Star Odyssey

Chapter 4701: Siege and Killing

Because they don't forget their merits in the world, they are stunned. Even though they have the Qi of Qian and Earth to resist the offensive of Toad Boss and others, it also means constant consumption.

The more you consume, the less you can resist.

The most disgusting thing is that they can't get close to each other. Only by getting close and using the karma life chart can they use the karma backlash. However, there was an experience. Boss Toad and Lu Yin would not let them use it again, so they are now in a dilemma. Either They make a desperate move and use the Qi of Qian and Kun to fight, or they find a way to hold back some of the Qi of Qian and Kun to avoid being consumed and unable to use the backlash of cause and effect.

They didn't expect this battle to be so difficult.

A toad boss and a Lu Yin forcefully consumed them.

As a last resort, Tianye said to Damao and the old guy Hehe, "Unknowable belongs to the main alliance, and we also belong to the main cause and effect. We should work together to deal with these foreign enemies."

"Haha, I was seriously injured in the battle with Na Bu Hate Bu Xian and I can't make a move."

Disang said angrily, "How have you ever been hurt?"

"Haha, can I show it to you, old man?"

"You." Disang wanted to kill the old guy Hehe.

Da Mao was disdainful. Ever since Wu Zhi escaped from that small distance and encountered the main cultivator, he had been targeted.

Looking at the entire distance, for the Main Path, the location they were in was very special, with a mysterious sense of chaos and disorder, so that after the location was completely disordered, the other Main Path practitioners all focused on them. , wondering what happened there.

Unknown, life was not easy during this period.

If they weren't worried about the Lord, these cultivators under the Lord would have been eliminated by them long ago.

They have no idea how terrifying the unknown ability is.

No matter how you put it, the unknowns are all a collective that faces the Lord's death, suppressing the fishing civilizations in that small area, including powerful civilizations such as Xian Ling and the Muddy Water Kingdom.

In the eyes of the unknown, the lives just a few inches away are not that great; they are all beings protected by the Lord.

Without the help of the power of the Lord, nothing is possible.

Tianye and Disang despise the unknown, and the unknowable despise them even more.

The void split open and spread here from far away.

Tianye and the others look into the distance, where is the terrifying battlefield. They constantly refresh their understanding of the unknown, especially the white unknown, who actually singled out four top masters, including an old monster who conforms to the laws of the three universes. How strong is it?

At this time, a white unknowable voice came, "Heavenly leaves and earthly mulberries, free me from the shackles of cause and effect."

It singled out the four masters, and the constraints of cause and effect continued to increase, which was a bit too much to bear.

Tianye and Disang looked at each other, while dealing with the attacks from Toad and Lu Yin, they said, "We can't even join together, why?"

Lift? "

Lu Yin was surprised when he heard this. He knew there was no way to break the constraints of cause and effect? What's strange is that even under the command of the same owner, any shrine can release the constraints of cause and effect and create a battlefield, but it's unknown that it can't.

The portal suddenly appeared in front of Tianye and Disang, and they stepped through it without hesitation.

Lu Yin secretly thought it was not good and hurriedly looked for it.

On another battlefield far away, Tianye and Disang appeared. They breathed a sigh of relief and finally reunited. "First deal with those dead toads."

As he spoke, he raised his hands at the same time. In the middle, the cause and effect life chart appeared, the Qi of the universe and the earth poured in, and the cause and effect came back.

The boss toad pressed one claw into the ground, and the shackles of cause and effect were constantly entangled.

The fourth and fifth children rushed over in a hurry.

Lu Yin fought far away and never forgot his merits.

But this time, Tianye and Disang were well prepared. Cause and effect appeared around them, one city and one boundary. Outside the city boundary, the fire burned the sky, using cause and effect to block the world from forgetting its merits.

If the World Not Forgetting Gong wants to hit them, it must cross this distance, but the World Not Forgetting Gong is not omnipotent and can be avoided or resisted.

Especially Lu Yin's clone is not even in the realm of immortality.

"Tian Ye, Di Sang, release me from the shackles of cause and effect immediately." White Agnostic shouted, his voice shaking the universe.

Tianye raised his eyes, "Wait until we deal with those toads."

“Back on your word.” White Agnostic Fury “Kill them.”

A portal appeared in front of Damao, and a portal appeared in front of old guy Hehe.

Da Mao was stunned, Bai Bai was really angry.

A portal also appeared in front of Lu Yin's eyes. He didn't expect Bai Aoshi to be like this.

But, just right.

Letting go of Jian Wu and crossing the portal, Lu Yin appeared directly behind Tian Ye and Di Sang. Tian Ye and Di Sang were dumbfounded, "Unknowable, how dare you betray the Lord."

"You are worthy of representing the Lord." Da Mao appeared with a ferocious smile and blasted out his cyan divine power.

"Haha, too many living beings have died, including the two of you." Haha, the old guy staggered around and said, "Time is not equal."

Tianye and Disang never expected this to happen. They were too ignorant and unknowable.

The unknown has always been used to running rampant in the small distance before, especially the white unknown. The door opens all over the world and the universe. Even the immortal feathers can only confront it. They are all special existences in the unknown. How has it ever been like this? Played like that.

Tianye and Disang are two living beings with their bodies as the masters.

