Star Odyssey

Chapter 4788 Movement and Stillness

Yikai said in a deep voice, "The civilization of Providence is based on the fact that the universe is divided into two sides. It views the universe differently from ordinary creatures..."

Lu Yin listened quietly, and around him, Qinglian Shangyu and the others did the same. Their expressions changed as they listened.

Even Lu Yin looked at Yi Kai in surprise. Is there such a thing?

Although the universe is infinite and the power of birth is endless, having this kind of power of cognition and creation is still a bit unimaginable for him.

Providence civilization believes that the universe is divided into two types: movement and stillness. Movement refers to living things, humans, animals, and everything that can act instinctively is a living being, regardless of whether it is intelligent or not.

Quietness, on the other hand, refers to dead objects, such as stones, mountains, rivers, earth, and even planets.

The universe is composed of movement and stillness.

It is no surprise that all civilizations are moving, so civilization itself is limited by the premise that it is passive. Even if there are living beings who practice with mountains, rivers, grass, trees and stones, they have never regarded these as being able to peek into the other side of the universe. In their view, these are It is just a cultivation tool, a way to understand the realm and pass on power.

Providence civilization is different. They study stillness and believe that still life is an integral part of the universe and is the creation of the universe. Since the universe created still life, it has infinite possibilities. Based on this basic understanding, after countless years of exploration, it has been passed down from generation to generation. , the Providence Civilization created a legendary exercise, which can also be understood as the Twelve Revolutions of Providence’s way of exploring the universe.

These twelve turns of providence, based on still life, analyze still life, create still life, and peek into the secret of the universe, allowing them to see the other side of the universe.

They split the entire universe into two.

No matter how powerful the master is, no matter how talented Lu Yin is, they have never thought that there is another side to the universe, another side that has been ignored, the quiet side.

Move, there is a moving world.

Quiet, there is also a quiet world.

The twelve turns of God’s will are the key to unlocking this quiet side.

As Yi Kai continued, Lu Yin and the others looked at each other, completely shocked.

No matter how powerful this providential civilization is, its knowledge and thinking about the universe alone surpasses them.

"Based on the foundation of the twelve transpositions of God's will, studying still life and creating still life gives us combat power. Cultivation is the dynamic side of cultivation. We can do it, but the quiet side is our foundation."

"Starting from the first turn of God's will, countless still life materials can be combined to form a means of external attack, similar to your original treasure formation. However, compared to the original treasure formation, this is more difficult because there are countless still lifes in the universe. It needs to be explored and analyzed.”

"The universe is a stable and eternal body. This eternity and stability come from the combination of activity and stillness. Then God's will

The twelve turns are destroying this stability and eternity. This concept is the basis of our providential civilization’s external attacks. "

"The first turn of God's will can destroy the stability and eternity of the universe to the extent of an ordinary planet, the second turn can bring about galaxies, and so on. At our peak, we have reached the twelfth turn of God's will."

Having said this, Yikai looked at Lu Yin and said, "Killable, main sequence."

Lu Yin's eyes narrowed, "Have you reached the point where you can kill the main sequence?"

Yikai nodded, "Yes, the peak period has been reached, but it has also caused trouble and attracted the Lord, because in the analysis of still life, we have studied too much and involved too many things, such as the method of invisibility, In fact, it is the product of the twelve turns of God's will. It is not a treasure, nor was it born naturally, but we combined it with still life."

"The emergence is the culmination of this invisible combination. We don't know how our ancestors studied it. This emergence was taken away by our civilization when it fled. Now it can no longer be studied, because there are countless still lifes in the universe, and the possibilities are endless. Countless and countless, theoretically one day we can study the emergence of floating phenomena again, but this time will be as long as the birth of another identical you in the universe."

"A time that is so long that even the realm of immortality cannot imagine it."

"The one who attracted the Lord in the first place was also the product of the twelve turns of God's will, the flow of time."

Lu Yin was puzzled, "The flow of time? The tributary of the long river of time?"

Yi Kaidao said, "The meaning is similar, but different. The tributaries of the Long River of Time originally existed, but it was occupied by the Lord of Time with his tyrannical cultivation. Despite this, there are countless civilizations in the universe, and each civilization has tributaries of the Long River of Time. The Lord of Time is not the same. It may be mastered, but it also needs to be enshrined.”

Lu Yin understood that he originally thought that these tributaries of the long river of time came from the Lord of Time. If that was the case, who could resist?

No matter how strong the Lord is, he cannot transcend the universe itself.

"The flow of time is the study of individual still lifes. Every still life has traces of time. For example, a stone may have existed for tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of millions of years. When we study this stone, we can extract the traces left by time on it. .”

Lu Yin subconsciously looked at Mr. Mu and the others, how could he still play like this?

Qinglian Shangyu and the others were all confused. Is this okay?

