Star Odyssey

Chapter 4719 The Shrine System


It is the first sequence of the years. It is an extremely powerful person. It has been holding back and waiting for the opportunity to break through the main sequence.

Those who shouldn't have come, shouldn't have gone to that Linlang Heaven in the end. Who would have thought that the thing that was hidden the most was not the Holy Bow, Wang Chenchen, or that unknown thing, but this skeleton, this human being.

"Who are you?" Mian only wanted to know this now.

Lu Yin withdrew the Gao Tian Brand. His consciousness was really consumed. He had no choice but to solve this problem as soon as possible.

Ming Yan's figure appeared next to her, with a happy look on her face: "Brother Lu, you must let me play with you next time you have the chance."

Lu Yin "..."

Mian looked at Ming Yan, who looked harmless, and understood that the body that complied with the laws of the three universes and could be controlled was this human woman.

No wonder he had to give himself a chance to turn into a butterfly. As a strong man, how could he not give him a chance?

This human woman is despicable and has no dignity at all.

Ming Yan looked at Xiang Mian and smiled at it, "You are very interesting. Goodbye." After saying that, she entered the Illustration of the Gods.

Mian stared blankly, is it interesting?

I really want to kill her.

Lu Yin looked at Mian and said, "Okay, now this kind of conversation is what I'm good at."

Mian looked at Lu Yin, "You are hiding yourself. In the previous battlefield, you did not use this move. Many moves were useless. You can only use it to pull me out alone. Who are you hiding from?"

Lu Yin smiled and said, "It must be very hard to practice to the first level of the years."

Mian's eyes trembled and he didn't answer.

Lu Yin added, "How many tributaries of the Yangtze River have been collected? There must be at least ten thousand."

Mian still didn't respond.

"Let me think about it, how long will it take to do this? You are just a silkworm. You have been practicing step by step from the bottom. You may have good talents, but you will definitely experience life and death."

"The first sequence of years is to collect the tributaries of the long river of time."

"For combat power, you have to cultivate yourself."

"The next step is the main sequence, which is in line with the three laws of the universe."

"These are your pursuits."

"But now." Lu Yin stared at it, "it has disappeared into thin air."

Mian's body trembled and he stared at Lu Yin, "What do you want? You are fighting against the entire Lord."

Lu Yin said, "I have captured the holy bow. Do you think I will care about you?"

Mian's pupils flickered as she looked at Lu Yin.

After a moment, it said in a low voice, "What do you want me to do? Just say it."

Lu Yin hummed, "This is your attitude when talking to me. Then, let's find Mian Shen Palace first."

Just an inch apart, sleep is constantly judged

He turned to look for Mian Shen Palace, while Lu Yin sat on its back, recovering from his injuries leisurely.

Mian is a silkworm, big or small. Its back is very soft, making it quite comfortable to sit on.

This was not a good experience for Mian. It wanted to throw Lu Yin down and escape on its own, but it couldn't do it, because if it tried and was caught by Lu Yin, it would be taken to the timeless space.

That's right, it's time and space that stands still.

Lu Yin found that using this space to threaten Mian was unexpectedly effective.

The main living thing has a cognition, that is, how much you get, how much you have to pay.

This is especially obvious in the passage of time.

Some creatures practice in the mirage domain and stop time, but what they stop is only the time of the tributaries of the long river of time, and the time of the main long river of time cannot stop, which means that once it encounters the backlash of time, the consequences will be tragic.

Lu Yin was worried about this at first when he fought against the creatures of time, but he soon discovered that there was no sequence of time that could make his time backlash, which was different from the backlash of cause and effect.

As long as the life chart is fixed, the two qi of heaven and earth can be used to cause the cause and effect of living things to backfire, but time backfires, and the sequence of years cannot be used.

If you can't use it, you can't use it. In the hearts of all creatures with such cognition, the backlash of what is obtained through still time will be very tragic, so they are extremely opposed to the practice of still time.

Just like Gui Xing said at the beginning, he didn’t want to enter the mirage realm to recover.

Lu Yin threatened Mian by relying on time to freeze space. He wanted to go in to recover from his injuries, but Mian couldn't go in, which is why he ended up with the current result.

Mian is very obedient to him unless he is sure to escape.

Lu Yin did not enter the time-stopped space to recover. Mian became more and more fearful. To be honest, he became more and more frightened. God knows what kind of backlash he would encounter in the end.

Just recover slowly.

"Five main sequences?" Lu Yin was surprised.

Through sleep, he is understanding the power of the Lord Years, which is the shrine system that exists outside the main trunk of the mother tree.

Neither Zuo Ling nor Lin Dao understands them. Their knowledge is too little. Although they can talk to other time series, there is no special friendship and it is impossible to say they know each other.

Cognition is very important in the universe.

But Mian is different. It is the first in the series of years, so it should know a lot.

Mian said in a deep voice, "Five main sequences, twenty-seven years sequences, and more than a hundred alternative sequences, plus the divine envoys owned by the major temples, this is the full power of the Lord Years Alliance within a small distance."

Lu Yin took a breath, how much immortality is this?

