Star Odyssey

Chapter 4272 The Bone Giant

"It would be great if we could clearly see the strength of that technological civilization. If we conquer it, the combat power of our human civilization will leap forward." Yu Xi regretted on the Blood Tower.

Qinglian Shangyu said: "You can't take risks. The biggest advantage of scientific and technological civilization is quantity and not being bound by cause and effect. It is difficult to see clearly."

It no longer matters whether we want to see scientific and technological civilization clearly. Anyway, the door to all dharma has been destroyed.

What Lu Yin has to do now is to find those spheres and find a civilization that can be used.

Every Agnostic has a civilization that can be exploited. The mission he accepted this time was to capture Jade. Yixiantian. He could do it personally, but that might not be the case for the next mission.

It’s best to be prepared.

But are there any civilizations around there that can be exploited?

Surrounding human civilization, there are many civilizations within a distance of fifty years of eternal life. This distance is quite far. It is a circular range with a radius from human civilization to the Qibao Tianchan clan. Even at Lu Yin's instantaneous movement speed, it is very long. It takes a long time to explore it all, and it can even be said that he cannot explore every corner because what he can see is too limited.

Being able to reach this distance does not mean that you can see this distance clearly.

The mirror light technique can see the speed distance of twenty years in eternal life, but it is only the distance, not the range.

Lu Yin can see the stars far away, but the range covered by his sight is the same as his at this moment, instead of covering himself to the entire distance of the visible range. This is also the mirror light technique. No, it should be said that it covers everything that can be seen far away. Disadvantages of sight.

Another disadvantage is that if he looks far away, he will not be able to see closer places.

This was what he had expected before practicing the Mirror Light Technique.

So so far, no one knows how many civilizations exist around human civilization.

Taking this opportunity to find the sphere, Lu Yin decided to take a good look. He couldn't see everything clearly, but he tried his best to explore it.

Soon after, Lu Yin headed towards the Tunfeng Civilization.

The first search must be centered on Tunfeng Civilization, in the direction of human civilization. This direction has long been handed over to Lao Wu, Dan Jin, Qing Xing and the others to search, but their speed was too slow and they saw too little.

At the same time, in the starry sky far away from human civilization, Xiao Shiba jumped towards the distance, holding a snow-white bird in his hand.

It has been more than a hundred years since they set out, and there is still about a hundred years before they can reach the line of sky where the snow-white birds have been before.

"I solemnly state again that Xianxian can run away and cannot stay in one place forever. Don't blame me if you can't find it now. Do you hear me?" Snow White Bird shouted.

Xiao Shiba grinned: "If I can't find it, I'll stew you and make it into dried birds."

The snow-white flying bird shouted: "I am an insect."


“There is no grass for worms.”

"Shut up."

The snow-white flying bird lowered its head helplessly. At first, it was still struggling when being held by Xiao Shiba, but now it is unable to struggle. This damn toad is stubborn, has a bad mouth, and has a bad character. However, its combat power is terrifying. It will only be bad luck to try to escape.

Xiao Shiba is a very particular toad. Like the other toads of Qibao Tianchan, he has a bad personality and can behave despicably, but he is equally honest.

He promised Lu Yin to look for the one-line sky first, and there would be no delay at all.

Although the deep-rooted romance makes it constantly want to change directions and go to unknown distances, it must first complete this task.

A few years later, Xiao Shiba rubbed his eyes, what's in front of him? I saw a group of green, cloud-like things floating quietly in front of me, which stood out in the dark and deep starry sky.

Although small, it is eye-catching.

The snow-white flying bird looked at it: "Huh? A line of sky?"

Xiao Shiba also felt it.

A line of sky is the kind of existence that makes you feel like it is a line of sky when you look at it, just like the biological instinct to seek life.

A ray of sky is the vitality of countless weak civilizations.

"Is this the sky you've been to?" Xiao Shiba asked.

The snow-white bird rolled its eyes: "Of course not, it's far away from that."

"Then what's going on?"

"What does it have to do with me? I didn't build it."

Xiao Shiba stared at the sky in front of him, thought for a while, and decided to take a detour.

The snow-white flying bird was puzzled: "But it is a bit similar to the one-line sky I have been to. That one is the water surface, and this one is like clouds and fog. It is green and looks like jade at first glance."

Xiao Shiba took a detour and had no time to waste.

Complete the task early, get rid of it early, and pursue your own romance.

But when it bypassed the turquoise sky, the figure disappeared and disappeared directly into the starry sky, as if it had never appeared before. Faintly, the turquoise sky covered the starry sky and covered everything. From a distance, it looked like this The deep square inch was bitten.

Decades passed, and Lu Yin continued to search the area from Tunfeng Civilization to Human Civilization. After the search was completed, the area was expanded, but not a single sphere was found.

I don't know if it's good news or bad news.

Either there are no spheres, or these spheres are silent, waiting for the right opportunity to wake up in the future, instructions, or settings, from technological civilization.

