Star Odyssey

Chapter 4732 Black Book with White Letters

Lu Yin frowned, it's just a name, but it has such a big deterrent effect, is it that?

He looked at the storyteller.

Coincidentally, the storyteller also looked at him. The two looked at each other, one confused and the other smiling.

"What does this name mean?" Lu Yin asked, and the other creatures around him were also curious. They really didn't understand that it was just a name, what was so scary about it.

The storyteller chuckled, "I forgot to tell you that there is a sign in the camp to determine the status of a strong person. It is a black book with white words. When you reach a certain height, you can leave your name in white in the camp's black book to set the rules."

"The creatures in the camp have no freedom, and they cannot even decide whether to live or die. The rules can determine their life trajectory, and more importantly, their life and death."

"Su Xin Sect, with names written in white in black books, and a main sequence that governs luck, has massacred three major shrines and two pairs of karma cultivators who fixed their natal charts, and even killed the main sequence that they were chasing. You said, they are afraid Not afraid."

Lu Yin's pupils flickered as he looked at the storyteller, but the words Su Xin Zong came to mind.

The names left in the black book, the massacre of the three major shrines, the cultivators of cause and effect, and the killing of the main sequence, one by one, all illustrate the terrifying nature of this Su Xin Sect.

"Hey, luck is very strange. All life needs it. Good luck accompanies you. Those who are good for you will go there unconsciously, and those who are not good for you will be eradicated unconsciously."

"You all just seemed to have heard a big secret."

The eyes of the remaining creatures around him gradually changed, becoming incredulous, angry, and eager to kill the storyteller.

No wonder those creatures that are obviously in the immortal realm have all run away, wishing they could just escape to the endless distance. This is the reason.

Su Xin Sect is an extremely powerful person who controls luck, but he has cultivated a seventh sequence of years. It is obvious that the purpose is impure and it is a secret. It never wants the secret to be revealed. Now they all know it. If Su Xin If Zong Cun is determined to pursue them, none of them may be able to escape.

Even if you run away, with the opponent's monstrous luck, you can eliminate the threat without even realizing it.

Trouble, big trouble.

Suddenly, all the surrounding creatures ran away, leaving only Lu Yin.

Lu Yin was very calm. He had experienced too much, Su Xin Sect? Can it still be compared to the Master's Controller?

Xiangsiyu can dominate the toughness together with death, and is obviously the master of luck, but it is just a clone. And he has been marked by the cause and effect before, so he has been indifferent to it after too much experience.

If Su Xinzong wants to kill him, just come, provided that he can be found.

"Aren't you afraid?" The storyteller looked at Lu Yin with a smile.

Lu Yin said, "It's useless to be afraid. I've already heard it, but this is indeed the first time I've heard the name Su Xin Sect."

"Hey, if you shout a few more times, it will come to you."

Lu Yin felt cold, as if he felt a pair of eyes staring at him.

Quite disappointing


It governs luck, and if you are good to it, you are not good to yourself who knows its secrets.

How disgusting.

At this time, the fourth toad came over, panting, "I finally found you, but, but, I'm exhausted. I searched all over the huge city, why are you here?"

Lu Yin looked at Toad Fourth, "What's wrong?"

The fourth toad came over and whispered, "Borrow something."


"The tributaries of the long river of time."

"What do you want this for?"

Seeing the storyteller staring at him, the fourth toad pulled Lu Yin away and said, "There is a guy who specializes in luck who can help test your own luck and buy good luck. I want to buy some. Maybe it can help me More personable.”

Lu Yin looked at the fourth child with strange eyes.

The fourth child coughed and said, "What? I know that I am not good-looking, with a crooked mouth and slanted eyes. I have always used my grace to cover up my inferiority complex. If I am lucky this time, maybe I can be cured."

"You can easily change your appearance in the immortal realm."

"That's fake."

Lu Yin wanted to say that since the change of appearance was fake, it would be useless no matter how lucky you were, but looking at the appearance of the fourth toad, he gave it two tributaries of the long river of time.

The fourth toad was grateful and wanted to go immediately.

"Wait, where is the boss?"

"have no idea."

"Go find the boss for me and ask him to go to the storyteller just now to listen to more stories. Maybe he will hear something useful."


"Where is the luck seller you mentioned?"

"It's not about selling luck. I'm here to test your luck and then help you increase your luck. You just need to pay a little reward."

Lu Yin nodded, "Where."

The fourth toad pointed in a direction, and Lu Yin passed by.

It was easy to find the luck seller.

Just like the storyteller, there were many creatures around him, and each of them was much more polite than the storyteller. After all, the other party belonged to the realm of luck.

The gleaming brocade bag is really tempting.

No creature will take the initiative to offend a creature that has the destiny, especially if it is still a sequence.

Lu Yin remembered that he had killed a man named Xin Ke, who must be a master of luck.

I don’t know how this works.

This creature that governs luck wears a porcelain-like brand, and its appearance is just two random strokes of paint, so you can’t tell what it looks like.


