Star Odyssey

Chapter 4824: Evolution of the World

"I'm curious. Now that you have thought of this, how many people have you used? Have those people successfully gained the favor of the dominant clan in your mouth?" Lu Yin asked.

"Human, I heard the disgust in your tone, which is based on your vague understanding of the Dominator clan and the Lord. When one day you truly feel their power, you will know how to choose, and you will know that now we How important is the choice given to you?" Zhuhai said.

Lu Yin moved his arm, "It's a pity that you can't see it anymore." After saying that, he teleported in front of the bamboo pole and gave it a palm.

Zhuhai had been on guard against Lu Yin for a long time, but Lu Yin suddenly appeared. In front of his eyes, green light flashed, and emerald enamel appeared.

Lu Yin put a palm print on the Jadeite Langya, which only caused a few vibrations. Even the World Not Forgetting Kung Fu failed to work. However, it was within his expectation. After watching it for so long, he had a better understanding of the power of the Bamboo Sea and the Sky. learn.

Teleport again.

With the addition of Lu Yin, Zhuhai and Changkong became more and more difficult.

Zhuhai didn't expect that Lu Yin would take action because of a few words, but it preferred to believe that Lu Yin was about to take action, and it had nothing to do with what it said.

Lu Yin's action will inevitably accelerate the defeat of Zhuhai and Changkong. Their strength is similar to that of black and white. In other words, they are still a little short of each other. It's just the length of time they persist.

The time dam can only last one year.

Within a year, if Zhuhai and Changkong were on the defensive firmly, even Black and White were not sure that they would be able to capture them. Only Lu Yin's participation in the battle could make him confident.

Lu Yin finally felt how powerful their use of cause and effect was, and they could return to strength without surpassing himself.

The non-linearity of cause and effect brings Lu Yin to another level along with cause and effect, while Zhuhai and Changkong have not reached this level.

Sometimes Lu Yin himself can't figure out why he has gained a deeper understanding after ten thousand years of practice than others who have practiced for countless years. In the end, it can only be attributed to his own talent.

Lu Yin's constant teleportation and Star Fist brought a huge threat to the bamboo sea and the sky. At the same time, he also teleported with black agnostic from time to time, which was disgusting. The white agnostic spread the portals all over the void, which was no different from teleporting. , which is equivalent to Zhuhai and Changkong dueling three teleportation masters.

Over time, they could no longer hold on.

In the end, we can only rely on the Qi of Qian and Kun to defend.

"This power to freeze time and space will not last long. I don't believe you can break our Qian and Kun Qi before then." Zhuhai is confident.

Lu Yin and Black and White attacked in three directions, but the Qi of Qian and Kun continued to flow.

They have fixed the cause and effect chart for too long. In addition to the enshrined cause and effect, the remaining Qi of Qian and Kun is quite terrifying. Rumor has it that the two qi of heaven and earth can evolve into heaven and earth if they are cultivated to a certain height.

This scene was vaguely displayed in front of Lu Yin at this moment.

He looked at the karma chart

Strange world, looking at the black unknowable in astonishment.

"That is the power that evolves after filling up the curve in the middle of the life chart. At the beginning, Bai Bai and I focused on that power and attacked it for three days. In the end, it was broken with the help of the ultimate divine power. Without the ultimate divine power, , it would be difficult to break this world of evolution.”

"Mainly it's time consuming."

Lu Yin frowned and stared at the evolving world. Is this so? The Lord has a lot of background and is really difficult to deal with.

If he and Hun Ji join forces, it will definitely be more difficult to defeat these two.

A white unknown voice came out, "Although it was broken once, now they have filled the life chart with all the Qi of Qian and Earth again, and re-evolved the world. We have used up the ultimate divine power, and we don't know how long it will take to break it again."

"The main reason is that we have been fighting for too long and are not sure to break it quickly."

Lu Yin knew that the fierce battle between the black and white Agnostic and the Bamboo Sea and the sky would consume a lot. He might be able to count on them, but it would be impossible until they were truly pushed to their limits. Now, it was impossible.

But it is impossible for him to be completely exposed for them.

The result was a stalemate.

Everyone hopes that the other party will take action, and Zhuhai and Changkong exploit this loophole, but they are not at ease either.

They didn't know how long it took to freeze time and space, and Anonymous definitely knew it. Now Agnostic still took action unhurriedly, which meant that the time was far from coming, and the real life-and-death showdown had yet to come.

Lu Yin thought so too.

It wasn't until half a month later that another portal appeared. Immediately afterwards, the eight-color divine power passed by Lu Yin and blasted towards the life charts of the Bamboo Sea and the Sky, shaking the evolution world apart.

"Lu Yin, kill." came the eight-color voice.

Lu Yin was helpless, couldn't he hide it? He released the ultimate killing power. This power was obtained just for this battle, and it would not be a pity to lose it.

As the ultimate divine power was unleashed, the world of evolution was shattered in one fell swoop, hitting the life chart and sending it flying away.

At this moment, the light of the divine power seal made Zhuhai and Changkong despair. They did not expect that they would use all the Qi of Qian and Kun to re-evolve the world and the world would be broken so quickly.

When the birth chart is broken, all defenses are ineffective.

The two black and white Agnostics take action at the same time to deal with the Bamboo Sea and the Sky.

