Star Odyssey

Chapter 4270 Jade. A Thread of Sky

Lu Yin silently exited Zizong.

Ba Se's words revealed the cruel fact of Fang Cunmaan, although they had always known this fact.

There is no contradiction between the ecological circle in Shan Laozu's language and the ecological circle that does not exist in Ba Color's language.

When certain civilizations are not destroyed, there is an ecosystem. When certain civilizations are destroyed, there is no ecosystem.

It is not the fishing civilization that determines whether there is an ecosystem, but the trapped civilizations.

From the perspective of the Eight Colors, there is indeed no ecosystem, but from the perspective of human civilization, the unknown is the ecosystem that traps them.

This is a kind of thinking about the pattern.

But if you think about it differently, what if the ecological circle that does not exist in Ba Color Language is because of strength?

Just like the death universe uses original treasures to seal the bones for fishing, the technological civilization buys the coordinates of evil thieves for fishing, the unknown uses the door to fish, and the springboard civilization fishes for everything. That kind of supreme domineering fully demonstrates what strength is.

Does Base also want to express this meaning?

Lu Yin pondered for a while and found Master Qingcao.

Master Qingcao looked at Lu Yin blankly: "Go and get something for you?"

Lu Yin hummed.

Master Qingcao looked at Lu Yin and couldn't believe it.

Lu Yin looked at him: "Is it strange?"

Master Qingcao said: "I know you are afraid that the unknown will take action against you, but one day you will find out."

Lu Yin said: "Maybe that day I won't be afraid anymore."

Master Qingcao smiled bitterly: "Unknowable power."

"Stop talking to me about this. I don't need to know how powerful Wu Zhi is. Anyway, you have been to Zhizong. Now go and get something for me. I'll get everything for you." After saying that, he took out the lid of the hanging coffin. There is a door on the top, through which you can directly enter the Zhizhi. This is a treat that can only be obtained by joining the unknown.

Hui Hui wanted to run away to find out his whereabouts. If Lu Yin hadn't blocked the door, he wouldn't have been able to kill him.

Master Qingcao looked at Lu Yin and then at the door. He had just been ridiculed, and now he was taking advantage of him. This little guy was really shameless.

Facing Lu Yin, he knew that there was no point in his refusal, so he had no choice but to enter the door alone.

Soon after, Master Qingcao returned, and Lu Yin immediately closed the door, fearing that someone might follow him.

Master Qingcao raised his hand, and in his hand was a piece of light the size of a fingernail: "What you want, Ba Color will let you go again."

Lu Yin took the light sheet and looked at it carefully. There were various intertwined rays of light in the light sheet. To practice the mirror light technique is to condense these intertwined rays of light into the void in front of you, one layer after another. The second layer is more complicated than the first layer. The third level is more complex than the second level, with each additional level becoming more complex.

If you want to see farther, you need to keep adding layers.

What Lu Yin can currently see with his naked eyes is equivalent to the limit distance that ordinary eternal beings can see. This distance does not mean much. In this state, even if he keeps teleporting, the distance between him and the opponent is extremely small. He needs to be able to see Far, further.

Lu Yin teleported away, lay down in the hanging coffin again, and lost consciousness.

"What else do you need from me?"


Lu Yin had forgotten that he still had to take on a mission, so that was the rule.

"Same old, three-star mission."

"You are qualified to accept a four-star mission."

"No, three stars."

"Three-star mission, capture Jade. Yixiantian."

Lu Yin was confused: "Isn't it destroying civilization?"

(This chapter is not finished yet, please turn the page) "The value of Jade. One Line of Sky is equivalent to destroying civilization. It belongs to Jade Universe. Jade Universe is not a fishing civilization, but it is constantly developing towards fishing civilization. Their behavior is close to that of fishing civilization. They use One Line of Sky as their When fishing with bait, your task is to capture the jade. One-line sky, and thereby find the jade universe.”

Lu Yin understood: "This Jade Universe is a four-star mission."

"The four-star mission to destroy Jade Universe has been accepted. Even if you want to accept the four-star mission, it has nothing to do with Jade Universe. Are you sure you want to accept the three-star mission to capture Jade. Yixiantian?"

Lu Yin did not hesitate: "Okay, take it. By the way, is this jade... a line of sky running around? If it is too far away from my human civilization, I can't find it."

"Jade Universe considers itself a fishing civilization, but it doesn't have the knowledge of a fishing civilization. Using your understanding, it means that they are constantly moving from one ecological circle to another, and there are many, many, many jade in the sky thrown out, among which There is Jade. A Thread in the Sky is heading in the direction of your human civilization, that’s why we gave it this mission.”

"Since you know the whereabouts of Yu.Xianxiantian, why don't you capture it yourself?"

"Now I just catch it myself."

Lu Yin understood, he was just agnostic, and now that he knew the whereabouts of Yu.Xianxiantian, he was asked to capture it.

But Bashi really didn’t know that he would delay time? If you can't finish it, you won't finish it. This is your own idea.

When it comes to a four-star mission, the Jade Universe is by no means a good thing. It has almost ten eternal beings. If it cannot be destroyed in the end, it will be troublesome to lure it to human civilization.

A civilization that can develop ten eternal beings, God knows what powerful people there are in it. The Qibao Tianchan clan does not have that many eternal beings, and there is still an ancestor of the mountain.

