Star Odyssey

Chapter 4175 Pressure

Mi Jinshangyu's death, the destruction of Master's hometown, the damage caused by the Eternals to Tianyuan Universe, etc., all come from the unknown.

How does this make him join the agnostic?

Give up the hatred of Master? Give up your hatred for the Huiyin Tianjun? Give up Mu Zhu’s tearful determination to take revenge? Give up the pain of Master for so many years?

Give up the hatred that has confused Jin Shangyu?

Give up the hatred of Tianyuan Universe?

How can you give up on these? It's too heavy, he's carrying too much.

Let go of hatred and have a new life, but is the new life what he wants? But is it fair to human civilization if we give up the safety of human civilization for the sake of revenge?

Lu Yin didn't know that following his heart, he would rather fight to the death, for the sake of those who died at the hands of the unknown, for his master, and for the sake of his superiors, but if the result was to bring about the destruction of the entire human civilization, it would bring about more The war, the withering of life, should we follow our heart?

"Mr. Lu, the unknown is really hopeless. It is impossible for human civilization to win over them. They are now willing to accept you, which means they have seen your potential. This potential can be exchanged for their friendship and murderous intent. If you Reject, because of you, the threat to human civilization in the unknowable heart will be greatly enhanced."

"You will no longer be a Lan Meng by then." Master Qingcao said loudly.

Lu Yin looked at Master Qingcao. Which one should he follow, the overall situation or his true intention?

"If you refuse, you will be a sinner of the entire human civilization. Do you know how many people long for a peaceful life? How many people do not want civilized war, how many people hope to spend their lives in peace? If you refuse, this peace will be completely broken, civilized war It will happen again, all this is because of you." Master Qingcao gritted his teeth, he was afraid, afraid that Lu Yin would refuse, he thought Lu Yin would not refuse.

Isn’t everything human civilization has done in recent years to protect itself?

The awe of the other party, the self-awareness, and the means of strengthening are all not for self-protection.

Now that safety is at hand, how can this person refuse? How can you refuse?

Is hatred that important? Is it more important than continuing the inheritance of civilization?

He remembered what he said to that person at the beginning, that what he wanted to inherit was life and species, and what Lu Yin wanted to inherit was spirit.

But if this spirit causes the entire human civilization to perish, is there still a need to pass it on? Spirit, two simple words, is just a ridiculous stroke engraved in the unknown history. Only by living can you have everything.

Suddenly, Master Qingcao's expression changed. He turned around and pushed the bamboo basket horizontally. In front of his eyes, a sharp edge penetrated the bamboo basket and came from Jingmen Shangyu.

Jingmen Shangyu's eyes were cold and his murderous intent was undisguised: "What are you talking nonsense about?"

Master Qingcao stared at Jingmen Shangyu: "As long as Lu Yin joins the unknown, human civilization will be completely safe. Shouldn't he join?"

Yu on the door was stunned and looked at Lu Yin.

"Jingmen, if it were you, would you like to join?" Master Qingcao asked loudly.

Jingmen Shangyu's eyes flickered, and he held Jingyun tightly, she didn't know.

Some choices only know how difficult it is when it comes to you. Joining the enemy can protect your clan. No one has ever experienced this kind of choice.

She looked at Lu Yin.

Lu Yin stared at the stars in trance, now this choice had really come to him.

Yu Lengleng stared at Master Qingcao at the startling door: "Wangzhi really invited Mr. Lu to join?"

Master Qingcao nodded: "Yes, as long as he agrees to join the unknown, human civilization will no longer be the enemy of the unknown, and everything in the past will disappear."

Jing Men Shang Yu gritted his teeth: "Have you forgotten all about Mi Jin's hatred, Zong Jie's destruction of Jiuxiao, and the blood debt left by Qixu?"

"Then do you want these blood debts to continue? Or do you want human civilization to fight the unknown until one side is completely destroyed?" Master Qingcao retorted, with a heavy look on his face: "I can tell you that the loser must be human beings."

"You, Qinglian Shangyu, Blood Tower Shangyu, them, Jiuxiao Universe, and Tianyuan Universe will be destroyed. No one can escape. Even if you can take a group of people to escape, you will wander the universe and be swallowed up by other civilizations at any time. , is this what you want?"

"Just for the hatred you had?"

Jingmen Shangyu clenched her fists and wanted to refute. With her temper, she would rather die in battle than compromise, but now the price is the entire human civilization.

At this moment, she was extremely aggrieved and didn't know what to say.

Lu Yin raised his eyes: "Senior Jingmen, let's get started."

Yu was startled at the door: "Now?"

Lu Yin looked calm: "Let's get started."

Jingmen Shangyu looked at him deeply and nodded: "Okay, then be careful." After saying that, Jingyun thrust out, passed Master Qingcao and stabbed Lu Yin.

Master Qingcao hurriedly backed away, not understanding what Lu Yin and Jingmen Shangyu were doing. Shouldn't they be thinking about how to agree to the unknown at this time?


Jingmen Shangyu's aura suddenly surged, and the abyss descended, increasing continuously. In the blink of an eye, it exceeded the twenty abyss realm, and Master Qingcao had to withdraw from the spiritual universe.

In the first war with the Insect Nest Civilization, Jingmen Shangyu used the Nineteenth Abyss Realm to fight against the humanoid green immortal and the water drop-shaped green immortal. One enemy and two were not weak, but now he has merged with the Mysterious Master's cultivating spirit, and the power of the abyss continues. Climbing up, reaching the Thirty Abyss realm in an instant.

