Star Odyssey

Chapter 4761: Surrounded and Killed in Silence

When everything is calm, the universe is still the same universe, and it is difficult for civilizations to communicate. Each other in the shrines may not know each other's location. However, the eternal consciousness world breaks this peace. Countless creatures are eager to communicate, looking for the location of the residual sea, reporting their homes one by one, and wishing they could draw it. A map of the starry sky.

So much so that the universe became lively.

There are already many creatures around the residual sea heading there.

The residual sea is a vast sea floating in the universe. No one knows how it was formed. This sea is fixed within a certain range. Even if the sea water is dispersed, it will eventually shrink.

This vast ocean is enough to fill many universes, and its scope is extremely wide.

In such a vast area, there are naturally countless creatures. Some of these creatures occupy one area, and some are concentrated in one place. The strongest among them is naturally Zangong.

Can Palace was formed jointly by all the powerful creatures in Can Sea.

In the past, Canhai was invaded by outside creatures and competed for resources. In order to protect Canhai, Cangong came into being. To this day, it has become a very powerful force under the command of the Lord of the Universe, and is definitely not under the Daqian civilization.

In the ruined palace, one after another figures appeared in the water column of light, blurry and unclear, only the sound came out. .??.

"Is the eternal consciousness really in my residual sea?"

"This is news from another hospital. There are beings who conform to the laws of the three universes who have entered the other hospital and snatched the Zhuo Bao, the Heavenly Suppressant of Linlang. It was within that Zhuo Bao that this news spread."

"I, Can Palace, have always suppressed Can Hai, but I don't even know it."

"If the master of consciousness really puts the eternal realm of consciousness into the residual sea, how can we know about it?"

"That's right, but where is the eternal realm of consciousness?"

"I don't know. This should be a method used by consciousness to dominate. The outside world has been constantly looking for creatures with the main consciousness to let them find ways to enter the residual sea to explore."

"How can the remnant sea allow them to explore at will and expel them?"

"You are overthinking. Anyone who dares to come to our Canhai is confident. They are either creatures under the command of the Lord, a powerful civilization, or they are extremely powerful, or even dominate a clan."

The four words "dominance of the clan" made the remaining palace silent.

No matter how powerful Can Gong is, he can't maintain confidence in front of the dominant clan, so that's not a concept.

"The most troublesome thing now is that there are creatures that are eyeing us and want us, Zangong, to help search."

"This is still good. Once the dominant clan comes, how will we deal with it?"

"There is another trouble nearby. The battle between Huanji and Huayi has never stopped. We can't stop their battle. If a life of the Lord's family is lost here, it will be difficult for us to bear this responsibility."

"If it doesn't work, please retreat first."

"Of course it's impossible. Retreating now will only make the outside world think that we have obtained the eternal consciousness. That is courting death."

"This won't work, that won't work either.

, what should we do? "

"We can only take one step at a time. No matter who comes, we will not help. Of course, we have to fight when we should fight. We ourselves also want to obtain eternal consciousness."

"By the way, what should I do over there with fear?"

This name also made Can Gong quiet for a while.

"Let it go. Even the Master of Time, Thorn Zhu, can't control it. It will definitely fight for it."


It is also Canhai. Here, there is a shrine, and the shrine sequence is named Ain Kuang.

Different from other shrines, there are no divine envoys here, not a single one. Except for fear, there are only a group of slaves imprisoned by it in the entire shrine. Those slaves are located in the corner of the shrine, and that corner is called Xiaoliuying.

In the small stream camp, countless lives were living in numbness, even though no one was watching them, but none of the creatures inside dared to escape. There, the creatures also lived with their respective groups as the rallying point.

"Let me see, how many ethnic groups are there now?"

"Well, three hundred and fifty-seven? That's too much, too many. Today's game, let's reduce the number of this group to two hundred, let's start."

In Xiaoliu Camp, countless lives were shocked, two hundred? Reduce more than 100 ethnic groups at once? how so?

The games in the small stream camp designated by Afraid have never been so radical. After all, this small stream camp is the fun created by it.

But no matter what the life inside thought, the war still started.

The ethnic groups are fighting each other, and there are traitors from time to time. It is like a real civilized competition. A pair of eyes looks down at it, and the more it looks, the more excited it becomes. It can never get enough of this kind of game.

But there are too many ways to play the game, and this is just the most common one. You still have to go to the camp frequently to see how the dominant clan plays the game.

Interesting, so interesting.

In Xiaoliu Camp, an ethnic group was exterminated, and the mountains and rivers were stained with blood. There were millions of lives in that ethnic group, but all of them died.

In the blink of an eye, another ethnic group perished.

Quantity is meaningless here. The statistical unit here is ethnic group.

After a while, the fighting stopped.

Only then did those eyes leave, "Comfort, it's still comfortable to watch this simplest killing game."

"Eternal Consciousness Realm? It actually appeared in Canhai, hehe, I don't believe it, but since you are here, then show it to me. This is the biggest game. Let Canhai become another small camp. ,Ha ha ha ha."

In Xiaoliu Camp, there are human beings, tens of millions of them, living in self-built cities.

this battle

The struggle caused blood to flow into a river outside the city, but fortunately they held on.

