Star Odyssey

Chapter 4673 Locked

Another point is that the tributaries of the Hundred Years River are just that if you want to obtain more gifts of the Lord's Years and rank higher in the series of the Lord's Years, you have to offer more.

Of course, Lu Yin doesn't need this. Being too outstanding will attract people's attention. Just join it. Moreover, this can also be used to calculate how many years the master has, because once the master joins, he will definitely be the last one in the sequence. .

Just like Kuzu and the others who fixed their destiny, even though Lu Yin was sure, he still took the master away from human civilization before he started trying.

He directly released hundreds of tributaries of the long river, which was quite shocking.

The Great Master is the helmsman of the Long River, and he has never seen so many tributaries at once.

"These are all gathered through the harvest time?" The Lord was shocked.

Lu Yin nodded, "I have nearly three thousand in total. If you want, I can shake the main sequence of years at once. I don't believe who can take out so many tributaries at once when they become the main sequence of years."

"But that would be the end. The wisdom of the Lord's years will surely come."

"It's not necessary, it's good if you can join." The great master said. After saying that, he easily fell into a tributary of the long river of time. At his feet, the boat swayed, reflecting the time and space of the battle skills of the years.

She chose to use the time point as the battle technique of time, enshrining the tributaries of a hundred-year-old river, and the gift of the Lord's time, in addition to the sequence, is the method of time. .??.??

In fact, the worship of the tributaries of the Hundred Years River is not excessive. It can be regarded as an exchange for the gift of the Lord's years, and the law of time can be regarded as a foundation of power to a certain extent.

Although the Great Master has broken through immortality and used the transformation of time, it is still unable to compare with the sequence of time.

At a certain point in time, each creature can be used as a point and dragged into the long river of time, and one can hit every target.

Hundreds of tributaries of the long river, each one has its time.

I saw the Great Lord's oar rising up, lifting the tributaries of the River of Time under my feet to the starry sky. Above the starry sky, the long river rolled in. That was the River of Time.

In the distance, Lu Yin saw the tributaries of the Long Time River merging into the main River of Time. Then, one by one, the tributaries of the Long Time River were rising toward the sky, which was quite spectacular.

When all the hundreds of tributaries of the Long Time River merge into the Main Long River of Time, the Main Long River of Time descends and becomes overwhelming.

Even though they were far apart, Lu Yin felt the oppression, which was similar to the pressure that Kuzu and the others felt when they fixed their natal charts. There was a kind of terror that was difficult to resist.

This terror completely enveloped the Lord.

Lu Yin withdrew his gaze, not daring to look again, for fear of attracting the attention of Lord Suiyuan Changhe. To Lord Yiyi, distance was meaningless.

Time keeps passing, it seems very fast, but in fact it is very slow, because only the Great Master can sense the time here clearly.

From Lu Yin's point of view, the time ahead seems to be

There was a pause.

Some time passed, and Lu Yin raised his eyes and saw that the Lord was standing in the starry sky. The Lord, the River of Time, had departed, and the surrounding area was calm again.

He teleported to the Lord.

The Lord saw Lu Yin "Twenty-seven."

"Twenty-seven? It seems that there are twenty-seven sequences of the Lord of Time. They are really strong enough." Lu Yin sighed. Each of the sequences of the Years is at least in line with the peak of the two laws of the universe. This means that the Lord of Time There are at least twenty-seven such strong men in one group, and among them, there must be old monsters that conform to the laws of the three universes.

This was the opponent the ninth base faced.

The number is exaggerated, but it is understandable. After all, the main years cover the entire universe. Taking the entire universe as the base, the number of eternal realms is extremely large, just like the universe is as numerous as stars.

The Great Master added, "The method of time that I obtained is the Frisbee of Time."

Lu Yin "??"

The Great Master explained, and Lu Yin was shocked, "Although it may not be a powerful method of time, it is the most suitable for you. The Master of Time actually deduced the method of time that is most suitable for you in such a short period of time."

The Lord solemnly said, "This is the most terrifying thing. For the Lord, this kind of thing is very easy. You must know that what comes is not an intelligent creature, but the power itself."

"You can imagine how powerful the intelligent being in charge of the Lord of Time is."

This result made Lu Yin feel chilled.

Just like he can create combat skills for the Ancestral Realm or the sequence rules at will, for Master Suiyue Yiyi, waiting for the Immortal Realm is actually no different from the Ancestral Realm.

In any case, the Great Master has successfully become the Time Sequence, and the next step is to enter the Divine Palace.

It is not difficult for others to become a Time Sequence and they have to create a divine palace on their own. The difficulty lies in finding a realm of immortality to do things for themselves. The Great Master does not need it because it is already available.

Lu Yin teleported her into the Zuiling Shrine. The Lord announced without hesitation that from now on, this place was called the Lord's Shrine, not the Zuiling Shrine. Zuoling was dead.

This incident caused excitement inside and outside the shrine. There were still three envoys in the shrine, and they immediately objected. They did not believe that the shrine was dead.

The Lord personally suppressed it. With her self-breakthrough of the realm of immortality and the method of time, she easily suppressed the voice. At the same time, she also brought the eternal immortality. A single eternal immortality can suppress the three divine envoys in a duel. .

As a result, many creatures escaped from the Zuiling Shrine, but many creatures stayed. The Lord successfully entered the Zuling Shrine and became the shrine.


A few inches away, under the deep starry sky, the altar shook, and a figure walked out, looked around, and then headed into the distance.

