Star Odyssey

Chapter 4250 Repair

Lu Yin found that Jingmen Shangyu and the Immortal Civilization were quite harmonious in getting along with each other, but there were differences in civilization -

No wonder Changsheng Civilization was willing to keep her.

They looked at Jingmen Shangyu the same way they looked at juniors.

The longevity civilization cannot lose Changtian, and human civilization cannot lose Jingmenshangyu at that time.

Although he didn't show it, Jingmen Shangyu had suffered a lot in his heart over the years.

Qingyun must also be looking for his father.

At this time, Chang Tu's voice sounded, and the huge voice spread across the stars: "God's eyes grant, start, calm down, and wait."

Within the aperture, hundreds of people closed their eyes and waited quietly.

Chang Fu whispered: "The process of granting the divine eye is not complicated. I can clearly feel that once the divine eye is given, it will leave the aperture. The sooner it is given, the higher the recognition of the Immortal Vine."

"At the beginning, Changtian refreshed the speed granted by the divine eye, half incense."

"What about you?" the imperial guard asked at the startling door.

Changfu said: "A stick of incense."

"What about the old guy?" Jingmen Shangyu asked again.

Chang Tu heard this and replied calmly: "Half incense."

"It seems that the most elite people are the ones who can achieve the divine purpose within one stick of incense, and are expected to achieve eternal life." Lu Yin admired.

Chang Fu shook his head: "That's not the case. This is just a recognition. There are many people who have obtained divine eyes within a stick of incense, but there are only a few in the realm of immortality. But one thing is true, in the realm of eternal life, all people have obtained divine eyes within a stick of incense. "

"Junior is very curious as to what the relationship between the Immortal Vine and the Divine Eye is. Why can the Immortal Vine bestow the Divine Eye?" Lu Yin asked.

Changtu asked back: "Can you explain the principles of talent and Zhuobao?"

Lu Yin said: "You can study it."

Jingmen Shangyu sneered: "Old guy, do you want us to study the Immortal Vine?"

Chang Tu stopped talking.

Changfu smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Time passes slowly, which is a kind of torture for those in the circle of light. Everyone wants to get the divine vision within a stick of incense.

Although it does not mean that immortality can be achieved, it is a possibility. With this possibility, it will be much more convenient to practice within a civilization, and it is very likely that one will be directly accepted as a disciple by the immortal realm.

It's almost time to burn incense.

Suddenly, Chang Ling opened his eyes and walked out of the aperture, and then Chang Ling also opened his eyes. The two of them gained divine eyes almost at the same time, walked out of the aperture, and smiled at each other.

Jingmen Shangyu kept looking at them and was relieved to see that they had obtained the divine eyes.

Although she was not a disciple, she found these two women particularly pleasing to her eyes.

The third person who obtained the divine goal was a young man standing at the back. The young man walked out of the circle of light excitedly, suppressing his excitement, but his red face showed how restrained he was.

A stick of incense passed, and there were only three of them.

Then Xiaobing Wang got the divine eye and walked out.

Then everyone got their divine eyes and slowly walked out of the circle of light. "Actually, many people don't want to participate in the climbing competition prematurely, just to get the divine eyes in a stick of incense. In fact, getting the divine eyes has nothing to do with their own cultivation level, nor does it have anything to do with practicing any combat skills. However, there are reports from the outside world Countless squares

Law, many people are trying it. "

"Almost all of these methods are known from the people who have obtained the divine eyes within a stick of incense, but those people themselves don't know why they can do it. They can only try." Changfu said.

Lu Yin understood. No wonder he heard that many people were forced to participate in the climbing competition. Those people were originally unwilling.

They were all dragged over by Chang Tu.

If not for the participation of those people, my performance at that time would definitely be in the top 100.

But that's not necessarily the case. Maybe the ancestor will take action earlier and get himself stuck outside the hundred.

When the last person walked out of the circle of light, Chang Tu smiled: "This climbing competition is over, Chang Fu, you will take them to the pupil world to absorb the pupil power later."

"Yes, elder." Changfu responded.

The people below in the Beginning Realm, who had overcome the hardships and hardships, began to speak one by one, very relaxedly.

Lu Yin and Jingmen Shangyu had already planned to leave and return to human civilization.

But suddenly, Lu Yin's eyebrows were hot, as if something was vibrating, trying to break through his eyebrows.

He was shocked and covered his eyebrows. Someone took action against him? But there was no feeling at all, absolutely no one took action.

Even if the ancestor of the Immortal Civilization takes action, he will at least have a sense of crisis.

But what's going on?

Yu Jingmen's eyes changed: "Lu Yin, what's wrong with you?"

Lu Yin's movements also attracted the attention of Chang Tu and Chang Fu, who looked at each other in confusion.

Jingmen Shangyu suddenly stared at them with murderous intent in his eyes: "What did you do?"

Chang Tu frowned and stared at Lu Yin: "We didn't do anything, what's going on?"

Lu Yin waved his hand and was about to speak. Suddenly, his eyebrows split, and a beam of light pierced the void, heading towards the circle of light where a hundred people had just stood. The circle of light was distorted, and then, an illusory eye appeared, staring at Lu Yin. .

Lu Yin also faced that eye and looked at each other.

The beam of light connected with that eye. Lu Yin groaned, his pupils dilated, and a third line of sight appeared in his eyes. Is that the Sky Eye?

The Sky Eye comes from Wu Tian. Wu Tian created his own martial arts Sky Eye. He accidentally obtained it, but was pierced in the battle with the Eternals, and the Sky Eye was gone.

Even if Wu Tian returned later, he could not help him rebuild his Sky Eye.

Once the Heavenly Eye was gone, it was gone. It had no impact on Lu Yin, and Wu Tian didn't pay much attention.

