Star Odyssey

Chapter 4700 You are of great use

Lu Yin looked into the distance and saw the big man lying on the ground with bared teeth. He also saw the void distorted by the battle. The peach color was intertwined with blood, the white color was boiling, and the portal was looming. It made his heart palpitate just by looking at it. The battlefield that conformed to the laws of the three universes was so breathtaking.

He turned to look at Tianye, where Di Sang and Toad Boss were fighting, and at a glance, it was not good.

In the distance, the toad was breathing heavily, his eyes were red, and the constraints of cause and effect were twisting, and they were increasing as if they were spiritual. This was the backlash of cause and effect.

The leaves of the sky and the mulberry trees of the earth stand next to each other, with the cause and effect life chart in the middle. They are consuming the Qi of heaven and earth, and deal with the toad boss with the backlash of cause and effect.

Lao Si and Lao Wu attacked them frantically, but to no avail. The Qian and Kun Qi had extremely strong defensive capabilities.

At first, the transparent jellyfish and the black beetle could rely on the Qi of Qian and Kun to resist attacks that conformed to the laws of the two universes, which made Lu Yin a little more troublesome. However, Tianye and Disang themselves are existences that conform to the laws of the two universes and do not know how to practice. How long has it been and how much Qi of the Universe and Earth has been accumulated? It is simply not something that the Fourth and the Fifth can break.

Jian Wu kept swinging his sword and attacking them.

Lu Yin's heart kept sinking as he watched. Boss Toad was very strong, but he couldn't do anything against the methods of the main cause and effect. As long as he didn't jump out of the scope of the main force, he would suffer in the face of the backlash from the main force.

We can't just look at it.

He jumped up and said, "Bring that stone back to me." As he said that, he released the Three Death Techniques, and the terrifying and majestic power of death soared into the sky, turning into black roads stretching into the distance, one of which spread towards Ten Thousand Ren. The mountain seemed to be attacking, and behind it there was a black road spreading to the direction of Tianye and Disang.

Wanren Mountain shook the void with its blunt surface. During the roar, the heaven and earth seemed to be compressed and converged towards the middle, and then released, cutting straight to the death path.

Lu Yin was shocked and hurriedly moved away from the dead end, but was still torn apart by the sharp force.

At the same time, the road of death spreading towards Tianye and Disang from behind also came. Tianye was shocked, "The power of the master of death?"

"How can there be the power of death here?" Di Sang was also shocked, and he and Tianye hurriedly avoided the place.

Dead ends converged, and the majestic power of death suddenly dispersed.

Tianye and Disang are obviously very afraid of the power of death.

Taking this opportunity, the toad boss roared, and black gravity fell from the sky, turning the entire battlefield into black, pressing against Tianye and Disang.

Seeing that the battlefield was disturbed, Lu Yin breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking back, no, Wanrenshan is really back.

He just used the battle with Wanrenshan to interfere with Tianye and Disang's karma backlash, but he didn't expect to recruit Wanrenshan.

Seeing Wanrenshan attacking him.

Lu Yin had no choice but to be defeated again.

In the distance, Da Mao was amazed.

Still fighting so hard, knowing clearly that he is no match, and the gap is so big, so honest.

It didn't doubt that Lu Yin was using Dead End to help Toad Boss and them, because it had seen Dead End perform like this, stretching endlessly and far away, constantly converging, and attacking the entire range indiscriminately.

However, something unexpected happened again soon. Disang released the majestic cause and effect to form a mini city, trapping the fourth and fifth children.

The toad boss smashed the city one by one with one palm.

However, Disang's target is not Toad Boss and the others, but Jianwu.

Di Sang dragged Toad Boss and the others, and Tian Ye faced Jian Wu, releasing the energy of life, surging, as if squeezing the heaven and earth, turning into a white boulder and blasting away.

Jian Wu was seriously injured and could only occasionally take action to share the pressure with Toad Boss and the others. Facing Tian Ye's killing attacks, it was difficult to even avoid them. He could only slash out with one sword, cutting the back without cutting the face.

This sword was pushed horizontally by Tianye's life energy. This life energy contained dry energy, which was the fusion of dry energy and life energy.

Jian Wu was about to be hit.

Lu Yin couldn't help but want to take action. The toad struck out with a palm and pressed against the earth. Darkness rose from the cracks in the ground and turned into countless gravitational lights, forming a black aurora, suppressing the life energy and dry energy. .

Tianye was shocked, this toad was really strong.

The toad boss stared at Tianye, raised his arms, and suddenly thrust out his claws, the star toad's star-catching hand.

At this moment, Old Toad's majesty was astonishing, and Star Toad's star-picking hand picked up stars, the sky, and civilization, bringing endless pressure to Tianye and Disang.

"The fire on the earth burns the sky." Earth Sang shouted fiercely, and the flames burned in the void, burned the black gravity, and rose into the sky.

The boss toad shot out his claws.

Tianye's eyes widened suddenly, cause and effect boiled, and there was a gap.

Toad Boss made a move and couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood. The cause and effect was cut off. This was Tianye's use of cause and effect, and the earth fire came, burning not only Toad Boss, but also Jianwu.

Lu Yin knew it was time for him to take action. The Toad Boss was very strong, but the fourth and fifth lao were holding him back, and Jian Wu was unable to deal with it. It was like one-on-two, and he couldn't hold it back at all.

A little negligence and Jianwu will die.

Just as Boss Toad was about to take action, Lu Yin's voice came to his ears, "Leave it to me."

