Star Odyssey

Chapter 4724 Atmosphere

Lu Yin was not surprised. In Liuying, there were not only people like Jianwu, but also many people who did not know them. He knew this without anyone telling him, because Liuying must be very big, because Liuying was sleeping. In cognition, it is the place where the dominant clan wants to include all species in the universe.

How can a place like this be small?

And coming from a refugee camp, it is even more normal to have this kind of thinking of caring about oneself and not caring about others. No one has enough to eat, so how can one have time to help others? This idea is not wrong in itself, but it can only be said that the positions are different and the angles of looking at the problem are also different.

What Lu Yin wants to save is everyone, because he is the master of the three universes, adhering to the will of the Nine Bases ancestors. From the moment he reaches this height, he is destined not to be as selfish as Jianwu.

"Because of you, my people will surely die tragically. Before this matter is confirmed, I may not hate you, but once it is confirmed." At this point, he looked deeply at Lu Yin and said, "I hope you will kill me."

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows.

Jian Wudao: "Otherwise I will definitely find a way to kill you."

"I know that killing you is wrong and being selfish is wrong, but my tolerance is only so big. If you want to correct your mistake, just kill me."

"promise me."

Lu Yin sighed deeply, "You are right, but I promise you."

Jianwu nodded, "Thank you."

Not long after, the toad boss walked out of the battlefield, and the shackles of cause and effect were completely lifted.

At this point, Lu Yin, Toad Boss, Fourth and Fifth Lao have all been released from the shackles of cause and effect, while Jian Wuben has registered to join the shrine, and the shackles of cause and effect have also been lifted long ago, not much.

In addition, Lu Yin's biggest gain is to add the law of causality to those eternal realms. Today's law of cause and effect must be exaggerated. It has been added too many times, and every time he uses the Tao sword, he doesn't feel any consumption.

You must know that when the Dao sword was pierced into the body of the immortal for the first time, the consumption of the causal and heavenly Dao was very huge, and it could not be tolerated even a few times.

Now I feel nothing.

This is also a kind of numbness, but he hopes that the more numbness the better.

Twenty years have passed since leaving the Sleeping Palace. More than half of that time was used to increase the cause and effect of heaven. The remaining time was spent moving through the star map. Each teleportation has a speed distance of two hundred years in the ordinary immortal state. However, it still does not reach the current star. The end point of the map, not to mention that the star map has not changed, you can imagine how many pieces the death universe has moved.

He couldn't even catch up with teleportation.

On this day, Lu Yin teleported to a stop and suddenly saw incense rising slowly in the distance. It was very conspicuous. Is it the burning incense of the Lord Life?

Lu Yin looked around and saw a stick of incense burning in the distance, and five creatures gathered around the incense. One of the creatures was facing the incense. Obviously, it was the one who burned the incense.

The main life can burn incense. Lu Yin still has the eternal life that was captured before through sleep.

Explanation, the so-called burning incense means to pay tribute to the Immortal Star Chart, and use burning incense as a guide. If you burn incense for the enemy, you will use the Immortal Star Chart to counterattack the enemy's life. If you burn the incense for yourself, you will be immortal. Gain infinite vitality from the Immortal Star Chart.

This is the burning incense of the Lord’s life.

As for the immortal star chart, it is the supreme power of the master of life, similar to the master of the long river of time and the cause and effect life chart.

When fighting against creatures with the main life, the most troublesome thing is burning incense, burning incense for the enemy and burning incense for yourself.

Just a few inches away from each other, there was a sequence of main beings burning incense in front of the three universes.

Then Wang Chenchen was also burning incense.

Lu Yin has never faced the power of burning incense, so he doesn't feel it deeply.

Anyone who has experienced it doesn’t want to fight with it anymore, it’s too tiring.

Lu Yin learned from the exchange with Mian that Wang Chenchen was undefeated in the main sequence. He was truly undefeated and was dragged down with his endless life.

The first time Lu Yin learned about Wang Chenchen's victory, he was really shocked, because even at this moment, he could not guarantee that he would be able to defeat the old monster that conformed to the three laws of the universe. It was not as simple as conforming to one more law, but a representative Talent, chance and even destiny.

If it is said that only self-breakthrough can reach the level of conforming to the laws of the two universes, then what conditions are required to reach the level of conforming to the laws of the three universes? Lu Yin didn't have the answer, so he could only follow his own path step by step.

No one can give him the answer anymore.

It seems like this answer will never exist.

Maybe some creatures have extremely high talents and can reach it with a smooth journey, or maybe some creatures are late bloomers and break through on the verge of death. It is even more likely that they can reach this height even without self-breakthrough into the realm of immortality.

This is a question with no clear answer.

In Mian's description, there is also no answer for wanting to join the main life.

For example, if you want to join the main path of years, you need to worship the tributaries of hundreds of years, and to join the main path of cause and effect, you need to fix the causal life chart. This is the clear answer and the way to join the main path.

But with the Lord’s life, there is no such way.

The road is determined by nature, not man-made.

So far, no one knows how to join the main life voluntarily. There are countless methods tried, but there is still no answer.