The imprint of a giant city, the more it deviates from itself, the better.

Like a storyteller, it dares to take out the birth chart unscrupulously. Because of this, if the outside world knew its identity, it would never dare to do that.

Lu Yin stood on the periphery, watching a creature walk up to the creature that controlled luck. Putting his hand under the brocade bag, there was a purple entanglement visible to the naked eye, but it was very thin.

The master of luck glanced at him and ignored him. .??.

A creature next to him whispered, "This level of luck is very rare. I have seen a creature with purple energy reaching a height of more than one meter. It was very thick."

"I saw it too, but that creature also didn't attract the attention of the Qi Luck practitioner."

"Hey, ordinary living beings have very little luck, especially for us, because we have consumed too much luck along the way. To reach this point has surpassed most living beings in the universe. If we want to go further, we actually need Qi. Luck, hard work alone is not enough.”

"But it's too difficult to buy luck. It only requires the power of the Lord."


"Hmph, otherwise why do you think it helps everyone measure your luck for free? Because it knows that even if it comes to the realm of immortality and can cultivate to the current level, its luck will not be high. Luck determines height. This is already common sense in the universe. It wants to change It must be purchased further, it has already gained a lot, you are not its customers at all, its real customers are those eternal beings, or even the main sequence."

Lu Yin watched calmly. It seemed that measuring luck was true, and selling luck was even more true.

He watched the creatures test one by one. Not long after, a creature traded something with it. It raised its arm and placed it on the kit. The testing creature stood excitedly under the kit, letting the purple luck pour in, attracting the surroundings. The creatures were filled with envy and exclamation.

"It must be consuming its own luck." Lu Yin said doubtfully.

Next to him, a creature glanced at him and said, "I don't know. The main Qi Luck can be connected to the Qi Luck. What it consumes is not its own Qi Luck at all."

Lu Yin doesn't understand the art of luck yet, but the saying that luck determines altitude is true.

But it's not decisive.

If that were the case, Xiangsiyu would have been invincible a long time ago. Why would there still be a clone of Xiangsiyu?

That Xin Ke won't touch him either.

Luck has its limits, and power is not invincible.

Just depends on how to use it.

In his view, the more fortunate a person is, the more cautious they should be.

This kind of person who is obviously selling luck will definitely not be good in itself.

Of course, this is just his experience of practicing for many years. Whether this is actually the case is hard to say.

Each creature came up to test their luck. Lu Yin also wanted to see how his own luck was. It shouldn't be scary. Anyway, he always felt that he was very lucky, even if he was given bad luck by Xiangsiyu.

Luck, but once we leave the small distance before, the bad luck should disappear.

It can't always exist.

Come to think of it, he couldn't be testing here, it would be too eye-catching.

If this luck master finds out that he has been in contact with Xiang Siyu, it will be troublesome.

On the other side, the toad boss found the storyteller with the fourth child leading the way.

At this moment, the storyteller started telling stories again. It successfully scared Lu Yin away, which gave him a sense of accomplishment.

Until the boss toad came and released a tributary of the long river at will. The storyteller was dumbfounded and waved his hand domineeringly to "book the venue."

The storyteller stared blankly at the toad boss, and then looked at the tributary of the Long River of Time. As long as there was no attack, the tributary of the Long River of Time had no power beyond the limits of the giant city. It was just trading currency.

And many surrounding creatures were also shocked by the toad boss.

Coming up is a tributary of the long river, heroic.

"You want to book the venue?"

The toad boss said decisively, "Yes."

"Sorry, we can't reserve the venue." The storyteller refused.

The toad boss was surprised, and then silently released the second tributary of the Long River of Time, shocking the surrounding area.

The storyteller was speechless, "Friend, even if you release ten or hundreds of tributaries of the long river of time, it will be useless, because it is useless to me, and I am not a sequence of time."

"But you can exchange for everything you want." Mou Ding, the toad boss, said that there is nothing that the tributaries of the Long River of Time cannot handle. If there is, it is not enough. Lu Yin has plenty.

The storyteller shook his head, "Why do we always encounter strange things during this period? Forget it, it's not appropriate to talk about it today. If you still want to hear it, please come early tomorrow."

The toad didn't expect that the storyteller really didn't want the tributaries of the Long River of Time. He didn't believe it anymore and followed him.


"what are you up to?"

"Listen to the story."



"Just the story?"

"if not?"

"Don't want a horoscope?"

"Do you have a horoscope?"

"you do not know?"

"have no idea."

"Want it?"

The boss toad stretched out his claws naturally.

The storyteller looked at it and said, "Aren't you going to pay something?"

The boss toad threw out the tributaries of the long river of time.

The storyteller put away his natal chart and left. It felt that he was talking nonsense, and why did he seem to have said that in the conversation just now? That guy did the same thing before.

Do you all like listening to stories so much now?

But telling stories is not its real purpose.

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