Star Odyssey

Chapter 4249: Encounter

Changtu is the strongest person in the longevity civilization, and that ancestor only exists in legends.

Chang Tu is the guardian of the entire civilization.

Jingmen Shangyu and Lu Yin followed Chang Tu and stood at the highest position. Looking down, they could see everyone. Lu Yin looked forward and glanced at Chang Tu. The old guy was right. They were indeed respected. Being able to stand in this position to see the blessings of the gods was an honor for the longevity civilization, just like he was standing on the ladder of the heavenly sect.

Same as above.

A ladder to heaven lined up the most powerful people of human civilization in Tianyuan Universe.

This treatment made him feel slightly better.

Jingmen Shangyu's expression softened a little. Chang Tu sighed. In fact, he didn't care whether Lu Yin and Jingmen Shangyu were angry. There would be no communication in the future anyway, but his longevity civilization also wanted to face shame. If it was exposed in person, although it wouldn't spread throughout the civilization, it would be to

It was also a very embarrassing thing for him.

Nowadays, several people know it well but don't tell it, which is best.

"Where is Senior Changtu, the ancestor of the Immortal Civilization? Will he come?" Lu Yin suddenly asked.

Chang Tu was startled and coughed: "No."

Lu Yin regretted: "I really want to meet that ancestor. After all, we have had contact with him."

Chang Tu was speechless, didn't this make it clear? This guy looks disgusting.

Yu smiled slightly at Jingmen, Chang Tu underestimated them too much, and the trick was too obvious. Although it made them feel better, it was not enough.

Lu Yin just mentioned it and didn't say much, just leave it at that.

Does this old guy really think he can control them? Does he really think there will never be communication? He likes to be cautious when doing things, and he can't let this old guy think that human civilization is easy to fool.

It is true that there is no exchange between civilizations, but in his view, the prerequisite for non-communication is that they will never meet. Since they have met, let's talk about it.

He has a good impression of this immortal civilization. Although it is a bit despicable, at least he knows how to save face and can deal with such a civilization.

From Chang Tu, we can see the bottom line that Changsheng Civilization can do in order not to be exposed, and from Changtian, we can see the friendship of Changsheng Civilization.

This kind of civilization is actually no different from human civilization.

Thinking of this, he glanced at Chang Tu, and his appearance was actually not much different.

Chang Tu coughed again: "Girl, it's very important to put away the small piece of longevity vine that Chang Tian gave you."

The emperor asked at the startled door: "How to use it?"

Chang Tu looked at her: "Keep it close to your body. It can save lives at critical moments."

Jingmen Shangyu's eyes flashed: "What level of life-saving?"

Chang Tu retracted his gaze and looked at the distant aperture: "All the levels of your current knowledge."

Cognition, this word appears too many times in the distance. The more it appears, the more it indicates the ignorance of living things, so the concept of cognition is needed.

In the distance, within the circle of light, hundreds of people stood neatly. The ten people in the front row were undoubtedly the best in this climbing competition. Xiao Bing Wang was standing there, while Chang Yi was standing at the back. These people all looked to the highest point in front of them and saw Chang Tu, Jingmen Shangyu and Lu Yin who were pretending to be immortal civilized beings. They were all curious and didn't understand who these two people were. They could actually stand in that position and interact with each other. Chief butcher

Old juxtaposition.

If a new eternal life is born within civilization, it is impossible for there to be no rumors.

Everyone is curious.

Not to mention them, the powerful people in the Beginning Realm and through hardships below Chang Tu were also curious, including the ancestor of the Chang Shi family.

He was also curious about who the two strangers were, but he only glanced at them, and then looked forward again, where the last swaying feldspar stood in the circle of light.

Changshi was the last in the vine climbing competition, but he was already content. Xiao Shitou had won glory for the family, otherwise he, the ancestor, would not be qualified to stand here.

The people in the circle of light looked at Lu Yin and Jingmen Shangyu curiously. Lu Yin and Jingmen Shangyu also looked at the two women standing at the front of the hundred people next to the Little Soldier King.

An extremely ugly person who didn't look like a cultivator. They had never seen such an ugly cultivator. Even Xing Toad was a little prettier than her, at least pleasing to the eye. The other is completely opposite, the glow of beauty, that kind of beauty is different from any kind of beauty Lu Yin has ever seen. It is not just the appearance, the whole person is full of vitality, like the rising sun, the beauty is dazzling, but it makes people unable to Leave


One ugly and one beautiful, two extremes standing together, the contrast is strong enough to attract everyone's attention.

It can be said that everyone outside the circle has seen those two women. "Old guy, what's going on with those two women?" Jingmen Shangyu was curious. As a woman, she didn't necessarily have the courage to be so ugly. That kind of ugliness didn't seem like something she was born with, but more like a man-made thing. My words were lowered


Chang Tu looked at them and sighed: "The ugly woman is named Chang Ling, and the beautiful woman is named Chang Ling. Their looks come from each other."

Lu Yin and Jingmen Shangyu were stunned: "What?" Almost the same name.

