Star Odyssey

Chapter 4288 What to do

Of course, this is only on the surface. What Lu Yin really wants to do now is to find out the relationship between Jiuwen and Qinglian Shangyu.

He wanted to do something under the premise that Jiu Wen thought he was completely unaware.

The next step was to go to the Red Civilization under the Star. Before leaving, he made a special trip to Tianyuan Universe, found Mr. Mu, and told him what he had discovered.

In today's human civilization, the person he trusts most is Mr. Mu. Mr. Mu is his master. Without Mr. Mu, there would be no him.

Mr. Mu didn't expect such a thing to happen. He looked in the direction of Jiuxiao Universe and said, "Don't tell anyone else about this, including Jiang Feng."

"It's not that I don't trust him. His experience is destined to think differently from ours, but it's similar to yours. Once I tell him, I'm afraid it will affect his attitude towards Qinglian Shangyu."

Lu Yin said: "I understand that Uncle Jiang will overthink things just like me."

Mr. Mu said: "Thinking too much is not a bad thing. If you don't think too much, how will you find out about this?"

Lu Yin felt heavy: "Master, what should this disciple do?"

Mr. Mu looked at Lu Yin. Qinglian Qingyu had a very high status in Lu Yin's heart. He respected Qinglian Qingyu too much, including Blood Tower and Jingmen. He respected them all.

I have to admit that the immortals in Jiuxiao Universe are very good to Lu Yin.

So now that he discovered this situation, Lu Yin was confused.

He originally thought that he could handle the matter rationally, go to Xingxia Hongyi to investigate, and then find the Qinglian Emperor. No matter what the Qinglian Emperor concealed it for, he must make it clear. At least this is a matter between human civilizations. At least there are no enemies.

And even if Qinglian Shangyu had a secret, why should he tell it to him? There is nothing wrong with Qinglian Shangyu in this matter.

The reason is this principle, but it involves the other side of human civilization and the ruthless way. He wants an answer and does not want Qinglian Shangyu to go in the direction of the ruthless way.

Lu Yin knew very well that he took this matter seriously. The fighting in the Wuqing Valley made him reject the red-clothed civilization under the stars, so that he found out that Qinglian Shangyu concealed his contact with Jiu Wen, which made him want to find the answer. He didn't want Qinglian Shangyu to Yu is related to the ruthless path.

Mr. Mu patted Lu Yin on the shoulder: "Xiao Qi, do you believe that people can change?"

Lu Yin was silent.

"What if one day you discover that your master has betrayed humanity?"

Lu Yin's body trembled and he looked at Mr. Mu in surprise.

Mr. Mu also looked at him and looked at each other. Mr. Mu saw the confusion and even fear in Lu Yin's eyes.

He sighed deeply: "It's hard to decide?"

Lu Yin remained silent and did not speak.

Mr. Mu said: "Being your master is very unfulfilling. Your child is too talented and has many opportunities. Every time I see you, I have a different feeling. I sometimes wonder, maybe when I see you, you It goes beyond being a teacher.”

"This idea first appeared in Tianyuan Universe. At that time, you didn't know the distance."

Mr. Mu smiled: "It's funny, now you know how far apart you were from your teacher at that time?"

Lu Yin looked at Mr. Mu, is there a difference? Bigger than the sky.

In the decisive battle at Taikoo City, he thought he was very strong, but facing Yu Sangtian, he had no power to fight back. If not for the means left by fate, they would all be doomed.

At his peak, Mr. Mu was a scoundrel, a scoundrel who could unite with the universe's wishes and injure the powerful in the Immortal Realm.

Such a Mr. Mu would actually feel this way. He could imagine how high Mr. Mu had expected of him.

"Having a disciple like you is both a blessing and a misfortune. As a teacher, I have nothing to teach you about cultivation. Fortunately, my teacher is much older than you. I can teach you a lesson." Mr. Mu looked solemnly and looked at Lu Yin: "If one day your master betrays humanity, you should not hesitate."


Lu Yin's pupils shrank and he stared at Mr. Mu.

Mr. Mu is very serious, terrifyingly serious: "Because the one who betrayed humanity is no longer your master. He became a different person from the moment he decided to betray humanity."

"Your master will not betray humanity, remember this, always remember, your master will not betray humanity, so the person who betrays humanity is not your master, kill him."

"Don't hesitate, don't be confused, and don't be afraid."

"This traitor to humanity killed your master. He killed your master's personality and trampled on your master's dignity. This man is an enemy. Kill him and avenge your master."

Lu Yin stared at Mr. Mu blankly.

Mr. Mu raised his hand and touched Lu Yin's head: "As a teacher, so are others."

"The person who helped you is one person, and the person who harmed you is another person. The body remains the same, but the personality has changed. This person killed someone you respect, and you must take revenge. The person you killed was not the person you respected. , but the enemy."

Lu Yin's voice was dry: "Okay, like this?"

Mr. Mu took back his hand and sighed: "It's difficult, isn't it?"

Lu Yin nodded subconsciously. If Mr. Ruomu betrayed humans, could he really kill him without hesitation?

If Qinglian Shangyu concealed his contact with Jiuwen and did something detrimental to the human civilization of the three, could he really take action without hesitation?

Mr. Mu sighed: "Your cultivation has progressed so fast that you cannot look at everything in the world numbly."

"Some people are ruthless because of the baptism of time. What these people do may be wrong, but it is right for them."

"You are used to seeing life and death, and this is life. What you don't want to lose is exactly what you will lose in the end."

Lu Yin clenched his fists.