The identity of the white agnostic is inherently despised. Their actions depend on their attitude. For the white agnostic, it is impossible to wait for them to give alms. After cultivating to this level, they must have at least the decisiveness.

If it were Lu Yin, he wouldn't be passive.

However, if it were Lu Yin, he would have to consider whether it was worth it. If these two could help him free himself from the constraints of cause and effect, some necessary tolerance would still be necessary.

It can only be said that for White Agnostic, the increased causal constraints are not as good as the tolerance for Tianye and Dimulberry.

This fact made Lu Yin's heart sink.

It is unknown that the bondage of cause and effect cannot be released, but it seems that it is not too afraid of the bondage of cause and effect. I am most afraid that they will have other means.

I have no time to pay attention to the unknown situation at the moment. As Chen, I can definitely know it.

For now, take care of these two guys.

Haha, the old guy crossed the unequal line of time and transformed the Qian and Kun Qi that Tianye and Di Sang fired at the same time, opening up a gap. Taking this opportunity, Lu Yin hit Di Sang hard with his palm. This palm not only has the power of death, but also has its own terrifying power, directly penetrating Di Sang's body.

Disang spat out a mouthful of blood and looked at Lu Yin in disbelief. How could this be possible? How could a scoundrel hurt it like this?

Da Mao's attack on the side also fell on Tian Ye, but Tian Ye was not hurt as badly as Di Sang.

"You deserve to die." Earth Sang roared, the earth's fire burned the sky, the surging cause and effect burned, it was completely crazy, and more causes and effects were surrounding it, trying to surround everyone.

Tianye exhaled, "Falling."


Lu Yin felt his heart sink, and his whole body seemed to be falling into an endless abyss, making it difficult for him to take action.

This is the invisible world, coming from Tianye.

Da Mao soared to the sky with his divine power, changed the color of the heaven and earth, turned into blue sky, and slammed into the sky leaves.

Hehe In front of the old guy, a purple sword was slashed out. As the horizontal line of time passed, countless purple swords were transformed, like a rain of swords falling, just like when he dealt with Luo Luochen.

Lu Yin, on the other hand, has never forgotten his merits in this world.

In the distance, the toad boss glanced at his paws. The causal restraint was almost complete. He said, "Trouble, the number of times I can take action is limited."

"Boss." The fourth and fifth children arrived.

The boss looked into the distance with deep eyes, and in his paws, a dark mass of gravity continued to gather.

On the other side, Jian Wu slowly raised his finger. He still had the strength of one finger even after resting.


There was a loud noise, the city boundary exploded, ground fire scattered, and figures retreated one after another.

Lu Yin was blown away by the huge force, which came from the two qi of heaven and earth.

sky leaves and earth

Sang completely pulled out the Qi of Qian and Kun in his life chart and released it completely. He could no longer use the backlash of cause and effect.

But this move also forced Da Mao and the old guy Hehe back, and at the same time injured Lu Yin.

Jianwu's eyes flashed sharply, and he pointed out that the sword was dirty.

The boss toad dropped his paw, and the star toad reached for the stars.

Tian Ye and Di Sang had just fought back Lu Yin and the others when they were faced with two finger swords and Star Toad's Star Picking Hands. They couldn't avoid them, so they had to fight hard.

The energy of life and eternal matter are completely released, as well as the two energies of heaven and earth.

The leaves of the sky are constantly peeling off the void with the faults of cause and effect.

Disang released one city and one realm, this time surrounding himself.

Star Toad's star-catching hand fell down, smoothing out the faults, and blasted it on the city boundary. In the palm, the dark gravity flowed like ink, and the city boundary it touched was directly crushed, not even the cause and effect could hold it back.

Disang's pupils shrank sharply, and as he watched the city boundary being dissolved, a green finger sword came into view and pierced through his body.

Disang stared blankly outside the city boundary and pointed in the direction where the sword was coming. It was that human being, the slave in the camp, the garbage that should have been wiped out by him. Why was it him?


Disang fell to the ground, covered in green, the city boundary lost support and collapsed, and the Star Toad's star-picking hand fell directly on it, blasting it into pieces, killing it completely.

Jian Wu gasped, finally killing one.

Lu Yin saw it, and regretted that he was a master, but he had no choice. In this battlefield, any attempt to hold back would harm himself.

Tian Ye looked at the death of Di Sang and felt chills all over his body. He grabbed his life chart and kept retreating. His voice was full of resentment, "Unknowable, you join forces with the Lord Death to kill us. The Lord will not let you go."

"Haha, you can't say for sure." Haha, the old guy's sword rain hit out again, covering Tianye.

Tianye gasped for breath, lost the earth mulberry, and the two qi of heaven and earth could not be connected, which was equivalent to useless, and his own karma was also greatly consumed, and he was getting closer and closer to death.

It keeps dodging the rain of swords.

The big hairy blue sky covers the starry sky and rolls down.

Lu Yin slapped it in the distance, but Tianye avoided it at the critical moment. Looking back, he saw Lu Yin and others, as well as the toad clan. The fourth and fifth children were rushing towards it from the other direction.

No, I can't die, how can I die here?

It looked into the distance. "White is unknowable. If I die, the master of cause and effect will definitely know. It is the master who makes us stare at your unknowable. You know the consequences."

No one paid attention.

Lu Yin also looked into the distance. Something happened on the white unknown side, but it was not the blood peach blossoms, but itself.

What did it do?

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