In Lu Yin's opinion, the latter possibility was very high, because the technological civilization had previously delayed the attack on the Feng Feng Civilization, and then took action at an unexpected moment.

Civilization and civilized war are not child's play. Once scientific and technological civilization takes action, everything will be arranged.

Although Lu Yin did not find the sphere during this period, he discovered several cosmic civilizations in this direction. However, these cosmic civilizations do not have eternal life and are generally weak in combat power. There is also a civilization that develops science and technology, but it is even worse than the Infinite Empire. No, these civilizations are far from being able to unify their own universe.

Only by completely unifying our own universe can we call it a cosmic civilization.

None of these civilizations can do it.

But in one of the civilizations, Lu Yin accidentally found a piece of black armor, one of the hundred seals of Mahakala, which inspired him. After he went back and showed it to his boss, he learned that it recorded the star-catching hand of the Star Toad. Let Lu Yin down.

However, this incident also gave him hope, the hope of finding armor pieces.

Some of these armor pieces traveled far away with the turbulent flow of space, and some should still be in the surrounding area.

After that, he searched for one more thing, which was the black armor.

Finding the black armor is about as difficult as finding the ball, no, more difficult.

The ball should be in the starry sky, and if the armor piece falls into the hands of a creature, it may be hidden, such as the Ning Kong Ring.

The piece of armor he found before was also a matter of luck. It happened to be auctioned by that civilization. He was about to learn about that civilization, and the strongest creature of that civilization was at the auction house, so he saw the piece of armor and disappeared with it.

It is estimated that the disappearance of armor plates will be attributed to the strongest person in civilization.

If not, even if you know that the armor piece is in that civilization, it will be difficult to find it once it is hidden in the Ningkong Ring.

One day more than ten years later, Lu Yin landed in a dead universe. Looking around, cracks in the void appeared like raindrops, and the loud thunder made people uneasy.

This is a civilization that has experienced a reboot of the universe.

This civilization is thirty years away from human civilization at the speed of eternal life, and it is in another direction parallel to human civilization and swallowing up civilization.

The reason why I entered this universe is because it is familiar.

That's right, it's familiar, extremely familiar.

At first Lu Yin thought that this familiarity came from blood. The first thing he thought of was Xingxia Hongyi, who was abandoned by Qinglian Shangyu. He thought that the Xingxia Hongyi civilization was destroyed in this universe. After all, they were both human civilizations. , so familiar.

But when I came in, I found that it was not the case.

This familiarity comes from consciousness.

To be precise, it's Yue Ya's consciousness.

Yue Ya was born in the consciousness of eternal life. There is a residue of consciousness of eternal life in Lu Yin's consciousness. It was this residue that once allowed him to see the universe of death. Now, the sense of familiarity also comes from this residue.

Lu Yin's consciousness spread, wanting to enhance this sense of familiarity.

It even spreads the consciousness in the mind, and even becomes one with the wish of this universe.

His eyes suddenly trembled, and scenes suddenly emerged.

He saw the black square full of bones again, the sky was filled with dark clouds, and he saw a huge finger bone coming down, punching a hole in the sky.

This is the scene that I once saw through Yue Ya's consciousness when I saw the last page of the secret slip of the Cheng family. Now, I see it again.

Suddenly, the dark clouds in the sky dispersed. Looking up at the finger bone, Lu Yin saw a huge white bone standing a cubic inch away. The black square was like a toy held in the palm of its other white bone palm. It was indescribable. What Lu Yin felt at this moment was fear and horror. No, this was not Lu Yin's feeling, but the feeling of this consciousness itself.

The owner of this consciousness saw this scene. It was afraid, terrified, and running away. This was its only thought at the time. Run away as far away as possible.

The huge white bones suddenly stared over. The huge hollow eyes were like a vortex, sucking everything in. The picture suddenly shattered. Lu Yin's eyes widened suddenly. Unconsciously, beads of sweat soaked his back.

This is the scene where the eternal life that gave birth to Yue Ya's consciousness encounters the universe of death. Was the owner of that consciousness dead at that time? It's not impossible. If it dies, the location where it encounters the universe of death is close to human civilization. Otherwise, Yue Ya's consciousness will not appear in the Jiuxiao universe, and the living corpse will not fall into the Eternal Tribe's misfortune.

Lu Yin stared at the starry sky, recalling in his mind the scenes that his consciousness had seen.

That gigantic, white-bone giant looking down from an inch away, why is he in human form?

The white bones standing in the black square that the consciousness saw were all in human form.


There is also Zhu, who came out from the original treasure after being interpreted, and is also in human form.

There are countless civilizations and endless creatures in the universe. Why are there bones in human form?

Could it be that the Death Universe is also one of the Nine Bases Civilizations?

Impossible. If so, Qinglian Shangyu would not know about it.

Moreover, Zhu tried his best to contact the universe of death in order to destroy human civilization.

Lu Yin pondered, he couldn't figure it out, but the death universe was very powerful, terrifyingly powerful.

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