Star Odyssey

Chapter 4674: Old Enemy

The Great Lord said, "I'm going to try to contact it and feel it, but there's not much hope. After all, the Mirror of Time communicates through the Lord's River of Time. But the fact that the other party can contact me means that it has a way to determine that it's not far from me. I just It has become a sequence of years, and the understanding between some sequences is not perfect, so it can only be confirmed through words as much as possible."

Lu Yin nodded, "Contact it, we need enemies here."

Each contact through the Mirror of Time consumes a tributary of the Long River of Time.

There are many Lu Yin.

The master began to contact the other party.

"Figured out?"

The Lord replied, "Is your enemy very powerful?"

"It's not weak, but it's not that powerful either. I just don't want to waste it. After all, we are carrying offerings, which is definitely better than yours. You have two shrines to deal with."

"I'm fine here too."

After a moment of silence, the other party asked, "So you have figured it out?"

The lord looked at Lu Yin, and Lu Yin's voice came into the lord's ears: "Since the other party is urgent, just ask directly."

The Lord nodded, "Where are you?"

Is the other party "..." so unsubtle?

"Aren't we always reviewing the positions of both parties?"

"Too slow."

"You want to know where I am and I want to know where you are, that's fair."

The Lord listened to Lu Yin's voice and replied, "I can help you deal with the strong enemies on your side first."

The other party was silent for a moment. "You are different from Zuoling, but you are not that generous. What are your plans?"

"If you don't want to say it, forget it." The master ended the call directly.

The other party is confused. Is this the end? Is this all that consumes a tributary of a long river? What's the meaning?

It has an inexplicable feeling. Although it talks little, it is strangely tired. Although the dialogue with Si Ling is testing, scrutinizing, and striving for their own interests, that is normal. What is going on? Not used to it.

It really wanted to talk to the Great Master again, but the consumption of the Mirror of Time was too much.

Is she really over it and no longer talking to herself?

The other person kept thinking about it.

And here, the master did not expect Lu Yin to be so decisive. It is a tributary of a long river. Shouldn't he carefully test through words to catch the loopholes in the other party's words? Use this to speculate?

"The other party has been able to cultivate to the age sequence, and he is not an idiot. It is so easy to see the flaws. It is best to ask directly."

"But it didn't say anything either."

"It's not over yet, we will continue tomorrow."

"You still ask that?"


"Then, still use the Mirror of Time?"

"Do you have any other ideas?"

"I mean, isn't this too much consumption?"

Lu Yin said, "Because

It takes a lot of effort to make the other party feel our determination and sincerity, and use time to kill it. "

The Lord stared blankly at Lu Yin. At this moment, Lu Yin was full of rich aura.

The next day, the Lord used the Mirror of Time to contact the other party.

The other party answered the call with a confused look on his face. Did he contact me again so soon?

"Where are you?" the master asked directly.

"what on earth do you want?"

"I'm in a hurry here. You tell me where you are and I'll help you deal with the powerful enemies on your side. Then you come over and help me deal with the enemies on my side."

"So urgent?"

"If you are willing to help me first, I can pay the price. How about a thousand tributaries of the river of time?"

The other party was shocked, so much? The area covered by its shrine is not large, and it ranks last in the time sequence. Although the original owner of this shrine is ranked higher than it, it is not like he can just pick out a thousand tributaries of the long river of time.

As for the sequence that replaces the sitting order, it cannot be a tributary of the river for so many years, and it must be derived from the sitting order.

Something feels wrong.

But the other party's proposal is really exciting. It doesn't need the thousand-year-old tributary of the river, but it urgently needs to deal with the powerful enemy. Originally, it was doing well, but a fishing civilization suddenly appeared, and it could no longer hold on.

But the other party will really help it solve it first?

You won't cause trouble for it.

It's normal for the shrines to fight each other. Doesn't the other party also need to help solve the other two shrines?

For a moment, the other party was entangled.

"Decide quickly, I don't have time to waste." The Lord said.

The other party replied, "Let me think about it."

"Waste of my time." The master ended the conversation directly.

other side"??"

Another day passed, and the master contacted me again. The other party was shocked. The frequency of this contact was too fast. Even if the river has many tributaries, it would not be such a waste.

Those same words still need to be considered by the other party.

Then another day passes and the contact continues.

Lu Yin is not afraid of waste. As long as he finds the other party, the other party will have hundreds of tributaries of the river of time. Now this thing is no different from money. Use money to kill it.

There's nothing money can't fix.

If there is, it is not enough.

As the master continued to contact him, the other party's mentality collapsed. It could no longer remain silent because it felt the master's eagerness and determination. Maybe the other party was really anxious? Are you really willing to help yourself deal with a powerful enemy first?

There are so many tributaries of the river that have been flowing for so many years. If you say it is consumed, it will be consumed. It is too grand.


Especially when the Great Master said something in the middle, the tributaries of the long river of time that are being consumed now should have been given to you.

These words made the other party completely collapse. It really felt like it was consuming the tributary of the long river of its own time.

