Star Odyssey

Chapter 4725: Still coming?

"Is it the master of years? But the sequence?"

Old Toad Avenue "Yes."

"How many sequences?"

The toad boss said in a low voice, "Who are you?"

"Can burn incense, who do you think it is?" A creature said with disdain in his eyes, looking down on the toad boss at all.

The two creatures who were together with the master of time did not speak or reveal anything.

The last creature's eyes were playful and indifferent, as if he didn't care about what happened here at all, and had a sense of cynicism.

The boss toad looked at the speaking creature, "I know it belongs to the main life, but what I'm asking is, who is it?"

"First tell me your origin." The disdainful creature spoke, his tone full of impatience.

The toad boss raised his eyes, glared, and the momentum that conformed to the two laws of the universe was suddenly released. The huge pressure turned into a hurricane and swept across the surrounding area, causing the void to sink.

In an instant, the expressions of all five creatures changed.

The two masters of the years were horrified and stepped back step by step, while the face of the creature that had always been indifferent became serious. It also retreated, but it was much more stable than the two creatures of the masters of the years.

As for the creature that was disdainful of the toad, it just snorted and did not retreat. It withstood the pressure, but the disdain in its eyes immediately turned into shock and fear.

Only the main being who was burning the incense did not move at all.

"Your Excellency, you are not very friendly." The creature turned to look at the Toad again.

Among the current five creatures, the two masters of the year look like giant beasts, but they are not ferocious. The creature that is always playful is much smaller, cube-shaped, but has huge eyes, taking up almost half of the body, while the creature that is disdainful is much smaller. It seemed to come from the ocean, and there were obvious traces of fish on its body. As for the creature with the burning incense of life, it was covered in a luminous white robe. It could not be seen, except for a pair of bright eyes, which was unforgettable.

The toad boss looked into the eyes under the white robe and said, "It's not friendly. He has already taken action. He barks in my ears and slaps me to death. It's too troublesome."

"Presumptuous." The disdainful creature shouted angrily and wanted to take action, but was suppressed by the white-robed creature. "It's called She Feng. It has a bad temper. Please forgive me."

The boss toad's eyes flashed dangerously, "Don't talk if you have a bad temper."

That Shefeng looked at the toad boss with a sinister look, as if he might take action at any time.

"Your Excellency has not answered my question yet."

Old Toad Avenue: "I was passing by and saw you burning incense, so I came over and asked me who I was? Even if I told you, do you know me?"

"And what's your name again?"

"My name is Zao Shi. I'm glad to meet you." The cultivator of the life master said. After speaking, he looked at the two cultivators of the time master.

The two cultivators looked at each other and saluted the toad boss.

The boss toad looked.

"Junior Pu."


"I've met senior."

The boss toad looked at them.

Pu and Yili raised their heads and looked at the toad boss, "We are all candidates for the sequence. It is an honor to meet the senior sequence. May I ask the senior sequence? Maybe we are lucky enough to have heard it."

"You haven't heard of it." Boss Toad said bluntly.

Pu and Yili were stunned, not knowing what to say.

In the distance, the corners of Lu Yin's mouth curled up. That's it. If you don't understand the world, don't understand it. All the world is because of insufficient strength. When you have enough strength, who will tell you about the world? It’s best to get straight to the point.

"I have been in seclusion all year round and have never participated in the exchanges of the Mirror of Time. I don't know anything about other time sequences, let alone alternative sequences." The toad boss said rudely.

Pu and Yili were helpless and stopped talking.

The toad boss looked at Zaoshi and said, "Why are you burning incense?"

Zaishi said, "I want to attract more powerful masters to come here."


"Why are you here, Your Excellency?"

"I'm asking you."

"I have the right to choose not to say anything. Since you are attracted here, you must have your own purpose. We are not in a hurry. If you are anxious, you can wait."

Toad Boss changed the question, "Are you together?"

Hayaishi didn't answer.

It looked at the creature that had been watching this scene playfully without interrupting.

The creature rolled its eyes and didn't answer.

It looked at Pu and Yili again.

The two didn't want to answer at first, but the toad boss kept staring at them. Suddenly, he felt a lot of pressure. He had to bite the bullet and said, "No, we also came here after seeing the burning incense."

"By staying here, does it mean you know the purpose of burning incense?"

Pu and Yili looked at each other, looked at Zao Shi, and then looked at She Feng.

Shefeng stared at them with fierce eyes.

They were helpless and bowed deeply to the toad boss, "Please don't embarrass us, senior. Senior can leave at any time, but it's not easy for us. After all, we have agreed to stay, so."

The boss toad waved his claws, and the creatures were subconsciously vigilant, fearing that it would take action.

Even Zao Shi, who was always facing Burning Incense, suddenly looked at him with deep eyes.

However, the toad boss did not take action. Instead, he threw out ten tributaries of the long river across the starry sky, and the gray time was powerful.

There were ripples, and several creatures looked surprised.

