will attack and no civilization has formed to control the universe, they still want to check.

The universe is not very big, and Lu Yin and the others circled around it very quickly at their speed.

Sure enough, no civilization was formed.

One Eye's attitude was respectful: "I dare not deceive the respected human civilization, so can I leave?"

Lu Yin looked at Master Kudeng, and then looked at Yiyan: "Do you think you can still walk?"

One eye changed.

Master Kudeng said: "Stay, we won't hurt you, but we won't let you leave either, you should understand."

One eye was helpless. Of course it knew it couldn't leave easily, so it just asked tentatively: "In that case, then." Just as it was about to say something, its eyes suddenly opened wide, filled with bloodshot eyes, and its entire body swelled in an instant.

Lu Yin and Master Kudeng also suddenly changed their expressions, and surging activity crazily poured into their bodies. At this moment, it was like pouring ten times or a hundred times of gas into their bodies, trying to explode their bodies.

Lu Yin subconsciously realized that everything must be reversed.

Heart lamps appeared all over Master Kudeng.


There was a loud noise, and one eye died. It was directly exploded by the majestic active energy entering the body.

Everything happened in an instant. Lu Yin and the others didn't even have time to save them, and they didn't even react.

what happened?


Master Kudeng swept through the void with one hand, and the power of the abyss vibrated, looking for the enemy. At this moment, they didn't even know where the enemy was.

Lu Yin's body surface, his body recovered, and he continued to reverse the situation.

They have time to exit this universe, but why? It would be ridiculous to retreat without even seeing the enemy. Master Kudeng has eternal life no matter what.

The power of the abyss continues to spread, covering this active universe with a black curtain.

But this curtain has no effect on the universe, and the enemy is still nowhere to be found.

Throughout the universe, activity enters the body from all directions, causing Master Kudeng's heart lamp to continue to increase.

After Lu Yin recovered from the dryness several times, he waved his hand and released the accumulated power, blasting out of the universe and splitting the stars outside the universe. It's a pity that he couldn't find the enemy, otherwise this blow would be useless to anyone. Enough for the other person to drink a pot, enough to pose a threat to eternal life.

There are more and more lights in his heart, and Lu Yin's body is drying up and recovering, looking for enemies.

But the active universe was still the same, and this activity kept pouring into the two people's bodies like the air had wisdom. Until a considerable period of time passed, the heart lamp spread to half of the universe, and still couldn't find the enemy, so they had no choice but to withdraw from the universe.

"It is eternal life." Master Kudeng looked solemn.

Lu Yin also saw that if it were not for immortality, how could it pose a threat to them.

Although it is not an attack, active entry into the body is different from an attack. The most important thing is that the source cannot be found, as if the entire universe is the enemy.

But the universe is a universe, and it is impossible for the universe to become a living thing.

Lu Yin and Master Kudeng looked at the universe ahead.

The other party did not prevent them from leaving, and the active body only existed in the universe.

The two stood outside the universe, frowning and looking at it.

"Why can't I find the source of the attack? Could it be that the other person can be one with the universe's wishes like me?" Lu Yin guessed that he himself could be one with the wishes of the universe. It's not impossible that someone else can do it. It's just too coincidental. Obviously, the wish Unity at a distance is a joke.

Master Kudeng shook his head: "No, unlike you, Mr. Lu, this feeling is more like entering the other person's world."

"It's like the great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect?"

Master Kudeng nodded.

Lu Yin didn't take action without permission. He couldn't figure out the opponent's strength. Any use of force might become a weakness.

You must be cautious when acting at a small distance.

"Is it possible that the other person's world has merged with this universe?" Lu Yin asked.

Master Kudeng nodded: "It's very similar, but why doesn't the other party show up?"

"Is it because you are not sure about dealing with us, or because of something else? Weird, weird."

"Let's test it." After saying that, Master Kudeng struck the active universe with a palm. The power of the abyss turned into a black beam and descended, penetrating the earth of the active universe, causing the sky to collapse, and the underground volcano to erupt, even the magma was filled. It is active and constantly changing, as if it has thoughts.

He even consciously avoided the river and trees, leaving Lu Yin stunned for a moment.

This magma can also be an active weapon.

