Star Odyssey

Chapter 4273 Integration

To be able to make an eternal being so fearful, to cause that kind of fear and horror before taking action, he is definitely a powerful person that can break the sky.

It's like when Kuang encounters the ancestor of Shan, at that moment, Kuang's heart is very similar to that of the owner of consciousness.

Lu Yin looked at the starry sky. The universe had obviously been restarted, but he was able to see that scene, which meant that the restart of the universe was probably related to the dead universe, and what he felt at this moment might be the legacy of the dead universe. A certain power that awakens fear in the owner of consciousness.

I have speculated before that the power of the dead universe is death silence, which is the name of the force that destroyed creation, and death silence is the opposite of activity.

Lu Yin believed that things would eventually turn into silence, and then he felt a similar power to the bone language planted by him, thus proving his guess.

If it is the power of death, can I absorb it?

Thinking of this, Lu Yin took out the rogue. When the rogue appeared, the surrounding starry sky was filled with wind and clouds, and the void was torn even more severely, making it difficult to integrate.

Sure enough, there is a dead power here.

Lu Yin was lying with one hand in front of him. The surface of his body was dry, and the extremes of things must react. The extremes of things must react on the activity. In an instant, the activity was gone. The whole body erupted with terrifying dead power, swallowing up life, without any vitality. Compared with He had just obtained the rogue, but now, Lu Yin had stronger control over the rogue, because he himself was also getting stronger.

The next moment, the whole body roared, the stars twisted, and the forces of death continued to merge, just like rivers gathering towards Lu Yin.

Lu Yin's eyes were solemn. There are a lot of dead forces in this universe. Dead and active can't be blended together? Yes, they cannot be blended, but the power of activity and death appear at the same time, and the destructive power they achieve is extremely terrifying. Although they cannot blend, if the balance that appears at the same time is maintained, they are a force.

Lu Yin took a deep breath and kept trying to release the rogue's activity, but it was not easy. Either there was more activity and less death, or there was more death and less activity. He needed to find that balance point.

Trying day by day, the power of death and silence continued to pour into the starry sky in Lu Yin's heart. Lu Yin's starry sky had an extra planet. Unexpectedly, this power of death and silence was very stable, more stable than divine power.

Perhaps it was because he had practiced death energy. Although death energy was not death silence, it was similar in nature to death silence. His cultivation of death energy was equivalent to adapting to death silence one step ahead of schedule.

Trying to balance and not rush for a moment, Lu Yin decided to absorb the remaining silence of the universe first.

After a while, Lu Yin looked at the dead planet with stars rotating in his heart. Although it was not as good as the planet of divine power, it was still quite a lot.

Why is there so much dead power left in the dead universe? Or do they not care about these remaining powers at all?

Lu Yin raised his hand, and in his palm, dead power emerged. It was pure black, like fireworks, and the other hand was also raised, and active power surged out, which was pure white.

One black and one white, the destruction caused by the balance of these two forces is enough to surprise everyone.

Now he has another attempt, that is, rolling the dice.

Roll the dice for six with dead force.

There are not many hidden dangers in human civilization today, except for the mysterious realm of immortality, which is the eternal damnation.

It is precisely because of these two that Lu Yin was threatened by the mysterious immortal realm and joined the unknown.

For so many years, Qinglian Shangyu has been staring at the great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect. As long as those two appear, they will be caught. However, Lu Yin does not know whether those two are still floating in the dust of their own original treasures or have been taken away by the mysterious immortal realm.

What Zhu cultivates is the power of death, so maybe he can find it by integrating it into Zhu's body through the six points of the dice.

The dead power obtained by reacting to the extremes of matter is too unstable, and the remaining dead power absorbed at this moment is the real power of the dead universe. Only this power can be tried to find.

Returning to human civilization, Lu Yin thought for a moment and appeared in the starry sky around the Jiuxiao Universe. He raised his hand and the dice appeared and pointed out.

The dice rotated slowly, one point, and something useless fell out, continue, two points, continue, three points.

Lu Yin was speechless. Is this a little increase?


At six o'clock, Lu Yin's body surface boiled with deathly power, and his consciousness appeared in the dark space, searching.

After a while, Lu Yin opened his eyes and couldn't find it, but he didn't give up and continued.

Time continued to pass. Three months later, Lu Yin reached six o'clock for the fifth time, and his consciousness entered the dark space again. Suddenly, he looked at a light group in the distance. It was very weak and not bright to him, but this light group The appearance of Lu Yin made Lu Yin excited. It was definitely Zhu. Except for Zhu, all other existences of Dead Silence had been solved.

finally found you.

There is a barrier between the light group and the light group, which means that the two are not in the same time and space, but it doesn't matter, Lu Yin can easily break through the barrier.

His consciousness continues to approach and eventually merge.

Darkness and deep sleep were the only feelings Lu Yin felt after integrating into the world.

He suddenly opened his eyes, and in front of him was an all-too-familiar face, eternal.

Lu Yin looked at Eternity. The two stood opposite each other, very close to each other, and both were sealed in the original treasure.

He really integrated into Zhu's body. Zhu was just a skeleton, but back then he could even integrate into machines, let alone bones.

