Star Odyssey

Chapter 4174 Unknown Invitation

In this battle, Master Kudeng helped Lu Yin increase the pressure. Lu Yin needed greater pressure to increase his own endurance limit. A mental and cosmic abyss was no longer enough.

The two darknesses merged, constantly crushing, twisting, and boiling.

Master Kudeng exited the spiritual universe and looked at it in wonder.

"Master." Kuzhan approached.

Master Kudeng reminded: "Watch carefully, the path you are taking is similar to Mr. Lu to a certain extent, both are based on fighting. Although Mr. Lu is young, he is very good at fighting. You have been trying to suppress fighting in the spiritual universe for so many years. Intention of breakthrough, maybe wrong.”

Fight hard and clenched his fists: "Release your fighting spirit, release your heart."

Master Kudeng nodded: "The abyss of suffering has delayed you. Everyone has a different path to take. Civilization is like this, and people are even more so. It's a pity that you have already become my disciple. Otherwise, if you can become an apprentice to Mr. Lu, your future will be limitless."

Kuzhan quickly said: "Master, Kuyuan did not delay me. Without Kuyuan, the disciple would not be able to reach this stage today. Mr. Lu is very powerful, but the disciple only belongs to Kuyuan."

Master Kudeng didn't speak anymore and looked into the distance quietly.

After a while, the abyss he created disappeared, leaving only the abyss of the spiritual universe.

Lu Yin stood in the void. After more than ten days, he opened his eyes and looked at his hands.

Over the years of practice, my own endurance limit has increased, but there has been no substantial transformation, and the pressure is still not enough.

It is already very difficult to ask Master Kudeng to take action. After all, Eternal Life's action is to increase its own constraints, which is not a big favor.

Thinking about it, he took a step forward and appeared in front of Master Kudeng. He slowly saluted: "Thank you, senior, for your help."

Master Kudeng waved his hand: "It won't help much, Mr. Lu. I can't put pressure on you. Looking at human civilization, the only ones who can put pressure on you are Qinglian Shangyu and Jingmen Shangyu."

Lu Yin nodded: "No matter what, the senior also helped the junior, and the junior will keep it in mind."

After saying that, he looked at Ku Zhan: "Don't suppress yourself, look for the shackles that restrain your fighting spirit, break them, and you can go one step further. Tianyuan Universe's fighting spirit cultivation may be able to help you."

Tianyuan Universe’s fighting spirit is not unusual. Both Jiuxiao Universe and Linghua Universe have similar cultivation methods. However, the more people come from powerful forces, the less they practice. They think their own cultivation method is the most correct. The same is true for Kuyuan. Cultivate the power of the abyss.

In fact, many forces reach the same goal through different paths. Since Tianyuan Universe cultivators entered Jiuxiao Universe, they have brought great changes to Jiuxiao Universe. Although the overall strength improvement is not obvious, there will definitely be an obvious change in the future.

Ku Zhan has been suppressing his will to fight in the spiritual universe. Lu Yin felt something was wrong last time, but the other party was from Ku Yuan after all, so he couldn't open his mouth.

This time in front of Master Kudeng, he could say it.

Ku Zhan looked at Master Ku Deng, and Master Ku Deng said: "Since Mr. Lu said so, you should try the method of cultivating fighting spirit."

Kuzhan nodded and saluted Lu Yin deeply: "Thank you, Mr. Lu, for your guidance."

After teleporting several times, Lu Yin brought Master Kudeng to the other side of the Gate of Laws. He himself kept teleporting toward the active universe, trying to pick up the piece of matter again.

The result is still failure.

He did not use his will to become one with the entire active universe. If he had to use this method to pick up that piece of matter, how would he use it in the future?

What he wants is that he can pick it up under normal circumstances.

Not only can you use it at any time, but you can also clearly feel the increase in your strength.

I am indeed a lot stronger now than when I first came here.

At least he won't be overwhelmed by activity so quickly and quit.

But there is still a long way to go before picking up this piece of material.

Time continues to pass, and another hundred years have passed. Within a hundred years, Lu Yin himself teleported on the other side of the Gate of Laws, trying to find a universe suitable for human habitation. During this period, because there was no eternal life like Qinglian Shangyu to accompany him, a strange civilization None were found.

As for the technological civilization back then, there was no intersection, and I don’t know where that civilization is.

The unknown has not appeared. Qinglian Shangyu has said that the history of the struggle between humans and the unknown spans a long time. From this perspective, as long as the unknown does not intend to destroy human civilization with all its strength, the unknown is the barrier of human civilization.

Blocking more unknowns that are just a few inches away.

In the spiritual universe, Lu Yin stood in the starry sky with his eyes closed, and there was an abyss under his feet.

He has been in this state for two years. Two years ago, he came to the Soul Universe and invited Jingmen Shangyu, hoping that Jingmen Shangyu could put pressure on him.

At this moment, Jingmen Shangyu was sitting calmly outside the spiritual universe, ready to take action at any time.

Suddenly, Yu Mengmen looked into the distance, his eyes moved, green grass?

In the distance, Master Qingcao walked out and saw Jingmen Shangyu, and was surprised: "Why are you here?"

Jingmen Shangyu stared at Master Qingcao: "I am more curious as to why you are here."

"I'm looking for Lu Yin." Master Qingcao said.