But it may not be able to hold on if it comes again. There are still two hundred outside groups. God knows what kind of groups will be added next time.

They have to endure this kind of life endlessly until they become extinct.

In the deep starry sky, far away from the residual sea, large colorful trees stand. Next to them are deep cliffs, and hanging coffins are tied by vines and hanging down.

Here, it is unknown.

"The world of eternal consciousness actually appears in the residual sea? Eight colors, is it true or false?"

"I don't know."

"Should we go check it out?"

Ba Se said, "Now, everyone knows that I am in an unknown situation, so there is no need to move for the time being."

The white unknown voice came out, "The Balance Envoy has not returned yet, and we cannot take the initiative in many things. For example, the robbery of Linlang Tiantian failed this time."

"You all failed. This is something I didn't expect." This was a black and unknowable voice.

Toad Lao Liu smiled playfully and said, "Thank you, Bai Bai, for bringing Xiao Shiba to me."

Bai Anzhi captured Xiao Shiba in Yuyu Universe Battlefield to force Toad Boss and the others to deal with Tian Ye and Di Sang. After returning to Anonymous, Xiao Shiba was useless to him, so he gave it to Toad Lao Liu.

Bai Aozhi said lightly, "It's just useless to keep it."

Although Toad Sixth smiled and thanked him, his voice was deep. Hehe, the old guy directly told Bai Bai about forcing Toad Boss and the others. Toad Sixth remembered this.

But I didn't expect that Lu Yin was actually there. It was really not easy to leave that small distance alive. But apart from it, no one probably knew that the skeleton was Lu Yin.

"I could have succeeded, but Purple helped that invisible creature, causing me to fail." Bai Agnostic added.

"Haha, Bai Bai, I have said this many times. I was helping you at the time because I saw you using the portal and expected that you would be able to grab Linlang Tiantian, so I helped you block the blood peach blossom. Wang Chenchen and the others, I did not To think that you actually lost."

"It's not me you're helping."


Bashi said, "Ignore everything in the past for now. Everyone, this place is no longer as close as it used to be. Our rules are going to change. However, we will wait for the Balance Envoy to return. Now, please change your identity and join the Lord's command."

"Join the Lord's command?"


"Fixed horoscope?"

Ba Se said, "Anything is fine. Wait for the call from the unknown and then return. Now is the perfect opportunity. With the deaths of Tian Ye and Di Sang, the Lord's eyes are all focused on the universe of death, coupled with the emergence of the eternal consciousness world."

Now, you can only join by taking advantage of this opportunity. "

"Haha, are you disguising your identity? It's interesting."

"Well, it's time to get out there and have a look."

"Being stared at all the time before was really uncomfortable, but I can't guarantee that I will come back."

Ba Se said calmly, "Whether I come back or not depends on your wishes. I can't tell. I won't force you."

In the blink of an eye, two hundred years have passed. During this period, Lu Yin has been studying the method of cause and effect on the awning boat, and has seen through the truth of the constraints of cause and effect. The field of cause and effect has opened a new door for him.

He can increase or decrease the causal restraint, and can even trigger the causal restraint under certain conditions within a certain range, although the scope is extremely small, and this power cannot be exposed to the eyes of the main creature, otherwise it will attract the causal master. If you can't use it, don't use it.

The awning boat has been heading in the direction of Canhai, but it is still far away from Canhai.

Far away, Canhai has gathered many cultivators. These cultivators have entered the realm of eternal consciousness over the past two hundred years.

At first, all the practitioners were excited to search. Everyone felt that they were the destined protagonists and could be found. Everyone felt that they were special. However, as time went by, this excitement began to numb.

It doesn't matter that it has been searching for years and decades with no results. After all, the cultivators here are at worst the beginning, and they can live in seclusion for a long time.

But when all the practitioners could not be found, numbness began to spread.

Because among the cultivators who are searching for the eternal realm of consciousness, there are strong ones who conform to the laws of the three universes. Such strong people can see through all things in the universe with a single thought. Their search efficiency is unmatched by them. If such a strong person cannot be found for so long, then There is no point in giving them more time.

Because of this, the enthusiasm for searching for the eternal realm of consciousness has diminished, but these practitioners have not left either, not knowing what they are waiting for.

In addition to searching for the eternal consciousness world, there are two things that attract them most in Canhai. One is the Cangong seat. Any cultivator who enters Canhai can apply to become a Cangong seat.

This move was made by Can Gong in order not to become the target of public criticism.

After all, Can Palace is the largest force in Can Hai. If outsiders are not accepted, the process of searching for the eternal consciousness will become a process in which Can Palace is besieged by outside cultivators. Can Palace has no choice but to decide to join the outside cultivators. The only way is to accept them. , so as not to be targeted.

It can be regarded as breaking the precedent of the disabled palace.

Another thing is to surround and kill Hunji.

The war between Huanji and Huayi has lasted for too long. I don’t know when Huayi has been guarding Canhai alone just to kill Hunji, but the main life force did not stop him. Hunji had a reason to die.

However, there has been no progress for countless years.

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