Star Odyssey

Chapter 4825 Going against the past

After hearing Black Unknowable's words, Lu Yin understood that he could just find any divine envoy to pull him out of the battlefield of time.

They know very well that they can do it, but perhaps out of the reason of not letting themselves be bound by cause and effect, they must let themselves be released under their eyes.

That's fine too.

Follow your own wishes.

Lu Yin directly released the general hell and threw Zhuhai into it.

Black Agnostic was quite curious, but didn't ask any more questions.

Lu Yin stared at it and asked, "Are you a living creature?"

"if not?"

"I've seen a sequence of years, it's a stone slab."

"Don't sequence."

"you know too?"

"The news came out after the First World War in Jucheng. Su Xin Sect was inserted into the Master of Time."

Lu Yin said, "So, who dug you out?"

The black agnostic voice said calmly, "It's impolite to ask. I am who I am, and no one can dig it out."

"But no matter how you look at it, it's just a statue."

"This is what our family looks like."

"Yeah, that's really presumptuous."

"How's the starry sky map?"

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows, "You want more?"

"Always needed."

"But you can't give me anything. You couldn't give me anything before, and you can't give me anything now."

"not necessarily."

At this time, White Agnostic returned, and sure enough he brought a divine envoy.

It saw Diantai Hell at a glance and said nothing. It just asked the divine envoy to pull him out of the battlefield, then faced Lu Yin and said, "You can take action now."

Lu Yin said, "Don't worry, wait until I'm done."

"Lu Yin, we don't have time to waste. It won't be long before the time dam is washed away." Bai Agnostic reminded.

Lu Yin smiled and said, "Don't worry, it will be soon."

Strength is the confidence to speak. In the past, Lu Yin didn't even have the qualifications to let Bai Aozhi face to face, but now, he can scold him in front of him.

The white agnostic has no choice but to let the black agnostic solve other goals.

Black Agnostic refused, "I'm very tired, you can solve other goals yourself." After saying that, he left.

In the end, only Lu Yin and Bai Yizhi were left here.

Lu Yin had a lot to say to Bai Anzhi, but Bai Anzhi ignored him.

In the end, both Zhuhai and Changkong were added to the cause and effect, and then died at the hands of Lu Yin.

Lu Yin took over the Jiangtai Hell before he could deal with them, not wanting White Agnostic to discover their imprint. However, there were already the marks of Gaotian and the Outer Sect Emperor on the Dianjiangtai Hell. I don’t know if Bai Anzhi paid attention to them.

As for Zhuhai and Changkong, although they were unwilling to accept it before they died, they could only accept it.


It is impossible for them to leave alive.

But their previous actions still puzzled Lu Yin.

After leaving the void, Lu Yin returned to Xiangcheng and habitually took Xiangcheng to teleport away from the place before checking the general hell.

Sure enough, there were two more brands on it, which were Bamboo Sea and Changkong.

I would also like to thank Bai Agnostic for taking the initiative to deal with these two guys, otherwise he would not know how to take credit.

The most concerning thing about this battle was Bashi's attack. Although he only hit one blow, that blow was particularly terrifying.

I haven't faced it directly, so I can't understand it, but the Qian and Kun Qi of Zhuhai and Changkong can withstand the siege of their three masters, but they were actually broken by Ba Color with one blow. Ba Color's combat power is unfathomable.

It itself may be the unknowable biggest trump card in this battle.

There is still one Daomiao and one Cai left.

After more than a month, Lu Yin went through the portal to the void where Forging Miao was. As soon as he went there, he saw the broken void. A war had already occurred here.

Then I left, and more than a month later, I went to see Cai.

Stepping into the portal, what you see is the same fragmented void, and a jade floating with eight colors of divine power.

Lu Yin took the jade, took a look at it, and exhaled.

The goal of this mission is unknown, to destroy them all.

Not a single one of the seven powerful men was left alive, and all of them died. And the time has not come yet for the time dam to be broken down.

It can be said that this battle made Lu Yin feel even more unpredictable and unpredictable.

In today's universe, who can destroy so many masters in one fell swoop? Except for Jie, the other six are all in line with the main sequence level of the three laws of the universe. Whether it is the main life group with super powerful vitality, the cause and effect group that joins forces in two, or the main luck group with excellent luck, who can be easily dealt with? ?

Being agnostic means being able to solve it all.

Also from the chaotic distance, the unknowable and dead universe will always be the strongest.

He thought of Black Unknowable's words.

Now that the task is completed, what is waiting for the unknown?

Lu Yin withdrew from the void and took Xiangcheng to teleport away. He would avoid it for a while first. Even if the unknown is destroyed by the Lord, it should not be so easy to implicate him, provided that he is found first.

Time passed quickly, and one year has passed since the time dam opened to now.

Lu Yin was sitting on the mountain behind Tianshang Sect, looking up.




time up.

