Star Odyssey

Chapter 4234 Wrong

The woman also looked up at the arch bridge. There, the original dozen or so people were back. To be precise, they hadn't gone far yet. After all, it had only taken a few words. But there was a short middle-aged man in front of them. , walked onto the arch bridge step by step, staring at the boat.

"You are not going to take action yet? You are no match for this person, but it is not easy for this person to defeat you. For a bug, it is not worth taking action for him, provided that you reveal your strength."

The woman's tone was low: "I don't want to take action, I just want to escape."




"I have taken action too many times over the years and it cannot solve the problem. On the contrary, escaping can solve the problem."

"I've never heard that running away can solve a problem."

"The environment is different. People fight against each other. If you escape, you can solve the problem. People fight against things. Avoiding can never solve the problem."

"It makes sense."

At this time, on the arch bridge, the short middle-aged man left. He came with more than ten of his subordinates from one side of the arch bridge and left from the other side, without stopping from beginning to end.

The woman looked at the people on the boat: "Who are you?"

On the boat, Lu Yin curled his lips and looked at the woman: "Long time no see, Sui Su."

The woman stared blankly at Lu Yin, who had a clear face, and fell into a daze. Lu Yin, it was Lu Yin, it was Lu Yin.

Lu Yin, one of the strongest people who stands at the pinnacle of the entire human civilization. Although he is not in the Immortal Realm, his status is comparable to that of the Immortal Realm. Especially many rumors say that Lu Yin's status is at the forefront even in the Immortal Realm.

Unlike ordinary eternal life, Lu Yin prefers control.

He is almost the master of the three universes of human civilization.

He was the one who brought the Seven Treasure Heavenly Toad clan that awes human civilization to the universe of consciousness. He pioneered the teleportation of human beings, brought absolute means to human civilization, was the ladder for human civilization to climb the ladder of fishing civilization, and was the leader of mankind as a whole. The strongest person who protects civilization and protects human civilization.

She never expected that she would meet this person in Wuyang City, under this arch bridge.

Shouldn't this person be high up, looking down at the stars?

Shouldn't we be able to see all the stars in the universe at a glance, just inches away?

Why are you here?

Lu Yin made a gesture of invitation: "Eat something?"

The woman was Shui Su, the woman who had used Lu Yin to get rid of his enemies, and then followed Lu Yin to the Vientiane Valley and then to the Lingyuan Book World Conference.

This woman is beautiful, but is good at disguise for various reasons. In Lu Yin's eyes, she is like a wild cat who likes to steal and take advantage, slippery, alert, but beautiful and dangerous.

Now that we meet again, this woman is still pretending. The difference is that she no longer has the vigor she had before, but has the twilight aura of a person who has gone through vicissitudes of life. This should not appear in this woman. Although this woman is not high in cultivation, at this age It's not bad to have this kind of cultivation, she is still very young for her age.

They were once old friends, but now they are completely different because of their status.

Shui Su originally thought that she would never meet Lu Yin. The only way she could see him was to look up. Looking up at this man spoke to the entire human civilization, and she was also a member of human civilization.

Shui Su saluted Lu Yin slowly: "See Lord Lu."

Lu Yin smiled: "Come up here and have some."

Shui Su looked at the plates of exquisite side dishes on the table, took a deep breath, stepped on the water, boarded the boat, and sat down opposite Lu Yin in a restrained manner.

The boat went down the water, crossed the arch bridge, and headed into the distance.

Far away from the arch bridge, the short middle-aged man had a heavy look on his face. He didn't speak until the boat was no longer visible, "Little Gentleman."

The leader hurriedly saluted: "Here you are."

"You did well, and you will be rewarded."

"Thank you, Master Feng." Xiao Gengzi hesitated: "Master Feng, who is that person?"

Mr. Feng narrowed his eyes: "Can't see clearly."

"Even Master Feng, you can't see clearly? He must be a strong man. There is no such strong person in the entire Wuyang City that you, Master Feng, can't see clearly."

"He was just passing by, going down the river, so leisurely."

"It's enviable. I wonder what level of cultivation this person has."

"Then it depends on whether this person really doesn't care about all the people or things he encounters while going down the river. Don't forget, the river has already changed its course. The fifteen newly emerged alliances have changed the direction of the river in order to arrange the Lingbao formation. , if this river really flows down, it will not only pass through the Lingbao Formation, but also pass through fifteen alliances."

"Are these fifteen alliances really that powerful?"

"Humph, some of them are powerful, some are not powerful, and the worst ones are just better than me and have some scruples about me. But the fifteen alliances are different. In order to deal with the war of the insect nest civilization, Tianyuan Universe's People moved here, causing many families to lose their base and have to stay away. These fifteen family alliances were formed at that time, both to protect themselves and to deal with civilized wars."

"After the Civilized War, fifteen alliances are still standing. Several of them are completely incomparable to other families. For example, there is a family that destroyed the Linlushan family. There is even one family that is comparable to the former Shuishui family, second only to Power, it is this company that dominates the fifteen alliances, making the fifteen alliances almost a force."

Xiao Gengzi's expression was solemn: "Dong family."