You must know that after Master Kudeng broke through the immortal realm, his power in the abyss was not as good as that of Jingmen Shangyu. After all these years, the power to adapt to eternal life has only been improved to the eighteen abyss realm, while Jingmen Shangyu directly reached it. Thirty abyss realm.

The terrifying pressure of the Thirty Abyss Realm cannot be compared to Master Kudeng.

Lu Yin only felt that the dark monster was coming, knocking him away from the stars and pushing him into the abyss of the spiritual universe.

This is the strength of Jingmen Shangyu, which can rival Lan Meng, the current second master of human civilization.

Jingmen Shangyu grasped Jingyun tightly and thrust out from top to bottom.

Master Qingcao was shocked: "Jingmen, stop."

But his words could not influence Jingmen Shangyu at all, and he could not intervene at all.

Lu Yin's body continued to fall into the abyss of the spiritual universe. Above his head, the Thirty Abyss Realm descended and was connected to the abyss of the spiritual universe. The indescribable terrifying pressure suddenly came on, causing him to spit out a mouthful of blood. His body continued to dry up. Only when you are under pressure can you transform.

The hatred of Master, the hatred of Tianyuan Universe, and the hatred of Jiuxiao Universe kept flashing through his mind.

Lu Yin's body continued to fall, his body dried up and then recovered.

Jingmen Shangyu looked down into the abyss and held the Jingyun tightly.

"Senior, come again."

Lu Yin's voice came out, and the imperial guard on the door suddenly opened his eyes: "Be careful."

After saying that, the power of the abyss increased again. In the thirty-fifth abyss realm, the strongest power of the abyss she could reach, bringing majestic pressure to the abyss of the soul and universe.

Master Qingcao was shocked: "Jingmen, stop quickly." The grass spread, trying to contain the abyss, but was oppressed by the abyss and could not get close.

Jingmen Shangyu didn't even look at Master Qingcao, but stared straight down.


With a soft sound, Lu Yin's huge figure spread, encompassing the entire spiritual universe in an instant, leaving Master Qingcao stunned.

The wish is one, and he can really be one with any wish in the universe.

He didn't understand that he was one with the universe's wish at the beginning. Lu Yin's unity with the universe's wish didn't need to be recognized at all. It was the power of wish.

Under the abyss of the spiritual universe, Lu Yin looked at the darkness flowing around him without resisting. He could not bear the pressure of the thirty-fifth abyss. This pressure was going to crush him into powder. He could only unite with the wish of the spiritual universe and reduce the pressure. dispersion.

A little clarity in his mind made him endure it, and the extremes of things would break and stand again. In front of him, he saw a door, an unknown door, with many patterns carved on the door, from the civilizations that were destroyed by the unknown.

The sadness and despair reached the extreme, and there was a human figure in it.

Human civilization has been destroyed by the Agnostic. This blood feud cannot be forgotten. Joining the Agnostic is tantamount to betraying human history. If you don't join, the war will come again. What should you do?

The inner choices turned into physical pain. He needed more pressure, more pressure, to release the inner pressure.

The unity of wishes disappeared, and Lu Yin's whole body continued to fall, self-bearing, and the limit was used to break through.

Suddenly, the mind and universe came to a standstill, and the Thirty-Five Abyss Realm abyss disappeared. Yu Zheng, the leader of the Jingmen family, stared blankly below, with surprise in his eyes that he actually endured it.

Master Qingcao stared into the abyss of the spiritual universe, what happened?

He heard a breath, very heavy and far away, but just like the one ringing in his ears, like a monster.

Stillness is not the end, it is the beginning of everything.

One day, two days, three days... a hundred days passed, Jingmen Shangyu and Master Qingcao both stared at the abyss of the spiritual universe, not missing even a moment, until Lu Yin slowly walked out, the void was like a ladder to heaven, and Lu Yin gradually became clear. .

Yu Song sighed in shock, and was also shocked at the same time.

The thirty-five abyss realm has surpassed Lu Yin's absolute combat power before the fusion of Myo Jin Shang Yu Xiu Ling. Lu Yin can actually withstand it. This means that if he had not fused with Mi Jin Shang Yu Xiu Ling, he would not be able to defeat Lu Yin. This is quite remarkable. A terrible conclusion.

How long has it been since Lu Yin was able to fight against an Immortal Realm Qingxian? It's only been hundreds of years. At his level, his strength shouldn't improve so fast.

In fact, Jingmen Shangyu was wrong. Withstanding pressure and absolute combat power are two different concepts. The thirty-five abyss realm she played was indeed withstood by Lu Yin, but that was just pressure. If the thirty-five abyss realm was converted into The combat power, with Jingyun's spear thrust out, there was no way Lu Yin could withstand it.

Normally she could tell, but the shock brought by Lu Yin at this moment was so great that she was a little dazed.

The same goes for Master Qingcao. He couldn't imagine that Lu Yin could withstand the overwhelming pressure from Jingmen Shangyu.

Lu Yin approached the two of them step by step. His physical endurance had reached its limit, and he finally broke through that layer of obstruction.

I have come to the spiritual universe several times to practice, constantly trying to break through the limit of endurance that the extremes of matter must reverse. The last time I relied on the power of Master Kudeng from the Eighteen Abyss Realm, it failed, but this time I finally succeeded.

This success was very risky. If Master Qingcao hadn't brought him a choice and forced him, he might not have been able to transform.

At this moment, the limit that things must turn against is the pressure of thirty-five abyss realms. Pressure does not represent combat power. He estimates that he can fight against Jingmen Shangyu who exerts the power of twenty-five abyss realms. He can withstand that combat power, but if he exerts thirty-five abyss realm powers, he can withstand it. It would be difficult for him to withstand the shock of the Five Abyss Realm.

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