But at this moment, the Sky Eye was repaired?

Lu Yin looked at the eye in the distance in confusion. That eye was smart and profound. Through the connected light beams, his heavenly eye was reshaped and appeared between his eyebrows.

This scene made Lu Yin confused.

Let Jingmen Shangyu be confused.

But they did not see the shocked expressions of Chang Tu and Chang Fu.

"Elder." Changfu's expression changed greatly.

Chang Tu raised his hand and pressed it down, waving his hand, everyone was thrown out of the longevity vine, leaving only a few of them in place.

Yu Jingmen stared at Changtu with vigilance: "What's going on? Then why is the divine eye focused on Lu Yin?"

Chang Tu's expression changed. He looked at Lu Yin and then at Jingmen Shangyu. He wanted to say something but didn't know how to say it. At this time, he seemed to hear something. He exhaled heavily and looked at Lu Yin: "This kid had a combat skill similar to the Divine Eye before, but it was broken. The Divine Eye has the ability to repair all sight combat skills. Count this kid. lucky

, was actually sensed by the divine eye, and helped him rebuild his once broken combat skills. "

The imperial gaze at the frightened door looked at Lu Yin, is that so?

At this time, the light beam dissipated and the divine eye disappeared.

Lu Yin took a breath and touched the center of his eyebrows. The Heavenly Eye appeared again and was actually reshaped. He didn't expect such a thing to happen.

He heard what Chang Tu said: "Did the divine eye repair the junior's heavenly eye?"

Chang Tu's eyes flashed: "This kind of combat skill of yours is called Sky Eye?"

Lu Yin nodded.

"Created it yourself?" Changfu asked hurriedly.

Lu Yin shook his head: "It's not self-cultivation, but it comes from a senior. That senior encountered an accident and left the Sky Eye somewhere, and the junior happened to get it."

"Is this so? It's your chance, but how did this Heavenly Eye break?" Chang Tu asked, seemingly curious.

Lu Yin didn't hide anything and told about the previous battle.

Changtu praised: "If it weren't for the Heavenly Eye, you would be dead. Boy, you have a great opportunity. This time, you can get the divine eye repaired in our immortal civilization. This Heavenly Eye is destined to my immortal civilization. I hope you can make good use of it in the future."

Lu Yin said: "Junior understands."

"But this junior is still a little confused. Could it be that the divine eye can repair all eye-related combat skills? Then."

Before he finished speaking, Chang Tu's expression suddenly changed. He looked down and his eyes gradually darkened: "I'll take care of something first and talk about it later." After saying that, the figure disappeared.

Lu Yin and Jingmen Shangyu looked down and saw many people gathered and arguing about something.

They can easily hear the following words.

Soon after, they understood that they were actually asking the ancestor in the legend of the Immortal Civilization to seek justice. Those people were complaining to the ancestor, and their target was Chang Tu.

Lu Yin didn't expect that this immortal civilization was so magical, and that some ordinary cultivators, at least ordinary cultivators in his eyes, would dare to offend Chang Tu.

This kind of thing will never happen in human civilization. It’s not that people in the Immortal Realm don’t make mistakes and cannot be offended, but that no one will cause trouble in the Immortal Realm. They can’t find anyone who can help them, and even if they make mistakes in the Immortal Realm, how can they be punished? And those who sin against eternal life

People who are in such a bad situation will find it difficult to move forward.

this is the truth.

Another point and the most important thing is that it is almost impossible for ordinary cultivators to come into contact with the Immortal Realm. Even if they come into contact, it will only be the disciples, disciples, and descendants of the Immortal Realm.

In the world of cultivation, the law of the jungle is always the strongest, so complaining about something like this is too unusual.

But it really happened in the longevity civilization.

The group was headed by a Beginning Realm cultivator, who knelt before the Immortal Vine and sued Chang Tu for secretly letting in foreign creatures to participate in the vine climbing competition. There was a person behind the Beginning Realm strongman whom Lu Yin had seen, and it was Chang Qi. .

It turns out they spread it.

Before the vine climbing competition started, some people spread rumors that foreign creatures were involved. Very few people knew about their existence, but it was leaked. It was obviously intentional.

Seeing Chang Qi, he vaguely understood that it was related to the Killing Heart Villa.

This Chang Qi came from the Killing Heart Villa. The Killing Courtyard belonged to Chang Tu's sect, and it happened to be where he and Jingmen Shangyu were, so it was not impossible to know this.

Changtu appeared to intimidate those people, but those people were not afraid of death at all, or they had been prepared for death for a long time. They paid a huge price and tried various methods to awaken the legendary ancestor.

Lu Yin saw that they were quite sad. They had no idea that the ancestor had woken up a long time ago and was watching the entire climbing competition. It was the ancestor who gave his tacit consent to the participation of himself and others.

What these people did was valuable in their perception, but in Chang Tu's eyes, it was worthless.

"This opportunity is indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for them. If they miss it, it will be difficult to trouble Elder Changtu again." Chang Fu's voice came.

Lu Yin was curious: "Why do they want to trouble Senior Chang Tu?" Chang Fu said: "Elder Chang Tu had a disciple named Chang Shi, who was the master of the Killing Heart Courtyard where you lived. However, a long time ago, that The owner of the courtyard is actually another person, Changbai. Changbai is Changqi’s father.

And Chang Shi is Chang Yi’s father. "Originally, the relationship between the two was very good, but over time, some things caused them to have a dispute, and they decided the ownership of the Killing Heart Villa in a battle. In fact, they didn't care about the Killing Heart Villa. They just wanted to find a reason to resolve some grievances. In that battle, Changbai died, killed by Changjiu, using the combat skills taught by Elder Changtu. "

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