Star Odyssey

Chapter 4787 I really can’t do it without you

At this moment, Tuolin has become an indispensable and powerful fighting force for human beings, although he himself is still very weak and needs training.

But once it breaks out, no one knows what the effect will be.

Just like now, Su Xinzong was scared away.

With his combat power, it is far from possible to threaten Su Xin Sect. The reason for this is thanks to the previous connection of mind power with the Heart Yuan Bu Duo method, and the final gift of mind power from You Che.

But no matter what, if Su Xin Sect retreats, it means retreating.

Hunji rushes towards Su Xinzong for another round.

Su Xinzong looked at Tuo Lin and wanted to capture it, but Lu Yin had already rushed over and would not give it a chance.

It takes action recklessly and faces human civilization that is also desperate.

Tuo Lin looked at Su Xinzong warily, closed his eyes, and was shocked.

Su Xin Zong was unwilling to give in, but in the face of the entire human civilization, it finally retreated.

Lu Yin and the others couldn't stop it. It was good to be able to force Su Xin Sect back. Su Xin Sect didn't take action seriously at all. It could insert others into the main years. It was a scheming creature. It must have other plans for human civilization.

This is good, but those who desperately want to exterminate human civilization are troublesome.

Only creatures like Su Xin Zong can communicate.

Mental energy poured into Xiangcheng, and Xiangcheng restored its defense.

Seeing this scene, Qinglian Shangyu and the others were completely relieved, and then they all looked at Ding, Jianyu, and Tuo Lin. This battle was a bit strange, but it undoubtedly helped human civilization improve a lot.

Tuolin is a huge harvest.

"Xiao Qi, you go back first and come as soon as possible. The Su Xin Sect will never give up. It won't be that simple next time." Mr. Mu said.

Lu Yin exited the projection.

The tripod was suspended in the void and was taken away by Mr. Mu.

Hun Ji also exited the projection. Before leaving, he thought that this offspring's body was too fragile and could not withstand the torture.

Tuo Lin was confused, "Where is the master?"

Master Qingcao smiled at Tuolin, "Your master will be here soon. Come with us first, and we will take you to wait for him."

Qinglian Shangyu and Jingmen Shangyu looked at Master Qingcao speechlessly, why are these words so strange?

"Huh? Why am I here, Lord?" The fish came back to its senses, looked around, and then saw Qinglian guarding them, it shrank its neck, "Well, why am I here?" It clearly remembered that there was a strong enemy before. We want to exterminate human civilization, right? Did it come out?

Mr. Mu sighed, "Today's battle would be impossible without you."

Qinglian Shangyu praised, "Work hard and train your body."

"It still comes in handy occasionally." Yu said from Jingmen.

The cheap fish is confused, what happened? It looked towards the ancient god.


God silently said, "Even you are more useful than me now." After saying that, he left, leaving Jianyu in the starry sky blankly. What happened? Who can tell it?

On the other side, Lu Yin and Hun Ji walked out of Linlang Sky, looked at each other, and immediately teleported to Xiangcheng without saying a word.

Su Xinzong held back too much in this battle. The more they held back, the more they had a plan. They must rush back as soon as possible.

Time continued to pass, and finally, one day a few years later, Lu Yin teleported and saw the Jiao Shrine. Of course, it was now a civilization in the divine world. He breathed a sigh of relief, "Senior, we will be there soon."

"Okay, I finally saw human civilization again. I really miss it." Hun Ji sighed with emotion.

Lu Yin continued to teleport.

After a while, I saw Xiangcheng, but I also saw the hazy purple color far away from Xiangcheng. That was luck.

"Su Xin Zong really has a back-up plan and is monitoring Xiangcheng."

Hun Ji looked into the distance, "It's really a terrifying power of luck. Although it's small, it's disgusting. Once this luck is touched, it will alert it, which is equivalent to eliminating the possibility of it leaving without it noticing."

"But this guy never thought of teleportation."

Lu Yin smiled. Teleportation could take Xiangcheng away immediately without disturbing the luck. Su Xinzong could leave with confidence only because of this backhand, but it would suffer because of this backhand.

"But the most terrifying thing about luck is good luck. Even if we have the ability to leave, it can still find it, unless we leave too far, too far, beyond the length of its luck."

Hun Ji said favorably, "It depends on what you plan to do next."

Lu Yin's eyes flashed, what are you planning to do? There really is.

The three universes are boiling. Lu Yin is back, making countless people breathe a sigh of relief.

They found that they could no longer live without Lu Yin. When Lu Yin was not in civilization, they could not feel at ease. Even Qinglian Shangyu and the others could not give them this feeling.

This is what Lu Yin earned step by step with his protection of civilization.

Not only Lu Yin returned, but the Qibao Tianchan clan also came back, and at the same time they released Bai Qian and the others. They returned to Earth immediately after coming out. Although they experienced a very dangerous time with Hunji, they also learned a lot.

Lu Yin didn't want to reminisce with them, now was not the time.

The Three Universes are no strangers to the Qibao Tianchan clan. The boss, fourth child, and fifth child are all back, as well as Jianwu.

Jian Wu looked at the boiling human civilization and didn't know what to say for a moment. This is human civilization, the civilization of freedom.