It's still in the original treasure, hasn't it been taken away by that mysterious and unknown person?

Lu Yin subconsciously wanted to break through the original treasure and bring eternity back, but after thinking about it, he suppressed the impulse.

Zhu He Eternity no longer poses a threat to him. The real threat is the mysterious and unknowable thing.

Now that he can be integrated into Zhu's body, no one knows about it, and that mysterious and unknowable thing means that if one day, he forces that mysterious and unknowable person to threaten him with death and eternity, he will very likely find out who that mysterious and unknowable person is. who.

Lu Yin looked at the all-too-familiar face of Eternal Life, which brought his memories back to more than a thousand years ago.

How long?

It's been more than 1,500 years.

At that time, he was still in the Tianyuan Universe and was a little person like an ant, but now he has grown to this point.

Eternals, a familiar but unfamiliar term, has long been buried in the corner of memory.

When eternity dies completely, this existence will disappear forever.

Scenes of memories emerged, from the memory of Zhu.

Lu Yin saw it coming out of the original treasure, tearing apart the flesh and blood of the cultivator, covering it up with skin, disguising, surviving, and creating deathly silence. He saw scenes of bloody and cruel scenes, and at the same time he also learned the bone language.

Bone Language, a terrifying combat technique created with the power of Death Silence. As long as the Death Silence power is enough, even eternal life can give life to its bones and separate the flesh and blood of that eternal life.

This is a very terrifying and powerful combat skill. It gives Lu Yin a feeling similar to that of things that must turn against each other. It increases as he becomes stronger. There is no absolute upper limit, as long as the power of death is enough. Judging from the power of death that he currently possesses, especially if he uses the material extremes to react on activity, he should be able to grant the Bone Language of Immortality.

Although this combat technique is powerful, its real function is to deal with the dead universe.

Bone Whispering is the killer move of the Death Universe against civilized creatures, and this killer move is now ineffective against human civilization.

Lu Yin wanted to know the situation of the Death Universe the most. It was in the Death Universe before it was dusted by Yuan Bao.

But without that memory, any memory of the dead universe is gone, which is a pity.

After his consciousness returned to his body, Lu Yin exhaled and continued to look for the ball calmly.

Soon, another few decades passed, and still no one was found.

Lu Yin discussed with Qinglian Shangyu and the others and decided to go to Xiao Shiba first.

In fact, with the ability of the Mirror Light Technique, Xiao Shiba no longer needs to explore the path in advance. It took Xiao Shiba more than two hundred years to complete the journey. The Mirror Light Technique only needs to be used up to seven times, which means teleporting seven times. Lu Yin You can find that one line of sky.

But because he had been looking for the ball, and Xiao Shiba had been away for so long, he simply waited until Xiao Shiba found a line of sky before rejoining it.

It's not a waste of effort.

Lu Yin sensed the consciousness of the pathfinding stone and teleported away.

Some pathfinding stone consciousnesses are still there, some have dissipated, and some may have been found and destroyed by certain civilizations.

Lu Yin didn't care. It didn't matter whether he needed a pathfinding stone or not. The Mirror Light Technique could allow him to teleport directly to the Immortal Realm speed distance of twenty years.

Teleporting again and again, Lu Yin stayed in the starry sky and looked around in confusion, what's going on? The awareness of the wayfinding stone can no longer be felt.

This place is almost at the speed of immortality for more than a hundred years from human civilization, which means that it has just passed half the distance. It is impossible for all the consciousness of the pathfinding stones to dissipate in the next journey, but from here onwards, there is no consciousness of the pathfinding stones at all.

What about consciousness?

Didn’t Xiao Shiba scatter pathfinding stones along the way? Not possible either.

Going the wrong way?

Then there should be a sense of wayfinding stones in other directions.

But from here on, there is nothing, only the consciousness of going back.

Lu Yin frowned, having a bad feeling about the mirror light technique.

Lu Yin looked into the distance and teleported away. He still couldn't feel the consciousness of the path-finding stone. He hoped that the consciousness of the path-finding stone in the middle section had just disappeared. After all, there is a distance between the consciousness of the path-finding stone. Beyond that distance, even if there is a path-finding stone, there is a distance. Lu Shi's consciousness can't sense it either.

But after twenty years of immortality, I still couldn't sense the pathfinding stone consciousness.

Lu Yin knew something was wrong.

Xiao Shiba stayed in the previous position.

He returned to the previous position, in all directions, and used the mirror light technique to search again and again. The range he searched for was from that position as the center, the distance of five mirror light spells, which is the speed distance of the hundred-year immortality realm. This is Xiao Shiba The farthest range that can be traveled in this direction has reached its limit.

But I searched in all directions, but I couldn't find Xiao Shiba.

The wider the scope, the less likely it is to search completely. Lu Yin could only make a rough search.

His face was heavy. If something happened to Xiao Shiba, he didn't know how to explain it to the Qibao Tianchan clan.

Although the boss agreed to let Xiao Shiba take this trip.

Lu Yin held hope and headed towards the direction of the sky that Xiao Shiba was looking for. This was the only direction he had hope for.

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