"Whoever answers me, these belong to him."

Several creatures retracted their gazes towards the ten tributaries of the long river of time and looked at each other.

She Feng sneered, "Ten tributaries of the Long River are a lot, but no shrine has hundreds or even thousands of them. It's important, but it's not that important."

The toad boss looked at Pu and Yili. They were the most needed ones here, because once the hundreds of tributaries of the Long Time River were gathered, they could try to join the main years and become a sequence.

Although it is not difficult to capture the tributaries of the cosmic civilization's long river of time, once it is pulled by the main long river of time, it will be over. Not to mention finding the cosmic civilization. Some cosmic civilizations are backed by divine palaces or exist in immortal realms. They are not so easy to defeat. But think about it. The competition to become one of the top 100 in the Main Year sequence is too fierce.

Even though they are very rare within an entire square inch, civilization is also difficult to find, so so far, there are only twenty-seven real time sequences.

Each alternative sequence aspires to the tributaries of the long river of time.

Pu and Yili are certainly no exception.

The boss toad clearly saw the desire in their eyes, but they still didn't say anything.

As Shefeng said, ten points are not enough to decide everything.

Isn’t ten items okay?

The boss toad waved his claws and added ten more.

Pu and Yili's eyes widened, their desire became even greater.

Twenty tributaries of the long river of time, such an exaggerated writing, just to ask a question? Not that much.

Shefeng was also shocked and looked deeply at the Toad Boss. This guy was definitely not low in the ranking of the Master Years, otherwise he wouldn't have done such a great thing.

Twenty tributaries of the long river of time can be taken out in every shrine, but taking them out and asking questions are two different things.

It is no longer disdainful. Twenty tributaries of the long river are of great value.

The ever-playful creature was also shocked.

"Someone tell me who these belong to." Boss Toad said again.

Pu and Yili were both excited. They looked at each other and saw the vigilance in each other's eyes. If they had to say something, it had to be them. Even if they didn't go with Zao Shi this time, it wouldn't be a loss. If they went, they might not get anything.

They are hesitating.

Zaishi glanced at "Twenty tributaries of the Long River of Time, it's a big deal, but if this trip goes well, the harvest will be far more than that."

"Is your goal just to become a sequence of years?"

Pu and Yili's eyes flickered, just? It's easy to say, they don't know how Zao Shi joined the main life, but their road is extremely difficult. How many lives have died on this road, and there will be more in the future. Now if they can get it all at once

Twenty tributaries of the long river can save them a lot of time.

Can't help but be moved.

However, it’s not like I’m completely moved. Compared with the gains, I still need to weigh the pros and cons.

They need to weigh it, but Big Toad doesn't, because it can't do it. Since it can't do it, just hit it. In Lu Yin's words, it will hit them until they open their mouths.

Some are capital.

So, claw.

She Feng was shocked, are you still coming?

At this moment, Zaoshi suddenly turned his head and looked at the starry sky, and saw ten more tributaries of the long river.

Did this guy pick up the tributaries of the long river in vain?

The always playful creature was also completely shocked. He couldn't help but step forward and stare at the toad boss.

Pu and Yili were stunned at first, and then they came to their senses and hurriedly said, "Here we are."

"Be careful not to waste your life." She Feng shouted sharply, interrupting their words.

The toad boss said angrily, "Looking for death." He slapped his head with his paw and struck Shefeng.

Shefeng was shocked and hurriedly avoided it. On the spot, the void exploded, and the black gravity crushed the entire space, swept around, and lifted Shefeng away.

Zao Shi's white robe was also lifted, revealing what was inside was a delicate white rock.

Early stone, early stone, it is really a stone.

Zaishi stared at the toad boss: "Your Excellency, please calm down."

The toad boss stared at Zao Shi, "I used my own method to get them to speak. I didn't threaten or deceive them. If you don't destroy your dog, where is my dignity if you keep barking here?"

Shefeng panted heavily. It just conformed to the laws of the universe and could not stop the toad at all. The gravity almost crushed it to death.

The toad boss took action not only to retaliate against Shefeng, but also to test Hayashi.

Now that the test has come out, this early stone also conforms to the laws of the universe, otherwise the white robe would not be lifted so easily.

But even though his level is lower than that of Toad Boss, Toad Boss doesn't dare to underestimate him at all. He is very weird all the way.

The fragrance was not affected and still went up vertically.

Hayashi's words were apologetic, "It was Shefeng who behaved inappropriately, and we can apologize."

The toad boss is not good at communication, and what he is best at is taking action. "Apologise? Wait until I kill it before you apologize." He said and started to take action again.

She Feng stared at it with vicious eyes.

Zaishi said solemnly, "There is no need to distinguish between life and death. If I guess correctly, the purpose of your visit is related to the death of the Lord."

The toad boss stared at Zao Shi, then at She Feng, and finally at Pu and Yi Li, "I really guessed that you are also chasing the Lord Death?"

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