Jingmen Shangyu looked at him deeply: "What's the matter?"

Master Qingcao smiled lightly: "What, you can take full power to replace Lu Yin?"

Jingmen Shangyu's eyes were cold and she said no more. She didn't like Master Qingcao at all, and she was afraid that she couldn't help but take action.

Master Qingcao looked at the spiritual universe. Lu Yin opened his eyes and looked at him, not understanding what he was doing.

Master Qingcao entered the spiritual universe and came to Lu Yin. He exclaimed: "Mr. Lu's aura is getting stronger and stronger. Teleportation is really a good method. It allows you to appear wherever you want to practice at any time. I admire you."

Lu Yin said calmly: "Senior, why are you here?"

Over the years, he has talked with Master Qingcao more than once. No matter how much human civilization increases, Master Qingcao's attitude towards human civilization remains the same, and he has never firmly stood on the side of human civilization.

This made Lu Yin and the others see the horror of the unknown. Master Qingcao was not stupid. He was the only one who saw the despair of the unknown. Comparing the two, he was the only one who knew for sure that the gap between the civilizations of the two sides existed.

After several searches and conversations, no matter what Master Qingcao did was right or wrong, Lu Yin's patience with him has decreased since he had the teleportation method. Sometimes he wants to attack him directly and use cause and effect to find the mystery. Unknowable.

But after the Qibao Tian Toad Clan and his entourage, Lu Yin's attitude also changed.

There is no need to evaluate whether Master Qingcao's approach is right or wrong. Human civilization needs a person like him, a person who can clearly see the unknowable, and a yardstick to compare the civilizations of both sides.

Before his death, Mijin Shangyu stopped Qinglian Shangyu and others from taking action against Master Qingcao, maybe he thought so.

Mi Jinshang Yu's understanding of the distance between each other may be similar to that of the old monster Qibao Tianchan.

Master Qingcao looked at Lu Yin: "The changes in human civilization over the long years are not as great as the changes you have brought in these hundreds of years. Lu Yin, you are amazing, you continue to create miracles, not to mention human civilization, even if you don't know it, you are shocked. ”

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows: "Unknowable?"

Master Qingcao nodded with a solemn expression: "I have brought an invitation from Anonymous, please join Agnostic."

Lu Yin shrank his eyes and looked at Master Qingcao in surprise that such a thing could happen.

For so many years, Lu Yin has always regarded the unknown as his enemy, and the unknown is indeed the enemy of human civilization. Lu Yin never thought that one day he would get an invitation from the unknown.

He never dreamed of it.

Human civilization is unknowable and there are two species. This kind of thing is even more incredible than Eternal inviting him to join the Eternals. It has never been thought of at all.

Master Qingcao said: "You heard it right, Wozhi invited you to join. You have obtained everything from Qixu, and you are qualified to replace Qixu and become a member of Wozhi."

Lu Yin stared at Master Qingcao blankly: "I don't even have eternal life."

"Is there any difference?"

"Of course, at least I'm not Lan Meng's opponent."

"But you don't even have eternal life." Master Qingcao said, looking at Lu Yin with wonder in his eyes: "When one day you break through eternal life, what kind of transformation will you have? Human civilization can see it, and the unknowable can even see it."

"Your potential and your future are not comparable to those of a blue monk."

Lu Yin said: "Is it so certain that I can break through the realm of immortality?"

Master Qingcao said: "I don't know. I am just a messenger, bringing an invitation from the unknown. I also hope that you will accept the invitation from the unknown. As a condition, the unknown is willing to give up all hostility towards human civilization."

Having said this, he stared at Lu Yin with hot eyes: "Mr. Lu, Wuzhi is willing to give up attacking human civilization for you. As long as you nod, human civilization will be safe. Are you willing?"

Lu Yin's mind was shaken, he didn't expect that Wangzhi would actually put forward such a condition.

This condition is too tempting for him. Once the unknown is no longer an enemy, the security of human civilization will be greatly improved. To be honest, he has no reason to refuse, for the sake of human civilization.

He is ready to fight to the death for human civilization and is not afraid of death, let alone join the unknown?

Looking at Master Qingcao's fiery gaze, this was the first time he lost his composure.

Everything he does is to spiritualize the universe. Now that he sees the hope of the safety of human civilization, his expectation is like seeing a source of water in the desert, almost crazy.

Seeing that Lu Yin didn't speak, Master Qingcao became anxious: "Mr. Lu, what are you hesitating about? Isn't everything you do for human civilization? Unknowability is the biggest enemy of human civilization. You don't understand its horror at all. Once it is unknowable, If we really want to destroy human civilization, you cannot stop it. Human civilization has been walking on the edge of a cliff, and its survival depends entirely on luck and unknown mercy."

"Now that you have the opportunity to make human civilization safe, why are you still hesitating?"

Lu Yin didn't know what to say. Should he join Agnostic, join this old enemy of mankind? Of course not, not knowing has caused too many losses to human civilization, and there will be more losses in the future. You should protect human civilization. As long as you nod your head, human civilization will be safe. This is the simplest thing.

Tianyuan Universe, Jiuxiao Universe, Linghua Universe, all relatives, friends, and old friends are safe, all they need to do is nod their heads.

But Lu Yin couldn't nod his head no matter what.

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