Master Kudeng launched several attacks, and nothing happened to the active universe except some damage.

He spreads the inner light and extends into the active universe.

Lu Yin still doesn't know what purpose Master Kudeng's heart lamp has besides finding people. Eternal life has its own world, so it's not convenient to ask.

In the scene just now, it can be seen that the heart lamp seems to be able to help Master Kudeng share some kind of pressure or injury.

When the heart lamp enters the active universe, there is no change. When the wick is lit, it cannot be blown away by the wind or extinguished by water. The problem is that there is no external force to take action against the heart lamp.

"Mr. Lu, please wait here, I will go in and test it again."

"Senior, be careful."

Master Kudeng entered the active universe, and as soon as he entered, the heart lamp began to spread.

Lu Yin stared closely, and sure enough, these heart lanterns can help Master Kudeng share the activity that enters the body. Too many activities are like harm, which means that the heart lanterns can indeed help Master Kudeng share the damage.

While he was observing Master Kudeng, ready to take him out at any time, he was also observing the entire active universe.

There was no change at all, only the majestic abyss of activity continued to enter Master Kudeng's body, and the source of the activity could not be found.

After a while, Master Kudeng came out of the active universe and stood next to Lu Yin: "The source can't be found."

Lu Yin suggested: "Can senior's heart lamp be able to detect the intensity of activity?"

Master Kudeng nodded: "Yes, I just wanted to use the heart lamp to detect it when I was old, but the difference is very subtle."

"Senior is in the active universe, so it is difficult to distinguish the subtle differences, but what if we are outside the universe?"

"What does Mr. Lu mean?"

"Walking around the universe, using the heart lamp to find the densest distribution of activity, find the target, step by step."

"Okay, just listen to Mr. Lu."

Heart lanterns appeared around Master Kudeng one by one, entering around the active universe. He closed his eyes and felt quietly.

Time passes day by day. Although the active universe is not big, it is compared to the Jiuxiao universe. The entire universe is quite large for humans. It is not easy for Xin Deng to explore it.

Fortunately, Master Kudeng is an eternal being, and the distance in the universe is not a distance to him.

In this way, several months passed, and Master Kudeng painted in the void, drawing a map of the dense distribution of activity in the universe ahead.

Finally, we found the place with the strongest activity, on an inconspicuous planet ocean in the active universe.

Without any means, it would be difficult to find them in that inconspicuous place.

"Come in and take a look, old man." Master Kudeng stepped into the active universe.

"Senior, why don't you let junior come?"

Master Kudeng smiled and said: "After all, old age is eternal life, Mr. Lu is the one who takes the lead."

Lu Yin nodded: "Thank you for your hard work, senior, be careful."

There, it is very likely that a powerful enemy of eternal life is hidden.

Master Kudeng did not dare to be careless. The moment he entered the active universe, the abyss descended and enveloped the ocean. He emerged from the abyss and gradually sank.

Even if there is Eternal Life hiding there and planning a sneak attack, it is impossible to defeat him easily.

And normally speaking, if the eternal life really planned to attack by surprise, the combat power of this eternal life would not be very good.

If it were Qinglian Shangyu, Master Kudeng and Lu Yin would not be able to escape even if they were face to face.

Not long after waiting, Master Kudeng walked out of the ocean and left the active universe.

"Senior, how are you doing?"

Master Kudeng frowned and glanced at the ocean again: "There is a piece of material there, whether it is metal or stone, with infinite activity. In my opinion, the activity of this active universe comes from it, but that material, The old age cannot be taken away, it is too active.”

Lu Yin looked at the ocean: "A substance?"

Master Kudeng looked solemn: "It's also like the eternal life of weathering."

Lu Yin didn't understand: "What is Fenghua's eternal life?"

"It is the substance that is finally formed by the sitting of eternal life and the drying up of death."

"Eternal life beyond death?"

Master Kudeng shook his head: "I don't know. After all, the breakthrough time is still short. Maybe Qinglian Shangyu can know. Go back. That piece of material can release unlimited activity. Neither you nor I can take it away. Only Qinglian Shangyu can take it away from this place." Just come and see it."

Lu Yin frowned. He was not willing to spend time looking for him when human civilization was facing a crisis. He just went back like this.

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