Suddenly, two huge auras that conformed to the three laws of the universe were released. Along with the incomprehensible laws of conformity and the invisible world, it was like a flash of light that suddenly pushed back the black and white colors.

This is the bamboo sea and the sky regardless of

All the explosive power only lasted for a moment. After this moment, the breath quickly declined.

Lu Yin suddenly teleported and disappeared, not to take action, but to stay away.

Because these two creatures had been staring at him when they exploded with the strongest power, they actually ignored the two colors of black and white, and only used the strongest power to repel them.

Their goal is themselves.

Lu Yin teleported to another direction, and the emerald light on his body was so eye-catching, and then turned into a beam of light reaching into the sky, as if positioning, exposing him to the eyes of the bamboo sea and the sky.

The bamboo sea and the sky turned to face him, one emerald color, one silver, the two rays of light intertwined and constantly changing.

Lu Yin's uneasiness became more and more intense, and they planned to fight him to the death.

Their hatred for being defeated was completely transferred to themselves, because they finally helped Base defeat the lifepan, or was it because they were human beings?

At the same time, the eight-color portal receded.

Bai Aoshi didn't move, letting Zhuhai and Changkong take action. .??.

Black Agnostic took action, and the gravel was thrown over to interrupt their attack. The black gravel hit the bamboo sea hard, almost tearing its body apart, but the bamboo sea did not move at all, maintaining the emerald and silver light intertwined with the sky.

"Lu Yin, retreat." Black Agnostic shouted.

Lu Yin would have retreated without it, disappearing in one teleport, and then teleporting continuously. He did not leave through the portal, otherwise the battle would be meaningless.

Although the final blow between the bamboo sea and the sky must be extremely powerful, it is still the end of a powerful crossbow and will not scare Lu Yin away.

The continuous teleportation made Lu Yin seem to have completely disappeared into the void, but the green light that connected the sky and the earth was also there, but it was like the light beams were connected to a plane, gradually spreading to the entire void.

"Emerald silver butterfly, Langya sword."

The emerald and silver light intertwined turned into a silver butterfly with an emerald green light. It bit a transparent long sword and slashed towards the emerald light connecting the sky and the earth. Along the way, the emerald light beam was easily torn apart, which represented The direction of Lu Yin's teleportation.

Lu Yin was shocked. It was indeed a desperate blow from an extremely powerful person who conformed to the laws of the three universes. Moreover, it was a joint attack between two creatures. Even at the end of his life, it gave him a strong sense of crisis.

He could only keep retreating.

At this time, the black unknown blocked the back, "With sand in your hand, the city rises." After the words fell, the black gravel turned into walls blocking the emerald plane, also connected to the sky and the ground, blocking the butterfly.

Butterfly bit the edge of the sword and tore apart the black walls. The walls kept appearing, but they were also constantly broken.

Lu Yin looked through the wall at the black unknown, not understanding

Why is this guy so helpful to me? Is it because he wants to draw a map of the starry sky? It was also because of the starry sky map that he was confident that he could seek help from Black Agnostic.

White Agnostic, on the other hand, remained completely aloof and did not intervene.

I don't know how many walls were broken, the butterflies dispersed, the sword edge fell, and was finally swept away by the black gravel and turned into fragments.

In the distance, the bamboo sea and the sky are falling from the sky, on the verge of death.

Lu Yin looked at this scene. In fact, the attack just now was not enough to kill him. Even if he kept teleporting, he could avoid it. So what is their purpose? Since he couldn't kill himself, he still tried his best to attack, as if he was trying to show off to someone.

Could it be that he is the master of cause and effect?

Even if you die, what's the point of showing off to the master of cause and effect?

With doubts, Lu Yin teleported and appeared in front of Zhuhai and Changkong.

At this moment, they could only look at Lu Yin vaguely.

It can be said that they never thought they would have this day. After all, they are in line with the three laws of the universe, and they are in groups of two. Looking at the universe, how many people can deal with them?

Even if he is not an opponent, he can still escape, not to mention having the Karma Master behind him.

However, the result is so cruel, there is always a way to deal with you.

The two colors black and white also descend.

Bai Agnostic was about to take action to kill them, but suddenly stopped and looked at Lu Yin, "Leave it to you to deal with it?"

Lu Yin was surprised. He originally asked for it, but before he even opened his mouth, Bai Bai proposed it first. It was so wise.


White Unknowable "helps you release some of the constraints of cause and effect."

As he spoke, his eyes fell on Lu Yin's wrist.

Lu Yin glanced at it. He had silently increased the causal constraints before, but now he was seen.

Black Anonymous also said, "After this battle, Anonymous will have two outcomes. Either he will be destroyed, his body will be gone, and he will receive the wrath of the Lord, or he will stand up. But no matter which outcome, you have to continue to take action."

"We know that you must have a way to release the shackles of cause and effect, but you may not have enough time."

Lu Yin nodded, "Thank you very much." He was about to take Zhuhai and Changkong away, but was stopped.

"I just told you to solve it, I didn't tell you to take it away, just wait." After that, he left.

Lu Yin looked at Black Anonymous.

The black agnostic is just a sculpture. It has no expression, and no eyes can be seen. "We joined each of the masters some time ago. It must have gone to find the practitioners of the years. That is the simplest method that can help you release the shackles of cause and effect. ."

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