Star Odyssey

Chapter 4677: Dominate the Clan

"Let us go, we are willing to pay the price. Since you can resist the cause and effect and ignore the backlash of cause and effect, you should know that we belong to the main cause and effect. This is not a great force that you can fight against, and the young master is the existence of the main cause and effect. It If something goes wrong, you will be hunted down by the entire square inch."

"Believe me, this is also for your own good." came the voice of the transparent jellyfish.

Stop this fight.

Lu Yin looked at the creature, "A creature that mainly focuses on cause and effect?"

The creature's pupils flashed, "My name is, the word "Yi" under the Holy Trinity pattern, you, reveal your appearance."

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows. It's such a long name. The longer the name, the more meaningful it is.

Could it be that the creatures of the main cause and effect are the same species that are in charge of the main cause and effect? No wonder it can drive two strong men who understand cause and effect.

These two guys are not weak. They use all their methods to retreat even when faced with the peaks of two ordinary laws of the universe. There are not many such strong men within a small distance.

"You, show your appearance." She shouted in a low voice with the word "San San" under the pattern.

The transparent jellyfish said solemnly, "We are the first to take action this time. You can make demands and we are willing to compensate."

"Shut up." The word "Yi" under the Holy Three Patterns shouted, "My clan will not beg for mercy, nor will we pay for our lives. Otherwise, I will become a laughing stock when I go back, and I will lose value in the eyes of the master."

After saying that, he stared at Lu Yin's direction, "But I can hire you, join my clan, and protect me. I can make you join the main cause and effect and become stronger."

"This is what countless creatures dream of."

From behind, the voice of a black beetle came: "Countless creatures are eager to understand cause and effect and fix their destiny, but you have reached the sky in one step and directly joined the main path of cause and effect. This is great luck. You have been blessed by the path of luck. This battle is your life." The turning point."

Lu Yin smiled, "Yes, it's a turning point. I've always wanted to know the Lord in my dreams. You're here just in time. Come with me, and I promise not to kill you. For you, this is also an opportunity to reach the sky in one step."

After saying that, he smashed the transparent jellyfish and grabbed Ziyou's neck under the Holy Three Patterns.

Ziyi under the Holy Three Marks is just a creature that survives hardships. No matter how powerful it is, it can't escape Lu Yin's hands.

Its pupils shrank sharply, and the boiling murderous intent overwhelmed its reason. "Let go, you despicable creature. If you dare to touch me, let go."

"Let the young master go." The black beetle slashed its six blades, and in place, Lu Yin grabbed the lower part of the Holy Three Pattern and disappeared.

The transparent jellyfish's body continues to fuse, and the black beetle searches frantically to find Lu Yin.

Lu Yin appeared, and he wanted to catch more than just this creature, he wanted all three.

"You guys run away quickly." Sheng Sanwen shouted.

Lu Yin was surprised and asked

Others escape? This guy actually has such a temper? He instinctively felt something was wrong.

No matter how you look at it, this guy with the word "Yi" under his holy three tattoos doesn't look like someone who cares about the life and death of others.

The transparent jellyfish and the black beetle hesitated.

"I order you to run away." Shengsanwen shouted.

Lu Yin suddenly teleported and disappeared. When he reappeared, he was in front of the black beetles. He kicked them out, not wanting to give them another chance to do anything.

The body of the black beetle was separated. After Lu Yin kicked it out, the part of the body that was kicked was directly shattered, and the other half of the body suddenly fled in one direction.

The transparent jellyfish does the same, fleeing in the opposite direction.

Lu Yin teleported and appeared in front of the black beetle. The black beetle was not surprised. It looked up to the sky and screamed. In the void around it, countless invisible blades appeared and slashed forward. Lu Yin walked towards the blade and ignored it. With his left hand, he grabbed the word "Yu" under the Holy Three Patterns. , his right hand was backfired by cause and effect, and he could not move his two hands, but he had too many ways to solve it.

Consciousness and willpower are enough, and the talent of the ten-eyed crows can make them unable to move in an instant.

But facing the power of the main cause and effect, he would not explode all his combat power to prevent being spied on by the main cause and effect, and it was unnecessary, so he still kicked him out.

Kicking the void to pieces, the black beetle slashed at itself with the void blade, avoiding Lu Yin's kick, but only part of its body was cut off.

Lu Yin frowned. This was worse than being kicked by him. He couldn't kick the beetle to death, but its own blade might kill it.

He would rather bear a heavier attack than be caught by himself, and there is indeed a problem.

Lu Yin used his strength and kicked out again.

The black beetle also wanted to use the Void Blade to escape, but this time Lu Yin was very serious. It failed to avoid it and was kicked away, completely losing its mobility.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Yin teleported and appeared in front of the transparent jellyfish, and he also kicked.

The transparent jellyfish withstood this kick, but was bounced away like a spring. Threads of cause and effect were scattered along the way, thunder roared, and at the same time, countless gravels appeared in the void and collided with each other.

Lu Yin snorted coldly, turned around slightly, and kicked out from a distance.

The power of this kick spans the void, crushes the gravel that collides with each other, and presses hard against the transparent jellyfish.

The body of the transparent jellyfish was torn into pieces again, and it also lost its mobility.

At this point, two main causes and effects work together, and creatures that conform to the pinnacle of the laws of the universe cannot

Fight again.