They have always believed that time is concentrated in the tributaries of the long river of time, but if you think about it carefully, yes, every individual also has time, just like the time of the gods harvesting biological time, biological time

There is time to be harvested, but what about dead things?

Mountains, rivers, land, rivers and stones all have traces of time. Since there have been traces of time, there can be time.

Time flows by, but the traces will not disappear, but will only be covered. Then, this trace is time. Even if this time exists in the tributaries of the long river of time, it is still time.

Yikai continued, "We have studied the flow of time. We don't move the tributaries of the long river of time, but drag out the time of the still life itself. In fact, it is equivalent to taking out part of the time from the tributaries of the long river of time. The advantage of this method is that it does not disturb The Lord of Time, no matter what we do, even if we drain the entire tributary of the River of Time, it will not disturb the Lord of Time."

"It is precisely because of the research on the flow of time that it attracted a devastating blow from the Lord."

It said with a bitter tone, "At first, civilization didn't know why this happened, but later I figured it out. If the method of the flow of time gets higher and higher, sooner or later the river of time will be drained dry."

"Although this day is absolutely impossible to come, civilization has explained to the Lord that it is simply impossible. It is completely impossible to extract all the traces of time from the still life of the entire universe, because half of the long river of time belongs to the Lord. "

"But the Lord didn't listen to the explanation at all and destroyed our civilization."

"It's not just the Master of Years who attacks us, but also other Masters. We know that they are afraid that we will research other ways to draw out the power of the Master. This method is completely opposite to their cultivation, but it is very difficult. It alarmed them and made them afraid." Yi Kai smiled, "It is our pride to be able to fear the Lord, but the price is very tragic, our civilization suddenly weakened."

"The only way to survive is to remain invisible."

"This is the consequences of offending the Lord."

"But we are not willing to accept it. The more fear we have, the more it proves that the path we are taking is right. Since it is right, why can't we go on?" Yikai's eyes were ferocious. "The more afraid they are, the more we have to go. One day I can pull them down and take revenge..."

Lu Yin looked deeply at Yi Kai. He originally thought it was a slightly more powerful civilization, but he didn't expect that this past was hidden. This was really scary.

No wonder this civilization has always wanted all kinds of materials.

To be honest, if he were the master of time, he would also find a way to destroy this providential civilization.

Just imagine, someone is practicing diligently, controlling one tributary of the long river of time after another, spreading the deterrent power of time to the entire universe, but you are secretly draining the time. This is no longer a slap in the face, but a rebellion, but it is not easy to detect. .


In theory, it can even be suppressed in reverse.

Who can do this?

This is just one of the main years. It is unimaginable to create other ones.

The Lord is not a unique force, but a power that covers the entire universe. Because of this, it is the Lord who can control the universe.

And the more this kind of power can be contacted by all living things, the more likely it is that it will be drained secretly.

Just like a thief.

If anyone secretly uses the power of the starry sky in his heart, Lu Yin will definitely slap him to death without mercy.

"Then have you developed any method similar to the flow of time in recent years?" Master Qingcao asked.

Yikai raised his eyes, "Yes."

"Stream of consciousness."

Lu Yin was surprised, "Stream of consciousness?"

Yi Kaidao "is to extract consciousness from still life."

Lu Yin looked at Yi Kai in surprise. "can do?"

Yi Kai looked at Lu Yin with certainty, "It's been done, but the materials are always inconsistent. Some materials only appear in specific environments. Once they are used up, other materials need to be researched to replace them, which is more troublesome."

"But whether it is the stream of time or the stream of consciousness, they are already mature research methods. We are already studying the flow of cause and effect, which is more difficult to try than the stream of time and the stream of consciousness, because only those who have reached the immortal realm can touch the cause and effect. , it is impossible to understand the non-immortal realm, but if you want to study the flow of cause and effect, it cannot be done by those immortal realms, so."

"How much consciousness can you draw out?" Lu Yin interrupted directly. He didn't want to listen to meaningless words. Things that haven't been studied are of no value. And for consciousness, he cares most about it. There is no way, the eternal consciousness is there. As long as you have enough awareness, it's not impossible to master it.

This is the power of domination, and no one is unmoved.

Moreover, consciousness has many wonderful uses. Whether it is switching between his clone and his true self or integrating the six points of the dice, it is all related to consciousness. Consciousness is indispensable for the budding of life.

If you have enough awareness, you can do many things.

Yikai also noticed that Lu Yin was particularly concerned about consciousness, and thought for a while, "Similar to the flow of time, the consciousness extracted from still life is extremely rare. You should understand that there is no consciousness in a stone, but why can consciousness be extracted? We also Not understanding it, just trying it, and it worked.”

"This is an unexplainable finding."

"Everything has traces of time, but consciousness is different, so if you ask me to give an explanation, I can't explain it."

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