Star Odyssey

Chapter 4251: Pupil Realm

After a pause, Changfu continued: "Everyone said that Changbai's death came from the instruction of Elder Changtu, and Changji was just the executor."

"Actually, this matter has nothing to do with Elder Changtu. Why would he pay attention to Changbai? But Changqi doesn't think so, and neither do Changbai's disciples. They insist that Changbai's death originated from Changtu, so they always want revenge."

Speaking of this, his eyes were complicated: "How is it possible to find an immortal realm to take revenge, especially the apparently strongest immortal realm of the immortal civilization? But that's what they did."

"Is there someone behind this?" the imperial guard asked at the startling door. This was a very reasonable guess.

If it wasn't for the support of the Immortal Realm, how could he dare to cause trouble for the Immortal Realm.

Chang Fu smiled bitterly: "Everyone said that I was supporting them from behind."

Lu Yin: "..."

Jingmen Shangyu: "..."

This guess is correct, because it seems that no one can cause trouble to Chang Tu except Chang Fu.

Is it still a long time? Chang Tian is also considered a disciple of Chang Tu. Changfu sighed: "This matter has nothing to do with me. It is Changbai's own charm that makes his disciples willing to offend Elder Changtu. For this reason, they did not hesitate to hide Changqi's identity, let him get acquainted with Changyi, and join the Killing Heart Villa. try to find

If they have the opportunity to take revenge, they will not be able to cause even a little harm to Elder Chang Tu. I believe they are prepared for this, but if there is even a slight possibility, they will take action. "

"Especially this time it involves clan rules." Lu Yin understood: "Clan rules are greater than heaven. They believe that as long as they can prove that senior Chang Tu allowed foreign creatures to participate in the climbing competition, they can prove that senior Chang Tu violated clan rules. This is They can use their small skills to make a big difference to Senior Chang Tu.

maximum damage. "

"They place their hopes on the clan rules and the legendary ancestor."

Changfu nodded: "That's it."

Lu Yin was curious: "Chang Qi is the son of Chang Bai. It is normal for him to be willing to offend Elder Chang Tu, but those disciples are also willing. It seems that Chang Bai is very skillful."

Chang Fu said: "Chang Shi once said that Chang Bai exchanges his heart with his heart, which is rare in the world of cultivation."

"Then why is there still that battle?"

"This is their grudge and we won't ask any more questions."

Lu Yin looked down: "If Elder Changtu is willing, he can solve it with just a wave of his hand."

Changfu looked at Lu Yin: "Will you do this to the people below?"

Yu Pingping, the leader of Jingmen, said: "This kind of thing has never happened in human civilization."

Lu Yin smiled at Changfu: "We are also good at exchanging hearts for hearts."

Long symbol: "…"

"Senior, don't believe it?"

"I don't know how to believe it."

"If there is a disaster in civilization, we will die in front of the destruction of civilization." Lu Yin said.

Chang Fu's eyes were shocked, he smiled and stopped talking.

In the realm of eternal life, standing on top of civilization and holding all power is not only because of strength and cultivation, but also because of the responsibility and contribution to civilization.

The realm of immortality is the spear and shield of civilization. No matter what happens within the civilization, it cannot destroy the spear and shield unless the realm of immortality is too bad.

Results come from hard work, and no one can get results without hard work.

The same goes for Lu Yin. He enjoys the resources of the entire human civilization, can mobilize them unconditionally, and determines the future direction of human civilization. That is because he stands in front of civilization time and time again, fights for civilization, and fights to the death. He inspires human civilization time and time again.

To improve your morale, you must die before most people.

There is a difference between human civilization and immortality civilization. Human civilization has faced too many external wars during this period, while immortality civilization may have been comfortable for too long, leading to internal instability.

If a civilized war breaks out, I believe this will not happen.

On the other hand, when this happens, it is actually a kind of happiness.

The fact that those people in Changqi dare to offend the Immortal Realm shows that civilization is now very comfortable, and the Immortal Realm is not a vicious person, otherwise this kind of thing would not happen.

"I made you two laugh," Changfu said.

Lu Yin smiled: "The immortal civilization is quite good."

Chang Fu glanced at Lu Yin strangely, this little human guy had a very strange train of thought.

Chang Tu solved the problem slower than expected. He was actually debating. He looked at Chang Fu and sighed: "I'll send you two away."

"No, it seems to involve us."

"It has nothing to do with you."

Lu Yin pointed below: "It's relevant now." Under the starry sky, Chang Qi's eyes were red and he glared at Chang Tu with hatred: "Since the elder said that it was not an alien creature and the last vision came from the divine eyes, then Let that person enter the pupil world. As long as he can enter the pupil world, we will believe it.

. "Yes, please ask the elders to let him enter the pupil realm." "The Beginning Realm cultivator said in a deep voice. This person is one of the immortal civilized beings given by the Divine Eye. Standing below Lu Yin and the others, he saw the last vision with his own eyes. Even though he was slaughtered by Changshou,

Sent away immediately, but still saw it.

Chang Tu stared at them fiercely: "Child Chang Qi, your father's death has nothing to do with me. Don't mess around here. Do you think Chang Ji doesn't know that you joined the Killing Heart Villa?"

Chang Qi gritted his teeth: "I don't dare to offend the elders, but the clan rules are very important, so I ask the elders to prove my innocence."

Chang Tu quarreled again.

Lu Yin found it strange that an immortal state that conformed to the laws of the two universes actually quarreled with the little guy. The tyranny shown by Chang Tu at the beginning was only against foreign civilizations.

