Star Odyssey

Chapter 4271 Azimuth Coordinates

Lu Yin immediately went to Infinite Empire, but was disappointed.

Infinite Empire's certain technology can be calculated, but it cannot be calculated with Infinite Empire's technology. At least it needs to be enhanced a few more levels to be qualified to calculate the mirror light technique that gives Lu Yin a headache.

After all, the calculation starts from the 137th level. This number of levels is enough to make the calculations of the strong people who survive the misfortune dizzy. The Infinite Empire cannot keep up now.

Lu Yin thought of that technological civilization.

It would be great if the Infinite Empire had the strength of that technological civilization.

Continue to build a high wall in your mind. Once you break through eternal life and your whole person changes, the calculation of this mirror light technique will inevitably change as well.

By the way, there is also the pupil power of the Heavenly Eye, which increases too slowly, so there is no need to practice it specially.

In the blink of an eye, a hundred years have passed. Outside the Gate of All Dharmas, Master Kudeng is surrounded by heart lanterns. His whole body is almost close to the Gate of All Dharmas, just to be alert to the sneak attacks of strange birds.

And that heart lamp is his world. With all his strength, no matter how powerful the strange bird is, it cannot kill him instantly.

No matter how you say it, it is the realm of eternal life.

The lamp of the heart was extinguished here and lit up there, reflecting Master Kudeng sitting in the abyss with his eyes staring at the stars, not daring to relax for a moment.

The deep starry sky is always so dark, even if there are heart lights all over it, it can't illuminate it.

Suddenly, the heart lamp went out, and Master Kudeng stared into the distance. The void was twisting, and something was coming.

It's not a strange bird. If those strange birds appear, they will appear next to him instantly.

Just as he was thinking about it, countless sharp things like enlarged needles were stabbed at him. Master Kudeng's eyes changed. Oh no, technological civilization has been found.

He struck out with a palm, and the power of the abyss pushed across the void, crushing the starry sky, and those enlarged versions of the needles directly shattered when they hit the crushed void.

Suddenly, the void flowed backwards in both directions. Master Kudeng was the first to think of Piao Ling. Although he had never encountered it before, Lu Yin told them all the attack methods he knew about technological civilization, especially Master Kudeng. It will one day be found by technological civilization.

It’s just that Master Kudeng didn’t expect it to happen so quickly.

According to the prior agreement, if one day, technological civilization finds the location of the Gate of All Dharmas, it will return immediately, and then destroy the Gate of All Dharmas.

Master Kudeng walked through the door without hesitation and left. In the next moment, huge enlarged needles shot through the door of all dharma.

Master Kudeng crossed the gate of all dharma and smashed the enlarged versions of the needles into pieces with a wave of his hand. He discovered that there were some spheres shining brightly inside the broken needles. He immediately smashed those spheres into pieces again.

At the same time, Qinglian Shangyu and others noticed the sudden change in the Gate of All Laws, especially Master Qingcao, who was already spiritualizing the universe, and hurried over.

And far away from human civilization, when those spheres passed through the gate of all dharma through an enlarged version of the needle, there was a sphere closest to human civilization that shone with light. The two spheres shone with exactly the same frequency, even though it was painful. Master Lamp smashed those balls immediately, but for a technological fishing civilization, this moment was enough.


The shattering of the Gate of All Dharmas came from Qinglian Shangyu. When Master Kudeng passed through the Gate of All Dharmas and smashed the balls, Qinglian Shangyu came with cause and effect and fell one step ahead of Master Qingcao, shattering the Gate of All Dharmas. Door.

Master Kudeng has never encountered technological civilization, but Qinglian Shangyu has encountered it twice, and both times were attacked by Jingluo. It can be seen at a glance that it comes from technological civilization.

Human civilization cannot be found by technological civilization.

The shattering of the Gate of Laws has deprived human civilization of an escape route, but compared to being found by technological civilization, the price is worth it.

Master Kudeng and Master Qingcao looked at the broken door of all dharma, feeling a little dazed for a moment.

One has been sitting behind the Gate of Laws for so many years, and the other has always been concerned about the Gate of Laws. He once wanted to activate it but could not.

Now, the door to all dharma is gone.

On the other side of the broken Gate of Laws, under the starry sky of the deep universe, far away from the Gate of Laws, huge oval-shaped rays of light flew across the sky, six in total, two more than when they attacked the Tunfeng Civilization.

The falling crystals come from these huge oval lights.

"The portal is broken and we cannot find that civilization through the portal."

"I hope it can be connected. When we attacked the Tunfeng civilization, we released signals immediately. Those signals moved in all directions in the starry sky. If this civilization and the Tunfeng civilization are under the same starry sky, we will be able to determine it one day. As long as If two signals are connected, we can lead the rest of the signals to find the second line connected to us, and then we can find this civilization."

"No civilization can take advantage of the empire. This civilization has used the empire three times and should pay the price."

"The empire has been prepared for a long time, and is also developing methods to deal with that kind of fast movement. It will definitely succeed."

"Just let us wait."

On the side of human civilization, Qinglian Shangyu destroyed the Gate of All Laws. Lu Yin was still in Tianyuan Universe at the moment and did not notice.

