Star Odyssey

Chapter 4720 Fun

Lin Dao and Zu Ling's knowledge was too narrow. Their knowledge was limited to their surroundings, and they did not understand the entire sequence of time at all.

Lu Yin learned a lot through this sleep.

"Have you ever heard of it, Jiao?"


"A sequence of years."

"Have not heard."

"There must be communication between your time series."

Mian said, "There is communication through the Mirror of Time, but most of them are either in seclusion or never speak. Even if they talk, each other tries to hide their location as much as possible. Maybe I have communicated with this Jiao, but I don't know who it is."

"There is one thing that scares everyone the most among today's shrines. That shrine once slaughtered a shrine, including all the civilizations under its command. I don't know how it spread, but it does exist. " ??

"So no shrine is willing to reveal its position unless it is sure that the opposite is not the powerful shrine that is killing people."

Lu Yin had heard this rumor before in other temples, but he didn't expect it to be true.

"You don't know which shrine did it?"

"have no idea."

"That shrine must be very strong."

Mian thought for a while, "I don't know, so even I don't want to reveal my location. In the twenty-seven years sequence, no more than one-third of those who know my name Mian know that I am the first sequence. The same is true for those who know that I am the first sequence." "

"I want to find Jiao, what should I do?" Lu Yin asked. Jiao is the temple that was besieged by the civilization of the gods. If you find it, you can find other temples and go back.

Lu Yin did not dare to name the other temples or Lindao, lest something happen and human civilization be found.

The Jiao Shrine is quite far away from the Other Shrines. Even if Lu Yin uses teleportation to reach that distance, it will take a while. If he wants to find the sequence of years through the long river of time, it will be much more difficult than teleportation, and it will be almost impossible. turn up.

Mian said, "Look for the Main Sequence. Only the Main Sequence has the distribution map of the Time Sequence. The Time Sequence does not know where the other is, let alone which Main Sequence it belongs to, but the Main Sequence knows."

"Which main sequence do you belong to?"


"How is the strength?"

"I have no way of knowing."

"Why did you buy Jianwu?"

Mian was stunned for a moment. The topic changed so quickly that it didn't even respond, "Jianwu?"

Lu Yin didn't say anything, and said, "I've been to the main trunk of the mother tree. You should have heard of Liu Ying. I was attracted by a strong man from the dominant clan to watch the Liu Ying program, and that's when I saw Jian Wu."

"At that time, Jian Wu was very talented, but not very strong. I asked that master

The strong man of the clan offered to buy it and took it away smoothly. "

Lu Yin's eyes flashed, "The strong man who dominates the clan?"

"I can't say anything about the Lord Clan. If you have the means, you can investigate it, but based on your understanding of the Lord Clan, you shouldn't be able to find out." Mian said.

Lu Yin didn't say anything more, neither transparent jellyfish nor black beetles could be found.

The situation inside the mother tree is still mysterious.

But what is certain is that every master seems to have kin, and their kin are called the master clan.

The dominating clan is very strong. As far as he has ever encountered, a holy three-marked character, although weak, can detect their own position faster than transparent jellyfish. Through the superimposed three pupils, needless to say, another holy bow, Very strong.

Looking at the Dominator clan, I really don’t know how much this holy bow can be ranked into.

But judging from Wang Chenchen's attitude towards it, it's probably not that good either.

"You can see Jian Wu's talent, but that master clan can't see it? I'm selling all this to you?" Lu Yin asked.

"Of course you can see it, and it's clearer, but they don't care."

Lu Yin was silent, didn't he care? That’s right, why should you care.

Even Jian Wu doesn't care, this dominant clan is a bit unfathomable.

No matter how you say it, Jian Wu is a master who conforms to the laws of the two universes. To reach this height must be a self-breakthrough.

In the eyes of the dominant clan, any talent that can break through the realm of immortality on its own can be bought and sold.

"Listen to Jianwu and tell him what you promised him." Lu Yin said.

Mian said, "I don't know where you are from, but Jianwu was born in Liuying. As long as I break through the main sequence and become a being that conforms to the laws of the three universes, I can buy out his relatives. Even the dominant clan will respect me." "

"The Master Clan doesn't care about beings like Jianwu who can comply with the laws of the two universes, because there are too many such creatures, both in the Time Sequence and the Alternative Sequence, but the main sequence is different, which is why I was specially roped in. ."

"The main sequence is the strong one within a small distance."

Lu Yin said calmly, "Can you bring all Jianwu's kinsmen out of Liuying?"


"The entire human race?"

Mian hurriedly said, "Of course it's impossible. Human beings are different in the eyes of the Lord. There are only more than a dozen of Jian Wu's kin. It doesn't matter. But if you want to bring the entire human race out of the camp, let alone me, even if the Lord has all The main sequence can't do it together, and the dominant clan can't do it either. That requires

It is not for us to tempt ourselves to make our own decisions. "

"Only a dozen?"

"It's quite a lot. If it weren't for the main sequence level, those sequences that were roped in could buy just one or two, and it's impossible to buy more."

