Star Odyssey

Chapter 4762 No time

Recently, only about a few hundred years ago, Hunji suddenly became active, running around in Canhai, fighting fiercely with Huayi. This fierce battle continues until now. It is very difficult for Huayi to kill it, but due to the eternal consciousness world A large number of cultivators were attracted to Canhai, and among them were the creatures under the master's command. Naturally, they helped Hua Yi to surround and kill Hunji.

It was just a few at first, and then it increased to dozens, or even hundreds. No matter what their cultivation level, they dared to squat in any corner of Canhai to guard Hunji. As long as Hunji appeared, it would be all of a sudden, regardless of whether they could hurt Hunji. , many creatures hope to leave a good impression on Huayi, or in other words, they think that as long as they take action against Huanji, they can show their loyalty to the Lord.

Of course, there are also powerful beings that can pose a threat to Hunji.

One is the fearful man from the Canhai Temple of Time. Although he is in line with the peak state of the two laws of the universe, his true combat power is comparable to that of the three old monsters. He has unrivaled killing methods and seems to be born for killing.

One is the master of Daqian Civilization, a strong man who truly conforms to the laws of the three universes.

The other one is naturally the disabled palace.

These three parties guarded various parts of Canhai, constantly narrowing the encirclement of Hunji, and vowed to help Yi kill Hunji.

It is precisely because of the existence of these three parties that Huan Ji was injured, and the scope of escape became narrower and narrower.

It also thought about escaping from the residual sea, but if it was okay before, the main line of sight is not here. Although it will be counterattacked by the main line of power if it escapes, it should be careful, as long as it does not encounter the main sequence, it will be fine.

It's not like it never left.

But it doesn't work now. The eternal consciousness world has attracted so many creatures, and the Lord's gaze is likely to be here. Once it leaves the residual sea, what awaits it may not be better than being surrounded and killed here.


On the side, the tributaries of the Long River of Time are rushing, and the Law of Time is unfolding, like a fan, coming towards the silence.

Hun Ji immediately turned to "Another troublesome one."

On the back, Bai Qian, Zhang Dingtian, and Liu Shaoge looked pale. They had been hunted since they got on Hun Ji's back. At first it was an old monster, but now there are more and more of them.

They were quite leisurely at first, hiding on Hunji's back and even had time to practice. However, since batches of cultivators entered the residual sea, let alone practicing, they had to keep their eyes on them at all times, lest they be affected. It's like dancing on the steel knife.

"If I had known this, I might as well have left this remnant sea. What's going on? These guys wouldn't all come to surround me and kill me, right?" Hun Ji said bitterly.

Bai Qian's voice was cold, "Absolutely not, they came here for other purposes, but it happened to be that we were being hunted, so."

"So we are unlucky." Hun Ji said, feeling very unhappy. "It's all your fault. If I wasn't protecting you, there would be no need for me to run away."

Bai Qian said helplessly, "I'm sorry, senior."

\u003eLiu Shaoge and Zhang Dingtian looked at each other. They had been blamed many times over the years, but Huan Ji said that he didn't really blame them.

But if this continues, the scope of escape will become narrower and narrower. Even if Huan Ji can finally escape, they will definitely die.

Thinking of this, the three of them felt tired.

Things haven't been good since I came here along the Jupiter Altar. My cultivation has improved very quickly, especially recently, because of Hun Ji's guidance, my speed has been faster. But if my life is gone, what's the use of improving my cultivation?

They all miss their days on Earth.

In the distance, a ferocious smile descended like a dark cloud. It was fear. He licked his tongue and said, "Hunji, come and let me eat."

Hun Ji's eyes widened sharply and said, "Get out of here."

With a sharp roar, Fear was shaken away, but he was not afraid. "Hahahaha, you will be eaten by me soon, and those three cute little snacks on your back, are they human? How sad, You are a creature that must be killed by the Lord, and humans are ants that can only survive in the camp, you all have to die, hahahaha."

Hun Ji's eyes were downcast and he turned to run.

Under the starry sky and on the black-topped boat, Lu Yin looked into the distance, "How long will it take?"

The blind man calculated, "Less than a hundred years."

Lu Yin's eyes are profound. Isn't it less than a hundred years old? With the speed of the awning boat being less than a hundred years, it is still a long distance to the ordinary realm of immortality.

"Blind man, there must be a lot of masters gathered in Canhai right now. Are you sure you can make them kill each other?"

The blind man said confidently, "Don't worry, I have been setting up this game for too many years. No one can see through it. After all, no one will give up on the eternal consciousness."

"You have overestimated yourself, and you may have underestimated them." Lu Yin said. It is impossible for a blind man to kill a large number of powerful creatures with his own plan.

The eternal consciousness is tempting, but this eternal consciousness is false.

The blind man thought he didn't know. Indeed, if it were the true eternal consciousness, even the master might end up fighting for it, but the premise was that it was true.

Those powerful beings really can't see through the eternal realm of consciousness? Not necessarily. He was very curious about what the blind man used to deceive them. His own participation was just fishing in troubled waters.

The blind man said, "Just wait and see. In fact, the Lord is not that difficult to deal with."

"It's normal to stay aloof for too long and not be able to see the conspiracy growing in the dark corners."

