Star Odyssey

Chapter 4723 Resources

"As smart as I am, I still think it's best to wait for him to come back. You're right to listen to me." Lao Wu whispered.

Lao Si glanced at it sideways, "It's already here, why do you think so much about it?"

The boss walked towards the palace step by step. It was not without its back-ups, and I hoped not to use them.

Jianwu was also in a heavy mood. He couldn't figure out Mian Sequence's psychology and could only take one step at a time.

Soon after, they entered the palace and saw the sleeping sequence.

"Seen the sequence."

The toad boss, the fourth child, and the fifth child all saluted, "I've seen the sleeping sequence."

Mian is a peak expert who conforms to the two laws of the universe. He has not lived longer than Toad Boss. Now that he is living under someone else's roof, it is appropriate to bow to him.

Mian looked at them calmly, without any fluctuation in his eyes.

Jian Wu was surprised and raised his head, "Sequence?"

Mian still ignored him, sequence? Everything is gone, and if you return the sequence, your life will be lost.

Boss Toad, if they think about it, they won't take action.

The fourth child squinted at Mian, a mere silkworm.

Lao Wu can hold the steel fork with his paws.

The sound of footsteps came from behind, which immediately attracted their attention. They looked, and then opened their mouths in a daze.

"Lu Yin?" Boss Toad blurted out.

The fourth and fifth children were shocked.

Lu Yin smiled at them, "We meet again."

The boss toad stared blankly at Lu Yin, and was surprised again. The last time they met Lu Yin was at the Jade Universe Battlefield, and they really didn't expect it, but now it was another unexpected encounter.

"Haha, Lu Yin, why is it you?" Laosi was excited. It didn't need to be beaten. It was great. In fact, it was very sure that it couldn't beat the silkworm.

Lao Wu breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from his head.

Lu Yin walked to Mian's side, "It's a long story, let's talk about it later."

"Now, it's time to go."

Starry sky, sword without looking back, Mian Shen Palace in deathly silence.

There are many creatures outside the palace, but the divine envoys are all gone, and they were all captured by Lu Yin.

Lu Yin teleported and disappeared with them, and when he reappeared, Mian Shen Palace could no longer be seen.

A few days later, after continuous teleportation, he was completely far away from the Mian Shen Palace.

"That's it." Lu Yin looked at Jian Wu.

At this moment, Mian has been pressed into the point by Lu Yin to put away the Hell.

Jianwu waved his hand, creating a battlefield.

Lu Yin threw out the Divine Envoys of Sleeping Palace, six of them, and used them to increase the cause and effect of heaven.

After spending a lot of time, after adding the Cause and Effect Heavenly Way, the Toad Boss stepped into the battlefield.

Soon after, all six angels died, and the cause

As a result, most of the restraints were lifted.

Lu Yin originally wanted to give it a few more divine envoys to completely lift the shackles of cause and effect, but was rejected by the toad boss: "This is enough, thank you."

The fourth and fifth children also wanted to break away from the constraints of cause and effect, but were scolded by the boss.

Lu Yin still has more than a dozen divine envoys here, including those captured in the Jade Universe Battlefield before. However, these divine envoys must also be left to the eternal realm of human beings to release the constraints of cause and effect. It is quite good to be able to help the toad boss to release them.

The Qibao Tianchan clan owes them too many favors.

"It's okay. Let's just cancel it together. We don't know when we can find our way home." Lu Yin said, releasing six more divine envoys and continuing to use them to increase the cause and effect of heaven.

Jian Wu watched quietly, cruel? Divine envoys are actually resources.

It was quite cruel, even Lu Yin thought it was cruel. For these immortal realms, he was worse than the Lord.

But what can be done? This is the universe, this is what it is.

Hatred is just an excuse to kill each other. In life and death between different species, there is no hatred, right or wrong. There is only survival and self.

Lu Yin knew that his heart was getting more and more cruel.

There is actually no difference between him and the Lord. The Lord harvests cause and effect, prolongs the life of the dominant family, increases strength, and regards all things in the universe as resources.

The master years and harvest years also regard all things in the world as resources.

So why isn't he?

Maybe one day, he will do the same thing when he becomes a disciple of the Lord.

But is this really what I want?

Lu Yin tried not to think about this and turned himself into a numb person. Only in this way can he survive in this cruel universe.

At least for now, that's the case.

The toad boss looked deeply at Lu Yin. Behind him, in the battlefield, the fourth and fifth brothers were excitedly releasing their causal restraints. Their causal restraints were not many, six of them, divided equally, was enough.

Lu Yin added the remaining three divine envoys captured from Mian Shen Palace and entered the battlefield after adding the Cause and Effect Heavenly Dao. He looked at the toad boss and said, "Senior, it's over. Let's get rid of it completely. There are no worries."

The toad boss looked at the battlefield, "Actually, we didn't want to come into contact with human civilization from the beginning."

Lu Yin smiled, "I know, Patriarch Shan said it."

"But you have helped us several times." Old Toad Avenue looked at the fourth and fifth sons. At this moment, Xing Toad and the other Seven Treasure Heavenly Toads were all in the Supreme Mountain. "I know you have a purpose in helping us. From the beginning Just to enhance the strength of human civilization, this may still be the purpose now

, maybe not. "

"But you gave us enough."