What Lu Yin currently knows best is the Master of Years, followed by the Master of Cause and Effect, and the next is the Master of Luck that he has fought against

The way to join a group is simple, but it is also as difficult as joining the main life group, that is luck.

Luck, luck, to put it bluntly, it all depends on luck.

The master of luck has a bag of tips, and every creature that joins will be given a bag of tips, and the bag of tips seems to be based purely on luck in selecting creatures.

It doesn't matter whether a creature has talent, it doesn't matter whether it has a noble birth, it doesn't matter whether it wants to practice hard, it doesn't matter at all. In the face of luck, everything is in vain.

Just like Xiangsiyu, she can drop treasures when she walks, and she can achieve breakthroughs with just a little practice. Even if she doesn't practice, there are strong people trying their best to help her improve. This is luck.

No one can stop luck when it comes.

When the Lord's luck is added, no matter how stupid a creature is, it can reach the sky. This is a saying spread among the Lord.

All living beings hope to have a good relationship with the creatures who control luck, because they can gain luck. Everyone needs luck.

Lu Yin looked at the five creatures in the distance. They couldn't see them because they were too far apart, but he could see them clearly.

But you can't tell which master he belongs to just by looking at him.

So, we still have to inquire.

There must be something wrong with five main cultivators gathering here.

"Boss, go find out what they are doing." Lu Yin said.

The boss toad looked into the distance. He couldn't see it and looked confused.

Lu Yin said, "There are five main life creatures gathered in front of them. Among them are cultivators of the main life path. I don't know about the other four."

"I'm not suitable to go. Only you can go and inquire."

The fifth child came over and said, "Our eldest brother is even less suitable. Let me go."

The fourth child squinted, "Fifth child, you think you are smart, but you don't know that Lu Yin asked the boss to go because he didn't care about our strength at all?"

Lao Wu stared at Lu Yin.

Lu Yin seriously admitted, "The main cultivators are all very strong. I have encountered many of them. The ordinary immortal realm is no match for them."

Lao Wu was dissatisfied, "Are we ordinary?"

The fourth child's eyes squinted even further, "I just said that, do you really dislike us?"

The boss shouted, "Shut up." After scolding him, he looked at Lu Yin, "How do you pry? I'm not very good at talking."

Lu Yin thought for a moment, "Then let's show off our cultivation."

"What if the other party also exists on the same level as me?"

"I'll give you something." Lu Yin took out dozens of tributaries of the Long River and gave them to the boss, who was stunned when he saw them.

The fourth and fifth children were also dumbfounded.

Jianwu has been placed in Zhizun Mountain by Lu Yin for a long time. The one who is outside at the moment is Lu Yin.

The boss, the fourth and the fifth. In fact, Lu Yin had long wanted to throw the fourth and the fifth into the Supreme Mountain, but they didn't agree.

It's not easy for him to be locked in by force.

"These are the tributaries of the River of Time? So many?" The boss was surprised.

Lu Yin waved his hand, "I have over 10,000 of them, feel free to spend them."

Lao Wu stared at Lu Yin blankly, and suddenly realized, "By the way, you looted Mian Shen Palace."

The boss scolded, "What are you talking about? That's called effective use."

Lu Yin was surprised. This boss was quite good at talking.

"So, you gave these to me?"

"There is a high probability that among the five main life forms, there is a main life form. Even if not, the tributaries of the Long Time River are definitely hard currency. Ask them directly about their origin and purpose. If you don't want to answer, show your strength. Don't be afraid to use these to smash them. Go over there and hit them until they are willing to talk." Lu Yin said.

The boss put away these dozens of tributaries of the long river, with only one feeling in his heart, grandeur.

The fourth child raised his thumb, "He is worthy of being the master of human civilization, so domineering."

Lu Yin was very calm. More than one creature said this.

Soon, Lu Yin teleported and took the Toad very close to the five creatures. It was so close that it could be reached in less than half a day at the Toad's speed. This location naturally attracted the attention of the five creatures.

The five creatures were all staring in the direction of the toad, not retreating or spreading out, as if they were waiting.

Half a day later, the boss toad appeared in their eyes.

The five creatures all looked at each other differently, some were stunned, some were calm, and some were disdainful. A toad?

The boss toad approached the five creatures, looked up at the burning incense, and then looked at the five creatures again, silent, not knowing how to say hello for a while.

From a distance, Lu Yin watched quietly.

Next to him, Lao Wu covered his face, "Let me just say, the boss is not suitable for this. He doesn't even know how to speak."

The fourth child shook his head, "Dad taught the eldest child everything, but he didn't teach him the worldly ways."

Lu Yin glanced at the two toads, thank you for saying that.

In the distance, the Toad Boss didn't speak, and the atmosphere was awkward. The other party didn't expect that the Toad Boss didn't say a word when they were approaching, and just stared at them blankly.

The creature who led the life path faced Xiang and slowly said, "Which path do you belong to?"

The toad boss looked at the creature and said, "Lord Years."

Suddenly, two of the remaining four creatures looked at each other, and the other two creatures looked at them.

You don't need to guess to know that the two creatures looking at each other belong to the Lord of Time.

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