This is quite similar to the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad.

The fourth and fifth children of Qibao Tianchan are very kind to the younger Qibao Tianchan. They have no airs of immortality at all. They are just elders.

After arguing for a while, Chang Tu's expression changed, as if he heard something.

"Is the ancestor awake?" The Beginning Realm strongman asked excitedly.

Chang Qi led all his people to kneel down and worship: "Please wake up our ancestors and uphold the rules of the eternal civilization."

"Please Ancestor wake up and protect..."

Chang Tu's expression changed, and he quickly looked at Chang Qi: "Okay, if you want him to enter the Pupil Realm, just let him go." Chang Qi's body was shaken, Chang Tu dared to let that life enter the Pupil Realm, proving that Life is not an alien creature? Impossible, Chang Yi missed it, it must be a foreign creature. Thinking of this, he raised his head and looked at Chang Tu: "That creature

Ming Neng can stand at the same height as the elders, and may also be in the realm of immortality. A realm of immortality changes his appearance. We can't see through it at all. How can we prove that he has entered the pupil realm? "


The heaven and earth shook, and Chang Tu exploded with power, sweeping across the stars and making the entire universe sway.

In an instant, not to mention Chang Qi and others, even Lu Yin and Jingmen Shangyu felt their hearts palpitate, and Chang Tu became angry.

"Little thing, I don't care about you, but you are really making fun of you. If I want to use such a small trick, it seems that it would be easier to destroy you."

Chang Qi's face turned pale, beads of sweat were dripping from his forehead, and his whole body was dizzy from the echoing sound.

The strong man in the Beginning Realm coughed up blood: "I'll wait, Ming, I understand."

Chang Tu snorted: "My Changsheng Civilization has always been fair and just, now go and watch outside the pupil world."

The strong man in the Beginning Realm quickly helped Chang Qi up and led their people towards the Tongjie.

On the Immortal Vine, Lu Yin said strangely: "The Immortal Civilization is really fair and just."

Long talisman is embarrassing.

"Tongjie? I seem to have heard of it." Jingmen Shangyu was curious. Changfu said: "You have lived in our Immortal Civilization for a period of time. It is not surprising to hear that the pupil realm is not a secret. Anyone who has obtained the divine purpose can enter the pupil realm to absorb the pupil power. The more pupil power absorbed, the more divine eyes can be opened. Ability, of course

, there is only one chance. "

"This pupil power is the power of the divine eye? Can it be retained?" Lu Yin was surprised.

Changfu didn't want to say more: "Anyway, you'll know once you get in."

"Can I really go in?" Lu Yin was surprised.

Changfu felt that Lu Yin's eyes were filled with contempt, and he immediately said: "Of course you can go in. Elder Changtu said so. It should be the ancestor who helps you go in."

Lu Yin laughed and did not refute.

Jingmen Shangyu also had a sneer on his face.

Changfu was helpless, the credibility of Changsheng Civilization was completely gone.

But this time Chang Tu really let Lu Yin in, and he came face to face with Lu Yin and the others: "Go, but don't cause trouble after entering. Just stay in a random place and wait to come out with everyone."

"Old guy, you really let Lu Yin in, I'm looking down on you." Jingmen Shangyu taunted.

Chang Tu was furious: "Damn girl, what are you talking about?"

The emperor was shocked and disdainful.

"Can this junior's heavenly eye absorb the power of the pupil?" Lu Yin asked.

Chang Tu said impatiently: "It's up to you." After saying that, he took them to somewhere in the Changsheng Civilization.

Lu Yin was surprised. Chang Tu didn't refute. Does this mean that the Heavenly Eye can absorb pupil power? real or fake? He suddenly felt that this immortal civilization was very strange, but he couldn't explain why it was strange.

The Pupil Realm is located on top of the Immortal Vine. It is a space. The outside world cannot see clearly what this space looks like. They can only see the vines wrapped around the space.

At this moment, many people gathered outside the Tongjie. In addition to the hundred people who wanted to enter the Tongjie, there were also Chang Qi and the others.

Chang Yi stared at Chang Qi, his eyes full of disappointment and helplessness.

Chang Qi doesn't look at Chang Yi, he takes advantage of Chang Yi, but Chang Yi is the son of Chang Shi, the son of the enemy who killed his father, but Chang Yi has been very good to him these years.

He didn't know how to face it either.

Chang Ling, Chang Ling and the others looked at each other in surprise, not expecting such a thing to happen.

Is the person standing next to Elder Changtu an alien creature? Can't tell at all.

Fangshi is much more comfortable now and has finally recovered a little. Looking back, the vine climbing competition was like a dream. How could he persist for so long? Is this what the brothers said, men must persevere?

Following Lu Yin and the others arrived.

Everyone looked at him curiously and could not tell that Lu Yin was a foreign creature at all.

Chang Qi also stared at Lu Yin. He and Chang Yi were specifically looking for the vine Lu Yin climbed on. He wanted to find evidence that Lu Yin was an alien creature, but unfortunately the other party was too powerful and he had no chance.

Lu Yin looked at Chang Qi and smiled at him.

Chang Qi was stunned and couldn't figure out what Lu Yin was laughing at.

Lu Yin didn't care what happened inside the Immortal Civilization. He only knew that because of Chang Qi's trouble, he was able to enter the Pupil Realm, which was a very important place in the Immortal Civilization. He got the benefit for nothing, of course he was happy.

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