It took a deep breath and said in a heavy tone, "Dad said something to me before he died."

Lu Yin's eyes flashed, "Senior, you don't need to tell me."

The boss shook his head, "I regret telling you too late, because we have all left that small distance."

"I can only say that it's my fault for being selfish. I should have told you before I left."

It pondered for a moment, "Dad told me that there is the biggest treasure in that square inch, which is the location of the invincible coordinates that he once took us to try."

Lu Yin's eyes flashed, and he realized the eternal world.

"There is a transcendent and invincible power there. Before it died, it specially carved the invincible coordinates on its armor. However, not all of them were carved on the armor." It recalled, "That coordinate requires three armor pieces to come together to see, but it In fact, only two armor plates were engraved.”

"If you try to look for it through nail patches, you'll never find it."

"The remaining directions are with us."

Lu Yin was surprised, he didn't expect such a thing to happen.

He did get two armor pieces related to the invincible coordinates, and he had been looking for the third one, but he didn't expect there was one.

"This is the life-saving method that dad gave us. It determines that you humans or other creatures will focus on the armor. Once you find those two armors, you will be sure of the invincible coordinates. Then, the third armor that does not exist The piece has become our life-saving thing, because it does not exist, so it can never be found, and the Seven Treasures Celestial Toad clan who can translate the armor piece, or those of us who may know the coordinates, are the greatest value."

Lu Yin praised, "Old Ancestor Shan is smart. He should be on guard against the creature that is secretly staring at it."

The toad boss nodded, "The most regrettable thing now is that we have left that small distance. Even if I know the location of the invincible coordinates, it is useless to tell you."

"Dad said that unless I can master the power of the invincible coordinate position, I will never avenge it."

"That's the greatest treasure."

"Do you know what it is?"

Lu Yin raised his eyes and said four words in a voice that only the toad could hear, "Eternal Consciousness Realm."

The toad's eyes widened and he looked at Lu Yin in disbelief, and then he realized, "Is it Lao Liu?"

Lu Yin nodded.

At first, he got the coordinates of two pieces of armor. Toad Liu knew the two coordinates. After comparing them with each other, he found an unfamiliar coordinate and naturally deduced the complete coordinates.

Ancestor Shan not only gave Toad Boss and the others a backup plan, but also Toad Sixth, ensuring that one of the two coordinates it knew was not engraved on the armor.

On the film, otherwise Toad Liu will lose this life-saving means.

Of course, it was not used in the end.

"So, you really got those two armor plates recording the coordinates?"

Lu Yin also nodded.

The toad boss was shocked, "Your opportunity is really terrible, so what's going on? How well do you grasp the eternal consciousness world?"

Lu Yin said bitterly, "I tried it at first, but my consciousness was too little, and then I left that small distance, so it was completely gone."

The boss toad felt sorry.

Lu Yin couldn't help it. He didn't expect that this was what Patriarch Shan said to the Toad before he died. How to put it, it's like you missed the big prize and were told specifically, feeling a sense of silent aggrievedness.

It was clear that the invincible opportunity was right in front of him, but he lost it.

Ancestor Shan can say that, this eternal consciousness world is really an invincible opportunity.


So far, of all the extremely powerful people Lu Yin has encountered, there is still no creature that must surpass the ancestor of Shan, including the white unknowable. Although Lu Yin feels similar to Patriarch Shan, the more he recalls it, the more he thinks about it, the more powerful he is. The power of this kind of light weight is even more amazing.

Even though Bai Bai can easily break the seal, in fact it is not complete. Only a complete hundred seals can exert their full power. Moreover, Patriarch Shan's original cause and effect restraint was perfect, and his power continued to weaken.

Of course, this does not mean that Bai Bai is not the opponent of Ancestor Shan. The two sides have not completely compared each other, and Lu Yin does not know their full strength.

Sighing, I wish I could meet Patriarch Shan at his peak with his current strength.

The toad entered the battlefield and was freed from the constraints of cause and effect. After all that needed to be said, it also let go of its burden.

Lu Yin looked at Jian Wu.

"Your mood in wanting to save your fellow tribesmen is the same as my mood in doing things now. Destroying Mian Shen Palace, causing Mian to temporarily be unable to break through the main sequence, and unable to go to the flow to rescue your tribe, is my fault, I will not deny it."

The sword has no peace.

"You can also regard me as your enemy, making it impossible for you to save your fellow enemies, but I promise you, no matter what you think, I will definitely save my fellow humans in Liuying." Lu Yin looked at Jian Wu, who raised his head Eyes, make eye contact with him.

"It's not just about saving your people. Maybe my delay caused your people to die tragically. I admit this, but I will definitely do everything possible to save all the humans in the camp."

"Whether you think I'm a fantasy or you think I'm dreaming, my name is Lu Yin. I am a person who came from the bottom. Although he is freer than you, his knowledge and cultivation resources are not even as good as yours. This is my promise. .”

Jian Wu looked at Lu Yin for a while and then said, "I don't care about the life or death of other people of my race."

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