Star Odyssey

Chapter 4257 Immortal Ling

Zhizong is still so cold.

Lu Yin looked outside: "Base, are you there?"

A colorful voice came: "I will always be there."

"Let's talk alone."

"you say."

"I want to know what it would be like to be able to teleport that civilization."

Bashi was silent for a moment: "What happened to you?"

"Yes." Lu Yin didn't hide anything.

Ba Se said: "I can't tell you, I need to complete the task."

Lu Yin's eyes flashed: "Is this also necessary to complete the mission?"

"I said, cognition also comes at a cost."

"Okay, what task does it correspond to?"

"A three-star mission is enough."

"Destroy the Fengfeng civilization?"

"This is the mission you received before, okay."

Lu Yin said: "You didn't say that just because you wanted me to destroy Tunfeng Civilization."

Ba Se said: "The mission rewards are all corresponding."

Lu Yin exhaled: "Just to understand that civilization, would it be too costly to destroy a civilization with five eternal lives?"

"It's up to you whether you want to or not." Bose said.

Lu Yin had no choice but to think about it and said loudly: "Da Mao, are you there?"

No one answered.

"Hehe, old guy, are you here?"

Still no one answered.

"Lam Meng, are you there?"

Still no one answered.

Lu Yin was speechless, this was completely ignoring him.

"Base, are those guys here?"

"No comment."

Lu Yin's eyes flashed: "I encountered a strange bird, one that can move instantly."

He had no choice. Base couldn't get the information, so he could only see if he could get it from other unknown people.

"So it's you, hahahaha, bad luck for you, little human beings, you are in trouble." Laughter came.

Lu Yin sneered: "Da Mao, now that you are talking, why did you pretend to be dead just now? Don't you dare to face me?"

"Hmph, you still keep talking even when you are about to die."

"Who can make me die? That strange bird? I'm sorry, it was repulsed by me."

There was another burst of laughter, and this time Lu Yin heard a strange laughter that he had never heard before. "Little guy, if you want to know the information about those strange birds, you need to complete a three-star mission. We can't tell you, but we can give you some pointers. For example, there is no concept of retreat for those strange birds." Da Mao gloated.

. Haha, the old guy said: "Their teleportation often occurs randomly. In the cognition of those strange birds, there is no concept of fear of the unknown, and for the talent of teleportation, there is no retreat, because

It can appear in front of you at any time. "

Lu Yin's expression was solemn. This is a good thing. Normally, if an enemy is beaten back, he has been beaten back. If the battle starts again, he must at least come over. But that strange bird can appear in front of you in an instant. So, how can you count as retreating? "Another point is that those strange birds are very vengeful. If you hit them, unless they don't let them find you, they will definitely stalk them and either complete their purpose or be killed by you. Other than that, there is nothing The third way,

Hehe, human civilization is so unlucky. "Da Mao said.

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes: "You mean that strange bird will kill our human civilization?"


"Da Mao, did you lure the strange bird to our human civilization?" Lu Yin suddenly shouted.

Da Mao sneered.

A familiar voice suddenly came: "It turns out to be you, I remembered, we have met before."

Lu Yin was surprised: "Che?"

This voice was too familiar to him. Even though he didn't say a few words, it was imprinted deep in his memory.

Yes, it was Che's voice.

The man who had given him some advice in the universe of consciousness was the first powerful person in the Immortal Realm he had ever seen besides Master Qingcao. Che is unknowable, Lu Yin knows this, but he has never met Che in the few times he has been here. For the immortal realm, it is normal not to appear for thousands of years. On the contrary, Da Mao, hehe, old guy, they have always stayed in Zhizong That's not normal


Unexpectedly, Che came suddenly.

Che smiled and said, "Do you still remember me?"

Lu Yin exhaled: "Of course, long time no see."

"It's not too long, about a thousand years. I didn't expect you to join Agnostic. Welcome."

"Che? Do you know each other?" Da Mao said.

Che replied: "I met him once."

"Why didn't you kill him? What a pity." Damao regretted.

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows: "Da Mao, do you want to be a guest in our human civilization? I will treat you well."

"Human civilization? Humph, a civilization that is targeted by those strange birds will be destroyed. You human civilization is over, and you are still a guest." Da Mao mocked.

Hehe, the old guy's voice came out: "Little guy, those strange birds are called Xian Ling, and they are called Xian Ling civilization."

Lu Yin's eyes flashed, Xian Ling? Immortal Lord.

"The characteristic of the Xianling civilization is that it tends to kill eternal beings. Your human civilization is very suitable to be its hunting ground, because you seem to have a lot of eternal beings. Go back and think about how to deal with it."

Lu Yin was puzzled: "Why would Eternal Life take the initiative to kill Eternal Life? Aren't you afraid of the constraints of cause and effect?"

"If you want to know more, you can only complete the three-star mission." Hehe said the old guy.

Lu Yin felt heavy.

Che said: "Lu Yin, teleportation is also one of the reasons why you can join Anonymous. Those strange birds are your enemies and we need to destroy them. I hope you can successfully kill one of them."

Lu Yin asked: "Is what Da Mao said true? Does that strange bird hold a grudge?"

"Da Mao?" Che was confused.

