Star Odyssey

Chapter 4731 Luck determines height

"Actually, there have always been rumors in the outside world that the camp was turned upside down." The storyteller said.

Lu Yin was surprised, "On the other hand?"

The storyteller nodded, "Yes, I don't know if there is any specific information, let alone who spread the news. Anyway, it has been circulated for a while that a race rebelled against the camp and almost demolished the entire camp. In the end, it was The strong master himself suppresses it.”

Lu Yin first thought of humans.

But there are endless races in the universe, and humans are not the strongest. There are too many races with talents and blood.

"How courageous it is to want to rebel against the camp. The camp was established by the entire Lord. There are various forces of the Lord, including the guards of the Lord. Not to mention that there are countless traitors inside who betrayed their own clan and took refuge in the Lord. The fact that those traitors are favored by the Lord shows that they are powerful."

"And through those traitors, we can also grasp the weaknesses of that race."

"Reflux camp, it's just like trying to rebel against the master. It's impossible."

Lu Yin's heart skipped a beat, it seemed like I was going to rebel against the master, that was a fact.

This guy really knows how to use metaphors.

"That's all?" Lu Yin asked.

The storyteller said, "What else do you want to know? I do know some specific creatures imprisoned in the camp, but I can't give you a list."

"Thank you for your hard work."

The storyteller’s “…”

Looking at the list in his hand, Lu Yin admired, "You know so much."

The proud storyteller: "Of course, there's nothing I don't know."

"Have you ever heard of being unknowable?" Lu Yin suddenly asked.

The storyteller was stunned for a moment and looked at Lu Yin, "The unknowable thing that came out of that chaotic square inch?"

Lu Yin nodded.

Storyteller’s doubt “What do they do, you ask?”

"I'm curious. I've encountered it before. It seems pretty powerful."

"It's awesome, but the positioning is awkward."

"What's the meaning?"

"Let's put it this way, Agnostic also belongs to the Lord, but its function is to suppress the chaotic Fangcundi, because there once existed a race there that was regarded as a taboo by the Lord. Of course, it is an exaggeration to say that the taboo is human. "

"Humanity once did something big that shocked the universe. Even though it failed, it also dragged the Lord's death into the water. If it hadn't been for that big thing, we wouldn't be here now."

"Back to the topic, humanity is finished. Almost all humans outside the main trunk of the mother tree have been exterminated. However, the chaotic square inch is still chaotic. There are many powerful civilizations, so there is the unknown, and although the unknown belongs to the main line, But the Wang family in the mother tree also has the ability to control the unknown, which means that after the unknown leaves the chaotic square inch, the Lord does not want it, and does not give the Lord power. The Wang family cannot, leading to the current situation of the unknown position,

It's an eyesore to anyone who looks at it, but it exists nonetheless. "

Lu Yin heard that Da Mao said that the current situation of the unknown was not good, but he did not expect it to be like this.

Also involved with the Wang family.

That would be Wang Wen.

"What is this Wang family?" Lu Yin asked.

The storyteller shook his head, "I can't tell you what happened to the Wang family. That's the situation within the main trunk of the mother tree. Anyway, the outside world's current understanding of the unknown is that everyone wants it and no one can have it."

"Of course, not many people know about the existence of the unknown. I have traveled around the distance for countless years, and it is still impossible to travel all over. You can imagine how big the distance is. The unknown only attracts attention around here, and even further away, I’ve never heard of it before, so this is unknown.”

Lu Yin was curious, "What's going on in that chaotic space? And the human beings you mentioned, what big things have they done?"

"There's a lot you want to know," the storyteller said.

"Just listen to it as a story."

"Are you sure I know everything?"

"Isn't this just asking? If you don't know, you don't know. It doesn't matter."

The storyteller sneered, "There is nothing I don't know. Because of the lack of intervention by a major force, that chaotic square has developed freely for countless years and spawned various powerful civilizations. I really don't know what civilizations there are, but I know , the fishing civilization there is all first-rate and powerful, and I heard that there is such a powerful talent as teleportation."


"Envy it."

"The Lord must have known about it, but didn't he expect it?"

"Hey, do you think that the Lord can do anything together? I heard that the race with teleportation is very strong, and even Anonymous can't suppress it. Even though Anonymous is in a bad situation now, his strength is incomparable. Go and find out about Anonymous Ask about the sequence to see who dares to claim that it can suppress the unknowable. Let me tell you, there is none, including the main sequence."

"That race with teleportation can't even suppress the unknown. Even if the main group wants to suppress them, the price paid is definitely not small, and it is not easy. What's more, that is someone else's talent, and it is difficult for the main group to obtain other people's talents. Bar."

"This is just one civilization, and there are other powerful civilizations. Now that those civilizations have emerged, they will definitely cause chaos in Fang Cun San."

"As for humans, they want to overthrow the Lord."

Lu Yin's eyes widened and he looked at the storyteller in disbelief, "What did you say?"

The storyteller smiled, "You heard it right, humans want to overthrow the Lord."