Lord the waves of the long river

The waves surged, and the time dam was washed away. In an instant, the death of the seven powerful men was known to the Lord.

The sky above the main trunk of the mother tree is dark.

Countless strong men looked up and turned pale in shock. This day actually represented the mood of the master.

What happened?

This kind of change has never occurred even if the huge city and the remaining sea were damaged.

In the fairyland on earth, which was like a scroll, Bu Qing suddenly stood up and raised his head in shock. How long had it been? The Lord has never been so angry. What happened to the outside world?

The whole years are twisting.

No, cause and effect, life, luck, and even death are all swaying.

In the end what happened?

On the Zonghou Mountain in the sky, Lu Yin took a calm sip of tea, raised his hand, and saw gray streaks in the sky.

Time is unstable.

Sure enough, the years have created ripples.

Ordinary people can't notice it, not even ordinary people who have survived hardships can't notice it, but he feels it very clearly.

There is a chill that is more terrifying than the warning to the outside world in the past years, like the calm before the storm.

It is unknown, you are playing with fire, it depends on what will happen to the fire in the end. It's burning so hard that no one can hold it back. How do you want to put it out?

At least now he would never come into contact with the unknowable.

Hunji came, and then Qinglian Shangyu and the others noticed the change in the master's power.

The main force covers the starry sky, which is originally peaceful. No matter how other practitioners use this force, the force itself is very peaceful. Now he is like a moody old man, seeming to be brewing.

Facing this force, human civilization is nothing but an ant.

The entire human civilization is peaceful.

Lu Yin has been sitting on the back mountain of Tianshang Sect, sitting quietly for half a year.

One day half a year later, he raised his hand, his eyes flashed, and his strength calmed down.

It took half a year for the main force to calm down. How's it going? He wanted to take a look, but suppressed it and continued to wait.

Another year has passed.

During this year, the main force was as calm as ever, as if the hidden waves a year ago were an illusion.

Lu Yin finally couldn't bear it anymore. Of course, you have to go there consciously, but stay away from Xiangcheng in advance, just in case, and also ask Huan Ji to guard you.

The colorful light is as peaceful as the power of the Lord.

Lu Yin entered the trace and looked forward.

A colorful voice came to his ears: "Lu Yin, do you know the source of divine power?"

Lu Yin was confused. Ba Se didn't tell him that the current situation was unknown, but instead said something.

What does the source of divine power do? But he didn't interrupt and listened quietly.

"Everything in the universe has gone through a very long stage from disorder to order. At this stage, everything is blurred, whether it is cultivation, development, or anything else."

"Civilizations have gone through a stage from communication to no communication. Everything that happens in this stage is imprinted on all living beings in the universe like instinct. Even newly born living beings know not to communicate with other civilizations. At this stage, people are Called the Dark Years.”

"Civilizations have no exchanges, but they instinctively know not to contact other civilizations, just because of the fear caused by the dark years."

"The one who ends this disorderly darkness is the Lord."

"The Lord used his overwhelming power to cover every square inch and took control of the mother tree, completely ending those years and bringing the universe into an orderly stage."

"But there are always civilizations that are unwilling to be covered by the power of the Lord, which leads to the second dark age."

"Of course, it was the dark years for those civilizations, but for the Lord, it just took some time to clean up."

"Some civilizations are very weak and can be wiped out easily, while some civilizations are very strong and even give birth to a power close to the master. Even if those civilizations fail, for the so-called continuation of civilization and revenge, they have embarked on a path that even the master can hardly trace. road."

Go against the past.

This word suddenly appeared in Lu Yin's mind.

"Go against the past." The eight colors confirmed what Lu Yin thought.

"The so-called going against the past means stepping into the long river of time and going upstream, hoping to erase the years when one's own civilization was destroyed, or even step into the years before the master was born, and change the history of the universe."

"The master can have the power to cover the universe, but he cannot replace the universe."

"For example, the Lord of Time has almost perfect control over the long river of time. However, the Lord of Time was not created by it, and it only reached this point after the birth of the universe. Therefore, the Lord of Time can solve a problem for those who go against the past. There were a lot of people, but there were also a lot of people who fled.”

"Any anti-ancient person is almost an extremely powerful person. They keep stepping into the ancient times that almost even the Lord has never set foot in, trying to change the history of the universe. In desperation, the Lord can only follow them and be completely contained. "

"It can be said that going against the past is what the Lord is most concerned about, and it is a serious problem."

Lu Yin's eyes flashed, he already knew it without Ba Se's explanation.

Once any civilization encounters a crisis, it wants to change the future by changing history.

The same is true for humans.

However, some civilizations can only go against the tributaries of the long river of time and change part of history. For example, the history of Tianyuan Universe was bifurcated by fate. When the bifurcations were reunited, the future would be changed. If not, he would not be able to stand here.

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