Star Odyssey

Chapter 4233 The Unpursuable Dream

Lu Yin said slowly: "I am very happy with the emergence of the thirteen-ring ring energy, but it is not enough, it is still not enough. I need more, fourteen rings, fifteen rings, sixteen rings, you said it yourself, technology has no limits , then I want to see if there is really no limit.”

He looked at Mr. Huan and said, "I encountered a civilization of science and technology, a civilization of science and technology, and a fishing civilization just a few inches away."

Huan Lao and others were shocked: "Technological fishing civilization?"

Originally, only some people knew about this matter. Although it was not a secret, there was no need to publicize it.

Now Lu Yin told Huan Lao and others that looking at human technological means, the Infinite Empire is at the forefront.

Lu Yin didn't know if mechas could represent the future of human technology, but at least there was nothing beyond this.

Lu Yin and others shocked the technological fishing civilization, and Huan Lao and the others were even more shocked. Only those who studied technology knew how exaggerated it was to want technological weapons to reach the level of eternal life. They didn't even dare to think about it.

But there are already civilizations that can do this even within a small distance.

Lu Yin envied the unfettered means of attack by technological civilization. Anyway, he had plenty of time, so he let the Infinite Empire research it. If it could be researched one day, human civilization would truly transform.

During this period, he will also find ways to find information about technological civilization from a small distance and provide it to the Infinite Empire.

Lu Yin drew a pie for the Infinite Empire, allowing Mr. Huan and the others to get over the excitement of the Thirteen Rings and continue to invest more energy in research. In the end, no one could figure out how much of this pie could be drawn. Know.

The biggest emotion that this incident gave Lu Yin was this sentence - "Countless people will never reach the beginning of cultivation in their lifetime. Here, they are likely to be turned into assembly line products."

This was what he said, and it was also what Huan Lao, including everyone in the Infinite Empire, wanted to say.

The success of the Thirteen Ring Energy made people in the Infinite Empire see something different in their eyes, especially those of Shang Tianshi's generation. Their eyes were filled with pride and disdain for cultivators. This was one of the reasons why Lu Yin made them feel the gap. one.

A cultivator is never an assembly line product. He can laugh at himself, but he cannot be insulted by others.

Technology has its advantages, and cultivation also has its benefits. No one can look down on the other, and the best thing is to complement each other.

He can see clearly because he is standing on top of the Infinite Empire, but what about those ordinary cultivators? What would they do if they knew that a single assembly line product would surpass their lifetime efforts and even reach a level they could not even imagine?

With this idea in mind, Lu Yin forgot his current status, realm, strength, etc., forgot everything, and reshaped the cultivation process like an ordinary cultivator, and this process added a person who knew the energy of the thirteen rings. thing, he wondered what he would think.

The starry sky is so deep that for ordinary practitioners, it is so big that they will never reach the end in their lifetime, not to mention that there are so many parallel times and spaces.

Lu Yin sat cross-legged on the meteorite, letting the meteorite fly away into the distance, reshaping the cultivation process in his mind. This process itself did not need to move, but his consciousness was going through it.

This experience lasted for two years. Two years later, the meteorite was still heading into the distance, not knowing where it was going.

During this period, he met other practitioners, spaceships, stars, etc., but he ignored them. After two years of experience, he gained a little more insight.

The first half of the year was spent in confusion. When a cultivator knew that he would be replaced by an assembly line product, or even fail to reach the strength of an assembly line product for the rest of his life, the confusion made him give up.

Give up again and again, wake up again and again, and then continue to experience, but still give up again and again, giving up very decisively, because I can't see the way forward.

As Qinglian Shangyu said, if you are told what is beyond the fog, every step of your exploration will be meaningless.

Because the spiritual universe cultivators know that their lifelong cultivation will only serve as a resource for the Jiuxiao universe cultivators, and cannot see a way forward, they must resist even if they die in battle.

The despair is suffocating.

But half a year later, after countless failed attempts, Lu Yin no longer resisted from the perspective of an ordinary cultivator, but relaxed his mind. Without care, there was no gain or loss. After more than a year, his heart was very calm.

This is a kind of man-made shackles of hardship and thought. If you see through this shackles, you will find that the world is actually very high, very wide, and boundless.

No matter how powerful the assembly line products are, what does it have to do with you?

When a person completely loses everything, no matter how small he gets, he still gets it.

Lu Yin teleported away and reappeared in the Jiuxiao Universe. He looked at the river in front of him. He was very familiar with this river. He had broken through his state of mind and flowed down the river to divine fortunes for mortals and see clearly the cause and effect of each mortal. At that time, my heart was very calm, peaceful and comfortable.

Letting go, at that moment, I may have let go of a lot, but those mortals are actually very satisfied. Every ordinary person who has a loving mother and a filial son has a dream that cannot be pursued in immortality. That kind of dream is peace, calmness, and letting go of everything.