It turned its arms, and the Star Toad's Star Picking Hand, which was originally aimed at the Earth Fire, hit Tianye. Tianye was shocked. Unexpectedly, the Toad Boss suddenly changed. He couldn't react for a moment and took a solid Star Toad Pick. Star Hand, vomiting blood and retreating.


All over the body, earthly fire burns. This flame has no temperature, but it seems to be burning his past. This is also the use of cause and effect. When a person's cause and effect past is burned, this person should not exist.

This was a move he couldn't fight back.

Dying? I didn't expect to die here. The clan members haven't saved him yet, and the camp is still there.

But I am really tired, too tired.

Perhaps as the predecessors said, death is liberation.

He let go of the hilt of the sword and let it fall to the ground with a soft sound.

Flames came to my face.

Suddenly, an unstoppable force appeared from the side and pushed Jian Wuheng out.

The fire on the earth and the sky did not burn him.

Disang's eyes changed and he looked in another direction, where Lu Yin slowly walked out, his whole body covered in a black robe.

It's him? The creature that intervened in their battle with deadly force.

Before Lu Yin saved the toad boss by dying, they only knew that Lu Yin had talked with the unknown ones. They seemed to be familiar with them, but they didn't expect that Lu Yin actually had the power of the death universe.

"Who are you?" Disang's voice was sharp and filled with murderous intent.

Lu Yin raised his head and looked at Di Sang in the distance. "You want to kill those toads, whatever you want, but this human being cannot die."

"You do not belong to the camp, but come from the Lord Death. What is your relationship with Him?"

"Nothing to do with you."

"Looking for death, you are just a scoundrel who has not reached the realm of immortality. Do you really think you can challenge me?" Disang's body, Karma rushed towards Lu Yin. Lu Yin had seen it, it could use Karma to form a city and a boundary, and use the city boundary to trap the old man. Four and five.

At this time, Da Mao's voice came to Lu Yin's ears: "Chen, what are you doing?"

Lu Yin said solemnly, "This human being cannot die and is useful."

Da Mao didn't understand why it was useful, but since Lu Yin saved him, it could only help. However, those two were practitioners of the Main Cause and Effect, so they couldn't do it openly.

"Senior, let me take this fight. It's impossible to win, but it should be okay to escape." After saying this to Damao, Lu Yin grabbed Jianwu and ran away.

Facing Di Sang, Yichen, the clone, and the strength that can be shown in front of the unknown, should not have a duel.

Disang snorted, "Want to escape? Let's see where you can escape."

"Di Sang, be careful." Tian Ye shouted sharply.

Disang subconsciously avoided the spot. Lao Si pierced the void with a steel fork, raised his head, and stared at it coldly.

Disang was extremely angry, "You are looking for death."

In the distance, Lu Yin tightly grabbed Jian Wu and fled.

Jianwu looked at him, "You don't need to expose yourself for me."

Previously, when Anonymous and Tianye came, Lu Yin deliberately hid himself. Later, Bai Aoshi found him and talked to him. There was no conflict and they were obviously acquainted. However, the Toad clan fought fiercely with Tianye and others, and Lu Yin did not help him openly. , and even pretended to attract Wanrenshan to interfere with Tianye's cause and effect backlash.

To Da Mao and others, it might have seemed like a coincidence, but Jian Wu, who saw everything in his eyes, knew that Lu Yin did it on purpose, because Lu Yin had an irreconcilable relationship with the Toad clan, but it was not exposed.

He didn't intend to expose Lu Yin either.

But now Lu Yin has problems saving him.

The previous interference with Tianye's cause-and-effect backlash against Toad Boss could be a coincidence, but saving him now cannot be explained. It even reminds people that it was also to save Toad Boss before.

Lu Yin looked back and saw Lao Si and Lao Wu sneaking up on Di Sang. He raised his hand to attack Di Sang from a distance.

Disang easily pushed aside the steel fork, and was just about to attack Lao Si and Lao Wu forcefully when he was suddenly hit by the World's Not Forgetting Kung Fu, which stunned him for a second.

At this second, Lao Wuyi's steel fork stabbed it, but unfortunately, it was still blocked by Kun Qi.

The two qi of heaven and earth are the most troublesome.

Lu Yin had no choice but to cooperate with Lao Si and Lao Wu to deal with Di Sang. "I'm not helping you. You are of great use."

Jianwu couldn't help but wonder, "What's the big deal?"

"Let me think about it." Lu Yin said.

Jian Wu understood and stopped talking.

Further away, the old guy Hehe shook his body and suddenly stepped back, "I can't beat you, please help yourself."

On the opposite side, a ball of yellow soil passed over the old guy and headed towards the battlefield of Xue Peach Blossom.

Haha, the old guy watched it leave. This guy's cry is, "Don't hate, don't sacrifice," and he has weird methods. Anyway, if he doesn't want to fight, just leave it to Bai Bai.

In this way, these four extremely powerful eternal beings went to besiege White.

Bai suddenly felt the pressure increase greatly. "Purple, stop it."

Haha, the old guy laughed, "Old Man is no match for it. After all, it was defeated in the previous battle with the Death Universe. The strongest method is gone, so you should work harder, Bai."

Although the white unknown voice was still calm, he clearly felt the pressure. "At least you can help me share one burden. And why did Chen help humans and the Seven Treasures Celestial Toad clan that morning?"

Haha, the old guy didn't answer, it was also staring over there.

The universe is shaking, the starry sky is cracking, and in the distance, portals are constantly shattering, but they keep reappearing.

The battlefield on the White Agnostic side is becoming more and more intense, and there is no time to pay attention to other places.

Lu Yin dragged Jian Wu and continued to perform the World Not Forgetting Kung Fu on Tian Ye and Di Sang, which really disgusted these two main cause and effect practitioners.

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