Star Odyssey

Chapter 4678 Mark

Lu Yin was uneasy and hurriedly checked himself. He was not hurt. However, he released the Heavenly Way of Cause and Effect. Within the Heavenly Way of Cause and Effect, a mark flickered and disappeared, like a shooting star, but reappeared, constantly shuttled, very bright.

He looked at the mark, and his heart sank to the bottom. He didn't have this mark. It belonged to the word "Yi" under the holy three lines. The first thing he thought of was not what he got, but what he carried.

Strong uneasiness enveloped me.

He tried to get rid of the mark, but it was useless. No matter what method he tried, he couldn't get rid of it. He immediately found the transparent jellyfish and the black beetle, which were half-dead and floating in the starry sky.

When Lu Yin arrived, the black beetle felt it and made a hoarse voice, "Where is the young master?"


"What?" Black Beetle was horrified. "Did you stop it?"

Lu Yin said in a deep voice, "What's going on with that mark?"

The black beetle smiled, miserably, but also with gloating, "You're done, you're done, hahahaha, you actually killed Shengsanwenxiaziyi, do you know what it is? It is the master of the master. A descendant of the same race is one of the main races in the entire universe. If you actually kill it, you are finished. You will become a public enemy of the entire universe, and all the main forces will hunt you down. You are dead."

Lu Yin stared at the black beetle, "That mark is the sign that the Lord is chasing me?"

"Not bad." Black Beetle said.

Lu Yin frowned. He didn't expect such a thing to happen. He was just looking for civilization and was attacked by these guys for no reason. He was not responsible for the whole thing, but the master obviously wouldn't listen to his explanation, and he had no intention of doing so. explain.

Just kill.

He was chasing him, but he didn't believe that other than the Lord coming in person, there were other creatures that could do anything to him.

The Sifang Tianping once hunted him all over the universe, but he also came out. The situation now will not be worse than before, and of course, it will not be better.

There was always a day when he and the Lord would face each other, but he didn't expect it to be so sudden.

The Master controls the universe. Lu Yin can take the initiative in a small area, but once he leaves that small area, the initiative changes hands. This is the horror of the Master.

"You're dead. You don't know what it feels like to be hunted by an entire square inch. The feeling of being unable to reach heaven and earth will make you despair. No matter how strong you are, no matter how strong you are, even if you are an old monster who conforms to the laws of the three universes, He will definitely die."

"There is no place for you in the entire universe."

I don't know how far away, a pair of eyes opened, looking into the distance, surprised, "It's actually the Lord who is chasing and guiding? Who did something? It's so great that the Lord's power covering the entire square inch can be used as a guide." Yes, this kind of contribution is not small, hehe." After saying that, the figure disappeared


At the same time, creatures from other directions disappeared, looking only a few inches apart.

The distance in their eyes is different from that in the eyes of other creatures. Even if they have the same level of combat power, they can see the guidance of the Lord because they belong to the Lord.

The main path is the orthodoxy of the universe.

One after another figures moved towards the distance.

Lu Yin grabbed the transparent jellyfish and the black beetle and left. He felt as if he was exposed to the spotlight. He always felt that there was a pair of eyes staring at him all the time, leaving him nowhere to hide.

The mark remains in the Heavenly Dao of Cause and Effect, not on oneself, so invisibility is useless.

The horoscope can still find its own cause and effect, not to mention the method that the Lord left to the younger generations to save their lives and take revenge.

At this moment, he only felt a sense of repulsion from Fang Cun.

On the desolate planet, the transparent jellyfish and black beetles were still on the ground. Lu Yin sat on a boulder and looked at them quietly.

"In the past, I would use various methods to force the enemy to ask some questions. Now I don't want to waste time. You buy your life in your own way. You only have one chance. Who comes first?"

The transparent jellyfish said, "We can't say anything about the relationship between cause and effect. You can use your own methods to investigate, but I believe that since you can intercept the young master and avoid our cause and effect attack, you may also understand cause and effect." , try it yourself.”

Lu Yin casually threw out the causal spiral and penetrated the transparent jellyfish.

Nothing at all.

Lu Yin was not surprised. After all, the other party came from the main cause and effect. It was strange to be able to see through them with cause and effect. It was like Kuzu also fixed his life chart. Even if Lu Yin was much stronger than him, he could no longer use cause and effect to spy on him.

Cause and effect belongs to others.

The main year can harvest time, and the main cause and effect can harvest cause and effect. For them, it is harvest.

"You really understand cause and effect, then you should be clear. We can't say anything because of cause and effect. Of course, if you are interested in our own affairs, we can also tell you."

Lu Yin's eyes grew colder, "It seems you are of no use at all."

The transparent jellyfish said, "We can't tell what we see and hear, and you can't see it either, because seeing and hearing are cause and effect, but guessing is not cause and effect."

Lu Yin looked at it and asked, "What's your guess?"

