Star Odyssey

Chapter 4214 Account

Ancestor Shan said: "Take my children and leave. You can't save me, but it's best to save the boss. I know it's dangerous, but the boss is the only Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad who can reach my height. He may become a leader in the future. To protect the underlying strength of your human civilization, if you can rescue him, I will explain it to you."

Lu Yin glanced at the other black ball, which was an extremely powerful person sealed by ninety-eight seals. In the entire human civilization, only Qinglian Shangyu was qualified to be sealed at this level.

Lu Yin really didn't know who was stronger and who was weaker, Qibao Tianchan boss or Qinglian Shangyu.

But he knew that if human civilization had such an extremely powerful person, it would be more confident.

But if the boss leaves human civilization, the Qibao Tianchan clan may not be at the mercy of human civilization.

Human civilization may not be able to suppress it.

"Lu Yin, I have two things to explain next. Listen carefully." Ancestor Shan's voice sounded again: "First, the unknown is scary, very scary. They have strength far beyond your imagination. I once destroyed them. After the Heiqi Civilization, the Heiqi Civilization was a true fishing civilization at its peak, but in the face of the unknown, I backed down."

Lu Yin's eyes were shocked and he flinched?

"You heard it right, I just retreated, because I did find trouble with the unknown and found the trace. The trace is the location of the unknown. I only stayed outside the trace for a moment and then left. At that time, I held the promise of destruction. Don’t think about the unknown, because the second child died in the hands of the unknown.”

"But I backed down and didn't take action."

"Perhaps you think that after seeing the power of the Unknowable and having killed the Unknown creatures, you feel that the Unknown can be dealt with, but you are wrong. You are totally wrong. What the Unknowable can master and possess is not something you can imagine. Let me tell you clearly. , at the peak of your human race, the strength of Nine Bases Hengkong was far beyond that of a Black Kai civilization, but even so, it was destroyed, and the biggest black hand behind the scenes is unknown."

Lu Yin looked at the black ball: "Unknowable?"

"Don't underestimate the unknowable. Never underestimate it. When you think you can see the unknowable clearly, that's when you can't see it clearly."

Lu Yin thought of those reward missions of Anonymous. Through the reward missions, they became more afraid of Azi, but deep down they still didn't believe it. Destroying human civilization was only a three-star mission, and there were four-star and five-star missions above. and six-star, why do we decide the mission across such a huge gap?

But at this moment, through the words of Patriarch Shan, Lu Yin knew that perhaps the unknown mission was true.

Master Qingcao said that he saw with his own eyes that the unknown destroyed a civilization with ten eternal lives with the help of civilization. Being able to use civilization is an ability in itself.

The civilization that can destroy ten eternal lives is most likely a fishing civilization. Using this civilization to take action has not been retaliated by this civilization. This is ability.

And this kind of ability, it is unknown to have more than one.

This is unknowable strength.

The strength that even Ancestor Shan wouldn't dare to cause trouble for.

At least the current human civilization may not be able to stop Ancestor Shan.

At least Ancestor Shan is not afraid of the current human civilization, but he is stunned by the unknown.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that Patriarch Shan’s words were meant to put pressure on Lu Yin to save the boss of Qibao Tianchan, but it also didn’t know that Lu Yin had joined Agnostic, and it believed what it said through mission rewards.

"I know you may not believe what I said, it's more like a joke. You would rather believe that I said these words to let you save the boss. It's up to you. I'm just reminding you, because my children will go to your human civilization next. , I don’t want them to die because of your ignorance.” Ancestor Shan’s voice was low.

"The next thing is the second thing. Last time you came here, you asked me if there is human civilization. I can tell you that there is, and I have seen it."

Lu Yin was surprised: "Is there still human civilization?"

"Nine bases in the sky can be destroyed so easily. Even if the original human civilization collapsed, some fires were still retained, and you are one of them."

"If one day you see a huge candle just a few inches away, that is human civilization."

Lu Yin was confused: "A huge candle?"

"The huge movable candle should be a Zhuo Bao. I have only seen it once. Because I didn't want to interact with human civilization, I didn't show up." Ancestor Shan said.

Huge candle? It reminded Lu Yin of the Tuyan Mountains of Gu Xiaoer's family, which looked like huge cigarette butts.

If that huge candle is a turbid treasure, will it be the same as the turbid treasure tripod of the Master's universe?

"After living for so long, and suddenly facing death, there are so many things I want to explain, but I don't know how to talk about them, and there is no time for them."

Lu Yin looked up and saw black spots falling on the starry sky, getting bigger and bigger, and they were black spots one by one.

At the front is the huge black enlightened life, which is much greater than happiness. That is, eternal life.

"Let's go." Ancestor Shan reminded.

Lu Yin took a deep breath, and from behind, Lao Si and Lao Wu rushed out, killing Hei Qi Shengsheng at the front.

Sealing mirrors flew in the void, and two consecutive thirty-six sealing mirrors sealed Lao Si and Lao Wu, and the Hei Qi life of the eternal life level crossed the sealed Lao Si and Lao Wu and killed Lu Yin.

Halfway through, Xiao Shiba rushed out from the side and picked the stars, while the Star Toad picked the stars with its hand.

The hook claw swung sideways and collided with the Star Toad's star-catching hand, knocking Xiao Shiba away.

At this time, Lao Si and Lao Wu broke out of the seal, and the thirty-six seals could not seal them at all.

The steel fork pierces the black life from top to bottom, its name is Kui.