Lu Yin took a deep breath. A bamboo raft appeared on the river. He sat on it again. This time, his fate was not counted. He wanted to follow the river to see the past and see the lives of ordinary people.

There is no pursuit, no other reason, just to see that there are no old friends among these ordinary people. Hundreds of years have passed, and they have long turned into withered bones. But they are not old friends, but they are also old friends. Every ordinary person is an old friend.

Lu Yin could see the end of the current at a glance, but he didn't want to look or know. He just wanted to drift with the current and listen to the sound of the bamboo raft being hit by fish. He had heard this sound many times.

In fact, it is possible to walk on the earth, but he needs to walk, and he is lazy.

The river passes through many cities. Many of the cities we have seen have changed. Some are prosperous, while others have completely disappeared. After experiencing civilized wars, are the descendants of those old friends still there?

There is no need to look for him. As I thought before, everyone is an old friend because they all recognize him.

Wuyang City, a mortal city, Lu Yin passed by when he was telling people's fortunes.

At that time, Wuyang City was very lively, but now it is much depressed. Traces of war are everywhere, and a profession has also emerged - insect digger.

Bug diggers, as the name suggests, are people who dig bugs. These bugs are naturally not ordinary bugs, but bugs from the Hive Civilization. As for these bug diggers, they are naturally cultivators.

When the Insect Hive Civilization attacked Jiuxiao Universe, Wuyang City was destroyed by a kind of insect and became the home of that insect. Later, with the defeat of the Insect Hive Civilization, the cultivators killed all the insects and took back the city. .

However, decades later, someone discovered that after burial and fermentation, the corpse of this insect would become a highly valuable medicinal material. And there was not just one kind of medicine, but many medicines could be replaced by the fermentation of this insect corpse. From then on, This place has become a treasure hunting place for many cultivators. Those cultivators searched Wuyang City to dig up insect corpses underground.

It stands to reason that after so many years, the insect corpses have long been dug up, but the older the insect corpses to be used for medicine, the better, and they must be buried in this city, because this city was once the nest of this insect, so that Many people dug up the insect corpses, brought them back, re-buried them, and stared at them. The longer the years went by, the greater the value would be, and this value would continue to escalate.

More people are looking for opportunities to dig out insect corpses that others have buried.

So much so that Wuyang City is not considered a depression even if it is said to be depressed. There are many practitioners, but it is definitely not lively. Everyone here looks at others with hostility.

Under an arch bridge in Wuyang City, more than a dozen figures surrounded a woman. Under the shadow, the woman looked pale, breathing heavily, holding a piece of insect corpse tightly in her hand, watching these people warily.

"You are so courageous. You dare to dig up the bugs that Master Feng buried. I'm curious, how do you know where Master Feng buried the bugs?" Someone spoke, with a cold tone and murderous intent.

The woman's eyelids were drooped, and there was a scar diagonally connected to her forehead. She didn't answer when the man spoke. She moved her eyes, looking for an escape route.

"Hmph, okay, don't say yes, take him back and hand him over to Mr. Feng for personal interrogation." The man spoke, and the people around him immediately took action.

At this time, the water flow suddenly surged. It was obviously just a small river, but it swept over like a wave, scaring those people and hurriedly retreated.

They didn't know why they had to retreat. Not to mention this small river, how could even the waves pose a threat to them? They are all cultivators, but they just stepped away. They had an inexplicable feeling and instinctively wanted to retreat.

The woman also subconsciously stepped away, looking into the distance with horror, fear, instinctive fear of life, who?

The boat was going down the river with a pot of wine and a few dishes. A person appeared in the eyes of the people under the arch bridge. They stared at the person and blinked hard. They couldn't see clearly. They were blurry. They couldn't see clearly. It seems that there is a mist blocking the face of the visitor, but where does the mist come from?

The leader's heart sank, knowing that he had met a master, and he saluted slowly: "I'm here."

"Not interested in."

The leader's eyes turned cold: "Have you ever heard of Master Beishan Feng?"

"Not interested in."

"Let's go." The leader was decisive and left directly. They couldn't afford to offend this person.

Others whispered: "Boss, bug."

The leader looked at the woman.

The woman's eyes were stubborn and she took a step back without handing over the bug in her hand.

The leader glanced at the boat again, turned around and left.

More than ten people left one after another and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

When the woman saw them leaving, she did not breathe a sigh of relief. She looked at Qingzhou and that person, but she couldn't see clearly either.

An absolute master.

"They can't beat you." The voice came from the people on the canoe.

The woman frowned: "I don't want to do anything."


"Once you do it, things will be difficult."

"But if you steal their things, things will be just as difficult."

The woman said: "It's just a foreign thing. It won't make things perfect. The world of cultivation has its own rules."

"I don't know any rules. I only know that your forbearance will only lead to greater trouble." After saying that, he looked towards the arch bridge.

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