Star Odyssey

Chapter 4213 No one can break it

The Heiqi civilization at this moment is by no means at its peak. In the Heiqi civilization at its peak, there are definitely a lot of scoundrels after using the life jump. The Qibao Tianchan clan is no match for them. The only one who can defeat them is the ancestor of Shan. This old monster relies on his own strength. One person destroyed the Black Qi civilization.

That's why Heiqi Civilization couldn't wait to seek revenge on it.

The boiling air waves made Le become more ferocious, and black hexagonal armor plates flew out from the surface of his body, falling towards the starry sky. There were black armor plates everywhere up, down, left, and right, covering Lu Yin.

Lu Yin heard Xiao Shiba say that this is the seal of Mahakala. The stronger the power, the wider the scope of the seal.

The scope of the 100th Fengjian was so large that even Ancestor Shan could not escape.

Compared with that one, this seal is obviously much different.

Thirty-six, there are thirty-six pieces of armor, this is the thirty-six seals of Mahakala.

The Qibao Tianchan clan understands the Black Qi civilization, and the Mahakala Fengjian is divided into eighteen, thirty-six, seventy-two, ninety-seven, ninety-eight, ninety-nine and the legendary number one hundred.

One of the eighteen seals can seal the strong person who has overcome the suffering and the Great Perfection. If Lu Yin had learned these eighteen seals before he went to spiritualize the universe, Yu Sangtian would kill the Tianshang Sect, which would be enough to seal him. Regardless of his own combat power, this is how terrifying Mahakala Fengjian is.

The Eighteen Fengjian is considered an introduction.

Thirty-six seals can seal ordinary and eternal life.

Seventy-two seals can seal powerful eternal life. For example, Lao Wu was almost sealed by the seventy-two seals.

And reaching the ninety-seventh seal can seal a more powerful eternal life. Lu Yin guessed that it might be possible to seal the current Jingmen Shangyu, or an existence like Mr. Mu who has broken through the eternal life by himself.

As for the ninety-eight seals, it can seal eternal life that conforms to the laws of the two universes. Then, Qinglian Shangyu may be sealed.

Among the Heiqi civilization that is currently attacking the Qibao Tianchan clan, the strongest one, Huo, can use the Ninety-Eight Seals. This is the strongest person in the Heiqi civilization.

As for the Ninety-Nine Seal Mirrors, the Black Qi Civilization only existed at its peak. It was an extremely powerful person who could fight against the Mountain Patriarch. Lu Yin guessed that perhaps it was a life that understood the three laws. The Black Qi Civilization no longer existed. This kind of life.

Huo should not be able to reach this level, otherwise he would not take action against the Qibao Tianchan clan now.

Finally, there was the 100th seal, which directly sealed Patriarch Shan.

Lu Yin watched as thirty-six pieces of armor descended from all around, forming a circle and bringing darkness. One piece of armor was like a ray of darkness, and the thirty-six pieces of darkness were about to completely submerge him.

This is a power that Le Shengsheng can only use after he jumps to another level, and it is enough to seal ordinary eternal life.

This sealing is not a duel, but a real sealing.

This means that if Lu Yin is just an ordinary scoundrel, such as Xiao Shiba, who can barely fight against ordinary eternal life, he will be banned.

But not Lu Yin.

As thirty-six pieces of armor arrived, Lu Yin was trapped in darkness, and he was sealed.

The fourth child and the other Seven Treasure Heavenly Toads stared at this scene. This was part of their plan. If they wanted to save the mountain ancestor and the elder brother, they must first understand the Mahakala Seal. Lu Yin decided to experience it for himself. Of course, if it was seventy-two He doesn't have to understand the seal to prevent it from being sealed.

But the mere thirty-six seals are meaningless.

I hope that Lu Yin will be sealed. It's not unexpected. So what about the rogues? The rogues can at most reach the level of ordinary eternal life, while the thirty-six seals are specially sealed for this kind of people.

There is a small black ball on the colorful earth. Compared with the Fengjian of Shan Laozu and the boss, this ball is small and pitiful.

Those Heiqi beings were puzzled: "It was so easy to be blocked? He should come from the fishing civilization."

"We want to see his methods, but after all, he is just a rogue, and he is not an eternal life. He is sealed and normal."

"Le is too harsh. We should be shown the ability of this fishing civilization."

"Don't underestimate him, maybe he was banned on purpose." The biggest Heiqi life stared at Lu Yin's direction, his eyes flickering. It was Luo.

Being able to lead the Black Qi civilization into hiding until now and cultivating it to comply with the laws of the two universes is absolutely not stupid. Other Black Qi life forms are not stupid either. It’s just that they are too confident in the inheritance of their own civilization and believe that as long as they are rogues, they will be sealed away. .

Only Huo knows that every fishing civilization has absolute means. Do not underestimate any fishing civilization, otherwise it will usher in destruction.

"This creature was sealed on purpose? Did he want to understand our Mahakala seal? But if he can't come out, even understanding it is useless."

"I don't think he can come out."

"We definitely can't get out. There are a lot of rogues in the civilization. We have also fought against other civilizations. Eternal Life can't get out."

Huo stared down: "Le, kill him."

On the ground, Le shook his body and approached the black ball. I don't know what it did, but the black ball was shrinking.

The Seven Treasures Celestial Toad and the fourth child looked at each other. The Mahakala Sealing Mirror was not just as simple as sealing it, it also shrank. The smaller it shrank, the heavier the darkness inside it would become, and it would gradually swallow up the life inside.