Suddenly, this figure stopped because there was another figure in front of it.

Lu Yin raised his head and looked at the figure opposite, "Wind God Envoy."

Opposite, the figure stared at Lu Yin warily. On Lu Yin, it felt depressed and cold. This feeling made it more uneasy than the new sequence of years. "Who are you?"

"Where are you going in such a hurry?"

"The Great Master Sequence agrees to my withdrawal from the Shrine."

Lu Yin said, "She agreed, but I didn't."

The Fengshen envoy's eyes widened sharply, "I knew there was something wrong with her becoming a Sequence. She wasn't the one who killed the Sequence. She didn't have that ability. It was you, or you guys who joined forces, who killed her, right?"

Lu Yin was amused, "Do you really care about sitting orders?"

"The Order Sequence has been kind to me, and I want to avenge it." After saying that, the Wind God took action.

Lu Yin raised his hand casually, "Then you go find it to repay your kindness."

The starry sky returned to calm again. Lu Yin did not use this wind god to reduce anyone's karmic restraints. The karmic restraints of all the immortal realms registered in the shrine were almost lifted. He wanted Kuzu and the others to worship this immortal realm to see if they could obey their orders. What you get on the plate.

Jiuxiao Universe, Ye Hai, when Lu Yin appeared with the Wind God Envoy, Gui Xing and Ku Zu opened their eyes at the same time, looked over, and then looked at the life chart.

"The life chart can lock in the strong." Kuzu said.

Lu Yin was surprised, "Lock the strong one?"

Kuzu picked up the life chart and showed it to Lu Yin. Lu Yin shook his head, "I can't see it."

Ku Zu said, "We can see that when you appeared, the life chart was locked on you, but when you didn't show up, the life chart was locked on the surrounding immortal realm. It is guiding us to use the karma of the strong as an offering."

Lu Yin understood, it was really vicious. Generally speaking, the universe is so big, if a creature restrains its movement, it may not be discovered even if it passes by. But with a horoscope, it is different.

"What the horoscope looks for is not the aura of a strong person, but the cause and effect. The more causes and effects, the easier it is to be targeted by the horoscope." Gui Xing explained.

No matter how you look at it, the principle of cause and effect is more ruthless than the principle of time.

The main years value the harvest time of civilization, and the main cause and effect value living creatures and harvest cause and effect.

Throw the Wind God Envoy to them and "try using its karma as an offering and see what you can get."

Gui Xing's eyes lit up, "Wind God Envoy?"

The three major shrines were fighting on the battlefield, so it was not surprising that they could recognize the Wind God Envoy when they returned home.

Soon, the two qi of heaven and earth appeared, penetrating the wind

The Divine Envoy also brought out the majestic cause and effect of the Wind Divine Envoy, heading towards the birth chart. Visible to the naked eye, the curve in the middle of the birth chart was filled in, although not much, but not much.

Lu Yin looked at the curve and estimated that five immortal realms could be filled. If it existed in compliance with the laws of the two universes, maybe three could be filled.

There are even more people in the realm of eternal life. To survive the hardships, even a hundred people in the realm of eternal life are not as good as one in the realm of eternal life.

When the wind god dies, the cause and effect is deprived, and life itself has no possibility of existence.

When the Wind God envoy died, the life chart released the Qi of Qian and Kun, heading towards Guixing and Kuzu respectively.

Returning excitedly, "Practice quickly. The more Qi Qian and Kun there are, the more likely you are to cultivate to a high level."

It doesn't need to be said to know that Ku Zu was not polite and started practicing.

Now that Lu Yin is gone, will Qian and Kun be angry?

If that curve is filled, will they still get the Qi of Qian and Kun?

The life chart releases the Qi of Qian and Kun. Does the Qi of Qian and Kun belong to the life chart itself, or does it use the life chart as a medium to connect the main cause and effect?

After releasing the Qi of Qian and Kun to Kuzu and the others, the curve in the middle of the life chart has not receded, it is still there, but it will slowly decrease over time. Of course, this reduction rate is extremely slow. As long as Kuzu and the others continue to worship cause and effect, there will always be There is a day that can be filled.

What gives Lu Yin a headache is that there is a contradiction between increasing the cause and effect of heaven and enshrining cause and effect in the life chart, because there is only one cause and effect in life.

Several years have passed, and since the Great Master entered the shrine, the three major shrines have been completely peaceful.

Lu Yin still pretended to be in the Lindao sequence and was stationed in the Lindao Shrine.

Until this day, a disciple of the Lu family teleported over to send a message that the master was looking for him.

Lu Yin came to the Great Master Shrine and asked, "What's going on?"

"There is a sequence of years connecting here, through the mirror of time."

"Contact for orders?"

"Yes, but the other party knew that I had replaced Zuoling, so he went straight to the point and said that he was contacting me in order to confirm each other's position, because Zuoling promised the other party to work together to eradicate each other's enemies."

Lu Yin didn't expect that the sitting order had a hidden agenda. This horse really didn't stop.

"What did the other party say?"

The Great Master said, "It said that there are strong enemies over there, and the order said that there are also strong enemies here. Join forces with each other to eradicate each other's strong enemies, and form a sequential alliance together in the Lord's Era."

"Now that the order is dead, it wants me to agree to this proposal. It can be seen that it is very anxious. Although it tried its best to hide, I still saw it, which shows that its powerful enemy is not simple, and it is already in danger. ."

Lu Yin asked, "Can you roughly feel its direction?"

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