Changtu spoke slowly, telling a story about a seemingly ordinary but extraordinary past. Chang Ling was born with beauty, and her beauty shines, which is what Chang Ling looks like now. Because she is too beautiful, she has attracted too much attention, but her family cannot protect her beauty. As a result, she has suffered too many disasters, and even if she wants to practice, she cannot succeed.

In her heart, it seemed as if all eyes in the world were staring at her. Chang Ling was born ugly, extremely ugly, which is what Chang Ling looks like now. That kind of ugliness makes people have no desire to even take a look at it. However, like Chang Ling, he suffered too many disasters, was humiliated by all parties, and even refused to become a disciple. none

People collect.

Chang Ling is too beautiful to be liked, and Chang Ling is too ugly to be liked.

One day, these two people met, and they met on what they thought was the most difficult day. They saw each other, and came together like a tacit understanding, and took each other's appearance on their bodies.

Chang Ling believes that as long as she loses that beauty, she can feel at ease and the past disasters will be far away.

Chang Ling believes that as long as she is beautiful enough, no one will humiliate her, and past disasters will be far away. They embarked on a completely opposite path than before, and found that the life of the other person they were walking on was no different from their previous life. Disasters still existed, no matter whether they were praised or humiliated, they would always be exposed to the eyes of countless people.


Over time, the life they experienced became nourishment for their own moods. They saw through the prosperity of the world and the warmth and warmth of human beings, and walked out of their own way. Now they have become a blockbuster, becoming the first and second place in the climbing competition.

"Actually, when they exchanged their lives, someone wanted to accept them as disciples, but they rejected them. That person had to endure hardships to cultivate." "Then when they saw their own path and cultivated with amazing will , and there are people who want to accept them as disciples. They are the ones who have overcome the hardships and reached the Great Perfection, and will hit the realm of immortality at any time. Such practitioners are tempting to everyone.

Confused, because once you break through eternal life, your status as a disciple will be completely different. "

"It's better to refuse." Jingmen Shangyu responded.

Chang Tu nodded.

Jingmen Shangyu looked at the two women with bright eyes. They had experienced everything a woman could experience about her desire for appearance, which was extremely rare for a woman.

Some female practitioners will deliberately make themselves beautiful and ugly to experience certain things.

But completely different from these two women.

They are real.

It takes a lot of determination for a person to give up his beautiful appearance.

One gains beauty, but sees through everything due to the ugliness of the past, and also has a firm will.

These two women are so suitable to be his disciples.

It's a pity, it's a pity that they belong to the immortal civilization. Lu Yin looked at them, admiring them? No, there are many people who suffer in the world, and they are just two of them. But they are quite envious. They can meet the people who can help them the most at the lowest point in life, which makes their destiny better.


Looking up at the stars in the universe, is this all destined? Let these two women meet? Even the names are similar.

If it's destined, who's pulling the strings? If it's not destined, why do they fit together so well?

He has thought countless times about whether there is a life outside the universe, seeing every inch of the world, grasping the years, and spreading cause and effect. This feeling is getting stronger and stronger, otherwise countless coincidences should not exist.

Everyone is the protagonist of their own life, and the experiences they witness seem to be controlled by someone. If they die, will this universe still exist?

Does the universe exist because of its own existence?

"I want to take them away." Jingmen Shangyu suddenly said.

Chang Tu stared at her warily: "Don't mess around, they belong to my Immortal Civilization."

Jingmen Shangyu looked at him: "Old guy, it's for their own good to take them away. The Immortal Civilization can't give them what they want."

Changtu sneered: "Girl, you think too highly of yourself. My immortal civilization is stronger than your human civilization."

"Let's not talk about strength or weakness. At least within this immortal civilization, they cannot reach the top." Jingmen Shangyu retorted.

Chang Tu said: "Nonsense."

"Believe it or not, even if you were to accept them as your disciples, they wouldn't be willing." Yu said from Jingmen.

Lu Yin was surprised, he didn't believe it.

Changtu naturally didn't believe it: "You want to make a bet with me?"

Jingmen Shangyu looked at the two women: "You shouldn't bet with them. If you are really good for them, let them come with me."

At this time, Changfu arrived: "Then let me recruit disciples and see if they are willing."

Jingmen Shangyu and Lu Yin looked at Chang Fu.

Changfu said with a smile: "Girl, long time no see."

Jingmen Shangyu looked back: "Another old guy."

Chang Fu was not embarrassed and looked at Lu Yin with a smile: "I am Chang Fu, I am very happy to meet you, Lu Yin."

Lu Yin saluted: "I've met my senior."

"You are much more polite than this girl. After all, I have spoken to her before, but then turned around and forgot about it. You even insulted me. That's too much." Changfu glanced at the royal road at Jingmen.

Jingmen Shangyu said in an indifferent tone: "Do I want to thank you for betraying me and Changtian?"

Changfu said helplessly: "That's not a betrayal, at most it's a notification."

Yu sneered at the shocked door.

Changfu sighed: "I'm really afraid that you girl will abduct Changtian. After all, he belongs to my immortal civilization. Once he leaves, we will lose a lot."

"And I also like your daughter very much. That little girl is so cute. I even thought about accepting her as a disciple and passing on my mantle."

Yu raised his eyebrows at the startling door: "We don't want the mantle of a traitor." Long talisman: "..."

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