Star Odyssey

Chapter 4259 The Absolute Means of Escape

"This law is related to Master Qingcao." Jiang Feng looked at Master Qingcao: "When you deprived me of everything, I fell into darkness with nothing there. It lasted for a long, long time. Later, with the help of Xiaoyu, I walked out of the darkness.

But that darkness remains in my memory forever. "

"Now, in line with the laws of the universe, everything starts from nothing." "Teleportation requires contact with the universe. This was the principle behind catching Luo Chan. Then, in line with the laws of the universe, I let the strange bird separate from the universe in an instant, even though it was just It is easy to break in an instant, but this extra

One moment, is it enough? "

Lu Yin's eyes were hot: "You can try it."

It is very difficult for an eternal being to avoid contact with the universe. Even Qinglian Lord would find it difficult to do it.

But Jiang Feng could just do it in line with the laws of the universe.

Even though it's only a moment, a lot can be done in one moment.

Teleportation is an instant, and Lu Yin can also move instantaneously.

Anyway, give it a try.

Seven years have passed since the portal was placed in the technological civilization. Within these seven years, technological civilization has not crossed the portal, and strange birds have not attacked human civilization.

It would be nice if it stayed like this.

But on this day, a strange bird appeared, not in human civilization, but behind the Gate of Laws.

A strange bird suddenly appeared before the eyes of the emperor on the blood tower, with its feathers piercing out. The emperor on the blood tower held a blood knife and chopped it down with one strike.

The blade of the blade struck the feather, and it was so gentle that it passed by in an instant. The feather penetrated the body and penetrated the shoulder of the emperor on the blood tower.

The shock on the Blood Tower is ineffective?

His blood knife was actually ineffective, just like what Kudeng and Gantian said.

Without hesitation, he turned around and disappeared into the gate of all dharma.

Although the guard on the blood tower was injured, the strange bird was also forced to take a step back by the energy of the blade. There was nothing he could do. He could only neigh unwillingly and pass through the gate of the law at the same time.

No one paid attention to the sounds of the fighting here, especially the chirping of strange birds that spread across the stars, attracting a round ball with a metallic appearance and flashing red lights.

On the blood tower, Yu Lang returned through the gate of all laws. The next moment, the strange bird rushed out and disappeared instantly.

This scene shocked all the law realms, and made Lu Yin and the others even more heartbroken.

The strange bird is clearly in the starry sky of human civilization and has not crossed the gate of all laws, but it can sneak attack on the blood tower. What does this mean?

It represents a strange bird that moved from human civilization to the starry sky behind the Gate of Laws at a short distance.

It means that although the starry sky is far away, it can be reached.

It also means that no matter how far away, as long as the strange bird has been to the direction, it can reach it again.

What's more, this place behind the Gate of All Laws, where there has always been only one Immortal Realm, will face sneak attacks from strange birds at any time.

As for whether the strange bird will see technological civilization, and whether it will have war or communication with technological civilization, it is difficult to say clearly.

The purpose of this strange bird is to kill the realm of immortality. Although technological civilization has weapons that can achieve the power of eternal life, it is not the realm of immortality. If it has no value to the strange bird and the strange bird is not stupid, it is likely to lead the technological civilization to the side of human civilization.

The unknown has knowledge of the strange bird, and the strange bird must also know the unknown.

Then, using civilization to attack civilization may not be impossible.

Every fact analyzed is disturbing.

Lu Yin looked up at the stars, wishing he could make a birdcage that could cover the universe and catch all those strange birds.

There is one more person sitting behind the Gate of Laws, and the Blood Tower Shangyu still has to sit there, but there is also a Kudeng Master, and the two immortal realms join forces to sit there. In this way, even a sneak attack by a strange bird is useless.

As for human civilization, there is no shortage of eternal life.

Keep waiting. Since the strange bird has followed through the Gate of All Laws, it means that the next target of the sneak attack is on the side of human civilization, otherwise it does not need to follow at all.

No matter how far it is from human civilization to the starry sky behind the Gate of Laws, it doesn't need to waste that much time. Originally, everyone discussed that the Immortal Realm should be grouped in pairs, but due to Jiang Feng's methods, in order to attract the strange birds to take action, they decided to spread out. Of course, such abnormal behavior will inevitably arouse the vigilance of the strange birds, so the Eternal Life

The distance between them has also shortened, and a plan has been made to deal with the sneak attack of the strange bird.

They thought that it would take at least a few years for the strange bird to sneak up on them, but half a year later, Master Qingcao saw the strange bird.

Yuelu's eyes were charming, taunting, cold, murderous, and disdainful, and he attacked Master Qingcao for the second time.

Master Qingcao stared at Yuelu's Feather God Spear as if in a daze, watching helplessly as the feather approached, unable to stop it no matter what, not even the guards on the Blood Tower could stop it.

The Feather God Spear easily pierced Master Qingcao's body. Master Qingcao stepped back step by step, staining the ground with blood. He did not defend himself in order to see this move clearly.

He stared intently at the Feathered God Spear, feeling the changes in the starry sky, and breathing at a frequency that ordinary people could not understand. The universe also breathed. This was the law of the universe that he conformed to.

When the Feather God Spear completely pierced his body, he saw clearly: "Fusion, and transfer."

Yue Heron's eyes were filled with murderous intent. This eternal being actually saw clearly its Feather God Spear at the cost of being severely injured. But so what if it could be seen clearly. Can humans stop it?

