Star Odyssey

Chapter 4252 Absorption

Chang Qi withdrew his gaze, not daring to look at each other. Who knows what abilities foreign creatures have, this guy must be terrifyingly strong.

The scene he saw in the climbing competition still has a psychological shadow on him.

What kind of strongman could cause that kind of commotion?

It is not unreasonable to stand next to Elder Changtu.

Chang Tu glanced at everyone: "The time has come, come in."

No one entered, everyone looked at Lu Yin.

Chang Tu motioned for Lu Yin to go in.

Lu Yin didn't care. Whether he could get in or not had nothing to do with him. He walked step by step towards the entrance of the pupil world, and then went in with everyone watching.

There was no reaction from Hitomi.

Went in just like that.

Chang Qi's eyes widened and he actually went in.

He stared at Chang Tu and was about to speak when he was stopped by the Beginning Realm expert beside him: "Stop talking. Don't say anything now. Just apologize and leave."

Chang Qi was unwilling to give in: "They must have changed people. The one who went in was not a foreign creature."

"I know, don't say it out yet, plead guilty and leave, and listen to me." The strong man in the Beginning Realm held Chang Qi tightly and reminded him in a low voice.

Chang Qi's body was trembling and he was breathing heavily. Faced with the gazes of many people, he bowed deeply to Chang Tu and said, "It's a junior. I'm wrong."

Chang Tu waved his hand and threw Chang Qi and the others down: "It's a waste of time."

In the distance, Chang Yi's eyes were complicated, and the mayflies were shaking the trees. How unwilling he was to do such a thing.

"Go in." Changfu said.

Hundreds of people entered the pupil realm one after another.

Under the Immortal Vine, Chang Qi was led by the Beginning Realm strongman and walked away into the distance without saying a word.

The people behind him were also ordered to disperse by the Beginning Realm expert.

"That person is a foreign creature, Chang Yi will not lie to me."

"I know."

"It must be Chang Tu who has been replaced."

"Have you ever thought that there is no other way to bring a foreign creature into the pupil realm than by changing the person?"

Chang Qi looked at the Beginning Realm expert in confusion: "What do you mean?"

The strong man in the Beginning Realm lowered his eyes and said, "Ancestor, that's okay too."

Chang Qi's eyes narrowed sharply, staring blankly at the powerful man in the Beginning Realm.

The strong man in the Beginning Realm shook his head bitterly: "Let's go, we'll talk about it later."

At the entrance to the Pupil Realm, Chang Tu clasped his hands behind his back and stared into the distance.

Changfu Ping retreated, turned his back to Jingmen Shangyu and whispered to Changtu: "I didn't expect this to happen. Will he see it?"

"This is the opportunity given by our ancestors."

"It's compensation."

Chang Tu looked at Chang Fu and said, "There's nothing to compensate for. Okay, stop talking and send him away as soon as he comes out."

The Pupil Realm is a purple area. It doesn't look big from the outside, but it is vast and boundless inside, giving it the feeling of a parallel universe.

What's even more strange is that there are various scenes floating in the air here.

It's like a scene formed by air, and like the past reappearing.

Lu Yin looked at the palace in front of him, raised his hand and touched it, and the palace dispersed.

Behind, the bright moon hung high, but he blew it away and dispersed.

The earth is full of scenes that look like air. Some scenes can still move, which reminds him of the world in the monument and the residual world. However, the formation of the world in the monument and the residual world comes from eternal matter, and there is no eternal matter here.

In the distance, a young man sat cross-legged, sometimes opening and sometimes closing his eyes, his pupils changing, trying to absorb the power of the pupils.

"Is this pupil power the purple power flowing through the world?" Lu Yin asked.

The young man was startled: "Who?"

He saw Lu Yin and opened his mouth wide, not knowing what to say.

Lu Yin smiled at him: "Sorry, I would like to ask how to absorb pupil power."

The young man's face twitched: "No one taught you?"


How could it not be? You are really an alien creature.

The power of absorbing pupil is known to every immortal civilized life. Although not every life of immortal civilization can obtain divine eyes, the power of absorbing pupil is common sense.

I don’t know this, it’s definitely a foreign creature.

Chang Qi was right.

But how did the foreign creatures get in?

And this guy asked directly, so he wasn't afraid of exposing himself? He will not be silenced. The more he thinks about it, the more frightened the young man becomes. He has not lived enough yet. Father, mother, grandfather, grandma, great-grandfather...

"Hey, are you stupid?" Lu Yin waved his hand.

The young man reacted and trembled: "Well, it's not difficult to absorb the pupil force. Just stare at the pupil force. When you feel that it can enter your eyes, you can absorb it."

Lu Yin understood: "It's so simple, thank you, little guy." After saying that, he disappeared.

The young man looked at the empty space in front of him, got up, and left. Life is so difficult, father, mother, grandfather...

On the other side, Lu Yin sat cross-legged, staring at the purple air floating in front of his eyes. This was the power of his eyes.

There is so much pupil power floating everywhere in the pupil world.

I don’t know where these pupil powers come from.

Lu Yin opened his eyebrows and stared at the purple pupil force. At this time, the purple pupil force was fluttering, not towards Lu Yin, but in another direction, where the long spirit was.

Lu Yin looked over and saw it was her again.

This girl is very talented, determined, and perseverant, and she is the fastest in absorbing pupil power among all the people who have entered the pupil world.

