Star Odyssey

Chapter 4726: Go directly

Zaoshi said, "Your Excellency, please put away these tributaries of the long river. I can tell you whatever you want to know. It can also be regarded as making up for Shefeng's fault."

Pu quickly said, "I can say."

"I can say it too." Yi Li was also eager.

The cultivator who was always playful sneered, "Just thirty tributaries of the Long River have made you lose your attitude. It can only be an alternative sequence."

Pu and Yili were not angry, but seemed to be particularly afraid of it.

The toad boss didn't care. "I took it out and didn't intend to take it back. I always asked you something you didn't want to say."

Zaishi praised, "Your Excellency is so generous. I haven't even asked you for your name yet."

"Just call me boss." Old Toad Avenue, indeed, Lu Yin has always called them that, without a name.

Shefeng couldn't help but wanted to scold him, but was stopped by Zaoshi, "This trip, our purpose is to track down the death of the master. Only the real master's sequence ranking can be notified, and they are all from around here. Your Excellency must also accept it." The main sequence is informed, and there is a star map, right."

The toad boss nodded without saying a word and admitted.

"The Lord Death Alliance is very strong." Zaoshi's voice was solemn. "It can be said that if it weren't for the changes in the past, the Lord Death Alliance would not have declined. Even so, there are still extremely powerful people in the Lord Death Alliance today. They have been dormant in a certain place for a long time. This period No one knows how many masters time has produced.”

"All the creatures of the main sequence are eager to replace the main sequence of death and become the new leader of the main sequence. Of course, that is the desire of the main sequence and has nothing to do with us, but we also hope to gain something by entering the main sequence, even if it is very little. A little bit is enough for us to transform, but it is too difficult. Not only do we have to face the masters of the main death sect, but we also have to face other competitors of the main sect, which is why we have the current scene."

"I hope to gather some practitioners and lead them to compete for the resources of the Lord Death."

The toad boss understood, "So, you have the star map to track the death of the Lord, but they don't, so they can only follow you?"

Zaishi said, "You must also have a star map, how about it? We can work together to track the death of the Lord."

The boss toad hesitated.

Shefeng's eyes flickered, staring at the toad boss.

The toad boss glanced at Pu, Yi Li, and then glanced at She Feng, with disdain in his eyes: "Just you? I can finish you off with just two random sequences."

Hayashi said, "Your Excellency, you have taken the situation too seriously. Yes, the pursuit of the master's death this time has indeed attracted many strong people, but the distance is huge. In this direction, there are only those in the sequence. Some are in retreat, and some have not received the master." Sequence notification, if some don’t come, in the end, not many of the main sequence will actually come.”

"Most of them are alternative sequences like Pu and others."

The old toad pointed at Shefeng, "Where is this guy?"

Your dog? "

The wind is extremely angry.

Hayashi said, "It can be regarded as a cultivator I trained. I also have a civilization and followers. In your shrine, the number of divine envoys will not be less than ten, no, even fifteen. It is equivalent to a divine envoy."

"With your strength, together we can become a strong team in this competition."

Toad Boss pointed at the creature that never said anything, "Where is it?"

The creature's eyes flashed and it looked at the toad playfully.

Zaishi slowed down for a moment and said, "It comes from the main channel of luck."

The old toad was surprised and looked at the creature.

The creature was proud.

Five words are enough to explain everything. There is no need for too much explanation.

strength? In the face of luck, strength has to stand aside.

The creatures that lead the path of luck are the targets to be protected and attracted by all the cultivators of the lead path. It's as simple as that.

For creatures who control luck, a small distance is a playground.

The boss toad finally understood why this guy looked like he wanted to be beaten, and he wanted to take this guy away.

Zaishi said, "It's called Nansong Mansion. It's the guarantee that our team can hunt down the Master of Death and get the most resources. With it, aren't you willing to join forces?"

Nansongfu didn't need to speak, but his eyes became more and more proud.

The boss toad was silent.

It was thinking about how to capture Nansong Mansion.

She Feng stared at it coldly. There were too few cultivators of Qi Luck. If they didn't come out, it would be difficult to find them. They were able to join forces with Nansong Mansion but paid a heavy price. No one could refuse the attraction of Nansong Mansion.

Hayaishi waits for an answer.

The toad won't refuse unless it has a stronger team.

Pu and Yili looked at each other. The main reason why they joined was Nansong Mansion. Although they were only alternative sequences, compared with the real sequence of years, what they lacked was only the law of years and the unreached realm. They were weak. But after all, this is the Immortal Realm and it is worthy of joining forces, so Hayashi strongly invites them to join.

They were reluctant at first, but the presence of Nansong Mansion was too tempting.

It's good to get a little luck.

"Haven't you thought it through yet?" Hayashi asked.

The toad boss looked at Zao Shi and wanted to take away Nansong Mansion, but he felt unsure. After all, he didn’t know much about the master. After thinking about it, he took back the thirty-year-old man.

Yue Changhe tributary, turned around and left, "No, go back to sleep."

Those five creatures "??"

