Star Odyssey

Chapter 4287 Mark

In Hong'er's past experience, he saw scenes of cultivation, but the results disappointed him. Hong'er's cultivation of Wuqing Dao was extremely superficial, even rudimentary.

"You don't seem to understand the ruthless way."

Hong'er knew that her cause and effect was being watched by Lu Yin, and she didn't mind, saying: "Most of the ruthless way has been lost long ago. Our civilization only practices part of it. If not, there would be no need for Master to save him. The real Xingxia Hongyi Very, very strong.”

"How ruthless is it?" Lu Yin asked.

Hong'er was surprised, how much? This is only known to those who practice the ruthless way. She said excitedly: "Mr. Lu, do you know something? Could it be that you have found my civilization?"

Lu Yin said: "Answer me, how ruthless is it?"

Hong'er suppressed her excitement and replied: "It is said that there are nine points."

Lu Yin's eyes flashed, nine points?

"Where did this legend come from?"

Hong'er shook her head: "I don't know, it's just been circulated. Maybe it has something to do with nine bases. Nine points is the limit."

"You still know the ninth base?" Lu Yin was surprised.

Hong'er nodded: "I know a little, but not much."

Just as Lu Yin was about to ask something more, suddenly, a chill flashed through his mind and he stared at Hong'er: "Where did you know the term nine bases?"

Hong'er didn't hide anything and answered whatever she asked: "The legend of our civilization."

"Didn't you know it here?"

"Can anyone know this?" Hong'er was confused.

Lu Yin stared at Hong'er. No, absolutely wrong. This civilization knew that Jiuling was originally from Ancestor Shan.

Lu Yin went to Qibao Tianchan, and learned about Nine Bases Hengkong through Shan Ancestor, and knew about the peak moment of mankind. Then Qinglian Shangyu and others knew about it. Gradually, the civilization should spread here, but not much was spread. .

When Hong'er mentioned Jiuling, Lu Yin subconsciously thought that she also knew about it after him, but she said only a few words from their civilization.

This is wrong. This proves that Hong'er has known the term "ninth base" for a long time, even before he did.

At that time, no one knew that even the number nine recorded in the jade stone that Qinglian Shangyu showed him was blurred and could not be seen clearly, and there was only one base.

Proving that absolutely no one knew about the existence of ninth base before him.

But Hong'er knows that Hong'er was brought here by Qinglian Shangyu. If she knows, does Qinglian Shangyu know?

Could it be that Qinglian Shangyu didn’t have any understanding of Hong’er’s civilization? A person who practices cause and effect, even if his development direction is different from his own, and he focuses on killing, he can still find out some things because he understands cause and effect. Why has he never heard of Nine Bases?

Have you really never heard it, or have you heard it but didn’t say it?

Lu Yin stared at Hong'er: "Does Qinglian Shangyu know about the ninth base?"

Hong'er didn't know what she and others often talked about. She didn't know that since she went to the Qibao Tianchan clan, the word "Nine Bases" was no longer a secret to the circle of the Immortal Realm and was often mentioned.

Hong'er shook her head: "I don't know."

"Have you ever mentioned Nine Bases to Qinglian Shangyu?"


Lu Yin exhaled, feeling relieved? It would be wrong if Qinglian Shangyu knew about Jiulei but deliberately concealed it.

Although there is no meaning in concealing the word "Nine Bases", it may be to conceal the fact that he gave up on the red civilization under the star, just like he prevented Hong'er from talking to him.

But there may be other reasons.

Everyone can have a secret. Lu Yin does not want to explore the secret of Qinglian Shangyu, but if this secret involves the entire human civilization, then Lu Yin doesn’t know what he thinks. It is very confusing. Recent events continue to challenge his cognition.

Qinglian Shangyu has always protected human civilization, but he gave up the entire universe of Xingxia Hongyi and allowed countless people in that universe to fend for themselves.

For him, there is no question of right or wrong. It comes from past grudges, but it is beyond Lu Yin's knowledge.

Now if he still conceals his knowledge of the Nine Bases Civilization, then...

It is normal for a person to have secrets, but it is abnormal if he has too many secrets.

Before he went to Qibao Tianchan, did Qinglian Shangyu know about the Nine Bases Civilization?

Lu Yin once again checked Hong'er's past using cause and effect, but couldn't find the answer.

Hong'er didn't mention the Nine Bases Civilization to Qinglian Shangyu, just like she completely concealed the fact that she came from Xingxia Hongyi, the other seven fairies thought she was not human.

If this matter didn't involve his own state of mind, he would still hide it.

Hong'er didn't understand why Lu Yin was obsessed with the ninth base. It was just a legend, and even in the legend it was very vague.

Lu Yin left the mangrove and came to the edge of the sea of ​​​​ye. Looking at the vast sea of ​​​​ye, his heart could not let go.

Qinglian Shangyu has always protected humans and helped him. In his heart, Qinglian Shangyu was as kind as an elder. He hoped that this elder would remain the same as before and never change.

He hoped that Qinglian Shangyu really didn't know about Jiuling before him, instead of deliberately concealing it.

Even if it is concealed, it is to hide the abandonment of the red-clothed civilization under the star, not for other reasons.

Lu Yin raised his head, hoping, hoping, when hope is too much, is it still hope?

Instead of thinking here, it is better to ask Qinglian directly.

But Qinglian Shangyu went into seclusion.

Lu Yin thought for a while, releasing the law of cause and effect and gradually spreading towards the sea of ​​karma.

Ming Zhui arrived: "Mr. Lu, what are you doing?"

Lu Yin said: "Enlightened by the sea of ​​karma."