"Over the long years, many people have been bought away."

"Um." .??.

"What's going on with Wang Chenchen's Wang family?"

Mian helpless, "That also belongs to the situation in the mother tree, I can't tell."

"We are both human beings. Jian has no family background and lives are like grass and grass. However, Wang Chenchen dares not to care about the Holy Bow. This Wang family has a very high status in the Mother Tree."

"I can't say anything about the status of the Wang family, but Wang Chenchen's status is indeed very high because she is a perfect creature."

Lu Yin was stunned, perfect? I always feel like I’ve heard it somewhere.

By the way, when I first met, the disciple of Great Heavenly Lord was once called Perfect Young Lord.

During the Great Heavenly Lord's tea party, I fought with him, and I have to say that he was really powerful. Throughout the history of Lu Yin's cultivation, those who could truly fight against him and get anxious either surpassed him in realm, or there were only a few of them. This is the case for the ten finals and the first meeting.

Although Chu Jian is far behind him now, he is still extremely strong among normal practitioners.

This Wang Chenchen is also perfect.

"How can she be so perfect?"

"Wang Chenchen, born in the Wang family, has a high status. He is the leader of the Life Alliance. With his combat power that conforms to the laws of the universe, he can defeat the main sequence in a single challenge. He is in charge of six cavalry and twelve soldiers. He dominates the Alliance. No one dares to offend her. Legend has it that this woman She is also apprenticed to a certain powerful being, I don’t know who it is, but even if she doesn’t rely on the Wang family’s identity, no one dares to provoke her.”

"It is said that the main sequence of Buqing originally asked to marry Wang Chenchen. Before it was the Wang family's turn to refuse, there was unexpected resistance. But after a moment, it immediately changed its mind and did not dare to mention the matter again."

"As for the Lord Clan, many creatures were beaten by Wang Chenchen, and the Lord Clan did not intervene."

Lu Yin was surprised, is his status so high?

That crazy woman?

For the sake of the dignity of the human race, one by one, the master must be hostile to the human race. He dares to say this, and he is obviously quite confident.

He was even curious about where that woman's confidence came from.

When he took Mian away before, he hesitated whether to take Wang Chenchen away as well, but didn't do it. Firstly, he was too seriously injured at that time, and he was not sure whether he could suppress Wang Chenchen. Secondly, he also wanted to use Wang Chenchen to hold down the others. Strong.

He wasn't worried about what would happen to Wang Chenchen, that crazy woman was quite powerful.

And now is not the time to expose yourself.

The Wang family is not the same as humans


This is what Wang Wen said.

Although Wang Chenchen, as a child of the Wang family, wants to preserve human dignity, it is not yet known whether her so-called preservation method is consistent with Lu Yin's understanding.

Maybe this crazy woman wants to destroy the three universes more than Wang Wen.

Lu Yin had to worry about her status in the main group.

"Has Wang Chenchen ever thought about abolishing the camp?" Lu Yin suddenly asked, since Wang Chenchen is determined to preserve human dignity, what about the humans in the camp?

Mian shook his head, "I don't know if she has thought about it or done it, but no one can abolish the camp."

"The drifting camp is where the Lord's joy lies. It means that all the creatures thrown into the drifting camp are born as slaves, as numerous as running water."

"I would like to ask, when your life is endless, will you find ways to find fun?"

"This fun can be a program in the camp, or it can be using the creatures selected in the camp to control those creatures that are disobedient to them. This is also fun."

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes and suddenly thought of the unknown. He thought of those alternative sequences just inches apart. Are there any creatures in the camp among them?

However, those creatures can no longer be regarded as autonomous beings. Their lives belong to the Lord.

If a human being from Liuying is discovered in the universe, how will this human being view the three universes?

"In addition, Liuying has another meaning for the Lord. Of course, this is our own guess."

"Liuying has always wanted to collect all the lives within a small distance. For this reason, whether it is the shrine of the years, the cause and effect, or the sequence of luck, they are all helping Liuying realize this dream. The master seems to think that if All living beings exist in the camp, which means that a small distance becomes the largest camp."

Lu Yin's pupils shrank, and murderous intent flashed through his eyes.

Mian continued, "This may be a metaphor, or it may be a certain method. I don't know. I only know that Liuying cannot be abolished. It will never be possible unless the Lord is overthrown."

In Lu Yin's eyes, the murderous intent just flashed away, and he quickly returned to calm.

Mian wanted to continue, but was interrupted by Lu Yin, "How do you get into the main trunk of the mother tree?"

"Can't say, can't tell."

Time continued to pass, and finally, one day more than half a year later, Mian found the altar.

In the previous Jade Universe battlefield, ten immortal realms escaped. Bai Anzhi stared at those immortal realms, and found Linlang Heaven a few years later, which meant that Linlang Heaven was not far from the Jade Universe.

Of course, it's not just a few years away from ordinary eternal life, otherwise Lu Yin would have seen it at a glance.

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