Master Qingcao coughed up blood and became extremely weak.

Like a candle left in the wind, it will be extinguished as soon as it blows.

But Yuelu showed no nostalgia at all, and had no intention of chasing him. He was about to teleport and disappear.

At this moment, the sky and the earth suddenly became dark, everything ceased to exist, and everything began with nothing.

The teleportation failed, Yuelu was shocked, looked up to the sky and screamed, tearing the world apart, endless cause and effect came. At the same time, there was an extra hand on the claws, from Lu Yin.

The Yue Heron was so big that Lu Yin could only catch its claws while standing, but that was enough.

Lu Yin raised his head and curled his lips: "I caught you."

Cause and effect covered the world. In front of his eyes, Master Qingcao changed his appearance of weakness, threw out the bamboo fence and turned it into a rattan. Three Cang Sword Intentions appeared behind Lu Yin.

Yuelu's eyes were cold, and the void was distorted. In an instant, his body was divided into two parts, two parts into three parts, three parts into five parts, five parts into seventeen parts...

In the blink of an eye, thousands of moon herons appeared in the void, and then disappeared at the same time. Only the moon heron Lu Yin encountered remained in place.

Lu Yin stared blankly at Yuelu, who was left behind. Yuelu looked at him, his eyes full of mockery, and then they all faded away, leaving only dullness.

When the cause and effect came, Yue Heron's body was scattered and disappeared into the starry sky, leaving only one feather floating down.

Lu Yin raised his hand, caught the feather, and watched it scatter in his hand, defeated.

Should I say it was expected?

The Xianling civilization has an absolute method of teleportation. It has been passed down for countless years and must have created the ability to coordinate with teleportation. If they can catch this strange bird, other civilizations in the universe, especially the fishing civilization, can catch it.

Therefore, the ability just now is an absolute means of escape combined with teleportation.

Although Uncle Jiang could contain him for a moment, it could only be for a moment.

Qinglian ascended the throne, Jiang Feng arrived, and Lu Yin also released the boss from the Supreme Mountain.

That's right, he placed the boss in the Supreme Mountain again, so that when he catches the strange bird, the boss can take action.

There is no guarantee that he will be able to kill the strange bird if he takes action himself.

The boss is different.

Unfortunately, I still couldn't catch it.

"Did you miss?" asked the boss, who didn't see the process.

Lu Yin explained the process again, and the boss was helpless: "Sure enough, a civilization with teleportation is not that easy to deal with. It would be great if dad was here, then the strange bird will not be able to escape."

"Perhaps Patriarch Shan still knows information about this strange bird." Lu Yin said.

The boss sighed.

Qinglian Shangyu put his hands behind his back: "No matter what, we have forced this strange bird to escape. Step by step, facing our entire civilization, I don't believe that we can't deal with a bird."

Lu Yin said: "I'll go to Zizong and ask again."

Soon after, he was lying in the hanging coffin and came to Zizong again.

"Who's here? Come out and have a chat." Lu Yin's voice sounded. Every time he came, Zizong was very lively.

"Lu Yin, I'm here." This was Che, always so polite.

But Lu Yin didn't want to face Che. Facing such a guy, it was useless to scold him. If he asked and they wouldn't tell you, it would be better for Damao and the others. At least he could ask something through scolding.

But you can't help but answer when someone says hello.

"Hello, Che."

"Hello, Lu Yin."

"Lan Meng, is Lan Meng here? We haven't chatted for a long time. We haven't seen each other since you were almost shot to death by Grand Ancestor Shan last time. Let's chat."

No one answered.

"Is Da Mao here?"

"Haha old guy?"

"Why aren't you here? No, you must not want to talk. Everyone wants to see my joke, right? Let me tell you, a strange bird can't deal with our human civilization. I almost pulled out all its fur."

Che's voice came out: "Lu Yin, don't underestimate the Xianling civilization. They are very powerful. You may only face the weakest one."

Lu Yin was speechless. This guy was polite, but could he speak? The weakest one has forced human civilization to this point? He really didn't believe it.

"Che, what is the strength of the weakest strange bird? Tell me and I will compare it."

"Sorry, I can't tell."

"Then how many immortal birds there are in this fairy civilization? Can you tell me?"

"I'm really sorry, I can't say."

"How many strange birds have you dealt with?"

"I'm really sorry, I can't say."

Lu Yin almost wanted to curse. He found that he would rather face the old guy Hehe than Che. At least although the old guy Hehe choked and couldn't speak airtight, he could at least allow himself to curse.

"Haha, old guy, are you here? Why don't I call you Ermao, it's convenient." Lu Yin provoked.

"Haha, didn't you give the title Ermao to another one?" Haha, the old guy said.

Lu Yin sneered: "As expected, old guy, how about we make a bet? You have always wanted to see a joke about human civilization, so I will catch that strange bird. As long as I can catch it, you agree to one condition."

Hehe, the old guy laughed: "Whether your human civilization can catch the strange bird, what does it have to do with me? I don't bet."

"I bet you," this is Da Mao.

Lu Yin said: "You don't deserve it."

"What did you say?" Da Mao was furious.

Lu Yin said disdainfully: "You don't know anything. Haha, the old guy is different from you. He knows who is targeting Patriarch Shan." "I know too," Damao said.

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