Mingzui praised: "As expected of Mr. Lu, please help yourself." After saying that, he retreated far away.

The great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect covers the entire universe, and the cause and effect of the Green Lotus Lord also exists in the sea of ​​karma.

It is not unusual for Lu Yin to have an epiphany after observing his karma.

Although this is the sea of ​​​​karma and the power of Qinglian Shangyu exists, Lu Yin is practicing here, and Mingzui believes that the master will not object.

He remembered that his master had said that Lu Yin was a variable and a leader in today's human civilization. Any progress he made meant the progress of human civilization.

An epiphany often means a breakthrough.

He also hopes that Lu Yin can break through. The rogue is already so strong. How strong would he be if he could break through the immortal realm through cause and effect? Ming Zui couldn't even imagine it.

Of course, Lu Yin didn't have an epiphany. He wanted to use his own cause and effect to search the sea of ​​karma. This was to seek psychological comfort and turn his hope into reality.

The spirals of cause and effect shuttle back and forth, not touching the sea of ​​karma itself. That is the power of Qinglian Shangyu, but it touches everything that is not cause and effect on the sea of ​​karma, even the lotus pond that he fell into in the first place.

If anyone who could see the cause and effect was here, they would be shocked.

The spiral of cause and effect is flying everywhere in the entire sea of ​​karma, and the heavenly way of cause and effect covers everything.

For three days in a row, the spiral of cause and effect penetrated countless things, even stones. Some stones were even touched more than once. Lu Yin's heart gradually relaxed.

He knew that there was no point in doing so. If Qinglian Shang Yuzhen deliberately concealed something, how could he leave any loopholes?

But he still did it, turning his hope into reality and suppressing his doubts and uneasiness. This was his purpose. Suddenly, Lu Yin's eyes were startled and he stared blankly at a corner, which was the location of Ye Hai's mural.

When he first realized the mural of Ye Hai and understood the wall of cause and effect, a piece of the mural of Ye Hai was broken off by him.

At this moment, Lu Yin stared at the Yehai mural. The mural was carved on the stone. There was a mark on the back of the stone. It was so shallow that it was almost invisible.

Lu Yin stared at this mark.

That shape is--a gourd.

The wine gourd is exactly the same as the wine gourd of Jiuwen.

This alone cannot explain anything. Both the Nine Immortals of Linghua Universe and Qing Xing of Jiuxiao Universe use wine gourds to drink wine. Wine gourds are too common, but what really caught Lu Yin's attention was a mark printed by the wine gourd on the center of the back of the stone. , he has seen that mark, it is the mark of Wuqing Sect.

Each sect, family, and force has its own unique symbol, which represents that force.

The Wuqing Sect is no exception.

The imprint of the wine gourd imprinted on the stone in the center is the imprint of the Wuwu Sect. This wine gourd belongs to Jiu Wen and cannot be anyone else.

It had been three days, and Lu Yin didn't notice it at all at first, but the spiral of cause and effect was flying around at will, and he finally touched the back of the mural before he wanted to leave, touching the mark of the wine gourd.

Qingqing Zongjiu asked, been here before.

Lu Yin withdrew his gaze and left without disturbing Qinglian Shangyu, as if nothing happened.

He is going to the Red Civilization under the Star to find out what is going on.

Jiuwen came to Yehai, and Qinglian Shangyu had a conversation with the red-clothed civilization under the star. Why didn't he talk about it? Why hide your knowledge of ninth base? What exactly is the red-clothed civilization under the stars that Qinglian Shangyu gave up? It is definitely not the red-clothed civilization under the stars that Lu Yin has been to. The strength of the red-clothed civilization under the stars may not be inferior to that of today's human civilization. How can Qinglian Shangyu give up?

Since Qinglian Shangyu concealed this matter, it was impossible to know it here. Lu Yin believed that neither Blood Tower Shangyu nor Jingmen Shangyu knew about it, so he could only find the answer in the red-clothed civilization under the stars.

In fact, based on what Qinglian Shangyu did, Lu Yin should unconditionally believe in him, just like Qinglian Shangyu sometimes believed in himself unconditionally. This is trust.

But when he thought of the Heartless Valley and the immortal realms of Hongyi under the Star, Lu Yin felt disgusted. When he thought of the Qinglian Emperor giving up the universe where Hong'er was, and letting the human beings in that universe fend for themselves, he thought It feels very consistent with the ruthless way.

Is it consistent with the ruthless way? If so, what should he do? He didn't want his respected elders to become people like Bingxu and He Xiao. Judging from his contact with Qinglian Shangyu, he probably wouldn't.

Wait, Lu Yin's expression changed. If Qinglian Shangyu had communication with Xingxia Hongyi Civilization, then Jiu Wen really didn't know that he could teleport?

When I asked about the wine, I looked like I really didn’t know.

Lu Yin took a deep breath. No matter what, he could come out of the red-clothed civilization under the stars, which proved that even if Jiu Wen knew about it, he wouldn't be in trouble. Then, he could go check it out.

Maybe Jiu Wen's arrival was just an accident. In any case, Xingxia Hongyi Civilization is also a human civilization and will not be their enemy. Otherwise, it would have been enough for Xingxia Hongyi Civilization to come over after so many years.

In fact, even if Qinglian Shangyu concealed it, he had his own reasons. No one stipulated that his affairs must be told.

However, Qinglian Shangyu's words or not would not affect Lu Yin's own investigation.

Lu Yin found the Chief of the Blood Tower and asked him to find a group of people who were good at deceiving and abducting and also had rich emotions. He wanted to take him to the Red Civilization under the Star to see what the results would be. This experiment would directly affect the relationship between the three universes and the The way the red-clad civilization under the star will get along in the future.

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