Lu Yin glanced at the transparent jellyfish and black beetles, and then looked at the Holy Trinity pattern in his hand. What he saw was not fear or murderous hatred, but a smile.

His expression changed, smile?

Is this guy laughing?

The next moment, the pupils under the holy three lines flickered, and the three pupils converged into one. The majesty that Lu Yin had previously felt suppressed appeared, like a panic-stricken sky, which must not be offended.

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes and flashed murderous intent, Tianwei? To him, human civilization is heaven. All he feels is the awe of life itself for powerful beings. This only proves that he is not strong enough, rather than being afraid.

But this lack of strength does not refer to the word dragging under the Holy Three Patterns, but to the main cause and effect behind it.

Based on it, it is not worthy.

Lu Yin used his palms hard, as if he was trying to pinch the lower part of the Three Death Patterns.

The next moment, Lu Yin saw the cause and effect appear in his pupils under the holy three lines, and disappear in an instant.

Lu Yin's expression changed drastically. Is he gone?

He felt something in his heart, and suddenly stared in a direction. He saw the word trailing under the Holy Trinity pattern in the distance, and also saw the strange cause and effect. That was cause and effect. What was the cause? What is fruit? How did it escape?

Lu Yin teleported to the front of Xia Ziyi with the Holy Three Patterns. His expression changed as he noticed Lu Yin's appearance. It was impossible. How could this creature appear so far away all of a sudden?

This place is quite far away from the location where we just fought. It is so far away that Lu Yin feels that the word "Yi" under the Holy Three Patterns should not appear here. This is not something he can do, including the transparent jellyfish. If he did not move instantly, he would not be able to reach this place immediately. position.

Lu Yin raised his hand to grab the lower part of the Holy Three Marks. The lower part of the Holy Three Marks said in shock, "Stop, you can't kill me."


Lu Yin's hand once again grasped the neck of Ziyou under the holy three lines. In an instant, the cause and effect was reversed, as if time was going backwards. Lu Yin suddenly understood that it was a reversal of cause and effect.

So that's the case, no wonder the word trail under the Holy Three Patterns can come so far all of a sudden. This is the magical power of the main cause and effect.

Previously, the word drag under the Holy Three Patterns caused the transparent jellyfish and the black beetle to escape. That was the cause, and the cause of these two creatures' escape would bring about the effect. The effect should originally belong to those two creatures, because they were running away, regardless of the escape. If they can't escape, they will bear the consequences themselves, but the word "Yi" under the holy three pattern stole this cause and effect.

It attributed the cause and effect of the black beetles' escape to itself. Not only that, it also reversed the cause and effect, making their escape the effect, and Lu Yin's catching them became the cause. \u003c


The more Lu Yin expends his strength in catching them, the result will be that the further they escape.

And this effect came true on the body of Ziyi under the Holy Three Patterns.

So just now Sheng Sanwen Xia Ziyi was caught, and they were allowed to escape immediately. Only the cause and effect caused by their escape can bring it a glimmer of hope.

Lu Yin looked at the words "Yu" under the Holy Three Patterns he had caught, "Applying cause and effect, reversing cause and effect, this is not something you can do. It must come from the main cause and effect behind you."

"This is a weapon."

The word "Yi" under the Holy Three Patterns did not answer. It became very strange. The pupils kept expanding and shrinking, and the cause and effect on the body surface were disordered. This scene made Lu Yin uneasy. He looked deeply at the word "Yi" under the Holy Three Patterns and suddenly thought of , it cannot bear it.

The main cause and effect don’t know how to use the trick below the Holy Three Patterns to save lives, but the biggest drawback of that trick is that it cannot be broken. Once broken, the Zi Trail under the Holy Three Patterns cannot withstand the reversal of cause and effect. The harm caused is because the cause and effect has been applied once and reversed once. Now, being stopped by oneself is like an ordinary person being thrown into an unprotected car. If the car suddenly stops, that person will be thrown away. .

And cause and effect is much faster than that car.

This is not the power that Ziyi under the Holy Three Marks can currently control. At this moment, it is being thrown away by cause and effect.

Lu Yin hurriedly restrained the chaotic cause and effect, but it was of no use. This was the power given by the main cause and effect to the lower character of the Holy Three Patterns. Even if he had the ability to restrain it, he would not be able to do it in a short time.

He could only watch helplessly as the word "Yi" under the Holy Three Patterns was torn into pieces by cause and effect, without the chance to say a single word.

Lu Yin slowly let go of his hand, and in his palm, the characters under the holy three lines disappeared completely into the universe.

It's a pity that this is a member of the same clan that controls the main cause and effect. It has an extremely high status. I wanted to use it to understand the main cause and effect, but it died like this.

He finally understood why the transparent jellyfish hesitated just now and didn't want to escape, because once the holy three pattern lower character drag uses this trick, if they can't escape, they will die. And when they fought with Lu Yin, they knew how much pressure Lu Yin put on them. I don’t have the confidence to run away.

It can only be said that the Ziyi under the Holy Three Patterns is self-inflicted. If this trick had not been used, Lu Yin would not have been able to kill it. It was too valuable.

At the moment when the characters under the Holy Three Patterns completely dissipated into the starry sky, the chaotic cause and effect suddenly penetrated Lu Yin and disappeared in a flash.

"Thank you brothers for your support. I will add another chapter at two o'clock in the afternoon and another chapter at five o'clock in the afternoon. Thank you!!! Sui Feng has worked very hard, thank you.

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, brothers! ! "

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