"How can it be?"

"Hey, why is it impossible? Otherwise, you think the Lord is dead

Why is Yiyi now like a lost dog? The main force of the Death Alliance was the main attack on mankind at the beginning. In the end, most of the power of the Death Alliance was destroyed. All the forces united by the Death Alliance to deal with humans were also on the verge of collapse. Legend has it that more than one master of the Death Alliance took action, which suppressed human civilization. Otherwise, , this universe is not what it is now. "

Lu Yin was shocked, "Are humans that strong?"

Storyteller's Envy "Who knows, over countless years, countless creatures have wanted to rebel against the Lord, and only humans have come closest. Of course, there is another way of saying that humans want to become the new Lord, that is, among the existing Lords, Adding one more will give countless creatures another shackles on their heads."

"Anyway, there are all kinds of legends. If you are curious about humans, you'd better forget it. All humans in the outside world are extinct. There are humans in the mother tree. One is the Wang family and the other is Liuying. It's not easy for you to find anyone." .? ?.

Lu Yin said, "I'm not interested in humans, but I am interested in the unknown. Thank you for letting me know."

"Why are you curious about the unknowable?"

"I've been beaten by Agnostic."


It found that it couldn't control the direction of Lu Yin's words.

"Okay, I've told you enough, do you still want to listen?"


The storyteller sighed and walked towards the small town.

Lu Yin followed behind.

After a while, continue listening to the story.

I heard something valuable again. This storyteller knew too much, and Lu Yin wanted to know too much, so much that he had no direction. Some questions couldn't be asked clearly. Who knew the identity of this storyteller.

He didn't want to get into trouble.

"Hehe, next is another secret about the sequence of years. The rich will get money for it. You, put it away. Who are you going to send away? So little?"

"It's about the sequence of years? Which sequence is it?" a creature asked.

The surrounding creatures gathered around in circles, many of them in the immortal realm, all staring at the life chart, with Lu Yin standing at the front.

The proud storyteller "Seventh Sequence."

Lu Yin was surprised, the seventh sequence? Isn't that just a different sequence?

Now I am ranked seventh in different sequences.

When they first ordered the United Lindao to deal with the other sequence, the other sequence was already the seventh sequence. They were afraid that the other sequence would gain something by entering the main trunk of the mother tree again. By then, they would not even have the ability to resist, so they took action.

He actually mentioned other sequences all of a sudden.

Lu Yin frowned, is it a coincidence?

The surrounding creatures were confused, "Sequence 7? I don't seem to have heard of it."

"I've only heard of a few in the Time Sequence, and most of them are either in retreat or unable to contact them."

"Then tell me

What's the secret of this sequence? "

The storyteller sat down and closed his eyes, obviously waiting for something.

The creature collecting money began to walk in circles.

All the surrounding creatures were throwing money.

Not long after, the storyteller was satisfied, and then he said, "This seventh sequence, called Farewell, is not a living thing, but a stone slab."

Lu Yin's eyes flashed, and he really knew.

Not even the divine envoys of the other palaces know the true appearance of the other sequences.

"Slate?" The surrounding creatures were surprised.

The storyteller said, "There are so many magical species in the universe. It's not surprising that a stone slab has become a sequence. The secret we want to talk about now is not the identity of the other sequence, but its origin."

"Although it is a sequence of years, because it is a stone slab, the person who dug it out was a master of luck."

"Mastering luck?" A creature exclaimed.

All the creatures around looked at the storyteller.

Lu Yin was shocked, was it dug out by a master of luck?

The storyteller continued, "So, actually there is a master of luck behind this sequence. As for who that master is, hey, it depends on your sincerity."

A bunch of money fell down.

Lu Yin also threw some things over.

The creature who collected the money walked over to him and looked at it again and again, and then looked at the storyteller.

The storyteller rolled his eyes and nodded.

The person who collects money just steps over and doesn't collect money and doesn't chase people away.

"When it comes to mastering luck, there are many masters, because they have a slogan that luck determines height, so any practitioner who masters luck is actually not weak, and this one is even more powerful. He can cultivate a stone slab You can imagine that it will become the seventh sequence of years."

"Stop talking nonsense, tell me who it is." A creature shouted.

The storyteller paused and raised his eyes, "It is."

"Su Xin Sect."

The scene was silent. As before, the Daqian civilization was mentioned, but it was obvious that the shock brought by these three words was even greater than that of the Daqian civilization.

Because Lu Yin saw fear in the eyes of many creatures.

Yes, it was fear, and it was a creature that he confirmed to be in the realm of immortality.

Beside him, a creature stepped back and whispered, "You are crazy. You dare to mention this name. I didn't hear it. I didn't hear it..."

Then another creature retreated, running faster than anyone else.

As for the other creatures, all those who had heard of this name ran away one by one, and only those who had not heard of it stayed.

There was a creature who stared at the storyteller fiercely before leaving, "If you were in the outside world, I would definitely find a way to kill you for actually harming us." After saying that, he ran away immediately.

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