Star Odyssey

Chapter 4258 Everything starts from nothing

It took two years to wait before attacking. If this strange bird does not attack regularly in the future, what will happen to human civilization? Cultivation is a problem.

As for his desire to build a mental wall, don't even think about it, as he may be interrupted at any time.

As a last resort, all the eternal beings of human civilization are in groups of two, so that even if they are attacked by a sneak attack, nothing will happen.

A year later, a strange bird appeared and made a surprise attack on the door. It completely determined the location of the immortal realm. But its sneak attack had no effect. The imperial family on Jingmen wanted to catch it, and even cooperated with Master Kudeng. However, the teleportation was really incomprehensible, and the strange bird only appeared for an instant. After an instant, Disappear, angry

His teeth were itching in his frightened door.

Then another year passed, and there was still a sneak attack on Jingmen Shangyu, which no one expected.

In fact, all the immortals did not leave the position locked by the strange bird. They were afraid that once they left, the strange bird would attack indiscriminately. If they could block it, the people below would not be able to block it.

However, even in the Immortal Realm, the strange bird did not attack the Jingmen Shangyu this time, but hit the Jingque Tower, waving its wings and almost overturning the Jingque Tower.

More than a year later, a strange bird attacked the mountain behind the Tianshang Sect. No one was hurt, but it shocked the Tianshang Sect and shocked many practitioners.

In desperation, Lu Yin went to the area where the technological civilization was located through the Gate of All Laws. He had no choice but to take action against the Tunfeng Civilization, and tried his best to complete the mission and learn the information about the Xianling Civilization so that he could take targeted action.

He didn't know how many more times the strange bird would sneak up on him. The intervals were different and no one could guard against it.

Also, did that strange bird really come to human civilization accidentally?

Could it be caused by the Immortal Lord? Or is it related to the unknowable?

Lu Yin needed to know more before he could analyze it.

Human civilization cannot suffer such a big loss.

Lu Yin took the door out far away from technological civilization, then appeared next to the other two doors in an instant, put the third door down, and disappeared again in an instant.

This is the correct way to use teleportation.

Looking back, there are already three doors.

At the same time, there was a huge oval light far away from the door, and a sound came from inside: "Beep - foreign matter was found - beep - foreign substance was found -"

"Don't remind me. Behind the third door is a certain civilization. They really know how to take advantage of us."

"Sending intelligence to the Empire?"

"Of course, send it immediately."

Lu Yin is gone, just leave the door open. What scientific and technological civilization lacks most is resources. If other civilizations destroy the civilizations they see because they have guesses about the universe, then scientific and technological civilization will destroy other civilizations even if they have no guesses, because they need infinite resources.

With all the resources exhausted, there is no way to stop.

Once it stops, it means decline.

At a small distance, decline means destruction.

I just don’t know how long it will take them to attack the Fengfeng civilization.

Lu Yin thought about the advantages and disadvantages of technological civilization and determined that they would definitely attack the Fengfeng civilization and would never directly destroy the portal.

But he underestimated technological civilization.

The instruction sent back here by technological civilization is only one word - wait.

Scientific and technological civilization does want to destroy other civilizations to seize resources, which is equivalent to supporting war with war, but they can wait. After the experience of opening the door to Lu Yin twice before, they analyzed that the civilization using them was in a hurry. Every time they went to the other side of the door, two civilizations were at war. They decided not to go there in a hurry, because there must be a war between civilizations, that is,

Even if it is not, the civilization behind the door also needs to be solved urgently by the civilization that uses them.

In this case, wait for a while before taking action.

Maybe a hundred years, maybe a thousand years, as long as this door remains, they can reach the other end and snatch resources.

And the civilization or creature that uses them may not be able to afford to wait.

Lu Yin didn't know this yet. He didn't know that technological civilization had decided to wait.

No one is perfect, and it is impossible to take all situations into account, especially when it comes to an entire civilization.

It wasn't until years later that he thought about it.

Seeing that the technological civilization had no intention of killing and swallowing up the feudal civilization through the portal, Lu Yin knew that they might not take action in the short term.

Ye Hai and Qinglian Shangyu were helpless: "After all, it is a civilization and cannot be exploited forever." "This technological civilization has not destroyed the door. Obviously, they also want to get over it. Technology cannot be separated from resources, but they are not in a hurry to get over it. , must be consumed by us, they can afford it, and there is no lack of resources for a civilization, but we consume

Sorry. Yu said in a deep voice at the startling door.

Lu Yin had a headache. Everyone was too smart and felt tired.

"Can you provoke it?" the boss asked. The strange bird had sneaked into the universe of consciousness, and it couldn't stay out of it.

After speaking, he looked at Lu Yin.

It remembered clearly that it was Lu Yin who instigated the war between the Black Qi Civilization and the Technological Civilization. He was very good at this.

Lu Yin was helpless. It was not easy to provoke him. Could he trick the civilization into swallowing up the civilization and killing the technological civilization? It's not impossible, but since the Tunfeng Civilization has been listed as a three-star mission by Agnostic, it is very likely that they know Anonymous and have had fights with them.

Once the door appears, they are likely to destroy it directly instead of fighting through it.