Lu Yin's eyes moved and he looked at the blind man. It turns out that this is the case. Now he can be regarded as a source of evil.

Dark? Just like calculating the eternity of Tianshang Sect.

Not long after, Lu Yin looked up, "There is a creature."

The blind man smiled, "A small ordinary immortal realm is actually facing the opposite direction to Canhai. It seems that it probably left from Canhai."

"I just wanted to ask him about the situation in the residual sea." Lu Yin said, and after speaking, he teleported away.

Soon, Lu Yin came back, holding a strange creature in his hand, dark red, with pipe-like things extending from his body. The life energy had been dispersed, and it was obviously suppressed by Lu Yin.

It couldn't see Lu Yin, who was still invisible, but it could see the blind man.

"Why do you want to arrest me?" This immortal asked anxiously.

The blind man raised his head and faced it, "How is Can Hai?"

"Canhai? I don't know, I didn't go there."

"Well, I may be a little rough in my next question, please forgive me."

Soon, screams were heard, which only lasted for a while before the creature told everything it knew.

The blind man exclaimed, "There are really many big people here."

Lu Yin heard that there were powerful civilizations in the Time Sequence, the Dominant Clan, and even the Main Sequence. He had heard about Ci Zhu, Xing Zhui, Quzheng, the Lord of the Daqian Civilization, etc. There must be some that he had not heard of, and There must be hidden masters among them.

"Because there are too many strong people, I know that I can't get anything in this competition, so I left."

"Besides, Canhai is too chaotic now, and the battle may kill me at any time. It's better to leave first."

The blind man was surprised, "Can Hai has already started fighting?"

Isn't that right? A fight started before the Eternal Consciousness Realm appeared?

Lu Yin was also surprised that the master cultivator was not that stupid.

That eternal realm "is fighting, but it has nothing to do with the eternal realm of consciousness. It is the Lord who is besieging Hunji."

Lu Yin's eyes widened suddenly, confused?

The blind man understood, "No wonder, it seems that Hunji has shown up, and that's right, so many main creatures are concentrated in the residual sea. If Huayi doesn't take this opportunity to solve Hunji, it will be even more difficult in the future."

Lu Yin looked at the blind man, "Hunji?"

The blind man said, "Do you remember what I said about the duel between two old monsters in Canhai? They are Huayi and Hunji. Huayi is the main sequence of the main life, and Hunji is the main existence that wants to be killed. He keeps hiding." In Canhai, Huayi was responsible for hunting it down, but failed for countless years."

"Now this opportunity is just right."

Lu Yin didn't expect that Hun Ji was actually in Canhai. In this way, it was Canhai that Jianyu could lure him to. Although he was attacked by Jade Universe Battlefield on the way,

He was taken away, but he still had to go to Canhai in the end.

But now Hunji is being rounded up and killed because of his conspiracy with the blind man. What should he do?

Lu Yin looked ugly. If Hun Ji died because of this siege, he would not be able to escape the blame.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly said, "I want to reach Canhai as quickly as possible."

The blind man was puzzled, "Why are you so anxious all of a sudden? Don't worry, those guys won't leave even if the Eternal Consciousness Realm doesn't appear for a day."

Lu Yin said solemnly, "I feel the breath of other Dead Seas."

The blind man was surprised, "Are there other Dead Seas approaching?"

"If the other Dead Seas reach the Remnant Sea first, I won't be able to take action. Then you can play by yourself." Lu Yin said.

The blind man was anxious. "Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up."

Lu Yin grabbed the immortal realm, the blind man put away the awning boat, and teleported on his way.

This time, they all relied on teleportation to travel. In just a few years, they arrived at Canhaihai.

Looking into the distance, Lu Yin didn't expect such a majestic ocean to exist in the universe, and he couldn't figure out where this ocean came from.

He thought of Ba Rong. Ba Rong came from an ocean of floating universe. Could it be this ocean?

Probably not. The distance between here and the previous square inch is unknown. Even the immortal realm would have difficulty crossing this distance, and Ba Rong simply couldn't do it.

With doubts, Lu Yin teleported into the residual sea.

The remnant sea was completely different from the starry sky in the universe. It was really like the bottom of the sea. After entering, he felt that there was an intermittent barrier between him and the universe.

"This feeling is to shield the Lord's power?"

"Yes, you have also felt that although the power of the main force still exists, it has been weakened a lot in the residual sea. This is also the reason why Hunji has been hiding in the residual sea all year round, and it is also the reason why the master of consciousness chose to place the eternal consciousness here. reason."

Lu Yin glanced at the blind man. This old guy never forgot to deceive him, and now he was talking about the master of consciousness.

If I hadn't known where the eternal realm of consciousness was, I would have been fooled by him.

"What to do next?"

"I'm going to bring the eternal consciousness out, and you can protect me."

"No time."


Lu Yin stared into the distance. He was a little excited when he saw Hun Ji.

Wait, that's Bai Qian on Hun Ji's back? And Zhang Dingtian, Liu Shaoge?

Lu Yin's pupils shrank sharply. He didn't expect Bai Qian and the others to be together with Hun Ji. Could it be that Jupiter's altar could be teleported here at once? This is too exaggerated.

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