After all, he couldn't withstand the pressure of money, or the pressure from a powerful enemy was too great. The other party told him all the information about its location. Lu Yin got the information, calculated it, confirmed the direction, and nodded, "Okay."

The master replied, "We can't confirm the position with this little information, let's do it as soon as possible."

"What about you?"

"Wait for me." After saying that, the master ended the conversation.

The other party really wanted to contact him again, but after thinking about it, he decided not to. He always felt as humble as meeting a wealthy person.

Lu Yin kept teleporting in one direction. Since the other party also existed in the shrine, there must be an altar. As long as he found the altar, he could find the other party.

Teleporting again and again, constantly searching, there is an infinite range in every direction. Although it feels like looking for a needle in a haystack, this is all he can do.

One day half a year later, Lu Yin suddenly saw the altar. He was so excited that he finally found it.

Regardless of whether it is the other party or not, if there is an altar, there is a power similar to the shrine, so it is not in vain.

After passing the altar, Lu Yin quickly identified the sealed areas, and soon found the shrine.

But this shrine seems a bit miserable.

At a glance, it looks like it has been attacked countless times. Although it is not as desolate as other shrines turned into ruins, it is not much better.

From time to time, cultivating creatures hurried past, and some returned with half of their bodies missing. They had obviously experienced miserable battles.

Lu Yin looked into the distance. There was a battlefield there because the power of the river of time existed there.

When the shrine goes to war, it can rely on the long river of time to create a battlefield, and the battlefield is also not bound by cause and effect.

Lu Yin saw it once.

Now he saw it for the second time, but this time there was another thing that shocked him even more. Is that the civilization of the gods?

Lu Yin was beaten to death but he didn't expect that he would encounter the civilization of the gods here.

At the time of the three cosmic catastrophes, the civilization of the divine realm was used by Wang Wen. The divine king suppressed the Tianyuan universe with his peak combat power that conformed to the laws of the two universes. He alone suppressed the joint efforts of Mr. Mu and Chu Songyun. They used The treasure of the town weapon.

Although the God King did not bring destruction to human civilization, it was Lu Yin's breakthrough just in time. If it had been even a little later, the Tianyuan Universe would have been destroyed by it.

It never thought of letting humans go.

The civilization of the gods is the enemy of mankind.

But then Wang Wen sent the civilization of the gods away from that small distance. It was naturally impossible for Lu Yin to find them, but he did not expect that they would be here.

Met in.

Lu Yin didn't know how far away it was from the previous square inch, but looking at the area covered by the power of the Lord's command, it was quite large. It was impossible for the civilization of the gods to come here on its own. It was probably Wang Wen who brought them here. Sent here.

Was it sent here on purpose or by accident?

He can teleport here, and Wang Wen can also help them open a portal on the river of time.

It has been four thousand years, a full four thousand years, and Lu Yin has not forgotten them. Now that he sees them, unless they have the ability to stay away with the help of Wang Wen, they will never leave.

It's time to settle the grudge.

But now is not the time to take action against them. After all, it is not clear whether Wang Wen has left a back-up on them to find him.

Lu Yin did not forget the scene that happened in the Abyss of the Death of the Skull. Wang Wen sent it away with eternity, but also left a portal to the Death of the Skull on it.

Human civilization has finally settled down and cannot be broken.

Thinking of this, Lu Yin teleported into the shrine. Now there is only one Immortal Realm in the shrine. It is very ordinary, similar to the Shuangluo Divine Envoy, and Lu Yin cannot notice it.

Lu Yin's purpose is to store time.

As long as the treasure of time in this palace is taken away, even if the palace is destroyed and the time sequence is killed, it will be meaningless.

If the civilization of the divine world starts a war against this palace, either the palace will initiate the war and want to control the civilization of the divine world, or the civilization of the divine world will in turn become the sequence of time. In Lu Yin's opinion, these two possibilities are the most likely. That's the case. , as long as the treasure of time is taken away, even if the civilization of the divine world wins the palace, it is impossible to create another sequence of time.

There are only more than 200 tributaries of the Time River in this time library, which is pitifully few.

Lu Yin left, and after a while he brought a disciple of the Lu family who could teleport, and asked him to hide here and watch, and report to him whenever the divine palace or one of the divine civilizations was defeated.

Lu Yin returned to Xiangcheng and told all the immortal realms about the discovery of the divine civilization. They should know that everyone had escaped from life and death during the three cosmic disasters.

"It's true that we are enemies on a narrow road." Jingmen Shangyu said in a cold tone. If it weren't for the longevity vine in the first battle, she would have been dead or disabled.

Chang Tian said, "If we want to take action against them, I will be at the front."

"It's not your turn yet." Jingmen Shangyu retorted.

Changtian was speechless, "I want to help you take revenge."

"Everyone hates everyone here." The imperial guard said at the startling door.

Master Qingcao lamented, "In fact, it has not been that long, but it always feels like a long time has passed. The civilization of the gods, the unknowable, the dead universe, the kingdom of mud and water, etc., seem like another world."

Qinglian Shangyudao "This is another world."

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