"Yes, the Dong family, which is connected with fifteen alliances, was once second only to the Shuishui family. Later, the Shuang family was destroyed for slandering the land master. The Dong family became the most powerful family in the Eastern Region. Now with the help of the fifteen alliances He has become a force and is not easy to mess with. If this person really dares to traverse the fifteen alliances, it will be his fault."

"Master Feng, what about us?"

"Catch up and have a look."


The water flow was not fast, and in Shui Su's eyes, it seemed more like stillness. She couldn't taste the side dishes, and faced Lu Yin again, she didn't even know what to say.

Lu Yin poured tea for her.

Sui Su hurriedly wanted to do it himself.

"Don't be nervous. We are old friends too. Let's catch up on old times. You seem to be having a hard time." Lu Yin said calmly. He knew that his identity and strength put pressure on others, so he could only speak as calmly as possible.

Shui Su's eyes dimmed: "Thank you, Master Lu, for your concern."

Lu Yin looked at her: "If you pretend all your life, then this disguise will be your true appearance."

Shui Su's body was shaken, and he quickly got rid of his disguise: "I'm sorry, Master Lu, I forgot about it for a moment."

Lu Yin laughed: "Your disguise is the same as nothing in my eyes, it's okay."

Sui Su held the tea cup and drank it in one gulp.

Just when Lu Yin was about to help her pour it again, she hurriedly picked up the tea cup and poured a cup for Lu Yin first, and then for herself.

Lu Yin watched silently: "Tell me, why are you so tired? You can easily deal with those people, but it's not easy for Mr. Feng to defeat you. Why do you want to take this insect corpse? It should be of little value to you."

Shui Su whispered: "This insect corpse is not for me, but for Linjie."

Lu Yin was confused.

"He is the head of the Linlushan family, and he is now my adoptive father." Shuisu explained.

Lu Yin was surprised: "Head of Linlushan Family?"

He vaguely remembered this person. When he was in Lingyuan, he deliberately made trouble for Chunqiu Jian. This person came out to stop him, but later he saw that he was not easy to mess with and stopped coming forward: "Why does this person have anything to do with you?"

Shuisu was bitter and told what happened to him.

She was born as a casual cultivator and was good at making use of all available people, things, and things. Therefore, she met Lu Yin and followed Lu Yin all the way. After the battle of Lingyuan ended and the Spring and Autumn Slips were destroyed, she separated from Lu Yin. , continued to live his life as a casual cultivator, but one time he passed by Linlushan, and was recognized by the head of the Linlushan family, and warmly invited him to be a guest, and then he could not go out again. It was not that he was imprisoned, but that the other party was too enthusiastic. , It's not Shuisu's character to forcefully walk, and he can't escape even if he sneaks away, so he has no choice but to stay at Linlushan's house.

Until the Linlushan family was defeated by the other three families and fled Linlushan, she followed the Linlushan family to escape. She could not leave at that time, otherwise she would be easily hunted down by the other three families.

In the end, they escaped to the Linlushan family's backup station. They thought they were relieved, but they did not expect that due to the entry of Tianyuan Universe cultivators, many places in the Eastern Region were allocated to Tianyuan Universe, including the Linlushan family's backup station. They only He was able to continue wandering, and during this period, the head of the Linlushan family saved Shui Su several times. Shuisu then worshiped this man as his adoptive father and joined the Linlushan family.

Linjie, the head of the Linlushan family, was very kind to Shui Su. He not only taught him combat skills and everything about the Linlushan family, but also protected Shuisu from escaping in times of danger. Shuisu and the Linlushan family parted ways. Once, it was Linjie who risked his life to send her away. Later, she went through all kinds of hardships to find the Linlushan family, and since then she has been with the Linlushan family sincerely.

It's a pity that the Linlushan family is really unlucky. They wander all the way and have a hard time. They accidentally encounter ancient relics and think that their fortunes have turned around. However, they are targeted by a more powerful family. Not only does the relics be taken away, but the Linlushan family is almost Destroy the whole family.

After so many years, only Shuisu, Linjie and Linjie's daughter survived. They hid in a mountain col not far away from Wuyang City and lived with ordinary people in a village. .

The reason why she stole the insect body was because Linjie needed to be treated for the injuries she had sustained over the years, but the Linlushan family had no resources, so she had no choice but to steal.

That Mr. Feng was considered one of the tyrants in Wuyang City. Although the corpses of insects attracted many cultivators, most of them were casual cultivators with little family influence. The corpses of insects were not that valuable.

It can only attract these casual cultivators to fight for it. The insect corpses buried by Master Feng are of the highest vintage.

Listening to Shui Su's story, Lu Yin couldn't help feeling that it was not easy for them and they were so unlucky.

Shui Su bitterly said: "The world of cultivation is not easy at all, especially during the war of civilizations and the juncture of the integration of the universes of all parties. Lord Lu, you are so high up that you cannot see this, but the bottom level cultivation world will use any means to compete for interests. Rogue cultivators can only survive if they stick together, and the worst thing is that small families like the Linlushan family are not rogue cultivators, but only have the strength of rogue cultivators, so they are more likely to be eaten by big families."

"In recent years, there have been no less than twenty families that have taken the initiative to take action against us. Many times they can take action just by looking for an excuse."

"How about you fight back?" Lu Yin asked.

Shui Su nodded: "It is wrong to fight back. As long as you fight back, they will have reason to kill."

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