Lu Yin asked the Qibao Tianchan clan to find a suitable place for them to live.

Then he told Qinglian Shangyu and the others what happened during this outing in detail. Before, he only gave a rough outline.

Even though they had heard part of the story, Qinglian Shangyu and the others were still shocked.

"You can really cause trouble." Master Qingcao sighed with emotion.

Lu Yin was speechless. It was not him who caused the trouble. Linlang Tiantian must be robbed. The leader of death must establish his power. The tributaries of the long river of time and conspiracy lead the strong ones. Who wouldn't do it?

But after all this calculation, many things are indeed what he wants to do subjectively.

Including what comes next.

"Let's go, it's time to settle the grudges with our old friends." Lu Yin said.

Everyone knows who he is talking about, the civilization of the divine world.

It’s time to pay back the damage caused by the divine civilization to human civilization.

"But before that." Lu Yin raised his eyes and looked outside Xiangcheng, "Let him come in first."

Soon, a figure appeared vaguely, it was the invisible civilized creature.

The Su Xin Sect exterminated the invisible civilization, stole the invisible seeds, and then killed them in Xiangcheng. When the invisible creature returned to his own civilization, he saw the tragic situation of extinction.

Now, it is here and appears for the first time, without facing Lu Yin in its invisible state.

This creature is like other non-human civilizations in the universe. It has a body shape that is completely different from human civilization. Of course, Lu Yin doesn't care. He has seen too many non-human beings.

"It's time to meet the strong human being."

Now in the main hall of Tianshang Zong, a group of powerful human beings are present. Although many people are injured, they are not to the extent that they need to retreat to recover.

We can only wait until Xiangcheng is completely safe.

Lu Yin glanced at him and said, "Wait here."

After that, leave the main hall.

Everyone knew that Xiangcheng was going to leave next, completely leaving the other palaces and the range where Su Xin Sect could find him.

Let’s deal with the divine civilization first, what to do next, Lu Yin did not say,

Over the years in the Other God Palace, many people have enjoyed comfort, but this comfort will eventually be broken. If one generation is comfortable, the next generation may face a desperate situation.

Avoiding will never solve the problem.

In the universe, unless there is a powerful force that remains invincible and a majesty that the outside world dare not provoke, war is the only way to make future generations comfortable.

In the corner of Xiangcheng, Tuo Lin looked at Lu Yin excitedly: "Master."

Beside him, Yan Ruyu was equally excited. Their admiration for Lu Yin was beyond words, even beyond belief.

Lu Yin smiled, raised his hand, touched Tuo Lin's head, and then patted Yan Ruyu.

They are very happy.

"Morning you guys

You have grown up, but your original intention has not changed. Master is proud of you. " Lu Yin said.

Tuo Lin was so excited that his breathing became rapid. "It's good if Master recognizes us. I'm afraid I won't be able to help Master."

Lu Yin was very lucky to have a disciple like Tuo Lin. Without him, he would not have been able to control Xiangcheng, nor would he have been able to take the step to break through eternal life.

Master, disciple, who says that only the master can teach his disciples.

"By the way, Master, that You Che?"

"It's dead."

"What a pity." Tuo Lin said sadly.

Lu Yin looked at him "Do you like it?"

Tuo Lin said, "Disciple knows that it is the enemy of our human civilization, but it is not bad."

Lu Yin smiled, "Sometimes you can't decide whether something is bad or not."

"Then should it die?" Tuolin was confused. No matter how long he lived, he would always be like this.

Lu Yin said, "You don't need to ask me, just think according to your own heart. You are you, the only one in the universe."

Tuo Lin thought for a moment, then smiled brightly, "I understand, Master."

"Well, help me control Xiangcheng, let's get out of here."

With a teleport, Xiangcheng disappeared completely in the Wushen Sealed Domain of Other God Palace.

The backup plan that Su Xinzong thought he had left behind was so pale and powerless in front of teleportation.

But its real back-up is luck.

No matter where Lu Yin takes Xiang Cheng to escape, he is confident that he can find it.

Luck is like an invisible thread, always tied at both ends.

After a while, Lu Yin took Xiangcheng to a place where he could see the Jiao Shen Palace, and then entered Xiangcheng and faced Yi Kai again. "Tell me, what kind of civilization are you, and how are you doing now?"

Yikai saluted again, "We are a civilization of God's will. We were once extremely glorious, but we were on the verge of extinction because we offended the Lord. We had no choice but to hide in the void, but we did not expect to encounter the threat of annihilation."

"Ask human civilization to help us take revenge. In return, my providential civilization will do everything possible to serve human civilization."

Lu Yin said, "Do you know what kind of strong person it is that exterminated your civilization?"

Yi Kai said respectfully, "Although I have never seen him, I know that he is the master of the main sequence under the command of the master, the ultimate master in the universe."

"Now that you know it, you still want us to help you. Do you want to kill us?" Lu Yin said sternly.

Yi Kai respectfully said, "Our Heavenly Civilization has been paying attention to your human civilization over the years. You have unfathomable strength, which reminds us of ourselves in our heyday. You will definitely be able to defeat that powerful enemy."

"And my reward will definitely satisfy human civilization."

"Tell me about it." Lu Yin said calmly.

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