To deal with this Jade Universe, let Anonymous have two tasks, which is problematic at first glance.

Human civilization does not want to take on this trouble.

After leaving Zhizong, Lu Yin went to Yitianque to look at the ancestor, but it was still the same. Then he went to the Mirage Domain and looked at the Kuzu, and the same thing happened.

It is normal for a cultivator to stay in seclusion for millions of years. He should not judge other cultivators based on his cultivation path.

Now that we're in the mirage realm, let's practice the mirror light technique.

Mirror Light requires nothing else but time. The more time you have, the more layers you pile up, and the further you can see. There is no place more suitable than the mirage.

For the next time, Lu Yin stayed in the mirage domain and continued to practice mirror light techniques.

Each level is more complicated than the previous level. The first one hundred levels are not difficult for Lu Yin, but beyond one hundred levels, the complexity suddenly increases several times, and it still becomes more complicated with each additional level.

Lu Yin didn't even know how long he had been piled in the mirage, but it should have been quite a long time anyway.

Because he knew that Zhao Ran had traveled down the long river of time several times, coming and going and coming back again.

Blood Tower Shangyu also came once.

Ever since the strange bird attacked Master Kudeng, in the past few years, the two immortals have been together behind the Gate of All Laws. However, it has recently recovered. The Immortal Master asked Lu Yin to make sure that the strange bird would not come again in a short time.

But just in case, whoever sits behind the door of all dharma is closest to the door of all dharma.

He was almost half inside the door and half outside the door, and he was always vigilant for fear of being attacked.

Once the strange bird attacks again, it may not be just one, which is the most fearful thing.

There is no way, we can't let the two immortals sit there all the time, the immortals also need to practice.

Because of this, the Royal Guards of the Blood Tower will also be free when they take turns guarding the gates of all laws.

This rotation occurs approximately once every fifty years.

We can't always let Master Kudeng guard us.

In the mirage, Lu Yin opened his eyes, exhaled heavily, and rubbed his eyes, too tired.

The mirror light technique has reached one hundred and thirty-seven levels, which is quite a lot. It is like a light curtain floating in front of his eyes. Lu Yin can now see the speed distance of twenty years of eternal life. This is an exaggerated distance. The great celestial phenomena of cause and effect are only three years apart.

It is equivalent to saying that Lu Yin can see half the distance from human civilization to the colorful land by using the Mirror Light Technique, which is extremely terrifying.

This is the reward that qualifies for a three-star mission. A civilization was destroyed for this mirror light technique.

However, the current number of layers makes Lu Yin feel complicated, mainly because it is too tiring to calculate here all the time.

"Is it over?" Zhaoran paddled closer.

Lu Yin nodded: "It's over for now. I'm too tired, so I won't do it for now."

"By the way, the emperor left the Blood Tower?"

Mentioning this, Zhao Ran looked helpless: "Let's go, they must have taken turns to guard the Gate of Laws for fifty years."

Lu Yin smiled and said: "You want to calculate the time when he will come out? He must have thought of it, and he will definitely not let you calculate it. Just change the order a little."

Zhao Ran sighed.

She either hated the Blood Tower Shangyu or was annoyed by it.

It's hard to refuse. If it weren't for the blood tower Shangyu, she would be dead.

Lu Yin stood by the River of Time and looked into the distance. In addition to the Forbidden Land of Cause and Effect, there were other places in that direction.

Mirage territory, more than one forbidden area.

"You want to go in?" Zhao Ran's voice came.

Lu Yin withdrew his gaze: "Forget it, I won't go in."

He had thought about going in before, but Zhao Ran said something that frightened him.

"There, they are buried in eternal life."

With such a simple sentence, Lu Yin didn't want to go in.

He has understood the horror of the forbidden land of cause and effect. Although he has understood cause and effect, what if he has not understood it? I was completely stuck in it and couldn't get out.

And other forbidden places will not be worse than the forbidden places of cause and effect.

Although Zhaoran doesn't have as many memories as Weinu, he still knows some things occasionally.

For example, she knows that the long river of time cannot be without a ferryman, she knows that the long river of time flows, etc., but there are some things that she cannot explain.

The Forbidden Land of the Mirage was buried in the Immortal Realm. This was her memory, but she didn't know which Immortal Realm it was.

Lu Yin had thought about asking Wei Nu before, but never had the chance.

He remembered that he encountered a memory shock on the way to the palace in Yitianque. He saw a woman in red with her back turned, heading in one direction, and there was singing. There was a mirage. At that moment, he experienced the sadness of self-destruction, which made him both His eyes were all red.

Self-burial, mirage territory, is probably forbidden territory.

It was also that time when the word "hanging coffin" appeared in his memory, which split his past memories and saw his trace for the second time.

If you want to gain something, you have to pay, and in the world of cultivation, you have to risk your life, but now human civilization cannot bear the risk of losing Lu Yin, not only because he is a rogue and has the ability to kill the immortal realm, but also because of teleportation.

Perhaps one day, when human civilization truly reaches the level of fishing civilization, he will take the risk to explore the forbidden area.

He also wanted to know the relationship between the woman in red and the unknown.

Leaving the mirage, the outside world is still the same time.

But Lu Yin was already very tired, and calculating the mirror light technique made him dizzy. He suddenly thought of the infinite empire. Would it be better to use technological means to calculate?

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