Just like human civilization. Either make it impossible for the Agnostic to activate the door, such as the Gate of Laws, or destroy it directly. This is the only choice that a civilization that understands the Agnostic will definitely make. Unless it is sure to face the Agnostic head-on, the Feng Feng Civilization obviously does not have that ability.

What ability.

Mr. Mu said: "We cannot control the choices of technological civilization. We can only consider how we respond."

"Weirong paid a visit during this period and gave us a solution."

Lu Yin looked at Mr. Mu. He had not met with Wei Rong. Mr. Mu was usually in charge now.

Mr. Mu said: "All biological actions have a purpose. Since this strange bird has a tendency to kill immortals, let it be killed and let it complete its purpose."

Lu Yin was surprised: "What does master mean?"

Mr. Mu said: "Since the technological civilization will not take action against the Tunfeng Civilization, we will take action and use the eternal life of the Tunfeng Civilization in exchange for the departure of this strange bird."

Everyone pondered, but they had never thought of this.

It's not impossible. There must be a reason for this strange bird to kill the Immortal Realm, so grab the Immortal Realm and give it to it.

It is better than dealing with human civilization endlessly.

Moreover, there is a causal constraint. Even if the strange bird wants to keep attacking, it can't do it. It can only kill two or three eternal beings at most.

However, I always feel uncomfortable doing this.

Human civilization has reached this stage and has become very strong. It even has the confidence to face the unknown and those fishing civilizations, but now it is forced to do this by a bird.

To seize Feng Civilization's Immortal Realm, Lu Yin alone cannot do it. The opponent has five eternal beings, and human civilization must dispatch at least five, or even more. Then the price of the causal restraint of the Immortal Realm's action will be too high. .

Forcing them to do this for a bird, no, absolutely not.

"What do you think, sir?" Yu asked at the startling door, looking at Mr. Mu.

Mr. Mu smiled and said, "No."

Qinglian Shangyu and the others all looked at Mr. Mu.

Mr. Mu said: "The reason why I tell you is because this method may be able to solve the interference of the strange bird, and it is out of respect for you. But if it is solved in this way, where is the dignity of our human civilization?"

"I have worked so hard to get to this point, but I can't be forced to do this by a bird no matter what."

The boss grinned: "I, Qibao Tianchan, can't stand this humiliation. If I really do this, what's the difference between it and slavery? It's better to be eaten by that bird as a snack."

Zhang Tiansheng: "..." It was also here, but it didn't speak.

I always feel like this is insulting.

Master Qingcao is also there. Even he, who once would rather surrender to the unknown and give up on human civilization, doesn't want to do that now.

It's so frustrating, mainly because the strange bird cannot threaten the survival of human civilization, but it forces the immortal state into trouble. I can't swallow this feeling.

Lu Yin looked downcast: "Then kill it and find a way to kill that strange bird."

"The Xianling civilization is very strong, otherwise it wouldn't be a big concern to Anonymous, but I don't believe that the Xianling civilization can attack them all, and Agnostic won't agree to it."

"Che said that teleportation was one of the reasons why I was able to join Wuzhi. Teleportation is my talent and has nothing to do with Wuzhi. However, since Wuzhi needs this talent, it should be to deal with the Xianling civilization."

Qinglian Shangyu agreed: "The Xianling Civilization cannot easily kill here. The arrival of this strange bird is just not enough to cause the unknown to take action."

"A fishing civilization has a circle. If the Xianling civilization really wants to destroy our human civilization, Anonymous will definitely bear the brunt."

This is what Patriarch Shan said, the unknown is both an old enemy and a barrier.

Qinglian Shangyu wanted to say something else, but his expression changed: "Mr. Lu, bring City Lord Jiang here. He has left the prison."

During this period, Jiang Feng seemed to have some insights. He had been in seclusion in Baiyun City for decades, and now he just came out of seclusion.

Lu Yin arrived at Tianyuan Universe instantly and brought Jiang Feng with him.

Lu Yin told about the strange bird. Jiang Feng did not expect such a thing to happen: "Teleportation? It is indeed troublesome, but I remember that teleportation is not indestructible."

He looked at Lu Yin: "Luo Chan seemed to have been restrained back then."

Lu Yin nodded: "Luo Chan was indeed captured. If it were not for the Immortal Lord's action, Luo Chan would not have been able to escape during the first war between the Insect Nest Civilization and Jiuxiao Universe. But Luo Chan is Luo Chan, and that strange bird is a strange bird. The strange bird is eternal life.”

Jiang Feng said: "The same method used to deal with Luo Chan will definitely not work against the strange bird. It cannot be trapped at all. But what if you don't trap it? Instead, follow it. As long as you can touch it, it will not be able to get rid of it."

This is also the characteristic of teleportation. You can take away whatever you encounter.

The question is how to encounter it.

Everyone was silent.

Gantian Yongsheng glanced at Jiang Feng and said nonsense. Would he not have thought of this? The question is how to encounter it.

"I have a way to contain it for a moment. The moment it strikes, I can contain it for another moment. It's two moments. Lu Yin, can you touch it like this?" Jiang Feng asked.

Everyone looked at him in surprise.

"Can you contain it for a moment?" Jingmen Shangyu exclaimed. Jiang Feng is confident: "I agree with the law of the universe that everything begins with nothing."

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