What the hell? Leaving now? No reason at all? And didn’t he say that he would not take back the thirty tributaries of the long river? Where's the pride?

Looking at the back of the toad boss walking away.

Hayashi wanted to stay, but he couldn't say anything.

"This toad is very weird. It can't have helpers." Nansong Mansion said, no creature can refuse the master's luck. The boss toad's behavior is obviously wrong and logical. Even if he doesn't want to join, there must be a reason. What is the point of turning around and leaving? mean?

Hayashi stared into the distance, and he thought the same thing, "Let's go."

I'm afraid that the toad boss will come with his helpers to rob Nansong Mansion.

What Pu and Yili care most about are the thirty tributaries of the Long River, but it's a pity that they are gone.

In the distance, Lu Yin watched the toad boss coming. After the toad boss told him everything he knew, Lao Wu looked at it speechlessly, "Boss, you just left like this?"

"Otherwise?" Boss Toad asked.

The fourth child blinked, although it was still slanted, "You didn't say hello?"

"Let's go, say hello."

Lu Yin was speechless, no wonder those few left too, Ganqing was frightened.

Once the boss leaves, everyone will be afraid.

"How's it going? Do you want to grab it?" the boss asked.

Lu Yin looked into the distance, Nansong Mansion? As a practitioner of Qi Luck, he is indeed tempted and wants to grab it.

But even if you snatch it, will the other party really bring good luck?

Good luck and bad luck, they can't tell the difference.

But is it really good luck for the other party to meet them?

Lu Yin couldn't figure out how to do this. Xin Ke said it was good luck. It hit him randomly, which was considered to be what it wanted. But in the end, it was killed by him, which was considered bad luck.

If it was really lucky, it shouldn't have met itself in the first place.

Or is it that the so-called good luck and bad luck don't last long? Just like foreseeing the future, you can only see a short time distance. During this time, there will be good luck that is beneficial to you based on your own subjective thoughts, but it is impossible to ascertain what the consequences of the good luck will be.

Seeing the toad boss eager to give it a try, Lu Yin finally gave up the idea of ​​robbing Nansong Mansion.

Don't cause trouble before meeting the main line of death. God knows where the main line is. You must see the main line of death smoothly.

Add some dead power.

Everyone wants to take charge of the Death Path. If only it were that easy. There is bound to be an earth-shattering event.

Earth's war.

Soon after, Lu Yin released Mian and asked him to contact the main sequence Zhongyi through the Mirror of Time.

Originally, Lu Yin thought that the Mirror of Time could only be used in the Divine Palace. Later, he learned that the Divine Palace was just more convenient for communicating with the Lord of Time, because that was where the tributaries of the River of Time condensed. However, the outside world could also use the Mirror of Time, as long as it could lead the Lord. As time goes by, that's all.

The sequence of years can be done, but the cost is different.

And this price is not a price in Lu Yin's eyes.

Mian successfully contacted Zhongyi and updated the star map. He also told about the encounter with Zao Shi. This was what Lu Yin asked him to tell, to explore Zhongyi's tone.

Zhongyi snorted coldly, "It's normal to encounter them. You will encounter more in the future. After all, what you have to face is an entire Lord of Death. Even if the Lord of Death is restrained by the Lord, there must be top masters under his command. Power is not easy to deal with.”

"It's impossible for the masters and subordinates of this small group to win alone. All the masters must join forces."

"We are also discussing gathering all the cultivators who have gathered, otherwise they will be easily defeated one by one."

Lu Yin was surprised when he heard that he had a plan. He originally thought that these masters were fighting on their own, but it seemed that although they were eager to replace the master, they were also very afraid of him.

End the conversation.

Mian was helpless. Originally, it could also compete for the resources of the Lord Death. Unfortunately, even if it got anything, it would belong to this human being.

"Let's go, there will be a big show next." Lu Yin said, after saying that, Jiang Mian returned to the Supreme Mountain again, and then teleported with Toad Boss and the others towards the direction of the star map.

On the way, they met other cultivators of the main line. The toad boss went up to either threaten or use the tributaries of the Long River of Time to lure him. He kept asking for information, but he became more and more familiar with them. In the end, he didn't even need Lu Yin's orders. He just went up to the creatures when he saw them, which was quite easy. , the fourth and fifth children were dumbfounded.

Star Toad would occasionally come out to have some fun. Seeing the Toad Boss like this, and then looking at Lu Yin's eyes full of weirdness, he thought of how he used to be domineering and united with Eternity, but now, he is not even worthy of rushing.

The most bizarre thing is that Boss Toad managed to survive without losing a tributary of a long river.

Mingming often gives it out in exchange for information.

Lu Yin was amazed.

This toad boss has the feeling of being a scoundrel in his heroic spirit.

The toad boss seems to be enjoying his current encounter.

A hundred years passed in a blink of an eye, and this time was not all about rushing. Most of the time was actually looking for the direction of the star map. They also contacted Zhong Zhong several times, updated the star map, and sometimes went back. Until this day, they I saw burning incense reaching up to the stars.

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