Everyone has to disperse the pupil power to absorb it. Once they are close to others, if others absorb the pupil power first, you will be in trouble if you want to absorb it, because the pupil power will go towards that person.

Lu Yin was like this at the moment. He couldn't do anything as he watched the purple pupils drift towards the elder.

Change another place and continue staring.

There was no one around.

After a while, the Heavenly Eye suddenly became a little more agile, and the peripheral pupil power fluttered, heading towards the Heavenly Eye. Lu Yin was surprised, could it really absorb it?

He tried to absorb the pupil power with his heavenly eye purely because of Chang Tu's words, "Whatever."

Chang Tu did not deny it, and the Heavenly Eye was repaired by the Divine Eye, so he wanted to try it, but he didn't expect it to work.

Thinking of this, he closed his eyes, opened his heavenly eyes, and began to absorb the pupil power continuously, and he didn't know how much he could absorb.

In the distance, Chang Ling is still absorbing the pupil power, and Chang Ling should have absorbed it too. The Divine Eye has three levels of power. Usually, after everyone enters the pupil realm and absorbs the pupil power, it can reach the first level in about ten years at most. The first level is the easiest, but the second level is difficult, at least until the beginning level. can understand,

Looking at the history of immortal civilization, there is no one who can understand the existence of the second level of divine purpose from the beginning.

As for the third level, it seems that only the legendary ancestor has understood it, not even Elder Chang Tu.

The third level of the divine eye lasts for one day. With each additional level, the combat power will skyrocket.

I don’t know how long it will take for me to realize the first level after leaving the pupil world.

Um? Why can't it be absorbed?

The surrounding purple pupil power should be heading towards the eyes, but at this moment, the purple pupil power is suspended, and then suddenly turns and goes in another direction.

Chang Ling was surprised. There was someone with a stronger ability to absorb eye energy than her. Who?

The same scene happened to many people.

Chang Ling was also surprised, who? Actually let the power around her be lured away? Long spirit? Impossible, the long spirit is far away, who is that?

Each of the immortal civilized beings looked in a certain direction, and their pupil power was drifting in that direction, and the scope was getting larger and larger, exaggeratedly.

They all discussed the distance between each other before entering the Pupil Realm. In theory, no one can interfere with this distance. After all, the longevity civilization has been passed down for a long time, and it is easy to determine the distance that will not interfere with others.

They have a good understanding of each other. But at this moment, many people were disturbed. At first, they thought they were just being disturbed, thinking that someone was close and that person happened to be able to absorb the pupil power better than them, so they came over with dissatisfaction, even though they were discussing it outside.


They do not believe that anyone can influence them beyond the distance recorded by the immortal civilization.

But something was wrong while they were walking. The distance had exceeded the distance they had agreed upon. Logically, they shouldn't be affected. Even if they were affected, there was no reason to look for him. They were powerful.

But when they saw each other, they realized the seriousness of the problem.

It is not just me who is affected, but many.

This is not simple, it means that the range of someone's ability to absorb pupil power is beyond imagination.

How could there be such a person?

They immediately thought of the person who was suspected of being a foreign creature. Thinking of this, they hesitated. Can they find him? Don't dare.

The other party can stand next to Elder Chang Tu, and I have also heard about the situation of the vine climbing competition. That kind of movement is either to survive the hardships or to live in immortality. To cause trouble for this kind of creature is to seek death.

Only Chang Ling, Chang Ling and Xiao Bing Wang walked firmly in that direction. They wanted to see who was influencing them.

The further he walked in that direction, the thicker his purple eyes became, like a heavy fog.

Gradually, they saw each other, and at this moment, no one was close to this place except them.

At the same time, they also saw Lu Yin.

They saw a scene they would never forget.

Lu Yin sat cross-legged, his heavenly eye devouring the pupil power crazily, and the purple pupil power gathered into the sky eye like a river.

At this moment, Lu Yin felt a desire, an indescribable desire. It seemed that to the Heavenly Eye, the power of his pupils was water and the source of life. The more he swallowed, the better.

Looking down at the entire pupil world, there is a vortex with Lu Yin as the center, and the huge purple pupil power spreads towards the center of the vortex.

And outside the vortex, a huge eye appeared. It was the eye that finally repaired Lu Yin's Sky Eye when he was given the Divine Eye. It came alive and looked at Lu Yin from a distance, giving people a feeling of contemplation. Although Lu Yin closed his eyes, his heavenly eye could see farther. He saw that eye, looked into that eye, and forgot everything around him. It was like falling into the vortex of time, and he saw shadows fighting one after another. ,Those ones

Shadows all have clairvoyance.

He saw various strange fighting methods. Although he couldn't understand them, he somehow knew that they were the methods of using the Sky Eye.

Suddenly, the huge eye blinked, Lu Yin's eyes suddenly opened, and the majestic purple pupils around him suddenly dispersed. It seemed that nothing had happened, it was very dreamy.

He suddenly stood up and stared into the distance. Why did the eye he saw have various celestial eyes? Isn't the Sky Eye a combination of powers created by Wu Tian himself?

Martial Arts Heavenly Eye, the Heavenly Eye can see through all combat techniques and techniques. This is the power of Wutian. Why can other Heavenly Eyes be seen here?

What is that eye?

The purple eye power dissipated, and the three Chang Lings looked at Lu Yin, while Lu Yin looked into the distance, and the surroundings were silent. What really made Chang Ling and the others unforgettable was that Lu Yin's disguised appearance was restored at the moment when he used his heavenly eye to absorb the most powerful pupil power.

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