"No one can accompany you through eternity. Perhaps it is a good thing that the ruthless way appears to you." Mr. Mu looked at Lu Yin and said, "Go and get in touch with the ruthless way, maybe it can help you."

"There is a reason for the emergence of any kind of cultivation path."

Lu Yin had been prejudiced against Wu Wu Dao from the beginning and had never thought about practicing Qing Wu Tao. However, Mr. Mu could see clearly that Wu Qing Tao might be able to help Lu Yin make up for his lack of mental state.

He still has too little experience. Although numb is a bad word, it is a good medicine for some people.

There are black and white mental walls, but the black side is far less tall in Lu Yin's heart than the white side.

"Don't think too much. Qinglian Shangyu concealed his contact with Xingxia Hongyi because he may not want to contact Qingdao again." Mr. Mu comforted him.

Lu Yin nodded. This was where he breathed a sigh of relief. Perhaps this was the reason.

Soon after, Lu Yin left the three universes, came to the red civilization under the stars, and teleported into the Canglan Valley.

He had not been away for long, and at this moment, Chu Songyun was looking for Ba Yue in the Wuqing Sect.

Although he is not a member of the Wuqing Sect, he can go anywhere with his six-point red-clothed identity. Except for those in the Immortal Realm, no one is his opponent.

But he was also very self-conscious. When he entered the Wuqing Sect, he first visited Jiu Wen and then looked for Ba Yue after getting Jiu Wen's consent.

Ba Yue went into seclusion and went into seclusion immediately after hearing the test Lu Yin gave Chu Songyun.

After Lu Yin returned to Canglan Valley, he first glanced at the original treasure formation, but there was no change. He looked at the Wuqing Sect and waited before going.

A month later, the news that Chu Songyun was looking for Ba Yue spread. The outside world knew that he was looking for Ba Yue, but they didn't know why. Some people rumored that Chu Songyun liked Ba Yue, and this rumor became more and more widespread.

So much so that it reached He Xiao’s ears.

He Xiao's ruthless way makes him sincerely admire every woman, and the same goes for Ba Yue. The more sincere and painful he is, the closer he is to being ruthless.

Although He Xiao has now achieved immortality, Ba Yue has never left his heart. Ba Yue was the last woman he ever loved.

Hearing that Chu Songyun was looking for Ba Yue, he immediately couldn't sit still and went to Wuqing Sect to stop Chu Songyun.

"Are you looking for Ba Yue?" He Xiao looked at Chu Songyun. His extraordinary demeanor made people naturally have a good impression of him, but this good impression made everyone who knew it feel disgusting.

Chu Songyun and He Xiao have similar temperaments, but one is obviously ruthless but wants to be affectionate, and the other is obviously affectionate but ruthless. Two people with the same temperament are completely opposite.

Facing He Xiao, Chu Songyun was not afraid. He could bluntly say that Ba Yue was not worthy of being his master. He Xiao also said the same in his eyes: "Yes."


"Nothing to do with you."

"Ba Yue's matter has something to do with me." He Xiao was not angry, but stared at Chu Songyun with a smile on his lips.

Chu Songyun calmly said: "You don't deserve it."

He Xiao's eyes were sharp: "What did you say?"

"You don't deserve it." Chu Songyun said lightly.

Ba Yue didn't deserve to be his master, and He Xiao didn't deserve to mention Ba Yue.

Chu Songyun thinks so.

He Xiao took a step forward, his body moved, his mind moved, and the energy of life suddenly released and pressed towards Chu Songyun. He was in red clothes. No matter how special Chu Songyun was in civilization, if he disrespected eternal life, he should be killed.

Chu Songyun has no fear. He is seventy percent red-clothed immortal state and has long wanted to learn from him.

The energy of life and the matter of immortality are the absolute power of the immortal realm to suppress the non-immortal realm. Unless they reach the rogue level, the rest are difficult to resist.

But under the limit of immortality, one can transcend levels to comprehend the energy of life and use the matter of immortality. This is also the origin of the word "extreme" and is the first step to becoming a rogue.

When He Xiao's life force came to him, Chu Songyun's eyes were calm. Surrounded by withered leaves, there was no wind.

The breath of life is like a strong wind sweeping through, but it is unable to shake the dead leaves.

He Xiao was surprised, but not surprised: "I've heard about the Ten Thousand Pines and Dead Leaves Realm a long time ago, but it's not enough." After saying that, the life energy that was originally blocked by the dead leaves suddenly gathered and formed a white handle in He Xiao's palm. Sword, cut out with one sword, the great Zhoutian Sword Intent.

Chu Songyun stepped back and waved his hand, blocking the dead leaves in front of him. The energy of life surged out of his body and connected with the flying dead leaves to form a forest of dead leaves spreading.

The withered leaf forest takes root in the void, facing the sword intention of the Great Zhoutian.

Many cultivators of the Wuqing Sect looked at them, looking at the red clothes under the stars. The only six red clothes qualified to challenge the immortal realm were Chu Songyun and Xie Man, but a challenge was a challenge, and it was almost impossible to win.

He Xiao's sword intent fell down, constantly shattering the dead leaf forest, forcing Chu Songyun to retreat step by step. After all, Chu Songyun was not in the realm of immortality. It is quite rare to understand the artistic conception of the energy of life in the artistic conception of dead leaves. The dead leaf forest has long been integrated into the matter of immortality, but Facing He Xiao's sword intent, he still couldn't stop it.

He Xiao raised his hand and directed his sword towards Chu Songyun, as if he wanted to kill him with one strike.

Chu Songyun raised his left arm, took the red umbrella, grabbed the handle of the umbrella with his right hand, drew out the sword blade with a clang, and slashed horizontally.

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