In fact, we should have expected that the Great Lord's sequence of years is twenty-seven. At that time, we also knew that there were twenty-seven sequences of years, and the five main sequences, more or less, are unknowable and exist. There is more than one strong person who conforms to the laws of the three universes. The main force of the Years and Years is only an inch away from five such strong people, which is still acceptable.

The most unacceptable thing is that there are still over a hundred alternative sequences.

What are the alternatives? It is to practice the method of time and constantly search the tributaries of the long river of time in the hope of one day achieving the sequence. This is the meaning of alternative.

It is equivalent to saying that there are more than a hundred immortal realms just a few inches away from each other, collecting the tributaries of the long river of time.

These realms of immortality have never been added to the Shrine. Except for one of the Time Sequence, the rest of the divine envoys in the Shrine do not practice the power of time. It is impossible for the Time Sequence to allow other creatures who practice the power of time to collect the tributaries of the long river of time under their noses.

This is the most terrifying thing.

Because collecting the tributaries of the long river does not represent its strength.

Just like Lu Yin, he had no tributaries of the long river of time in the small distance just before he left. However, he has cultivated the power of time and has an existence that conforms to the laws of the three universes. God knows whether there are more than a hundred alternative time sequences. Such creatures exist.

As for the divine envoys in each shrine, they add up to a lot, but they are not too important.

It can only be said that the power of the Lord Years to cover a small distance is exaggerated.

"Despite this, there are not many. Compared with the peak period, many years have been lost." Mian said, "According to legend, during the peak period, there were dozens of shrines and double-digit main sequences along the main years. The number of alternative sequences is several times what it is now. At that time, the main years covered a wider area, but now it has been reduced a lot."

The square inch distance refers to all the areas covered by the huge mother tree. Even the master dare not say that it completely covers the square inch distance. It can only be said that the range it covers is such that even the immortal realm cannot be walked out for endless years. Yes, this range can be regarded as infinite, but it is not truly infinite.

The more shrines there are, the wider the coverage will naturally be.

"Why is it shrinking now?"

"I don't know. It is said that there was a war once. The war between the main groups weakened the power of all the main groups."

Lu Yin looked at the deep starry sky, "There are over a hundred alternative sequences. It's really scary. The key is that you don't know where these creatures are."

Mian said, "So even I have a sense of crisis. The first sequence of years may seem beautiful, but there are too many creatures staring at this position."

"You should be the strongest in the series of years." Lu Yin suddenly asked.

Mian was silent for a moment, "Maybe we can make it into the top three."\u003c


Lu Yin was surprised, "Maybe? Just the top three?"

Mian said, "You wouldn't think that the first sequence is the first in combat power, right?"

Of course Lu Yin knew this. The first sequence refers to the most offerings to the Lord of Time, but it does not represent combat power.

Because for the Lord of Time, the level of combat power is meaningless, and it cannot be compared to it anyway. On the contrary, the amount of worship is meaningful, and what it needs is worship.

But even so, being able to become the number one in the years must be extremely strong. Not to mention the strongest, how could he not be in the top three.

However, Mian didn't even have this confidence.

"Have you ever seen a stronger time sequence?" Lu Yin asked.

Mian thought for a while, "Maybe. I have seen one before. Although I haven't had any fight with each other, it gave me a feeling close to the main sequence. And that sequence mentioned other time sequences in words, and seemed to be doing something, but I am not here. List."

Lu Yin understood.

"So, what about the main sequence?"

"Fang Cun Distance has four main sequences of years, namely Chong Yi, Ci Zhu, Chi Yu and Xue Hou. According to their positions, it is equivalent to dividing the main sequence of years at Fang Cun Divide into four pieces, belonging to the four Under the main sequence, of course, this is only known to those who have knowledge of the time sequence. Most of the time sequences do not have this knowledge. They do not even know where they are or who is around them, and the relationship between the shrine and the shrine is War can easily break out."

"I don't care about these in the main sequence. Our Mian Shen Palace has destroyed other shrines before."

"There are only four main sequences?" Lu Yin asked, his voice calm.

Mian thought for a while, "There are only four people within a square inch. In the mother tree, it is said that there is another main sequence named Buqing. He is the strongest main sequence. This is generally recognized."

Not green? He is about to get married to Wang Miaomiao. This news comes from the time sequence when he was chasing him.

If Mian had concealed the main sequence just now, there would have been a problem. It was impossible to say that he didn't know. The time sequence that was chasing him knew it, so how could Mian not know.

The first series may not be the strongest in terms of combat power, but their knowledge of the entire distance between them and the master of the years must be at the forefront.

The sequence of years that was chasing him was no better than it.

"There are only five main sequences in the main years?"

"There are quite a few. Four are in charge within a few inches of each other, and one is in charge of the mother tree. After all, there is still a master of time inside the mother tree. Of course, I can't tell you about the situation inside the mother tree. It is common sense that there is no youth. Many time sequences in the outside world know it. I Only those who can say it can’t do anything else.”

Along the way to search for Mian Shen Palace, Lu Yin kept asking, and Mian kept telling him what he knew about the sequence of years.

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