"Although our guesses cannot be used as facts, they are the only value we can buy our lives. You have to listen, we

Say, but you have to pay for your life. "Black Beetle said.

Lu Yin said, "It depends on whether your guess is worth two lives of immortality and understanding of cause and effect."

Black Beetle said in a low voice, "It's worth it."

Lu Yin nodded, "If it's worth it, even though I won't kill you, you won't be free."

"That's enough." The transparent jellyfish breathed a sigh of relief. They were helpless and regretted that they should not have provoked this powerful enemy.

Little did they know that a random creature with little cause and effect could easily defeat them. This creature was so powerful that it was rarely seen even in unspeakable places.

Because this creature does not really conform to the three laws of the universe. He only conforms to one law of the universe, which is comparable to that perfect creature.

After a moment of silence, the black beetle and the transparent jellyfish looked at each other and made a very low sound, as if they were afraid of being heard. "The main cause and effect need us to worship cause and effect. We don't know the reasons for mastering ourselves, and we can't guess. The gap It’s too big, but there’s a reason we might be able to guess.”

Transparent jellyfish interface "Raise the same species."

Lu Yin wondered, "What?"

The black beetle said, "Cause and effect, if there is a cause, there will be an effect. Similarly, if there is an effect, there will be a cause. The birth of life is the cause, and survival is the effect. But if the effect of survival always exists, the cause will always exist."

"you understood?"

Lu Yin stared at the black beetle with wide eyes, raising the same kind, raising, it turns out, that's it.

"Only with emotion can we understand cause and effect. The stronger the emotion, the stronger the understanding of cause and effect. It is conceivable how strong the feelings of the master of cause and effect are. You and I also understand cause and effect. Just ask, if you have a way to continue indefinitely What will you do to save the lives of your own kind?" the transparent jellyfish asked.

The black beetle said, "Let me ask you, a member of the same race you care about is about to die, but there is a way to extend his life, which is to fill it with the lives of other creatures. What would you do?"

Lu Yin stared at the two creatures blankly, unable to answer for a moment.

Together with the main cause and effect, they continue to use the cause and effect of other lives to help their own species continue to live. This is their guess, but it is extremely true. Human beings are also on the list of harvested cause and effect. Originally, he should be angry, but why can't he get angry?

Right or wrong, who can tell?

Is the main cause and effect wrong? But it was for his own race. Lu Yin asked himself that he had destroyed many civilizations for the sake of human civilization. For those civilizations, he was also wrong.

But for the sake of human civilization, I am at a loss.

Likewise, the master of cause and effect

If it had done these things, then it would be helpless regarding its position.

It is impossible to tell what is right or wrong.

As for the black beetles and their questions, Lu Yin didn't know how to answer them. If that day comes, maybe he will be like the Master of Cause and Effect.

Perhaps all the hatred in the universe stems from survival.

"If you use the entire cause and effect to raise the same kind, how many kindred does it have?" Lu Yin asked.

The transparent jellyfish was helpless, "I can't tell. There is no possibility of an answer. We can tell this guess and have done our best."

"Actually, enshrining cause and effect has other uses. We have encountered the existence of other fixed natal charts and communicated with each other. They speculated that the enshrined cause and effect became the origin of the endless life cycle of this square inch."

“Because only the existence of causes can produce effects. The birth of life is accompanied by the birth of causes. If there are not enough causes, life cannot be born. Therefore, the distances and civilizations we see today all come from the Lord’s intervention in the universe. control."

Lu Yin was surprised. It was another guess, but it was not inconsistent with the previous guess.

Life, Cause and Effect "Then what are the Life Masters doing? Shouldn't they be responsible for the birth of life?"

"As for the main life path, we haven't had much contact with it, or maybe we haven't noticed it since we did. Each of the main life paths has its own weirdness and power. Maybe the existence of the main life path has a way to block the freeze-frame of the life chart. It's useless for you to ask us." Transparent jellyfish path.

Lu Yin stared at them, "Then, where is the Master of Time?"

"That's more." Black Beetle said, "The Lord of Years is different from us. He developed the shrine as a spokesperson. Such a direct approach is unique among the Lord of Years. However, it is said that there is also an extremely mysterious sequence of years."

"You can transcend the restrictions of the palace. We have never seen this before."

"How many are there, Lord?"

"I don't know, this is something we can't touch, but I heard from the young master that there seem to be six."

"Which six?"

“In addition to the main cause and effect, the main years, and the main life, there are also the main destiny, the main consciousness, and the main death. In fact, although they are all the same, it is more difficult than the exchange between civilizations in the universe, because what they gain from each other is different. , you can’t ask us anything.”

The transparent jellyfish spoke in a low voice, "Our lives are exchanged for speculation. I hope you will keep your promise and not kill us."

Lu Yin did not answer, but gradually revealed his appearance.

The transparent jellyfish and the black beetle looked at Lu Yin and suddenly exclaimed, "Human?"

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows. Sure enough, do you know him?

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