From the beginning, the ancestor's seal was very large, far larger than the one that sealed the boss, but it continued to shrink under the control of Huo. If they had not intervened to hinder it, it would have been even smaller at this moment.

This human Lu Yin is not going to die.

Outside the colorful land, Mr. Mu was calm and composed. With Lu Yin's strength, not to mention thirty-six seals, not even seventy-two seals could kill him.

But it is impossible to see through the Mahakala seal by oneself. After all, it is the inheritance power of a fishing civilization.

But Lu Yin had no choice but to give it a try.

Inside the black ball, Lu Yin couldn't feel how big the darkness was. It seemed to be endless, but it was obviously not that big.

The surrounding darkness is constantly eroding. This darkness comes from Heiqi's life itself, so is it called Heiqi civilization? This darkness is carried by these civilized lives themselves. It can be understood as some kind of black toxin, or some kind of corrosive force. However, depending on the strength of Heiqi's life, this force also has different strengths and weaknesses.

Thirty-six seals obviously couldn't put any pressure on him.

Lu Yin was a little disappointed. Originally, he wanted to try to see if he could cultivate the power of Fengjian as a means. Unfortunately, this power came from Hei Qi's life itself.

It is easy to break through from the inside. Thirty-six seals cannot stop him, but if it is seventy-two or ninety-seven seals, it will be difficult.

The simpler the elimination method, the less suitable it is for saving Ancestor Shan, because this means that the 100th Fengjian is beyond the endurance of Ancestor Shan, and it must also be beyond their endurance.


The darkness is constantly encroaching, and the scope should be shrinking.

Lu Yin pointed out, and the power gathered at his fingertips to break through the face and penetrate the darkness.

The black ball was suddenly broken. He was shocked and hurriedly retreated. How could it be possible? Can this creature break through thirty-six seals?

The next moment, the black ball completely shattered.

Those broken hexagonal shapes were scattered on the ground. Lu Yin stepped on them and looked forward.

Le had changed from before. Those hexagonal black objects should be similar to scales. At this moment, it was broken. Its body shrank by a circle. It was looking at Lu Yin with wide eyes, eyes full of disbelief.

Lu Yin took a step forward and passed by Le.

In place, Le's body broke into pieces and finally fell to the ground, dying.

Lu Yin raised his head and looked at the starry sky. Will a stronger Heiqi life appear?

Outside the colorful land, Huo looked at this scene, and it turned out that he entered on purpose. This being was very strong, but he was just a rogue, but he was able to break thirty-six seals. He was worthy of coming from the fishing civilization.

"Huo, we underestimated this life, but the scoundrel was able to break the thirty-six seals, which means that if this life really comes from the fishing civilization, the strength of that fishing civilization will be very strong."

"Any fishing civilization is very strong, but it is difficult for them to collide with each other."

"Huo, I remember you said that fishing civilizations will eventually collide."

Huo slowly said: "We are no longer a fishing civilization now. We don't want to collide with any civilization, we only want revenge."


Huo looked down, watching Lu Yin walk to the black ball that sealed the ancestor of the mountain, and his voice came down: "What is the name of your civilization?"

Lu Yin raised his hand and placed it on the black ball, ignoring the confusion because he heard the voice of Patriarch Shan: "Human civilization?"

Lu Yin spoke in a low voice: "Heiqi Wenming can't hear our conversation."

"As long as your voice is low enough, you can't hear it. Don't think that certain civilizations are too magical. They have methods that are incomprehensible, but that doesn't mean that all methods are beyond cognition." Old Ancestor Shan said.

Lu Yin breathed a sigh of relief: "Senior, I am Lu Yin."

"I heard it. I didn't expect you to come. Does human civilization want to help us?"

"Of course, it's a pity that I can't help. No one can break the hundredth seal that trapped the senior."

"I know, there is no need to break. You can break through the blockade of Heiqi civilization and get out. Take my descendants away. From now on, they will form an alliance with human civilization. This is the benefit of your action this time."

"My Qibao Tianchan clan is endowed with unique talents. Although we are not a fishing civilization, we can always give birth to eternal life, which should be useful to your human civilization."

Lu Yin was silent.

From the moment he came into contact with the hundredth seal, he knew that he could not break it. Not even him, Mr. Mu, or even Qinglian Shangyu could break it.

After all, this is the power of a fishing civilization that records legends.

It doesn't matter whether you succeed or fail in this trip. Human civilization will not be implicated anyway. It would be best if you succeed. If you fail, as Patriarch Shan said, take those Seven Treasures Heavenly Toads with you. No matter what, there are several of them. Eternal life, although those toads have bad personalities, they will not cause any trouble when facing the savior of human civilization.

When human civilization joins those Seven Treasure Heavenly Toads, its strength will increase dramatically.

Ancestor Shan has seen through everything and knows that the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toads will be used by human civilization, but he has no choice. Apart from human civilization, no civilization can save these Seven Treasures Heavenly Toads.

It's better to be alive than dead.

The confused voice came again: "What do you mean, the Qibao Tianchan clan should not communicate with any civilization. What is your civilization called? If it is not a fishing civilization, you will bring disaster to your own civilization."

Lu Yin still ignored him.


Thanks to brother DAquan? for your reward and support. I will provide you with more updates, thank you! !

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