"It's me." Da Mao said, and then he reacted: "Bah, it's not me."

"It turns out it's you. How fitting." Che said.

Da Mao became angry: "Just because of these two words, I will destroy human civilization."

"Sorry, it's difficult to destroy human civilization with your strength." Che said.

Hehe, the old guy answered: "It's not all human civilization, it's just such a branch. Strictly speaking, it's an abandoned bait."

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows, they all knew.

Da Mao sneered: "Yes, it's just a bait, but I didn't expect that the original human civilization bait could actually grow, but it doesn't matter. Without the ninth base inheritance, this human civilization is nothing."

"Da Mao, human civilization invites you to be our guest." Lu Yin interrupted.

Da Mao sneered: "Wait until you can deal with that strange bird."

Pushing open the hanging coffin, Lu Yin walked out and exhaled.

Although I didn't understand the Xianling civilization in detail, I still knew a little bit about it, but this knowledge was depressing.

He told Qinglian Shangyu and others about these situations, and everyone felt heavy.

They don't know where the strange bird is, and they can't take the initiative to attack at all. Even if they take the initiative to attack, it's useless. The strange bird can disappear in an instant. It is not Luo Chan. Let alone Blood Tower Shangyu, even if Qinglian Shangyu takes full action, it will be difficult to catch it immediately, especially teleportation is their talent. They must have the power to cooperate with teleportation. After all, the legendary

It lasted for countless years.

This is the most troublesome thing.

Unable to think of a solution for the time being, Qinglian Shangyu could only keep an eye on the cause-and-effect celestial phenomenon, and warn him if a strange bird appeared.

Lu Yin rubbed his head, thinking that after solving the Hive Civilization and gaining teleportation, he would not be disgusted by this talent.

Now, that feeling is coming again.

It was even more disgusting than facing Luo Chan.

That strange bird is very strong.

Although he did not conform to the two laws of the universe and was not an opponent at the level of the boss, his opponent was better because he ran faster.

In the blink of an eye, two years have passed.

The strange bird did not appear. In the past two years, Inland Hidden has gone from time to time to track down and test for information. However, those who are unknown and not stupid are thieves. No matter how they test, they can't get more useful information.

He deliberately chatted with Che. This unknown person was very polite, very polite, and might tell him something.

But Che declined directly and said sorry several times, but said nothing about the Xianling civilization, leaving Lu Yin helpless.

Lu Yin wanted to find Lan Meng most. As long as he knew where Lan Meng was and Qinglian Shangyu and the others caught him, they would be able to get some information about the Xian Ling civilization through Lan Meng.

Lan Meng is currently the one who Lu Yin feels is the least threatened among the unknowns.

In Jiuxiao Universe, on a huge branch in the crown of the tree, the God of Dan Jinxiayu looked at the colored glass in his hand: "Senior Gantian, this colored glass is smaller than before."

In the distance, the huge snail opened its eyes and stared at Dan Jin: "I've been vomiting for so many years, how long do you want me to vomit?"

Dan Jin saluted: "This is not something I can decide. I am only responsible for transportation."

Zhang Tianyong was dissatisfied: "I have eternal life no matter what, and I have helped you deal with the unknown. Now you are going to repay me like this? I don't want to vomit."

Dan Jin was helpless: "The junior will report to Qinglian, senior, please wait a moment."

Gantian Yongsheng closed his eyes and didn't care. He had vomited for so many years and was tired.

Suddenly, an indescribable horror came. It subconsciously spat out the mire of space, and its whole body boiled with life energy. In an instant, a shadow appeared behind it. It was Yue Heron, and it was coming.

Staring at Zhangtianshengsheng, Yuelu flapped his wings and flung out a feather, the same as he had done with Master Kudeng, the Feather God Spear. The feathers penetrated the quagmire of space and the energy of life. These two forces had no effect until they penetrated the shell on the back of Zhangtian Yongsheng, cracking the shell. The feathers penetrated from one side of the shell to the other side, bringing it to Zhangtian. Eternal life is infinitely close

The feeling of death.

It stared blankly at Yue Heron, wondering why its defense had no effect at all.

Even if they were surrounded and killed in the first place, the spatial quagmire would still be useful.

At this time, cause and effect came, and Lu Yin appeared instantly, but it was still a step too late, and Yuelu disappeared.

Disappear with joy and smile.

Appearing in an instant just to make one move, and that's it.

Carrying the Sky's eternal life has been severely damaged.

Lu Yin looked at Zhangtian Yongsheng.

The huge body of Zhangtian Yongsheng shrank, and the shell on his back cracked, which was extremely miserable.

Danjin saw it from beginning to end. She saw the strange bird appear, strike a blow, and then disappear. Everything happened in just an instant, but in that instant, an eternal life was severely damaged.

The strange bird cast a shadow over her.

No, to be precise, it has cast a haze over the entire human civilization.

The strange bird completely left.

I looked all over the green lotus and couldn't find the cause and effect, it was so hateful.

Lu Yin clenched his fists and asked why Zhangantian Yongsheng couldn't stop him at all. Like Master Kudeng, Qiantian Yongsheng cannot explain it, but he can feel the laws of the universe.

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