But then the Infinite Empire contacted him and told him that the ball had reacted.

Lu Yin hurried to the Infinite Empire.

Before, he wanted to use the Infinite Empire to calculate the mirror light technique, but the Infinite Empire was not capable enough, so Lu Yin left the sphere that was obtained from one eye and was connected to technological civilization, hoping that the Infinite Empire could get something from this sphere. Useful techniques.

It had only been a hundred years, but I didn't expect the ball to react suddenly.

When he came to the Infinite Empire, Mr. Huan told Lu Yin very seriously that the reaction of the sphere represented the coordinates, the coordinates of human civilization.

"For a hundred years, this sphere has brought some help to our technology. Although we still can't understand it, we can understand it a little. It has just received the coordinates."

Lu Yin looked solemn, what are the coordinates of human civilization?

In Huan Lao's words, the coordinate position is in the direction of the Jiuxiao universe, forming a position with the sphere. There is also a sphere positioned at that coordinate. It is precisely because the sphere has been positioned and the coordinates are emitted, that A round ball can be received.

Lu Yin immediately went to Jiuxiao Universe, and then he realized that the Gate of Laws had been destroyed, and technological civilization had found it.

Without time to think about it, Lu Yin took his ball and looked for the ball that emits the coordinates of human civilization. He must find it. This is the method of scientific and technological civilization. They are looking for human civilization.

Before Lu Yin practiced the Mirror Light Technique, it would not have been easy for Lu Yin to find the sphere. Knowing the location was one thing, but he couldn't see that location. It would take a long time to get there. But now that he has practiced the Mirror Light Technique , as long as he determines the position and looks over, he can see the ball.

found it.

Looking at the ball in his hand, Lu Yin crushed it into pieces.

The Infinite Empire cannot fully analyze this sphere, which means it cannot prevent it from sending out the coordinates of human civilization and can only destroy it. And your own ball only receives coordinates, rather than transmitting them.

Since there is one sphere, there must be others.

The sudden attack of technological civilization must have been well thought out. This ball obviously came from the swallowing universe. The power of technological civilization that destroyed and attacked the swallowing universe has already swept through it. These five old people have also been there. Looking for the power of scientific and technological civilization, I have never found it.

There is only one possibility. The technological civilization threw these balls out long before the Tunfeng civilization was destroyed.

This means that from the attack on the Tunfeng Civilization to the attack on Master Kudeng, the entire process is included in the calculation of the technological civilization.

When they attacked the swallowing civilization, they threw this kind of ball as a carrier to receive signals and locate the coordinates of human civilization. Then they attacked Master Kudeng at intervals and threw the ball in when Master Kudeng retreated to human civilization. Although Master Kudeng quickly smashed those balls, for the technological fishing civilization, that moment was enough to send out a signal.

Connect with these carriers thrown out in advance to determine the coordinates of human civilization, and then use this carrier to transmit the coordinates of human civilization to other spheres, gradually determining the orientation of human civilization.

???????????????Lu Yin exhaled. He used technological civilization three times, and he used it successfully. However, technological civilization is not stupid, and he is also using his means to determine human civilization. coordinate.

Don’t underestimate any civilization, especially fishing civilization.

Lu Yin had never underestimated him, but he was still taken advantage of.

It can only be said that no one has a perfect plan, and the other party will always find a way to defeat your tricks.

And the moment he found the carrier ball, the ball signal from one eye suddenly went out, which meant that the other balls would no longer emit signals, but it did not mean that they would not operate, just in this way. Avoid your own search.

"Our position has been exposed. Now we hope that technological civilization will not be able to receive the signal here." Lu Yin said.

Jingmen said: "It shouldn't be received, the distance is too far."

Qinglian Shangyu looked solemn: "They are a fishing civilization. Since they will not be unprepared, and are we really as far away from that technological civilization as we think?"

"The Immortal Ling teleported from us to the other side of the Gate of Laws and attacked Senior Kudeng. Although it took a long time, twenty years, it has been teleporting during these twenty years? It is obviously impossible." Lu Yin said: "It has been so many years since I asked Patriarch Lu Yuan to attract the Immortal Lord, but it only takes more than two hundred years to reach the direction of the line of sky that is known through the Immortal Lord's cause and effect. The distance of more than two hundred years can be reached in Luo Chan's instant. The move is very fast, it cannot take twenty years."

"So distance can't really be determined by this kind of time."

Yu Shen on the Blood Tower said in a deep voice: "The distance cannot be determined, but it is definitely more than the distance between Xiao Shiba's current place and our human civilization. In our understanding, even fishing civilizations cannot communicate with each other across such a long distance. ."

Qinglian Shangyu nodded: "Yes, so what we need to do now is to cut off technological civilization and reduce the distance of contact."

"There are also balls, and there are quite a lot of them." Mr. Mu said.

Lu Yin's eyes flashed: "I'm here to see. Mirror light can see very far away. If those spheres want to contact technological civilization and determine the location of human civilization, they will definitely have to get closer to our human civilization. I don't believe in going around." I looked around civilization and couldn't find those things."

Everyone was silent, this was the only way.

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