Star Odyssey

Chapter 4730 Another kind of darkness

The storyteller was helpless, "I asked you guys whether your brains have been dumbed down by practicing cultivation. I'm just waiting for the price. I'm selling for the price. Do you understand?"

"The same goes for that idiot from Daqian Civilization. What's the price? Is there a price for this thing? Of course you have to set the price yourself."

"You have to force me to make it so clear, eh, life is really hard every day."

Behind him, the creature collecting money followed quietly without saying a word.

Several creatures around looked at each other and offered their own prices, but only the storyteller heard it.

The storyteller shook his head after hearing this, "I thought those who dared to listen to the secrets of the Daqian civilization were just a bunch of poor people. Forget it, let's go and tell the master behind you that if you want a horoscope, be sincere. Really." "After that, leave.

Those creatures were helpless. They had already offered the highest price, but the other party didn't like it.

Lu Yin looked at the storyteller's leaving figure and followed him slowly. .??.

Along the way, there were other creatures following him. From time to time they came up to say a few words, but they were all chased away by the storyteller. The price was obviously inappropriate.

After a while, another creature arrived, followed by the creatures that had offered prices before.

The storyteller became interested and talked with the other party for a while, but Lu Yin couldn't hear him.

Then, he was driven away again.

"Scare me? You have been walking within a small distance for many years and you are not afraid of anyone. Come and find out how many secrets I have told you. Either give me a suitable price or get out of here." The storyteller angrily drove away those creatures.

Leaving the small town and heading towards the mountains, the storyteller attracts the attention of countless creatures. With its horoscope, it is destined not to be lonely.

Not long after, it stopped, turned around, and looked at Lu Yin.

The money-collecting creature behind it also looked at Lu Yin.

Lu Yin looked at it.

"You've been following me all this time. Do you want to make a price or threaten me? Let's talk about it?" asked the storyteller.

Lu Yin said, "I want to hear a story."

Storytelling "??"

The creature that collects money...

Lu Yin looked at him seriously and said, "Can you tell me?"

The storyteller blinked and said, "Listen to a story?"


"Are you serious?"


"Just the story?"

"if not?"

"This horoscope?"

"not my business."

"Do not want?"

"can not afford."

The storyteller didn't know what to say, and finally just said, "Please be early tomorrow." After saying that, he turned around and left.

Lu Yin continued to step forward and follow.

The storyteller turned around and looked at Lu Yin, "Please be early tomorrow."

Lu Yin said calmly, "I'm afraid you'll run away."

The storyteller is speechless "I will always be here."


"You have offended too many creatures, and I am afraid that you will die." Lu Yin said.

The storyteller pondered for a moment, "So, you are here to protect me?"

Lu Yin shook his head, "I just want to hear a few more stories before you die."

"How much do you want to hear a story?"

"Want to hear it very much."

"Even if I tell you that I made it up?"

"Well done."

The storyteller took a deep breath. It was the first time he encountered this kind of thing. Telling stories was not its purpose. It was just to attract others. Its purpose was to buy and sell. How could there be any living beings here who wanted to listen to stories?

Lu Yin suddenly felt like he was a trickster.

Of course, the plot forced him to tell stories, and by using stories to deduce his character, he could deduce the most suitable combat skills for him. Now, Lu Yin just wanted to understand the master through stories and understand this strange distance, because he I found that this storyteller really has something to say.

The same is true for storytelling.

Now it was his turn to push others.

"I don't want to talk about it today. If you want to follow me, you can follow me. I won't talk about it anyway." The storyteller turned around and left.

Lu Yin followed. In this huge city, no one could use their strength. It was impossible to run away, and they could be seen no matter how far they ran.

After a while, the storyteller came to a mountain peak. There was a stone house below. He entered and rested.

The money-collecting creature stood outside the stone house and stared at Lu Yin.

Lu Yin sat calmly on the other side of the stone house, closed his eyes and rested.

In the stone house, the storyteller didn't believe that Lu Yin really wanted to listen to the story. He must have been sent by some existence to monitor him, and it must have been for the sake of his natal chart, but that was not necessarily the case, because this creature had been listening to the story, ever since he told the story about Qingshanwang. It has always been there, without knowing beforehand that I had a horoscope.

Could it be that you really want to hear a story?

The sun and moon rotated in the giant city. On the second day, the storyteller walked out of the stone house, glanced at Lu Yin, and then walked towards the small city.

After arriving in the small town, I started storytelling.

In fact, it wasn't just Lu Yin who was staring at it, there were also many creatures who were staring at it overtly or covertly, but none of them appeared. Lu Yin was the most conspicuous.

"Come on, come on, the rich will give you money..."

The story began, and Lu Yin listened with relish. Not all of the stories it told were secrets, but there were many that sounded like they were made up. It could be made up, and it would also rely on the local customs and customs it knew about. It did make Lu Yin understand a little bit.

For example, he knew that a certain person who controlled luck stayed in a certain place all year round, so that many creatures gathered in that place.

For example, a fishing civilization once passed by a certain location, causing a war between two civilizations, and even involving the shrine. In the end, the fishing civilization

Nothing was found out.

But Lu Yin knew what that fishing civilization was.

Because he heard the bridge.

Yes, it's the bridge.

The first thing that comes to mind is the land of mud and water.

Of course, I'm not absolutely sure, but I can guess.

If it is really a land of mud and water, it is not too far from the surrounding area. Of course, that was a thousand years ago, and no one knows where it is now.

The country of mud and water is absolutely powerful. Ni Bieluo holds a trident, which is enough to challenge the main sequence. Although he was knocked out of several immortal realms by Lu Yin, as long as the war is not started, at first glance, who knows whether it is a fishing civilization.

And with the characteristics of the muddy kingdom, there are so many immortal realms outside, which are very suitable for development, and it is very easy to restore them.

At the end of the day, the storyteller took out the birth chart again and waved it, attracting many inquiries from the creatures, and then returned to the stone house all the way, complaining from time to time that they were all poor people.

Lu Yin followed as usual and sat outside the stone house to wait.

Half a month passed.

Just a few days ago, the giant city moved. I don't know who moved it, but it was Zhuo Bao after all.

Moving, indicating that the dead universe is being tracked.

There are more and more creatures coming into the giant city, and I don’t know how many of them are the main sequence.

This is definitely the place where Lu Yin has seen the most eternal life realms since he has been practicing.

Once the war comes, it will be quite tragic.

The stone house opened and the storyteller walked out and glanced at Lu Yin. He had been doing this for half a month.

Half a month is not a long time, but it is very disgusting.

Now there are actually creatures saying that this guy is one of their own, and there are creatures asking him to say hello to him and sell his life chart.

What the hell does this guy want to do?

"You really want to hear a story?"

"There's nothing to do anyway."

"Okay, I'll tell you, you can book the venue, just pay." The storyteller said.

Lu Yin threw out a bunch of things.

The storyteller looked at him and said, "Is this all money?"

"You pick."

The person who collected the money walked over and picked them up carefully. In the end, he took away a few, but many of them were useless.

Lu Yin just threw out some of the things he had encountered before, even metal. God knows what money is to this storyteller.

They are so far apart and there is no unified currency.

The storyteller looked at the money collected and said, "It's not enough to book the whole show."

"Then don't worry, as long as you can listen."

The storyteller was speechless and walked to the small town by himself to start a day of storytelling.

Then another half month passed. On this day, the storyteller returned to the stone house, and the money collector also went in. The two of them didn't know what they were doing.

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