Kui didn't even look at Lao Si and Lao Wu. He probed Lu Yin with his claws. He must test out the ability of this life.

Lu Yin looked up and saw that the attacks from Lao Si and Lao Wu would only come after the hooks hit him. This was the time difference created by Kui.

But the premise of this time difference is that you can't stop it.

The hook's claw was extremely sharp. Lu Yin's divine power turned into a sword all over his body, and he swung the hook's claw away with one swing of his sword.

Kui was surprised, what a domineering force.

Facing him, Lu Yin's divine power boiled, and the scarlet power dyed the world red. Behind Kui, Lao Si and Lao Wu rushed towards him. Between the sky and the earth, Hei Qi Shengsheng and the Qibao Tianchan clan were fighting again, and the sun and the moon were dim.

A series of hexagonal armor plates surrounded the surroundings, including Lao Si, Lao Wu, Kui, and Lu Yin.

Lao Wu shouted: "Back off."

Lu Yin immediately backed away because there were seventy-two pieces of armor in total.

The seventy-two seals of Mahakala are the power that can seal powerful eternal life, even the fourth and fifth children are afraid of it.

Kui targeted Lu Yin, connected his hooks and claws, and used the time and space-breaking blade to destroy the air.

The huge black Qi life turned into a sharp slash, breaking everything, and rushed towards Lu Yin.

Above Lu Yin's head, the long sword fell, and the energy of life merged with the eternal matter.


With a loud noise, Lu Yin and his long sword were knocked back. In order to hide his human form, he couldn't take action with all his strength. Regardless of whether it was cause and effect, will power, or the extremes of things, etc., he tried his best to hide it. Facing an eternal life like Kui who came from the fishing civilization , was directly suppressed.

Kui's eyes were ferocious as he slashed at Lu Yin again, each slash becoming more powerful than the previous one.

Lu Yin could only avoid it with speed, but Kui's slashes were getting faster and faster, cutting time and space.

Suddenly, a steel fork stabbed Kui diagonally, collided with Kui, and the steel fork was broken.

Lao Wu rushed past Lu Yin, and the Star Toad picked up the stars.


Kui was knocked away by the Star Picker of the Old Five Star Toad. On the other side, the Fourth Brother also rushed out, but was stopped by another huge Heiqi Life.

"Slant-eyed toad, your opponent is still me."

"Duan, you are looking for death."

Seeing Kui being dragged down by Lao Wu, Lu Yin immediately rushed towards the black ball that sealed the boss. A huge black life was revealed above the black ball, which was Lu.

Lu Yin looked confused and rushed towards him. He couldn't understand why even Kui could suppress you. How could he have the courage to rush towards him?

Lu Yin wants to rescue the boss. As Patriarch Shan said, the existence of the boss is beneficial to them. Even if the Seven Treasures Celestial Toad clan has it and can be on an equal footing with human civilization, it can be regarded as an alliance, giving human civilization more confidence to face the unknown. .

But it's not easy to save the boss.

He was deliberately suppressed by Kui in the hope that Hei Qisheng would relax his vigilance against him so that he could successfully reach the black ball sealing the boss and see if he had a chance to break the seal in one fell swoop.

If he shows stronger strength, Heiqi Civilization will not give him a chance.

But he still underestimated Heiqi Civilization.

Regardless of whether he was suppressed by Kui or not, Heiqi Civilization would not underestimate him.

Luo took action himself, and armor plates flew out one after another. Lu Yin's scalp was numb when he saw them. There were ninety-seven of them.

The ninety-seven seals of Mahakala.

Hell, how about dealing with him? And didn’t this confused Fengjian seal the boss of Qibao Tianchan? Why else?

He quickly teleported away and wouldn't be able to escape if he were a step too late.

He stared at the direction where Lu Yin disappeared with confused eyes. What kind of ability was that?

Lu Yin didn't disappear too far, and it couldn't tell whether it was speed or other methods of movement.

It is even more difficult to distinguish creatures that have never seen the ability to teleport.

After escaping from the Fengjian range, Lu Yin glanced at the starry sky with fear. He was too cautious and would not let him get close at all. This was not okay.

Even if he attacks with all his strength, he is still no match for Luo. In this case, let's try another method.

Lu Yin disappeared instantly and reappeared outside the colorful land.

"You want me to take action?" Mr. Mu asked.

Lu Yin shook his head: "Don't worry, I always feel that Heiqi civilization is not that simple."

"Okay, then just wait a moment."

Lu Yin grabbed the red hanging coffin and disappeared, entered the colorful land, then blocked the red hanging coffin above his head, and instantly arrived at the black ball that sealed the boss.

Confused and shocked, so fast?

The armor pieces travel through the void. In addition to being able to use sealing techniques, these armor pieces can also be used as slashes. At this moment, its armor pieces can only be used as slashes because these armor pieces do not belong to it. Its armor pieces are used to seal the seven treasures. Tian Toad is the boss, these armor pieces come from every Black Qi life, and are driven by it.

The black armor pieces were chopped off one by one. Seeing his confusion, Lu Yin did not use the Ninety-Seven Seals, so he hid in the red hanging coffin, revealing a gap and talking to the boss of the Seven Treasures Tianchan.

As for those armor pieces, they were all chopped on the red hanging coffin, and were blocked by the red hanging coffin.

Huo was surprised. Although these pieces of armor did not belong to it, the power of its actions was no less than that of a master in eternal life who conformed to the laws of the universe. It was actually blocked by a rogue foreign object. What foreign object was that?

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